| Pie-Throwing In Romantic Comedy | Warner Bros, borrowed an hi larious bit. from the old Mack Scnnett pie-throwing days, dress ed it in modern clothes and film , ed it for a sequence in the gay ' romantic comedy, “Pretty Baby," | due at the Viccar Theatre on L Sunday. ’ Director Bretaigne Windust su pervised Dennis Morgan, Zach 1 ary Scott and *& waiter all down I on the floor of a night club, spat [ tered from .head to foot with ' whipped cream. Obviously they’d just had a collision and although | it seemed to have turned out with I satisfying results. Director Win : dust asked for a repeat. | All three had to change clothes, of course, and in his dressing room Zachary expounded on the value of slapstick in even the most sophisticated comedies. “This is the kind of scene that gives the audience a beefy laugh," ---- — ■■ he declared. "They’ll remember it! long after they've forgotten some sophisticated byplay that depends on a smart nuance." “Pretty Baby" is a comedy on the advertising business and in this particular night club scene Dennis Morgan and Zachary Scott, who are partners in an ad vertising agency, arc taking Bet sy Drake their secretary, who holds the key to the agency's principal account to dinner. In the night club scene, the three have some misunderstand ing, and Betsy bids them a Curt farewell, turns and leaves. It is then that Dennis and Zach, in their eagerness to overtake her, colide with the waiter, who’s carrying a travful of gooey French pastries. The collision was very realis tic. Chocolate eclairs and other cream delicacies flew through the air as the three hit the floor. One cream puff actually landed on Dennis' head, but Director Win dust didn't include that footage as it wasn’t “believable enough in real life," he said. for s 1 ,J hj MABULOSBOBKE Ttm HOME WACE NOVEMBER 1, 1950 ... i ti „ HOBERSON um» (, ^bvvW. ..I,r: G*Wr SEVER STAR *34,!U *2'k •ww • I wfcltkl** •** * , wW»k«r » on SESS®*3?? tv PROOf G*W ■VKNSm I __ » Bargain The oltl Keel Tailoring Bldg for SALE SATURDAY, Oct. 28,2 P. M. In Kront »( Bank in RobiTiwnv PAULD COMMISSIONER RORERSOM DENNIS MORGAN dances with Betsy Drake, his "Pretty Baby,” in a scene from the Warner Bros, comedy-romance which opens at the Viccar Theatre on Sunday. Edmund Gwenn and Zachary Scott round out the stellar cast. Baking Contest Held On Tuesday The baking contest, sponsored \v the Boosters in connection with the harvest festival here, attract ed a large number of exhibitors and more than two hundred sin gle entries, including some mighty good-looking cakes and pies of declared delicacy. The display, arranged in the Planters Warehouse, was held in tact only a short time, but it was viewed by right many. Prizes, awarded on the recom mendation of Miss Evelyn Han cock, home service director for | the Virginia Electric and Power j Company, were announced, as follows, in one, two, three order: Vegetables: Mrs. W'. T Gur kin, lamp; Mrs. Alton Keel, cake box; Miss Junie Rogerson, pyrex | ware. j Fruits: Mrs. Offie Wynne, ease of freezer jars; Miss Katherine j Rogerson, mixing buwls; Mrs N ■ R. Rogerson, pyrex ware. I Pickles: Elmo Mims, large vase; jMrs. W. S Gurganus, pyrex ware; Mrs. N. R. Rogerson, cake box. I Preserves and jellies: Mrs. John Gurkin, towels; Mrs. E. H. Man ning, pyrex bowls; Mrs. Gilbert Rogerson, pyrex ware. Cukes: Miss Mamie Rogerson, chrome kitchen stool; Miss Grace Rogerson, pyrex set; Mrs. Lucian Hardison, pyrex set. j Pies: Mrs. Archie Coltrain, al uminum frying pan; Mrs. Sam uel Rogerson, mixing bowls; Mrs. S Gilbert Rogerson, pyrex ware. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue oi an order ; of the Superior Court of Martin 1 County at the September Term, ; 1950, in an action entitled “Fran Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD'S SHOE SIIOF Wanda Has Rough Time On Wagon Tiny Wanda Hendrix, whe blushingly admits she gets sea sick, airsick and carsick when she travels, added a new mobile malady during the filming of the Technicolor "Saddle Tramp," when she became wagon sick. As Joel McCrea's co-star in the new Universal-International ac tion-film, showing at the Watts Theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, W an da had to handle the reins on a pair of horses draw ing a wagon. ces G. Early, Administratrix, et al v. B A...Critcher, Trustee, et al,” the undersigned Commission $1.85 pint I The Straight Whiskeys in thit prod »ct art 2 years ar mart old, 30?* Straight Whiskey, 70% Groin Neutral Spirits. 20% Straight Whis | kay 2 years old, S % Straight Whiskey i ytart eld, 5 % Straight Whiskey years old Si proof I I TWO FIRST SALES Thursday And Friday OCTOBER 19 and 20th lliul tobacco an quickly a* possible ami »ell on one of llic above first wiles this neck. However, if you can't arrange to sell ou these (lutes sell on our floors any lime. Sale made same day of delivery. (Mir market averaged $60.0(1 .Monday. Despite the lateness of the season we are still selling tobacco at prices just as liigli as any lime this season. SELL US VOUR SCRAP TOBACCO We Pay Top Market Prices Planters Warehouses Robersonville, N. (« ers will, on the 28th da> of Oc tober. li)50, in front of the “Crys tal Grill" on Washington Street in the Town of Williamston, N. C., sell to the highest bidder at 12 o'clock. Noon, for cash, the follow ing described real estate: Being a tenant house and the “Crystal Grill" lots on Washing ton Street in the Town of Wil liamston, N. C.. and being known as the Peter Davis and Fannie Davis home, and being the same premises deeded to Edward L. Early and wife, Frances G. Early, by Susie S. Price by Deed dated February 2. 1948, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book M-4. page 281, to which reference mvy be had for full description. This property will be sold in two parcels, the tenant house and lot, and the "Crystal Grill,” a brick building and lot. each of said lots being virtually 40 feet on Washington Street, and a map of same will be presented at the sale.’ The last and highest bidder at the sale will be required to de posit with the undersigned Com missioners 10'. of the price bid on each parcel of land. This 25th dav of September, 195p. E S, Peel, B A Criteher, Commissioners. sc 20 oc 5-12-19 NOTICE OF SAi,E North Carolina. Martin County Under and by virtue of the authority contained in Section 160-59 of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina the Board of Commissioners and May or of the Town of Williamston will sell for cash at Dublin outcry on Tuesday the 91st nay ot Oc tober, 1950, at 12:00 noon in front ol the City Hall in the Town of Williamston, the following de senbed articles of personal nrop [ crty. One 1947 Chevrolet Sedan, Mot or No. 221-394 This is the auto mobile formerly used as a police car i One 1942 Chevrolet Duck. Mot or No. RD 335684. This trusk was formerly used in the water and street department of the Town of Williamston One 1945 Chevrolet Truck, mot or No. BG691478. This truck was formerly used bv the Water and Street Department of the Town of Williamston. The trucks may be inspected at the Water Plant. The cur maybe inspeetoil at the =r=:r=:-.—■—■ Police Station This the 30t.h day of September, 1050 Board of Commissioners and Mayor of the Town of Wil liamst.on, N. C. Cha.-. +f Manning, Attorney or 5-12-19-26 BOTTLE GAS — It Cooks — It Heats Courtney Gas Co., Inc. I SERVICE - It Makes Ice — Dial 2572 _ a ■- > t: ~ jfcr rf P# iinmi Hif§ iCnitfr /*#•#«.« GREEN GIANT 's- 20* SAVE AT COLONIAL COLON I A *. STORES si oki r.vs riMifK tasia < , r GREEN BEANS KRAFTS Kill IlfN | RKSII MAYONNAISE HVI mi l ls HI I Mil II—III l, MONTH FRUIT COCKTAIL «HMI>I K's sni| TASTY CORNTD BEEF HASH S<)I T W f VI HK AMI MlSOKltiS I TOILET TISSUE 2 BM II KMI III IN/. TOMATO KETCHUP III Al.nil I I. DII K IOI S—I.IBRV S TOMATO JUICE KONOMIIM. IA TUT I COHN (.HITS JIM DANDY Mrs. Filbert’s SALAD dkessijm; ? Can Rolls 770 bendix DRYERS To 8e Asuided One in Each Colonial Store HEM'S all you do -. you, oflieial com,,, entry blank (lR V't iln-v Cl,K,ni'*1 Store. Complete hls sta W ->tnes back to the ’to'e whel'1' Vou obtained them. Fancy "lltIng and strict grammar aren't i,„ t ^ortant. Just finish the statement m A>ur own words. Enter now! Contest osts Saturday. November 4 1950 it /our Colonial Store's closing hour' ‘ «ake. l)„ „„t mail. Vour contest entries to the store where you obtained them. ?££ £NT*i BLANKS AT ALL COLONIAL STORKS' POWW PR00UCE LANE '■'lk '""l nislicl to Colonials Produan V;-..'" '•,"•*‘•'••"<••1 'niet ■ assuring you of an out Si ctllfl ill.U srlivl ion <|| I I || I \ trt'vh m« wl nee Luscious Hvtl (,oliforum Lm/icror GRAPES 2 25c (•non nun -at l«- !u 95c • rosirr.n 1 HIM PORK ROAST - 45c N A I I B AM.I' TL.SDFR Bl.l I RIB ROAST - 99c FLAVOR! I I. m.I.LTS OF SALT WW MACKEREL - 43c CUFF'S rRIIIF ri RF roRK SAUSAGE £ 61c DEVILED Clt Alt, i for 55c CHM > rRillfc I III -II MAUI IHICHLN SALAD 43c 'MO,sos, ,Vf,T' CAKE °("Lui, "none N,: 29c' ROllc "I « irioI Ptq 01 8 ISr brcao.: *c O. 18c "f* } °™r:n! Med. Sizt fertLi , A IRESH shipped CGCS °-« 55c - — S!S!S* - 95c cnrAiim"'"" '-RCJMcw^ J6c 0cu,>' l rch Scaloi)ll3 S',cvk,° "to, ,, rur in ouiv i s. v„ , ,()Hh l( . MMIKIl I IMM.FS _______ * OOKIM, ... APPLES 2 u»,. 23c |'M» , m '•Kuril VDllf, III. Titov •n.v i in. ■lie CANO, ,1A Ft sfIM.ALLOW H PURITAN * oz 17c I I Kill It'S NTKAIMU BABY FOOD 3 j«. 28c :o mi i.i. ri am BORAX 10, 20c l » Ml LL TF. AM BORAXO so, 20c ion i i soap IVORY Pan 8*, 6C i ■ i I h i ||L.> l LUNCH OXYDOL iga ni>a 30c III. III. J J e Tic 1IKI i IS—DIRTS OFT TIDE l«r. Pig 30c not si HOLD I LI 'SI N SPIC & Span 2 47c MIR lllsHIM DREFT ig* pin, 30c I OB I Al MUM P & G SOAP 3 •«. 25c I Asll.AU III mu m | | 1 SOAP 2 8ath 17c >OAP I I AKJ < n Al l 4IIII S I As | v ANCAKE MIX 200, 18c •MSI ' III 1N I (.RAIN RU | VATER MAIP 3 ^ 4lc • n > 1 12.h 1 h 1 > t 01 oit 1 i» MARGARINE u 33c DOG FOOD c.n 14« AMMONIA o. 29c 1 111 KIliRO.X HR AM, RICE LONG GRAIN J.Lb 45c I " I l I I SI II .All AT HORMEL SPAM no, 50c IT ill 'Uni, 11 mm, CRISCO 3.1b 9l« w %.\i i» i \n n CUT-RITE Ron 21c I I VINt, SNOWDRIFT 3-ib 9i« M»l> /I s ! Ids Al. Alls WESSON OIL Pmt 3Jc WISE POTATO CHI l\V,oz. |>k«. 2,f>e Mrs. Filbert's Oiiiilil v Vliivommisr, p| jin* Hr 1 i%• ^r Mil.Ml n.af*i*io kii£ crackers 33* STORES