BE HERE EARLY THURSDAY MORNING! HERE’S THE BIG NEWS! -BEGINNING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th — AT 9 O'CLOCK SHARP! BELK - TYLER'S MAMMOTH ANNUAL GOLDEN HARVEST E For Months Belk-Tyler Buyers Have Been Busy Combing the Markets lor Bargains lor Golden Harvest. These Goods Were Bought Before the Recent Pric e Advances. The Bargains are Here for You. Make Your PI ans Right Right Now to be Here THURSDAY MORNING EARLY ... LET NOTHING KEEP YOU AWAY! MKN’S IIANDKKRCIIIKFS While cambric Handkerchiefs, good size, well hemmed. Regular 10c values! 6c SALK . . . Ill KIN'S ANKLKTS Assorted fancy Anklets, novelty patterns, Mill seconds of values to 2f>c. 9c SAL ( '.hi111 roll's ANKLETS A special pickup! Over (>00 pairs of Anklefs in plaids, stripes and solids. Mill seconds ol willies Co 20e. Voii’ll In 111■ \ llicsc liy Ilif tlov.cns! 9c 114 >Ol{ LAMPS A lovely Lamp. < <ood heavy base, lluted stem. 7 way lights. Com plete with attrac tive pareiimeut shade’ SlO.(H) I olurs s v i. i: ! /'»m' Import INFANTS* vtl WEAR Paint;.' Ihinus lor Dresses, Sups, / Pillow Tops anti' Bibs. All im- ’ ported from I In* Philippines. KK<;i I.AK ULIKS TO s.t.oo l-nhlni liar vest Salt $1.00 WINDOW SHADES 36-inches wide, guaranteed rollers. 58c THURSDAY al <) A. M. S V m: ! 600 M.\\ GIRLS' DRESSES Made of fine 80-square super Prints, all last colors. These come in beauti ful styles. In all sizes from 1 year to 12 years. Regular values to $2.25. You’ll want sev eral. $1.19 $1.48 $1.78 ^OOOCOOOQCMlTVrH-'OOOPOOOQCKSOOO&COOOC WASH CLOTHS (.(mil size. Assorted Plaids. lOr Value! DISH CLOTHS Mesli Cloths, fcood size, 10c Value! TIHIKSDAY — *> oYhnk Sharp sn:ci u. piikciiase SALE! Smart . . . I\mr FALL DRESSES I'ailles! Gaberdines! Satins! Crepes! in lovely styles for Juniors, Misses and Women. All the newest rail shades, loo! KiisIi down early Thursday lor these! I dint's lit WASTE BASKETS 1-arije metal baskets, neat de corations. $1.00 Karlv Mini HAH r. A l \ * BATH SETS Bath rugs with seat cover to match. Lovely chenilles. $1.50 values! 99c BED SHEETS Double si*e 81 x 99, a good quality Muslin. (Limit 4 to cus tomer). $1.99 HEMMED DIAPERS 27 x 27 size, good quality Birds eye. $2.<>9 value! $2.38 sha<; Kix;s Shag Scatter rugs, good weight, pastel colors. S2.00 value! $1.00 Men’s WORK SHIRTS Sanforized t'hambrays, full cut, sizes 14 to 17's. $1.28 Till liSim VI <>:00 V. M. SAIT1! NYLON HOSE Lovclv, clear Nylons, full 51 Kiiage, 15 denier. In all the new Fall shades. Very slight mill imperfects of $1.35 hose. WOMKIN'S PANTIES <io«d quality Ka.vons, lull cut. perfect qtial ity. White, pink and pastels. !t‘lc values! 4 for $1.00 26c S A L K ! , I in porli-d I CHINESE LINENS A special Buy! Tahir Cloths, Kunnrrs, Scarfs, Billow Cas es, Vanity Sets, Doilies and other pieces. All imported from (Inna. I{t‘f(iiltir lalncs To S2.50 $1.00 WASH TUBS Heavy *;.<IvanrMtHPn S2.II0 values! METAL Venetian Blinds Krai quality Blinds, smooth work ins head, mercerized tapes. Widths from 26 to 36-inches. Hofinlur $ I MO I ««/«<> $2.97 Large *) \ 12 LINOLEUM RUGS Good quality Linoleum, large 9 x 12 siz es, patterns for bedrooms, kitchen or bath. Itt'fSnlar l aim's $4.97 I.ovely . . . Sheer ORGANDY CURTAINS Permanent finish, white Organ dy Curtains. A beautiful qual ity. Full 21.- yards long, fl inch pieot ruffles. Itegnlar $4.03 I aloe $3.99 LL SHEETING Itt'sl urade, 3t>-inclics wide, full pieces. Special CANNON SHIFTS Finest muslins, guaranteed for 4 years. Large 81 x !)9 double bed sizes. (Limit 2 to customer please.) $2.98 l»ILLOW CASKS Cannon, Pacific and Dan River quality cases. TIIIIliSDAY A I *) O'CLOCK SPECIAL VI m:u ISi: SALE! MW I \I L ! SUITS Lovely Suils tailored of manipulated Gabardines. Ttaes* come in all the newest Fall colors Don't misK1 ItiFi t value Thursday! Jif Itrfiiilor I aim’s lit S1*).*)^ $13.88 ' V “SCOOP" SALE! 500 m;\\ MKVS DKKSS SHIRTS Fine Broadcloths, sanforized 'TKtirunk, full cirt. In White, prey, tan, green and blue. Iti-uulnr $2.30 I oIhp $1.88 (;ou)i \ ii tni Esr BARGAINS AW loll WOOLENS Suitings. plaids and Dress to S2 50. $1.00 yd. French Type G I N G H A M S Sanforized, fine 36-inches wide, glorious plaids. THc value! 50c Fine Male CORDUROYS 3(i-inehes wide, lovely iiuality, in all the newest colors. SI.98 value! $1.40 Girls' PANTIES Fine rayons, first quality, ail sizes. 39c valuef. 20c 1 Pairs — $1.00 TOILET SOAP 10 cakes 49c i ELK — TYLER’S of WILLIAMSTON ccoc bo PflOBOOOBOoooooBooQBoayiiflgqflcooac'goc-O'OoaooD&joooooQcaoQflOBOoooe HATH TO WITS Good medium size Ruth Towels, very good weight. In pastels with borders. Hu.v all you need! tfcr-Cl.00 MEN'S WINTER UNIONS Good heavyweight, full cut, all sizes. 3(i to"4fi’s. A SENSATIONAL IUY! $1.00 Value! SALE! MEN'S Fine Rayon Gabardine SHIRTS A quality Sports Shirt. 2-bellows pockets, 2-but ton sleeves. Sanforized. In darks including; navy, wine, green and brown. $2.77 j REGULAR S3.50 VALUE Pastel Colors Also.

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