CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE. ELECTRIC SEWING machine, console cabinet. 20 year warranty, only S1 i9.50. B. S. Courtney and Son. oc 19 lot FOR SALE: ONE LIVERMON Peanut Picker. One Turner Hav Baler with motor mounting. Both in excellent mechanical condition Price reasonable. J. W Peel. Ev eretts. N. C. oc 19 4! WANTED: GOOD TOBACCO MAN. 9 ACRE ALLOTMENT. OTHER CROPS IF DESIRED. MODERN LIVING (Jl AKTERS. LIGHT, WATER AND BATH. ONE MILE EDENTON. WRITE OR SEE ( R SATTERFIELD, EDENTON. N. C. uc 19 4t YOUNG LADY, 18. EXPER1EM ed in bookkeeping and general office work, desires .job Please call Robersonville 4057. or write K. Haislip. Hassell, N C. WANTED: SALESMAN TO SELL Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners in this territorv Must have car and ; willing to work. Good opportunity j lor hustler Hem \ K Griffin, mul tiple branch manager, Washing ton. N. C. Phone 921-W oc 19 2t , FOR SALE: 6-ROOM BING A low with bath. Large screened back porch. Attic Double floor | furnace. Highway 64. fairgrounds j Dial 2106 or see Grads Luffman. oc 17 4t | WANTED: TENANT FARMER to work on shares and pai t-time 1 wages See .1 Walter Gurganus. at Godwin Farm near Kkewark ev. oc 17 2t ! RAl'KKT Dl lil NKI KS Robert Sterling and Joan Dixon enact a team engaged in a police exposure of crooks who conduct a psychic campaign to millet a wealthy woman, in "Bunco Squad.” They are featured \x itli Ricardo Cortez and Dante, the magician, in the KKO Radio presentation. Double feature with Gene Autry’s "Indian Ter ritory" I'riday and Saturday at the Viccar Theatre. FOR SALK: Gl'KKNSKY HKIF ers, Fresh Cow, Poland China and Duror Jersey hogs. C. C. Bonds, Rt 4. Box 1224. Windsor, N. C. FOR SALK: THKKK BOSTON Terrier puppies. Champion stork. See or rail Boland Coburn, KobeVsonville. FOR SALK: 1!»42 4-DOOR PLYM outh. Good condition Write box 7M7 for lurtbei information. or 17 2t FOR RIO NT: EASON HOUSE ONI Academy Street, furnished. R. i L. Coburn. ac 19-26 WANTED: TO RENT SIX-ROOM | house or larger, for rent or sale. (,'al I Leder Bros., 301 (i. ( HRISTMAS RECORDS AND Albums are now on sale at Firc - j stone Home and Auto Supply. Main Street. Williamstun. or 12 4t STORE I OR RENT ON NORTH Haugliton Street. Henry IJ. Harrison. or 10 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil-1 liamston Hardware Company,! Williamstun, N. C. au 29 tf j PARKER’S SELF -SERVICE Laundry. Hours 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. | to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for [ a quirk and economical wash ser-1 I vice. je 8 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE1 pay Top Prices for standing tun- ! her and pine logs. Williamston' Supply Co. Phone 2400. je 20 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loelfet no 8 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MAC1I ine. Refinish your flours your ' seif and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs! are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf | CLARKS RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. Ol INN'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Low Interest Rate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing Llius. II. Manning, Ally. SUNRAY A Fiupr (ins Knngt' AT I'ot-kpl IMen.-ing: I'rico SEE IT TODAY AT Mutlag \|>|»li«int'P do. Washington St. Williamston IWHWMWVVWVWWNWVWMr ERVICE i jsis Co. 110 .Main Si. ' TO OftlVPlUMBIMfifl FIXZIT SYSTEM GENE'S ON THE WARPATH AGAINST RENEGADE REDSKINS. is the tiuntiei echoes to wh whms *ml timfoe1 X .Gail Davis - Kirby Gram - James GnUilh «« PAT BUTTRAH Ak¥w mw IM1NW VICCAR - Friday and Saturday Don hir If <itun “Itl \< O SOI \D" [ TNI »l«H» tViltT or m* 1 - -> - _ ! mw Wmmm Buoti J DtRfCTfcD Pr BGAN'IlElSyiiRAKE EDMUND Gikei VICCAR—Sun. - Non. - Tues. BRETAIGNE WINDUST | I W\w SCRLLN PlAt BY E VtRETT FRL MAH AND M*?RY V TNITZ I 3 • A Z 1ORY B> j. F\Jr. I - M A.. A ,\D JOH N HI .R£ R BOTTLE GAS SI Williams ton Bottle < Phone 2050 W. J. MILLER & »ON _ Office t WESTERN AU ^MnWWWWWUWWWWUWNWWWWVWWWWWWWVVV SPECIAL THIS WEEK ON BABY Ruth Candy. 85c- for box of 24 bars. fi 5c-bars for 25o, 3 5c-bars lor 13c. Leggett's, Main St. oc 17 2t FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MAO* Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. 7fr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood Henry Harrison. Wiiliams ton. au 26 tf DEAD AND D1S\BLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N C, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 tj STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williatnstor Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. , au 28 tf MARCO A «ln I tut 20c Children 15c THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Saboteur" With Robert FiiiiiiniiiRs Priseilla Lane CARTOON SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Paradise Canyon" With John Wayne Also * f f "Daughter oi the West" With I*lii Ii|» Reed Chap. No. 4 of Serial Uody of I tie Pony Express CARTOON SUNDAY ■ MONDAY "Johnny Holiday" With \\ illiani Rendix lloafry (.armieliael EEATURETTE TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY /ip ■ ii Francis With Donald O'U.onnor Patricia Medina Pacemaker Cartoon TRIO Roberoonville, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Oct. 19-20 IT'S BIG and in Technicolor mi: BLACK ROSE" With Tyronne Power. Orson Wells and Ceeile Aubry Plus: Cartoon and Short SATURDAY, Oct. 21 REDWOOD FOREST TRAIL With Rex Allen LONELY HEART BANDIT With Dorothy Patrick and Robert Rockwell and Serial SUNDAY, Oct. 22 DEVIL'S DOORW \Y W'ith Robert Taylor And Comedy MONDAY - TUESDAY Oct. 23-24 VIA BIT E HEAVEN With Bettv Grable and Dan Daily l.atest News and Short FOR SALE: 4 USED REFRIGER ators. $50.00 to $05.00. Several used ranges from $35.00 to $75.00. Liberal terms, Worrell Appliance Company. Wiiliarriston, N. C. oc 17 2t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company. Frank E. Weston, man ager, Wuliamston, N. C. je 8 tf HAMILTON THEATRE TODAY AND FRIDAY October 19 and 20 Shows at 7 and 9 THREE SECRETS With Ruth Roman, Eleanor Parker and Patrieia Neal Plus Color Cartoon and Latest News SATURDAY, October 21 Shows Continuous 1 'til 11 Double Feature Program RAIDERS OF SUNSET PASS With Roy Rogers KEEP ’EM FLYING With Bud Abbott and Lou Costello SUNDAY, Oct. 22 Shows at 3 and 9 DELIGHTFULLY DANGEROUS With Jane Powell Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY Oct. 23 and 24 Shows at 7 and 9 TARZAN’S DESERT MYSTERY Cartoon — Comedy Latest News MOVIES Ait BETTER THAN EVER 'WATTS THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY • FRIDAY fill. n_n Stella' With Aim Sheridan Vietor MhIiin* NEWS SHORT If SATURDAY llOUBI.E FEATURE Trail of the Rustlers" With (Charles Starred' Smiley Burnette Alsu I# Bomba and the Lost Volcano" With Jolinuv Sheffield ( hap. No. 1 of Serial Desperadoes of the West CARTOON SUNDAY • MONDAY if TUESDAY The Saddle Tramp" With Joel MeCrea Wamla Hendrix Band News Cartoon II WEDNESDAY Destination Noon' ii With Joliu Arelier Sport Featurette k FALL FESTIVAL Will continue throughout the month of October. Thousand* of dol lar* worth of new fall merchandise bought early in the year before the pre sent rise in prices. Do your shopping now and avoid paying more later. PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT! Boys’ Lons Sleeve. Long Leg . .Q HEAVY WEIGHT UNION SUIT -*1,1V Men's Lined ZELON JACKETS - *3<>5 Women’s 100% Wool COAT SWEATERS --* Women's Heavy, Solid Color OUTING GOWNS - Men's l<ong Sleeve, Long Leg HEAVY WEIGHT UNION SUIT OCTOBER NEWEST STYLES LADIES’ event • GREY • BLACK • WINE Gaberdine COATS 10—20 An OulsiundiiiH (.util Fur Tliu Money. GREEN 1W Our Convfiiiriil layaway FLAN Week-End SPECIALS CHILDREN’S CORDUROY / JACKETS Good quality corduroy. Red, Green, Grey. Siaei M. CHILDREN’S CORDUROY y OVERALLS ' Selected irregulars In • variety ol colon. Wl, SPECIAL VALUES FROM OUR SHOE DEI*T. Itoys’ OXTORDS . . . $3.45 Ladies' Leather LOAFERS . . . $2.95 Children's OXFORDS . . . $1.98 Children’s SHOES Men’s Dress OXFORDS . . . $3.95 Of PARTM £ MT STORES Shop With Confidence — Wear With Pride

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