The Store of Quality /;«■*/ Shanks and Seafootl Central Cale Cl For Quick, Depemluhlr SI R VICE SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION From J. Lawrence Peele Your Dependable Jeweler USED CARS I Cadillac l>i>(rihutor Buick - Pontiac - Oldsmohile Cl! *>. !!. .|! Nk!\S & COMIWM Don't borrow from your iScisihbor. Snlisrrilx' T«m1;iv Enterprise pi busiiix; co. Elrctriru 1 Contractors Ayers Electric (OYII'VISY dittos gagara ftgnuzML \ arrsuryj SUPFMFS FOR HOMF AND FARM 1 \KVIIKS SI m /s Complete Stock SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Hardware for Every Need WOOLARD HARDWARE CO. A 5* ^ SPEC/M& In Every Department Always At Marlin Supply COMPANY TO DARDEN'S Depi. Siore Quality Apparel Reasonable Trices Slanlc anil Fancy (.merries I'm! - Sml - Forlilizor Moore Grocery Pollin' :iu ‘I.'Ill V Reilily Kilowatt Your Electric Servant Virginia Kltrlrir ami Power ('oinpaiiy GUARANTY BANK AND j TRUST COMPANY Your Patronage AI nays A ppreviated fit '■ n Building Supplies and Material <; x ii builders SUPPLY COMPANY Top Prices Always Paid Here WILLI AMSTON PKANITT CO. CONVICTION BUILT When many people have the same conviction about a thing, they usu ally get together. They become members of a partv. or a societv. or a congregation. Every Sunday in the churches of our community many people get together. They have the same con viction about God —• they worship together. When they worship, they offer thanks, they ask help. They sing to express their happiness. They listen to enrich their minds with the truth that comes from God. And before they bow their heads'to receive final benediction, they give such gifts as they can to their Lord’s work. Ah oi us have need for worship— it is a part of human nature and the divine will of God. So for your great est benefit and happiness, choose a Church in this community—attend its services and join in its work. Make it YOUR CHURCH. fHE cHURCH FOR a LI n. •> . LFOR THE CHURCH survive. There r„e (0,°CfaCy r,or civilization andV pei'on shouJd attendTnd reason3 why °nd 3uPPort the Church rt erv,ces regularly awn sake (2) For his chi’vJ^ C"'e (1) for hi, ■ a ° °/ hi., ro,lltnun-|yh''^en 3 Mice <3) f or lhe sate of the Church ilsoll in (4) For the and material support f"c'h needs his moral '*»« rZlZZX” d'“'ch Chapter Vers.j Book P*S 1 m % Psalms Matthew Romans p.f,ori'"hi*n» * *alms H'vtlttion Mi 13-22 13-20 2i-27 !3-2< Fine Furniture Fashions at Ilmlfirl Friers Mel. VW IIOIIN Ft hm h hi m Sln>/> irilh { on fulmar ami I) ear II illi Fr'ule Best Quality Cnal And Bond |{. I . W;ml Coal anil \\ mill I o. FEED Feed Completely Balanced and Mineralized m \i: n\ 11 i i» mii i s S Oroeeries I icsli Meals M. IV«1 STORK AND MARKKT Washington SI., Williumston « % V * —I Feed and Seeds of all Kind. Also Paint and Farm Necessities Martin F.C. X. Brine Your Ford Home For Service WILUAMSTON MOTOR COMPANY All Accounts Insured Up To S3,000.00 M. c. m ii.niNG vni> LOAN ASSOCIATION Ammo unci American (las Amoco Automotive and Industrial Lubricants W II I IAMSTON OIL COMPANY S;il<‘s and Service John Deere Tractors & Agricultural Implements Lindsley Ice Company Harrison Oil COMPANY Insurance Is The Host Policy Dial 2118 W. G. Peele Building Supplies Dressed Lumber Williamston Supply Co. For Wise Buyers Heilig-Meyers FURNITURE CO. Williamston, N. C. For Quick Service Dial 2323 Alpha Cleaners Martin County’s Leading Furniture Store WOOLARI) FI KMTl Ri; CO. i srn i ti/n suor Williarnston Specializing In Fine Quality I.adits' Apparel Car and Truck. Genuine C hevrolet Parts KOANOKK <:hj:\ kok,kt ro. Ihv More <,l!OMOI{l. I*roil iii'ls Standard Fertilizer Co. Belk-Tyler s t jo jjojs *»m