- - &g&8@SSSS&^&>Sf Spend W eek-end Here Mr. and Mr- Thomas Stewart of Washington spent the week-end here with Mrs Stewarts mother, M s. Lue> Ward. Attend Duke-State (iame Messrs Frank Weaver. Ben Bunting and Alton Pleasants at tenth d tiie State Duke iootball game Saturdav. Helurn Home Mrs. Pat Crawford u-turned home Sunday after spending a week with friends in Norfolk. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mi s. George Roberson | who visited here and in Roberson- ( vill«' before returning to then home ir Norfolk In Ahoskie Simdin M:. and Me- Toe- Parker. Miss Ha; 1 let Tin ki ; and Miss Mary Cox visit. 1 in Ahoskie Sunday THKV"' DUE TO coi ns For soothing relioi. rub on... VapoRub NEEO GLASSES? ftronnd I l«M»r Prof***»Hh>n«l Bldg Here Over Week-end Mrs. Eva Wolfe Parker of Lit tle Falls. N. J . former resident of Williamston. visited Mrs. Mary Bonne! Gurganus here over the week-end. Attend Football (lame Miss Erma Benson and Mr. Sam m.v Taylor attended the Carolina Wake Forest football (tame Satur day. Able To lie Out A pa in Mrs. Roy Ward, who has been ill for a week, is able to be out attain. Spend Day Here Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Carson and son. Warren, of Robersonville. spent Sunday here with Mrs. W. E Warren. In Local Hospital Mrs. Ernest (.'ox has been quite ill m Brown's Community hospital here for several days. Late re port.- state that her condition is improved. At Pamlico Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. H Brown, Mrs. Frank Hitch and Misses Essie Peel, Evelyn Hancock and Elizabeth Parker visited Pamlico Beach Sunday. -» Visits Mother Miss Murv Carstarphen was in Rocky Mount last week-end visit ing her mother. Mrs. C. D. Car starphen, Sr., who continues ill in a hospital there. Spending Few Days Here Mrs Edward Kittinger of New Bern is spending a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Leggett, and attending the bar est festival IANNYROSS TELLS YOU WHY HE SMOKES ONLY CAMELS g— SWGiHG STAR OF STAGE RADIO AND TELEVISION BEING A SINGER, SMOKE CAMELS. THE 30-DAY MILDNESS TEST PROVED CAMELS AGREE WITH MY throat! YIS.i am FIS ARE SO MILD that in a toast-to-coast test of hundreds of men anti women who smoked Camels—and only Camels — for .40 days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported Not one single case of throat irritation due to smoking CAMELS Reported Much Improved Mrs. Wymna Allsbrook is much improved following an operation in Brown's Community hospital. Visit Here Mi s Tom Mann Carter and son, Tom. Jr., visited relatives here last week-end. Attend Conference Mr and Mrs. Howard Gaylord and Mi Earl L Sawyer of James ville attended the Methodist con ference in Maekevs Sunday. Spend Week-end at Nags Head Miss Ruth Manning and Mrs. Hugh Wyatt spent the week-end at Nags Head. _-i-— At Beach Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Joe Godard spent the week-end at Nags Head. Enters Local Hospital Mr. Ralph Kludv. manager of the Marvil Basket Factory, enter ed the Martin General Hospital Sunday for treatment. Spend Week-end Here Mrs. R D Woodward and chil dren of Virginia Beach spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. R L. Coburn. Attend Football Game Messrs. Elbert S. Peel. Jr., John Pope. Jr., and Charles Siceloff at tended the Carolina-Wake Forest football game in Chapel Hill Sat urday. — sg Visiting Daughter Mrs. George Rhodes of Newport is here visiting her daughter. Mrs. Daryl Clayton. Jr., and Mr. Clay ton. _. « — Here Over Week-end Mrs. George Benson and Mrs Lillian Smith of Benson and Mrs. T E. Wilson of Lexington, Ken tucky, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carstarphcn over the week-end. Return From Wedding Trip Mr. and Mrs. Larry J Bullock, Jr., returned Friday from a wed ding trip. Attend Game In Raleigh Mr. arid Mrs Herbert Whitley attended the Duke-State football game in Raleigh Saturday. Here Saturday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiggins, Jr., of Rocky Mount visited Mrs. M. D. Wilson here Saturday evening. Attend Football Game Miss Ethyl Taylor and Mr. Al Ward attended the Carolina Wake Forest football game in 'Chapel Hill Saturday. KINGSDOWN Mattresses and Springs V mi Imy Slirp mill (.milfoi l vtlieu you invent in bedding from iiiir 'lock of llic kimoii' RiiiumIom ii line lifted Im-Iom. 1. KiiifiMlown Imicopriii" VI a II res* aimi Box Spring*. 2. Kiii“*do\cn Orlliepedir Imierspring Vlaltre** unit Box Spring*. .i. High Boy Imierspring Mallrenii ami Box Spring*. 1. kingsilown 100% Fell. 5. Victor Fell. 100% leaver Fell. 0. I liree Ollier Well Made Follon, Bolleil Fdged Vlallre**e*. .. \ Spring To Soil Your Nerd. ( ASH, l\ST4I.I.ME!ST OH FALL TERMS 4 kl\(!SI)0\V\ WffiANf ( 0 M P (. N I Woolord Furniture Co. “Marlin County'* l.eiuliug Furniture Store" iu AN AST A FARIT UJVfcN | At local legion Hut J Mr. and Mrs. D. B Rogerson en tertained Tuesday. October 10. at a canasta party in the Legion Hut honoring Miss Laura Peele and Mr. Pete Lilley. Upon her arrival Miss Peele was presented a corsage and a gilt of crystal by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Rogerson greeted I the guests at the door and directed j | them to their tables. The Hut was |decorated with autumn leaves and [tall flowers and soft music was played throughout the evening. Punch and nuts were served during play. After the gamt Misses Sally Roberson. Maryann Manning and Marie Peele assisted in serving green and white ice ci earn, cake and mints to the sixty guests attending. Spend Week-end Here Mr. Charles Brady, Jr., and Mrs. W.'H. Blessing of Nashville. Tennessee, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brady. Spending Week Here Mrs. Ben Dozier and son, John ny. of Florence. S. C\. are spend- j ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Goodmon. Spend Day in Edenton Mrs. Rome Biggs spent Sunday in Edenton. In Chapel Hill fur Game Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McLawhorn. Jr.. Miss Mary Carolyn Leggett and Rush Bondurant attended the football game in Chapel Hill Sat urday. --- In Greensboro Yesterday Professor Jack Butler attended to business in Greensboro yester day. .— • Return Home Mrs. Janie S. Rouse and grand- i daughter. Betty Lee Carr, of La Grange have returned home after spending several days here with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brady, - .-i -— Able To Be Out Again Little Edwina Peele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Flip Peele, is out again after having been ill for sev eral days. — .? - — Attend Game in Chapel Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ben Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Worrell. Mr. Rob-1 ert Cowen and Miss Marjorie Brady attended the football game at Chapel Hill Saturday. Attend Meeting In Durham Dr. and Mis. Charles 1. Harris attended a two-dav meeting of the American Cancer Society in Dur ham over the week-end. While away they attended the Carolina Wake Forest football game in Chapel Hill. In Chapel Hill for Game Jimmy Manning and Buddy Wier attended the football game Vi Chapel Hill Saturday. Attend Football Game Dr. and Mrs. Victor Brown at tended the Carolina-Wake Forest football game in Chapel Hill Sat urdav -1, Visits In Washington 4 Mrs. Jesse Melson visited in Washington over the week-end. -£, In Raleigh Monday C. H. Godwin was a business visitor in Raleigh Monday. He was accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Coppage and sister. Mrs. John By num of Edenton. -—.-$>—— Returns From Detroit Mrs Helen Allen returned Tuesday to her home here from Detroit where she had spent the summer with her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sargent. She was accompanied home by Dr. and Mrs. Sargent who will go from here to St. Louis and return to Detroit by way of Fremont, Ohio. — - C Spends Week-end Here Fred McDaniel, Jr, student at! Presbyterian Junior College at Maxton, spent the week-end here with his parents. — - attending the Carolina-Wake Forest football game. Mis°ec Trulph Bailey and lun ette Coltrain and Messrs. Vernon Roebuck and Shelton Bailey at tended the football game in Chap el Hill Saturday. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jeweler* 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 e thriftiest wav of all! ] -wav Only 1 change to New York. Dallas. SI.15 Tarboro Washington. I). C. New York Asheville 2.30 5.75 5.7(1 Birmingham, o i Memphis. -,S f,: 10.10 3.00 6.75 From 5Vij msion to Rocky Mount Raleigh Charlotte Fayetteville (Plus Tax) (Plus Tax) Williamston Bus Station 400 N. Main Si. Phone 2164 TRAltWAYS Welcome Visitors —To Our 3rd Annual Festival IT'S COAT TINE AT MARGOLIS BROTHERS You're always assured oi the finest if Us a Swausdowu, Jaunty, Jr., Kaybrook or Kay McDowell. Regardless of price—there is a style here for you. HumqgMs Btoikets