Miss Norma F agan In College Event Raleigh—Straw hats, blue jeans, plaid shirts, gingham frocks, ar tificial freckles, and corn cob pipes appeared at Meredith Col lege last week-end when students and faculty alike participated in the Eighth Annual “Corn Huskin' Bee" The dining hall that even ing took on an old fashioned farm house appearance as costumed couples vie for the ‘best dressed"' prize. During dinner there was en tertainment by the College Folk Dance Group, and contests among • the classes and faculty in tall tale : telling and original song skits, following which the party pro- j reeded out-doors for the featured , corn husking bee and sompetition in hog-calling and chicken.calling. Final event featured country folk dancing by the entire group, with members of the Folk Dancers un der Miss Doris Peterson assisting with the various steps Sponsored anually by the stu dent Athletic Association, the Bee occasions spirited competition among the closes, as well as the faculty. Hope Hodges of Wash ington, N C., is student president. Norma Fagan of Jamesville was a member of the performing Folk Dance Group, and was one of the winners in the song skit for jim» Doll Slum To I t ollin' 11 nl I oil rt'ii ( n mi nil It was announced yesterday by the committee in charge that a doll show would be one of the features of the Halloween Carni val to tie held by the Woman's Club in a local warehouse on Sat urday night of this week. All persons are urged to enter their dolls in the contest and show as a large number of entries > desired. While most of the en tries are likely to be made by the ( SLAB WOOD FOB SALE CHEAP. Dial 2460 Wiliiamslnn Supply Co. Austirv^Nichols GREAT OAK BLENDED WHISKEY I *1.85 | pint I Tho Straight Whiskeys in this prod net aro 2 poors or more old, 30 % Straight Whiskey, 20 % Groin Neotrol Spirits; 20% Straight Whis koy 2 poors old, S % Straight Whiskoy 4 poors old, 5% Straight Whiskey 4 poors old. M proof. o poors oio. oo » AustirWttchoIs i (.Co SB live. | oooouni - OUN oowa “ KIUJC \ T IONA L I IN S U l{ A N Ci K FO K Y O I! I{ <: II11.1) I! I n W. C. “BILL” IM FI.i: Manager THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA WIULIAMSTON N. C. The first men to sellout on the moon lose no time in testing for val uable mineral deposits, mainly uranium. In this scene from George Pal’s T. {liitieolor .-notion picture, " JX-vtbi.itlon Moon,” which will open Wednesday at the Watts Theatre, the rocket ship ran he seen in the background. 1 lletul Anniversary Of The ( hnreh of the Ailvenl Among those from out of town who attended the one hundreth anniversary of the Chureh of the Advent here last Friday were: Norman C. Cordon, Sr and Jr., i f Chapel I Till. Thomas L. Cordon of Southern Pines, Thomas H. Wright of Wilmington, Mrs, Char lie Bovvers and M: s J. M. Saund ers of Washington, John W. Har dy of Wilmington, Mrs Charlotte Fagan Phillips of Norfolk, Mrs. Thomas L. Darst of Wilmington, Mrs. LaBnrre and William F. La l’arre o! Ya/.oo City, Miss., Mrs. 15 H Sherrod of Winston-Salem, Mrs Clarence O. Pardo of Nor folk, Rev. and Mrs E. F. Mose ley of Kinston, Rev. ,and Mrs. R. F Kirchgrasner of Jacksonville, N. Rev Sidney E. Matthews of Washington. Mrs. Howard 15. Cone of Kenbi idge, Va„ Mrs. 1). C. 15. rnes and Mrs Helen Barnes of Murfi eesboro, Charles Smallwood of Washington, Mrs G. I). Under hill of Windsor, The Rev. Gard ner Cluderhill of Windsor, M W Glover, Ji of Ahoskie. Rev. and Mrs. John W, Drake. Jr., of Scot land Neck, Rev Stephen Gardner id Washington, Rev. Edward Spru ill of Plymouth, Mi's Raymond Mitehell of Durham, and James MarRae Lamb of Kinston. women ;md girls, it was'pointed out that boys are not barred from entering their favorite dolls. Further details of the carnival Sere t| bargain annex bldg. Main St reel OLD KEEL TAILORING BLDG. Main Slrrfi Saturday, Oct. 28th 2:00 P. M. 1 ".. B""k — Rohmonvill,. '""'• 'I ... ... |(y • Ik* I.onrt. P«ul D. Roberson, Commissioner. Murphy Plaster knife, 1 chest of j drawers. 1 nr. umbilical scissors, 1 pr. Kelly Placenta forceps, 1 pla • (' p^vinv' er, i pr.ir obstetrical forceps. Pes saries, 1 O. B delivety metal set up, 1 small stove (oil), 1 small washing machine, 1 metal table, I pr. baby scales, 1 Chromelme Double solution stand. Bandage Scissors - 4 1-2", f> 1 2”, 7 1 2", I ,e Fort Sound No. 12 with filiform, Waste Receptacles, 2 oa 1 do/, or more 25;:. x 5-1!" supot needles, Bard Parker blades, M T forceps, 5 1-2", Thumb dressing forceps. Bandage scissors, (i 2-4 in long. Dissecting scissors, Bard Parker Instrument jar, 1 ford stethoscope, 1 regular stethoscope, 1 gross 4 ox bottles (medicine), 1 head lamp. Female urethral speculum. Van urea sound, Brans ford Bewis As opts Syringes oa.. Hemostatic for ceps (grooved). Forceps (I'm splinters, etc ), Sterilizer forceps. Clamp I'm ceps 4 I 2", Kelly for cops, Fitermomf'ler holders. 1 white table, 2 sinks, 1 sel (top and bottom) white kitchen cahi nets, desk tray*., mahogany. I let tor size 1 drawer file case, 1 green 4 drawer lettersi/e file east.' (wood), 1 mahogany colored wardrobe, 2 wooden 2 drawer file case (card size), 2 metal 2 drawer file cases (curd size), 1 steel card tickler file, I wooden bookcase, Medical Books of all do scriptions, I stove, oil, large, 1 stove, oil, small, I clothes hamper, 1 green metal chair. 1 memacyto motor (Improved Neuhauer), I blood collecting tube, Hard rubber pipette closure, 1 double bed, ma ple, 1 mattress, double, 1 bed pan. 1 urinal basinn. 1 fountain svrirme (white, hospital type), 1 Asepte I syringe, B. D., 2 chloroform masks. Medicines, of all descrip tions. liquid, tablet form, shots. Thi i'll ' ly of October, 1U50. Frances G, Early, Administratrix of the estate of Edward 1, Early deceased I 'eel ,et 2-1 ami ,lt! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. The undersigned having quali fied as Administrator of the estate of Lizzie Hyman, deceased, late of Martin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Oak City, N. C , on or before September 22, li)5l, or i this notice will be pleaded in bar lot their recovery. All persons in dented to said estate will please i make immediate payment. This 22nd dav of September, ! lonii. Maekie II. Hyman. Administrator [so 2r. or 3-10-17-24-21 KXKCCTORS NOTICE North Carolina, Martin Countv Having this day qnahlied as ex editor of the estate of the late .1 M Bunds, this is to notifv all per ons having claims again d the es Now Is Tlie Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 6th dnv of October, 1951, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of October, 1950 Eocene Ronds, Executor oe 10 I? 24 :tl no 7 14 NOTICE OF SAI.E Under and by virtue of an order , of the Superior Court of Martin County made in the special pro ceedings entitled "Iona James, Administratrix of the late John James v. William Little et al. heirs-at-law," the undersigned Commissioners will, on Saturday, November 4th, 1950, at 12 o'clock, Noon, in front of the1 Courthouse door in Williamston, N, C., offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land: Same being located in James ville Township, Martin County, Visit Ilcili" 21111I Movers ► WilliuniHtnn (or the “Best Buys In Furniture" TOBACCO SCRAP WANTED AlUmion la\ cxlm |>r. IfllH Con taining 21 acres, more or less. Re ference to said Dei'd being made for full description. The last and highest bidder will be required to deposit I O'-;, of tho price bid. This 4th day of October, 11)50. R A. Critcher, Clarence Griffin, Commissioners. oc 10 17 24-31 This Famous 7-WAY NIGHT LIGHT FLOOR LAMP will beautify your home. ORDER TODAY! Smartly Styled Decorated Parchment Shade. y Choice of IVORY l GOLD or BRONZE A GOLD finishes. < 3 stages of lighting in candles plus 3 stages of light ing in reflector bowl Heavy Reeded Tubing Translucent in sert In heavy capt base ■ •' LIMITED SUPPLY ■mfURY-DUY YOURS TODAY! ; B. S. Courtney & Son Furniture Since I >1 I Open l'Yi:00 'OWER: ... 8 great truck engines each “Juh Kmril" for I'l.US power. ECONOMY: . . . priced with the lowest ‘Jnh Ratt-d ' for dependability and long life. BIGGER PAYLOADS: . . . carry more without overloading axles or springs because of “Jo.i-Rajed" IVI IGII1 DISIRIHU TION. EASIER HANDLING: . . . sharper turning! Parks in light places. "Jab-Raied" maneuver ability! / COMFORT: . . . widest seats . . . windshield with best vision of any popular truck. Air cushioned, adjustable "chair-height” scats. SAFETY: . . . finest truck brakes in the industry . . . hand brake operating independ ently on propeller shall on all models — ‘/2-ton and up. / Widest seat and biggest windshield! More seat width and greater windshield area than in any popular 1 . ton truck! I’lent.y of shoulder room, legroom and headroom lor three hig men. Hei ter visibility for aaler, eusier driving. Safety-Hteel cab has adjustal)le “Air-()-Hide” seat cushions. Venl wings and rear quarter w'indows availalile. The ONLY Pick-up to offer you FLUID DRIVE! Another hig plus, available only on Dodge “Jub ilated” }j-, ;i.!- and I-ton trucks! gyrol Fluid Drive cushions engine power, reduces wear and tear on over HO vital parts. Takes the jerk, jolt and skirl out of starting. Smooth operation makes handling easier, cuts upkeep, increases (ruck life. Ask us for interesting Fluid Drive booklet* You get more load space. Dodge oilers you the biggest body of any of I bo I hire loading 1 . (oil pit k lips! Youget ll.lticu. It. capacity at “water level” in solid, all steel con struction- witli seasoned hardwood floor and steel skid strips. You can turn in less space! Extra-easy handling! You can turn your Dodgo “flob-Rated” la-ton pick up in a short, 38-foot circle. 'I'hanks lo cross-steering, wider front tread and shorter wheelbase you can maneuver quickly, park on a dime, hack easily into narrow spaces. And for easier driving you have steering column gearshift and smooth Synchro-Shift transmission, fa erifin Q J XRll [KS m ^ ^ Dixie Motor Company, Inc. — Williamston, N. C.