Visit Near Jamesville Mr. and Mrs H. L Gurkin nnc children of Richmond, Va„ ant Mrs. J. Worrell of Newsom V;... spent tile week-end with Mr and Mi's. C. G. Gurkin and Mr and Mrs. Albert Martin neai Jamesville. In Washington Thursday Mr. and Mrs C. G. Gurkin and M'- and Mrs Albert Martin visit ed in Washington. N. C.. Thursday Here From Daytona Beat'll. Fla. Mrs Leona P. Robinson of Day tona Beach, Florida is here visit ing her sister, Mr: Hugh Horton, and Mr Hortor Eye Brok«*ii? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele'.s — 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 | Spend Day Near Jamesville I Mr. and Mis. Gus Forbes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis near Jamesville. Visit In Scotland Neck f Mr. and Mis. Lester Davis _ of neai Jamesville visited their daughter anti son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Alexander in Scotland Neck Friday. * Attended Harvest Festival Mr A. R Bowen. Mr. .Robert Askew. .Miss Louise Jones and Mi Daryl Curtis of Ahoskie at tended the Harvest Festival act tivities here Tuesday and Wed nesday. Returned Yesterday From N. J. Mr and Mrs H. B. Scripture, Mis.- Mildred Thomas and Mr. Van Ralph Taylor returned home ! yesterday from Atlantic City. New Jersey where they attended a dairy convention. Attended Strret Dance Mr E. B. Smith of Wadesboro, former manager of the local Lag It Store, at tended the street dance here Tuesday night. Here From Norfolk Messrs. Charlie Laney, and George Hancock were business visitors here this week. Attended Business In Norfolk Mr Lewis Pippin attended to business in Norfolk yesterday. ■folostW Yes, this little girl's father made a mistake—a careless, thoughtless mistake—when he neglected to bring hi' Insurance program up to dole. He failed to recognize the actual value of his home and household effects.-Result: A family broken, a home destroyed, and a staggering loss when a $20,000 fire was "covered" by $12,000 worth of insurance. Don't let this happen to YOUR family. Examine your Insurance program TOOAY* Are YOU completely protected? The first step in finding out U to list all the tilings you own in a convenient FREE Central Household Inventory. Send coupon ior your copy . . TODAY!’ ! ‘ VS li«‘cl«*r Shi lining I iiHiii'MiK'** A^iicy / STYL-EEZ A Selby Shoe " A talk aloof iwJkr! THIS IS ITI Ai ad**riit»d in LIFE 'For day in. day out walking. “F.ldon" l»y $tyl-EEZ lias every tiling! Calfskin that feel* to soft, wears so long. Si|iiared-oH extension sole, stitched and tailored. Neatly perforated tamp. And the famous “Flare-Fit” innersole to support your instep gently hut firmly. Come see, soon! $9.95 ! Attended Harvest Festival Mr. and Mrs. J. D Woolard. Jr., and son. Michael, of Ahoskie at i tended the Harvest Festival pu ! rade here yesterday. Mrs. Wool ard and son remained here to visit her mother. Mrs Clyde Waters for a few days. Here From Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Britt |and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunstan, Jr. of Windsor attended the street dance here Tuesday night. Continues III In Hospital Mrs. J E. King, Miss Patsy King and Mrs. B. A. Critcher, Sr. visited Miss Cora Proctor, who cnntities ill in a Washington Hos pital. yesterday. Visted Here From Plymouth Mr and Mrs. Dick Lucas of Plymouth visited here Tuesday. --i—_ Here From Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hayman and son. Michael, of Nags Head attended the festival activities here Wednesday. Patient In A Washington Hospital Mrs V. G Taylor visited Miss Cora Proctor, patient in a Wash ington hospital, Tuesday. Visited Here From Norfolk Mr. Gail Summers of Norfolk visited friends here Tuesdav. /S_/ Attended Harvest Festival Mrs. D. O. Selby and children, Metta and Hal, Mrs. S. D. Spar row and children, Nancy and Ste ven. and 4 Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sadler visited Mr. and Mrs. Tal madgc Selby and attended the Harvest Festival here yesterday. Here From Norfolk Mrs George Phillips of Nor folk is spending this week here, with her sister. Mrs. Home Biggs, 1 and Mr Biggs. i ,— Attended Rally Mr. Elbert S Peele, Sr. attend- ( ed the Democratic Rally in Green 'd lie yesterday afternun. Spent Wednesday Here ( Mrs. N. S. Lockhart and friends ( of Vanceboro spent Wednesday ] here on route to Richmond and at tended the Harvest Festival. ,. _ • Rack Home From Hospital Mrs. Ernest Cox is back at her home after receiving treatment in , Brown's Hospital for several days. Spent Sunday In Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Keel and Mr. and Mrs. Perlie Gardner spent Sunday in Norfolk. Attended Harvest Festival Mrs. Bill Mishoe of Washington, former resident of Williamston, , aitended Ifu. Harvest Festival parade here yesterday afternoon. -a. Here From Helhaven Messrs. P. T. Edmondson and George Abeyounis of Belhaven were visitors here Wednesday. , Attended Festival Mr. Miies Clark of Elizabeth City attended the festival parade here yesterday. In Town For Harvest Festival Messrs. P. P. and Harper Peele of Hamilton Were in town for the Harvest Festival yesterday. Improving Mr. and Mrs. David Perry of Norfolk visited Mr. and Mrs On ward Robertson over the week end Mrs. Robertson, who has been ill for several days, is im proving. Return From Detroit Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Liiley, Jr., Mrs. Margaret R, Revels and Mr. Clayton Revels returned this week from Detroit where they visited Sgt. and Mrs. Curtis Biggs for several days. Here From Shreveport, La. Mrs. S. W. Manning, Jr., and son, Gary, arrived last week from Shreveport, La. to be here a month visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. P. E. Getsinger, before flying to Puerto Rico to join her husband. Captain Manning, who is stationed there. ——*-. Visited in Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mack D. Leggett and children and Mrs. Bill SJtarnes visited Mr .and Mrs. Ray Leggett and family in Rocky Mount Sun day. Winner Of Blanket Mr. David Roberson was the winner of a blanket given by the Womans Club at a pri*e draw ing yesterday. Boy Scouts Report Their Activities Troop 29 The Bov Scouts of Troop No. 29 held their regular meeting on Wednesday. Oct. 19. The meeting was opened with the Lord’s Pray er. The minutes were read and approved, and the dues were col lected. Wade Bunting brought up about the supporting of Den 2 We decided that we would sup port them. We also voted Ken- ; neth Harris into the troop. The ( meeting was closed with the Boy Scout Oath. Scribe, William Tetterton Leftion Auxiliary In Kr/iular Marting Monday The American Auxiliary of the John W, Hassell Post No. 163 held its regular"monthly meeting Mon day, evening, October 16, at ft o'clock m the Legion Hut The President, Mrs. Raleigh Harrington, called the meeting to order and the members gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Prayer was offered and in memo ry of the war dead, the members stood in silent prayer for 30 sec onds. The Preamble to the Aux iliary Constitution was repeated in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the sec re-1 tary. No corrections were noted ind they stood approved as read, l’he treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Arthur White and accept ed. Mrs. Harrington reminded the, members of the 1st Area Confer ence which will be held in Rocky Mount on October 31, beginning it 10:30 A M Any member who j lesires to attend the Conference 1 s asked to contact Mrs. Harring ton at'once, who will make res-I •I vations for those planning to j Mgs J. Sam Getsinger, delegate ; o the State Convention, gave an n teres ting report on the eonven- j :ion. The Unit President having com pleted two years as president, \fas presented a unit president's in iigna by Mrs Arthur White. Mrs. larrington gave her thanks and ippreciation for the pin and ex pressed her - appreciation for the ooperation she has had from the Members and asked for continued upport of the program. Any member who has not con-1 ribu.ied her 3 articles for the I lift Shops is asked to get the ar mies to‘ Mrs. James Hulluck not j1 a ter than Friday, October 20. The business meeting was ad- 1 oumed by Mrs. Harrington. Re- ' rc’sjimertts were served to the ' Members by. the hostesses. ■ ' \ " — '* H. H. Nanning Dies In Bethel Bethel, Oct. 16 - Funeral rites or W. Harvey Manning, 55 who lied in a Rocky Mount hospital Sunday morning, were conducted d 3:30 this afternoon from the Methodist church here by the -lev. N. W Grant, pastor, assisted jy the Rev, W M Cassell. Bap ist minister, and the Rev. John i. Parker, Penecostal Holiness Minister. Burial was in the Bethel emetery. He is survived by his wife, the ormer Miss Leotine Davenport of lamesville: one son by a former narriuge, Harvey D. Manning of Miami, Fla.: one daughter, Mary '\nn Manning of the home; three protects, Jav Roy Manning of Plymouth, George D. Manning of Asheboru, and X. G. Manning of bethel; two sisters, Mrs. H J. Ste vens of willow Springs, Mrs. John 3. Robertson of Clayton: his moth er, Mrs. -Anna J. Manning of Bethel; and two grandchildren, Excitement, spectacle and colorful action run rampant through film Classics' “Daughter of the West," Cinecolor adventure of life among the Navajos, playing at the Marco Theatre Saturday. Starring Mar tha Vickers, Philip Keed and Donald Woods, the film concerns the plot of white men to cheat Indians out of their valuable copper land. Ohsor vos Eifrfi ly-!\i nth BinInlay A nni versury Mr B. W. James of Parmele, N. C. celebrated his 89th birthday at his home in Pitt County on Sunday, Oct. 15 A picnic lunch was served on the lawn for the children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, relatives, neigh bors and numerous friends. The combined age in years for four of those present was 332 years Mrs C. R. Speight of Spring Hope, his only sister, was present also. Mr James has seven surviving child ren, 27 granchildren and 35 great grandchildren. He was the recipient of many lovely gifts and many good wish es from all present. He presented each of his children with a Gov ernment Bond which has been a custom of his on each of these occasions for the past several years. "Bunco Squad" Is Expose oi Racket Featuring Robert Sterling, Joan Dixon and Ricardo Cortez, RKO Radio’s "Bunco Squad" is a timely story based on the activities of bunco racketeers who annually fleece the public out of an esti mated $200,000,000. Sterling, as head of the police bunco squad, learns that a gang of crooks have organized a phony cult for the sole purpose of rob bing a Mrs. Royce, a widow and mother of a dead war hero, of her fortune of $2,000,000. The credu lous woman attends a fake seance staged by the swindlers and as a result of "messages’ received from her dead son, wills her for tune to the cult. An attempt is made on Sterl ing's life and the widow's secre tary is ki 1 leci_ by the racketeers as the police net is tightened around them Not, however, until Ster ling gets Dante, the famous ,magi cian, to stage a fake seance which threatens to draw Mrs. Royce away from the cult are the crooks brought out into the open. From then on events move to a swift ;*id thrilling climax. Bracketed with the feature players i£ Dante, who portrays himself. In support are Douglas Fowley, Elisabeth Risdon, Mar guerite Churchill, John Kellogg and Bernadene Hayes. Herbert I. Leeds directed the production by Lewis 'J. Rachmil, and the screenplay, suggested by a story by Reginald Taviner, was writ ten by George Callahan. "Bunco Squad" will be playing at the Vieear Theatre Friday and Saturday. Donald O'Connor looks unhappy, but most Ill's would consider him the luckiest soldier in the Pacific when lovely Patricia Mediua wraps her arnu around him. She is unable, however, to win his affection! frmu a talking «ul« in Univers'd-lnternatioual’s film, "Francis.” / Attended Festival Hal! Mr. and Mis. Ronald Johnson of Robersonville visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hatton Gurganus and attended the Festival Ball here last evening Attended Festival I Mr. and Mrs Leon Rogers of Seotland Neck visited friends and attended the festivities here yes ! terday. Spooks In Donnmil For Filming "llonro Squad" i Los Angeles has plenty of eve rything except haunted houses There isn't a spook pen in the place. SEE Worrell Appliance (!o. for the best in FSEI) FURNITURE NEED GLASSES? R •. i d g e uj a y ’ OPTI C I A N (lr«UH<1 Hour R*rofr««toi»aJ Bide Raleigh, N. C Dante, clebrated magirian fea tured in "Bunco Squad” at RKO Radio, offered to hold a seance in a haunted house for the entertain ment of the cast—if they would provide the haunted house. Robert. Sterling, in the picture featured along with Joan Dixon and Ricardo Cortez, ran an ad in four Los Angeles dailies. It read, “Haunted House wanted to rent for psychic experiment." It appeared for a week, but not one reply was forthcoming. Will play at the Vic-car Thea tre Friday and Saturday. buying . . . from Oct. 13 to Oct. 31 you con hove your Baby's Shoos beautif wily bronzed in solid metal . . * at savings you can't afford to miss. Give the gift with tho thrill thot losts forever. Bring Smartly Styltd AC | Ashtray . ■ Im »? « I ■ (Also Reduced Style 86 Aihfroy with 2 Shot* | $8 95 trouloflx S10 95) ' i I I | Ever Popular £q gr • ftookend*. | Reg $11.95 i i *_ h. r stni n Exquisite Portrait Stand asho.o.$12.95 Rig $14.95 BRON - SHOE -A/i J % I m i i f i i i m I m \ I smf s I SALE ENDS OCT. 31 Bede's—Jewet&is Since 1899 121 Main Telephone 2311 IICHT • MEDIUM • HEAVY MODELS Made in widest variety of engine body-chassis combinations to fit every trucking need Think twice today when you buy a truck! Tiivr new truck you're considering may have to last a long time. So you'll be wise to look at a GMO for these impor tant reasons: GMC’s are built by the world’s largest exclusive manufacturer of commetcial vehicles—with the broadest truck engi neering experience. GMtl’s are real truclfs. Engine, transmis sion and frame, as well as cab and axles, are all specially truck-mbit to give you longer service. GMC truck-built engines have high horse power with higher sustained torque— greater pulling power, they are built to give extra years of service with less main tenance. Bet a real truck / CMC extra-value features include Syn chro-Mesh transmission,'Tocco-hardened crankshaft, full-pressure lubrication, re circulating hall-hearing steering gear, air plane-type bearings and Lifetime Weath ersealed cabs as standard equipment on * practically all models from Vi ton up. That's why more truckers are buying GMC's today than ever before—experience panes them hest in the iong haul! - Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. of Williainston, Ine. HIGHWAY 17 WillianutoM, N. C, You'll do btltor on a u*od truck with your CMC doolor

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