Discusses Pure Water Supply By W. B. Gaylord, Jr. Sanitarian How do you assure yourself of pure and plentiful water supply? Of course, most of the water used by man falls from the sky. Rain contains few bacteria, which comes from dust in the atmo sphere. When the rain reaches the earth's surface it may cither seep into the soil to become ^ ground water, or it may run off into streams and lakes where it becomes surface water. Once water reaches the surface it becomes contaminated with bac teria. The surface soil to a depth of one or two feet contains tre mendous number of bacteria which originated in the intestinal discharges of man or animals and may, produce disease in man. flgqCBBOOOOOOQWW [ Ground waters are usualiv clear : and are more suitable for private | water supplies. As water seeps down through the earth it picks up bacteria in the first two feet of soil. Beneath this layer the un disturbed earth acts a filter to re move bacteria. Health Depart ments consider that by the time the water has traveled 10 feet be low the surface it is safe to drink. This does not hold true, however, in certain areas of creviced lime stone or in regions where loose gravel formations are found. • There pollution can travel long distances without being filtered out. If you have any problems, your health department might be able to help you. NO KISSES FOR GROOM Des Moines, la.—Jay Learning, 22, was granted a divorce from his bride of four weeks. His Com plaint: She “wouldn’t kiss" him. oooooooooooooooc. Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . And that's what it wilt get right here! Regular check on radi> ator, battery, oil, tires at no extra charge! AlITOS THRIVE ON OUR SERVICE! Sinclair Service Siaiion oeeeeeeeeceoeewseeeoeocoe Oilers Name For Oak City Office Mrs. Pauline Johnson Rawls has been recommended tor the ap point of acting postmistress to# the office in Oak City, it was learned this week. Congressman Herbert C. Bonner made the rec ommendation to Joseph J Law ler, Assistant Postmaster General, Washington, D. C. In his recommendation. Con gressman Bonner said that Mrs. Johnson is a lady of splendid character, educationally well pre pared and will perform the duties in a satisfactory manner, reflect ing credit on herself and the de partment. The office of postmaster in Oak , City was made vacant by the death of Mrs. James A. Rawls week before last. Ask Bids Again On Boad Project proximately eight and one-half miles of road in this county will be received in Raleigh next Tues day morning. If a satisfactory low bid is received at that time, the project will be let to contract with work probably starting in late November or early December. A bid submitted on August 31 wras considered too high and was rejected. The road to be graded and sur faced run from a point about one mile out of Everetts through to ■ Bear Grass to Corey’s Cross Roods on U. S. Highway 17. r Attend Williamston^s Harvest Festival J. PAUL SIMPSON General Agent SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO. Dial 2474 Willuim.sloii Unable to prove that she did not murder her alleged husband. Claud ette Colbert, heroine in "The Secret Fury," suffers a blackout under stress of the accusation. Co-star Robert Ryan and featured Philip Obcr try to calm her. The film shows at the Viccar Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Name Comittees For AC College Several Martin County men were named recently to serve on special committees for Atlantic Christian College, Wilson. William Roberson, Roberson ville merchant, will serve as a member of the finance committee. Elbert S. Peel, Williamston attor ney, and S. L. Robersonville mer chant, were named to serve on the legal committee, it was an nounced. 'County Soldier Earns Promotion - . -- Dennis Moore Jr., a graduate ot Williamston High School, has been promoted to the grade of Set - 1 geant in the United States Air j Force by his Commanding Offi jeer, Lt. Col. C. C. Williams. Sergeant Moore, whose parents j reside at Williamston, is a payroll clerk, making out payrolls and' military records for the many air men who every day pass through the Overseas Replacement Group at Camp Stoneman on their way I to the Far East. He joined the1 Air Force the 18th of June 11)48 md attended the Finance School at Lowry Air Force Base at Den ver Colorado. Later he was trans ferred to Moses Lake Air Force Base, and in April 1950 joined the ORG. Sergeant Moore’s promotion is one of the first made with the lifting of the “freeze" on promo tions in the Air Force. -«--—■ County Soldier Earns Air Medal Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, M. I. 1st Lt. Lue B. Mai lory, son of Mrs. Effie Mallory of Oak City, N C., was recently a warded the Air Medal for meri torious service performed while flying combat missions over Ko rea. Lieutenant Mallory is a pilot on a B-29 Superfortress bomber of the Far East Air Force, which is presently engaged in the air de fense of the Republic of Korea. After graduat/ng from Oak City High School m 1939, Lieutenant Mallory enlisted in the Air Force and since then has been in ser vice in many bases in the States and overseas stations. Dapt. Jas. Bowen Now in Oklahoma Fort Sill. Okla.—Capt James Bowen son of Mrs. John M Bo iven 601 W Main is a member of :he Artillery Officer Advanced ,’ourse here, Maj. Gen. A M. Har per, commanding general of the Artillery Center, has announced. Capt. Bowen is training for mil itary occupational specialty as Field Artillery unit commander. The curriculum provides instruc tion to selected officers in the most effective development and employment of the artillery as part of the combined arms team Officers are prepared for duty as commanders and staff officers of all artillery units and as num bers of the division general staff The course includes instruction m combined arms, communication, methods of instruction, military law, gunnery, material, observa tion and tactical employment of liaison aircraft. Hold Funeral For Baptist Minister -o Funeial services were held in the Shiloh Baptist Church on Kim Street here yesterday afternoon for Rev. Columbus Ebron, 56, who died at his home on Syca more Street last Wednesday after a long period of declining hralth The Rev. Leathers officiated anc interment was in Odd Fellow* Cemetery. A leader among his race, thr Baptist minister served foui I churches at Robersonvillc, Golc ] Point, Aulandcr and Conotoe. lit 1 pastured the church at Roberson ■ villo for nineteen years He was 56 years of age and i; | survived by his widow, four son: and one daughter. Slight Increase In Farm Prices The Agriculture department re ports that farm prices rose abou SLAB WOOD FOB SALE CHEAP. Dial 2460 Willianiglou Supply Co. i per rcm nnttTpn min-/\ugust and rnid-Septembei to a level 9 per c«klik«y 4 y««r« •14.** OOODIRH AM A WORTI LIMITID, MORIA, ILLINOIS Hunting Equipment I You'll I'iml ovrrvthiiifj you ii«‘