Trite Formula Is Ignored in Film Not since the atom bomb pro ject was launched had there been the hushed curiousity which met the making of George Pal’s Tech nicolor motion picture of man s first interplanetary voyage, "Des tination Moon." which is slated to open Wednesday at the Watts Theatre “How will they do it?" people asked Surely the first requisite of a successful motion picture is en tertainment But here was one that dealt with what may be call ed a fantastic subject, yet had t be plausible. The production also presented problems in photogra phy never before encountered in moviemaking Shooting this film required the help of outstanding scientists of* the day, pioneers in rocket re search, astronomers, physicists, etc There is a formula in Holly wood for making a movie pay off it is an old, moth-eaten, time worn formula: big stars, pretty girls, cheese cake In “Destination Moon" there arc none of these— but there is something else that augurs to make the picture rank among the all-time greats in the film world. It is the dramatic presentation of four men who take the greatest gamble that men ever took when they set out for the moon in a rocket ship zipping through space at 7 miles a second and defying all the laws of the universe. I;, addition to the sheer dra matic impact of the film is the fact that here one will get an act ual preview of the first success ful trip to the1 moon, which, ac cording to the best authorities, will be made within the next 10 or COMPLETE LINE SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOTE BOOKS — FILLER — CRAYON SCISSORS — PENCILS — RULERS Williamsion Office Supply Co. | Wanted: Corn in shuck,truckload lots, at larm7anywhere) L. N. JAMES CORN HOUSE BETHEL, NORTH CAROLINA Write or call L. N. JAMES Corn House 2041 s : Office 3601 Kenidencc 2511 96 PROOF CENTURY Club STRAIGHT BOURBON WMSKEY $940 $Ow O'" Arm KA.noHAL DISTILLERS PROD. COUP, NEW YORK, N. T. J WOOLARD W OOLARD WOOLARD WOOLARD WOOLARD W OOLARD WOOLARD I runs To Suit ) tun llu<l(iet CASH. I\STALLMF\T t\l) FALL IF HUS WoolordFurnitureCo. Marlin County s FeaAiift Furniture Store Two tough and rugged men, though on opposite sides of the law, are Gregory Peck as outlaw Jimmie Ringo and Millard Mitchell as Sher iff Mark Strctt in Twentieth Century-Fox’s “The Gunfighter," at the Marco Theatre Thursday and Friday. Home Economics Teachers Heel On October 17, 1650 the monthly meeting of the Edgecombe and Martin county home economics j teachers in Robcrsonvillc. The i business session was presided lover by the chairman, Geraldine !Johnson. Miss Evelyn Hancock, home service director of the Virginia | Electric and Power Company, of Williamston, gave a most interest ing and helpful demonstration on “Party Ideas in Foods.” Teachers present for the meet ing were Emily Person of Tarboro, Jewel Brown, Christine Strick land, student teachers of Tarboro, ! Elsie Seago of West Edgecombe, Geraldine Johnson of South Edge combe, Collen Rhyne of Leggett, Nina Parker of Jamesvile, Mar garet McDaniel of Williamston, Edna English of Oak City, and Queenie Warren of Robersonville. - /'/«n Entertain riniting Hum! Here I\ov. JOlh ——<• — At ii meeting of the Williamston Band Parents Club last evening, it was decided that a picnic supper will be served the Green Wave Band and the visiting Ahoskie Band on the evening of November It) prior to the Ahoskie-Williams-• ton football game. The courtesy I being extended the Ahoskie band ' is in return for the fine treatment I accorded the Williamston band in i Ahoskie last fall. Professor Jack Butler, the di rector of the local band, said he hoped to have the Ahoskie band ' here for the American Legion Dis i trict parade that afternoon and if I possible, a joint maneuver for the ; bands would be worked out for I tin- football game. Professor Butler said it appear i ed an invitation to attend the Duke-Wake Forest football game | on Saturday, November 11, would! have to be declined because of the i j rush of work scheduled for the I ! Friday before Local (Hrl Elected At Duke | is Freshman Class Officer Durham, N. C.—Elizabeth Muse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Muse, 315 Church St., Williams ton, N. C., has been elected presi dent of the freshman class at Duke University Woman’s College. Miss Muse was awarded the Angiei Duke prize on the basis of leadership and promise last year. 15 years. When the day comes that the world stands still to look and listen and hope for the first in . trepid scientists who will roar , through space in the belly of a 1 rocket to claim the moon as our \ most strategic military outpost, you will know what they are see ing and feeling and doing, for you will have been there—you | will have seen "Destination ( Moon.” | NOTICE OF SALE f: Under and by virtue of the U,>wcr of Sale contained in a Are You Leaving A Homo Or A Mortgage? Ask About Our Mortgage Cancellation Plan! J. PAUL SIMPSON Ceneral Agent SECURITY LITE AND TRUST CO. Dial 2171 — Williunislou judgment in u Special Proceedings entitled "J. Andrew Whiehard jand wife Essie Ausborne Which lard, Jasper Ausborne and wife Elizabeth Ausborne, and J. An drew Whiehard, Administrator of J. H. Ausborne, Deceased VS A. R. Ausborne and wife Magada Ausborne or A. R. Osborne and j wife Magada Osborne," signed by | the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, N. C., on the 2nd day of October, 1950, the under- ' signed Commissioners will on Sat- I urdav, November 4th, 1950, at 2:00 j P. M. in front of the Guaranty j Bank and i rust company door in ! the Town of Kobersonville, Martin Count./, N. C.. offer for sale, for 1 cash, to the highest bidder, the j following described real estate, lo cated in Robersonville Township, Martin County, N. C., To Wit: Lying and being situate about five miles South of the Town of Roberson ville on Flat Swamp and being bounded on the North by the lands of Hugh Roberson, on the East by the lands of Hugh Ro- i berson, on the South by the lands of Hugh Roberson, and on the West by said Flat Swamp, con taining 95 acres, more or less, and being commonly known as the Al len R. Ausborne Homeplace. A deposit of 10'v. of the pur chase price will be required of the successful bidder at the close of the sale pending confirmation of the sale by the Court. This the 2nd dav of October, 1950. C. W. Everett, Commissioner Paul D. Roberson, Commissioner oc 3-10-17-24-3^ STATEMENT OF RESULT^ OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE TOWN OF WlL LIAMSTON. NORTH CARO LINA, ON SEPTEMBER 20, 1950. WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Williamston, in the St.at9 of North Carolina, a special elec tion was duly called and held in said Town on September 20, 1950, i for the purpose of submitting to I the qualified voters of said Town the following propositions: Proposition No. 1 SHALL the qualified voters of the Town of Williamston ap prove the bond ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said Town on August 1, 1950, w'hieh authorizes the issuance of bonds of said Town of the maxi mum aggregate amount of $90,000 to finance the enlargement and extension of the water supply sys tem maintained by said Town in order to supply water to said Town in order to supply water to said Town and its inhabitants, and authorizes the levy of a tax suffi cient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds; and also approve the indebtedness to be in curred by the issuance of sjdd bonds? Proposition No. 2 SHALL the qualified voters of the Towr) of Williamston ap prove the bond ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said Town on August 1, 1950, which authorizes the issuance of bonds of said Town of the maxi mum aggregate amount of $110, 000 to finance the enlargement and extension of the sewer sys tem maintained by said Town, and authorizes the levy of a tax suffi ! eier.t to pay the principal of and | interest on said bonds; and also 'approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds? and said Board of Commissioners has duly canvassed the return of [the Registrar and Judges of Elec tion appointed to hold said elec tion and has determined the result of said election to be as herein after stated: NOW, THEREFORE, Said Board of Commissioners hereby manes the following state ment of the result of said special election, pursuant to The Munici pal Finance Act, 1921, of North Carolina: (1) The number of voters regis tered and qualified to vote at said election was 1120. (2) The number of votes cast at j said election for the ordinance de scribed in Proposition No. 1 and j for the indebtedness proposed to | be incurred by the issuance of the How To Relievo Bronchitis Creomulsion relievcspromptly because ' it goes right to the scat of the trouble : to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood :he test of millions of users. CREOMULSION i relieves Ceugtu, chest Celds, Acute Sreechitle BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heats — It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 bonds authorized by said ordin ance was 321. The number of votes cast at said election against said ordinance and against sai^l indebtedness was 17. Said ordi nance and said proposed indebted ness were approved by the affirm ative vote of a majority of those who voted on said bond ordinance and said proposed indebtedness at said election. (3) The number of votes cast at said election for the ordinance de scribed in Proposition No. 2 and for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds authdrized by said ordi nance was 317. The number of votes cast at said election against said ordinance and against said indebtedness was 20. Said ordi- j nance and said proposed indebt edness were approved by the af firmative vote of a majority of those who voted on said bond or dinance and said proposed indebt edness at said election. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Williamston, have here unto set our hands this 17 day of October, 1950. H. L. Barnhill W. O. Griffin K. D. Worrell David Moore N. C. Green Members of Board of . Commissioners. 9 FARM SALE! ALLEN OSBORNE FARM AT PUBLIC AUCTION November 4, 1950 2:00 P. M. In Front (Guaranty Bank Robersonville, N. C. Loraloil 5 Milow Soulli of Roborwouvillo Ail joiniii*! 11iiirli Roborwon Farm. 95 bitch, mori* or loww. 13 arrow rrop laml: 1950 allotniriil 7.1 arrow toliarro, 9.6 arrow poannlw, -ovoral liiimlroil llioiiwaml fool o^ "inn, pino anil lianlwooil; I—0-room iltvoll in«r. tin top; 5 toliarro barnw; parklionwo ami wtalilrw ami ontbniblinp'w. Dopowil of 10% of pnrrliawo prioo iw roipiiroil pomliii" ronlirmalion of wnlo by tbo Court. Paul D. Roberson and C. W. Everell mi MDSMOMf MS jui-hth marm/n.sun By Popular Oomand, Production Concentrated on Sensational New Hiih-Compression 8-Cylinder Power Plant! OVER 450,000 "ROCKETS’’ NOW ON THE ROAD! ''Rockets" and only "Rockets" are tolling off the production line al Olthniobilrl Because of record-breaking public enthusiasm for tbi* famous engine, Oldsuiobile is concentrating 100% on "Rocket’* production! And you’ll know why as soon as you try Oldsmobiie’s sensational "88” with the. "Rocket” Engine and Oldsuiobile Hydra Mulic Drive*. Sec your Oidaiuobile dealer and try the "Rocket Ride”! A <MMr«l M«tor» Vo*u« •(Wjmobile H'dra-Motif Orita optional at extra east an all modal*. ■ ... }|| YOUR NEAREST OIDSMOBILE DEALER Chas. H. Jenkins & Company WILL1AMSTQN — A1IOSK1E — AULAINDER — EDENTON — WINDSOR i

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