Visited In Richmond Mr. and Mrs W M. Baker spent tin1 week-end in Kichmond with Mr. ami Mrs T G Mdrris etti'. f«irmorlv of this city. They were accompanied by Mrs. O L. Williard and girls, Maena, and Linda Kay. who visited Mr and Mrs' Joe Davenport, also formerly of this city. Visited In Washington Miss Burkelv Gorham visited relatives and friends in Washing ton last week-end. Visited In Newport News Mr ant! Mrs Ernest Jones and children spent tin week-end in Newport Mews with relatives. Visited Here From Hassell Messrs. Eli and Dewey Edmond son o: Hassell visited here yes terday. - Visited In Red Oak Miss Agnes Beal visited rela tives in Rod Oak recently S K I Worrell < »»• for the best in VSED FI RMTl RE NEED GLASSES? firuiin'i n«» Raleiqh, N. C ProffH«(onAi Bid* J Spent Week-end Here Mi ;ind Mrs. Dale Tetterton and children of Staunton, Va., spent the week-end here with Mrs. Tetterton's mother. Mrs. N«> i ra Grimes. I'nderwent Operation Mrs. J. E. Kink underwent a major operation in Duke Hospital yesterday mommy and was re ported todav to begetting alone vet'.v well. Her sister, Mrs. E. R. Fronebergeir is with her. Spending Few Days In Norfolk Mrs J Sam Getsinger is spend ing a few days with relatives in Suffolk and Norfolk. Spent Week-end In Durham Mr Dampey Simmons returned home yesterday after spending the week-end in Durham Marriage Licenses Issued Marriage licenses were issued in this county last week to, Joseph Warren Whitehurst and Shirley Stevenson, both of Robersonville, and to Rudolph Holliday of Au lander and Nellie Blanche Stubbs of RFD 1. Williamston Continues III In Hospital Mr and Mrs W II Carstarphen and Miss Mary Carstarphen vVre in Rocky Mount over the week end visiting their mother. Mis. C D. Carstarphen, who continues ill in a hospital there. Visited In Jumesville Last Week Mrs. Willis Morris of Wilson visited .Mrs. G B. Ange at her home m Jamesville last week. Attended Funeral Friday Mr and Mrs Rudolph Saunders attended the funeral of Mr. Mel vin Perry in Colerain Friday. G*W SEVEN STAR v •tandarf whlikgy. "Tht gtralffct whlaklat «ra 4 yaari or mara eld. S7V4H gtraight whl»kay. 62 oawtral (plrltt dittiNM tram grain. 15% straight 'whlakay 4 yaart aid. Ilf% (traight whlskay $ fyaart aid. 7HH (traight Iwblskay 4 ytart aid." $04$ O 4 IS ft, $015 90 PROOF l 1 Returned To Home In Jamesville Mi. James E. Smithwick re turned to his home in Jamesville yesterday after receiving treat ment in a Washington hospital. Visited In Durham Saturday Mrs Joel Muse and son, Joel, Jr., visited Miss Li I y bet Muse in Durham Saturday. Here From Cherry Point Miss Ruby Barnhill of Cherry Point spent the week-end here and left yesterday for Asheville to visit Mrs. Bessie Ross. Visited Relatives In County Mr. and Mrs. Richard Culli phcr and daughter, Carolyn Ruth of Washington, D. C., Mr and Mrs. Ervin Cullipher and family of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Cowan and Miss Betty Cowan visited relatives in the county this week-end. Here From Oxford Mr. David Hix and daughter, Nancy, of Oxford spent the week end here with Mrs. Mary B. Gur ganus. Here From Portsmouth Mr and Mrs. Bob Olmsted of Portsmouth spent the week-end here with Mrs Olmsted's parents, Mr and Mrs. Bob Taylor. Visited In Jamesville Lust Week Mrs Eddie Sanderson of Phil adelphia visited Mrs Levin Ange in Jamesville last week Attended Funeral Mrs. Wheeler Manning attend ed the funeral of Mr. II O. White m Colerain Saturday Attended Commitee Meeting Mrs. Elbert S Peel, member of the judiciary committee of Martin County, attended the Democratic committee meeting held Saturday in Raleigh to nominate a new Supreme Court judge. v Left Friday To Attend Wedding Mr and Mrs Frank Margolis and Mrs Irving Margolis left Fri day for New York to attend the wedding of Mr. Margolis' nephew. Miss Barbara Margolis of Ral eigh and Mr. Richard Margolis of Cleveland, Ohio, joined them at Rocky Mount for the trip Visiting Here F'rom Florida Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Ward of Avon Park. Florida visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitley here Friday. Your Best Buy Is A SIMMONS INNERSPRING MATTRESS M IHHIXt, BOX SHUSiiS, OF (AH RSE (llioosr a Simmons from our eomplele line. There's u Sim mom mattress to suit every type of sleeper him! at priees agreeable to every budget. Seleet from a number of beautiful eolors uitri pal* terns. USE OUR EASY TERMS Heilig ■ Meyers Furniture Co. For ff i»e Buyer* Willtanistoii. N. C. | MISS LENA PRICE WEDS VANCE LEROY PEELE, JR. Mis:. Lena El’/.. th Price, dau ghter of Mr. anti Mrs. Jay I"). Priee, Sr., of this county, and Vance LeRoy Peele, Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. Vance Peele, Sr., also of this county, were married in the Mehodist parsonage here on East Church Street Saturday morning, October 14, at 1! :J0 o'clock. Rev. E. R. Shuller performed the ceremony which was witness ed by only a few friends of the young couple. Following a short wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Peele are at home with his parents, Washington, RFD 2, until he leaves on Friday of this week to enter the armed forces. Mrs. Peele. a graduate of Bear Grass High School, attended bus iness school in Raleigh and was until recently employed by Se lective Service in its offices here. Mr Peele attended the Washing ton schools, and has been associa ted with his father in farm opera tions. Visited At Lynchburg, Va. Messrs. Elbert S. Peel, Sr. and Elbert Peel, Jr., spent the week end at Lynchburg. Va., and visited Bill Bob Peel who is a student al Virginia Episcopal School. Attended Funeral Mr. Pete Hall attended the fun eral of Mr. H O White in Cole rain Saturday. Attended P.-T. A. Meeting Mrs. Joseph Griffin and Mrs. D. L. Reynolds attended the Dis trict P.-T. A. meeting in Hertford Thursday. Attended Funeral Messrs. Robert Co wen, H. H Cowen, Jr. and Bill Spivey at tended the funeral of Melvin Per ry in Colerain Friday afternoon Attend Basketball Game Mrs. Betty Coltrain of Washing ton and Mr. Evan Griffin attend ed the State-Olympians basket ball game in the Coliseum at Ral eigh Saturday night. Attended Wedding Mrs. M M. Levin attended the Smith-Chipley wedding in Rocky Mount Saturday night. Visited In Durham Sunday Mrs. Mary Coltrain visited her | daughter, Miss Mary Lou Col i train, in Durham Sunday. Visitors In Tarboro Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harrison were visitors in Tarboro Sunday. Here From Kinston Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Morton of Kinston spent the week-end here with Corporal and Mrs. T. Fear ing. -» Enters Hospital Miss Marie Mobley entered a lo cal hospital yesterday for treat ment. --<fr Continues In Hospital Miss Cora Proctor continues ill m a Washington hospital. _ j i | Home Front Hospital ! Mrs. Ernest Cox returned to her ( home last week following treat ment in Brown's Hospital. — f * — 1 ■* Spending Few Days Here Mrs. Clayton Moore of Winston Salem is spending a few days here with Mrs. P. B. Cone. --- Returns Home Recovered from an operation, Mrs. Wyoina Allsbrook left Brown's Community Hospital yes terday for her home on West Main Street. Visited In Hampton Mrs. Joe Rawls of Jamesville visited her son, Maurice Rawls and family and friends in Hamp ton, Va.. last week. | ♦ Here Yesterday I Mesdames Vernon Page and | Bruce Everett of Robersonville ' visited friends here yesterday af | tcrnoon. | Announce Birth (Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Haislip. Jr of Oak City announce the birth (of a six pound daughter, Lynr Ruth, on Sunday, October 15, tr 1a Greenville hospital. ^ Attended Business In Mr. Bob Manning attended ti business in Raleigh Friday. Visited Here From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Finley Hatch an< son, Gary, and Mr. Eli Gurganu of Norfolk visited Mrs. Mary B Gurganus here last week. --* — Moved To Church Street Mr. and Mrs W E Thorntoi have moved from Smith wicl Street to the Myrtle Brown hom on Church Street. To W o<l [Jerenibor 19 Mi's. Lillian Vogler Heath ol Kinston announces the engagement of her daughter. Holly Ethel to Gilbert Gar land Woolard. Jr., of Williamston and Greenville, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Woolard of Williamston. The wedding will take place December 19 in the Queen Street Methodist Church. Kinston. Visited In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. Irving Murgolis and daugh ters. Sandra and Gail, visited in Rocky Mount Sunday. Attended Wedding In Durham Mrs. Jack Mobley attended Ihe wedding of her cousin, Miss Vir ginia Swindell Harris, to James ! Arthur McGranahan, Jr. in Dur | ham Saturday. „ Here From Norfolk Mi', and Mrs Roland Crawford of Norfolk spent Sunday here. Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP it s BULLUCK S For Tin* Host In BOYS' WEAR BOYS' JACKETS See our very larire srlee* < lion of boys' jackets hr- ( fort* you buy. Corduroys. Mackinaws ami Poplins with llir Monton collars. Priced to fit your budget. Sizes eisflil lo eighteen. BOYS' SUITS If your hoy needs* a new s*uit then llulliirk s i« the plaee lo shop for it. Gabardines. rover!* and wool plaids. Solid* in all sizes. Piped and paleli poeket*. $15.95 BOYS'SHUTS Willi eold weather here ami more eotiling, hutlon that hoy of yours up in a warm flanmd shirt. We have a eomplete stork of hoys shirts in flannels, rollon and gabardines. Sizes eight to eighteen. Anieriean Boy SHOES The best shoe for your hoy lo wear. Top <|iiul ily leathers in the styles you like. Seliool shoes ami tlress shoes in sizes one to six. $3.95 up Bulluck’s Men’s & Boys' Wear tMMtMWMAMMMAMWWMUM I INVITATIONS ISSUED TO |LILLEY-PEELE WEDDING Mr. ami Mrs. R. H. Peele re quest the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Laura Frances, to Mr. Pete Lillev on Sunday, October 2!), at half after four in the afternoon at the Macedonia Christian Church. -o Here From Jamesville Mesriames G. B. Ange and Lev 1,1 Ange of Jamesville visited here Saturday. Visited Here From Tarboro Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis Har rison and daughter of Tarboro visited here Sunday. Eye Classes Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. *311 BROADWAY MUSICAL STAR, 'AS esP^ lu)*****^ - ■ <si£r MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! ♦ Announcing The Opening Of The SI N RISE GROCERY 1019 N. Haiitfliton Street MONDAY, October 22 We Have Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Meat and Vegetables Candies and Ice Cream Gas and Oil \Y,‘ an* giving* to eatSi of our customer* l»e iiinnitij* I iimxliiy, i'rulay ifiul Satin11 a y "illi nut. St 1.00 oriii-r of jjroceries 10 !1»«. of ( .rraui Elour FREE. Vernon Hopewell anti Horace Vi hitaker On tiers anil Operators [« INI M M m $TYL-EEZ A Selby Shot Fall all its sling back, "Phyllii” la) the Styl-EEZ shoe that holds your foot tilth a strap, cushions It Kith a platform, displays it through discreet aide-open, spaces. Come see the auality, the 6t^ the ueK look it has, on! 59,95 (A» advertised in ^ $1^ LIFE 1 HkMQOteJMktHi

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