Bishop Wright In Address to Large Nnmher Friday (Continued from page one) parish were solidly laid. Then in the Spring oi 1916 th Church of the Advent entered new phase of its history. At tha time the ground was broken fo the present church building, ant in the summer the cornel stom was laid and the lovely lines of tin Gothic structure began to taki form, and the service of Conse oration took placi April 26. 1917 This building was a gift of Mrs James Grist Staton. The old frame structure, tilt originald church building has sei ved since 1917 as quarters for the church school. At the close of the morning Ser vice. the Bishop, clergy, parish ioners and friends enjoyed a hear ty luncheon. Bishop Wright's plaet was marked with a replica of tht original church building, complete with tower and cross, in cake and icing. Upon seeing this lovely piece of culinary art. the Bishop remarked that he had "consecrat ed. dedicated, and deconsecrated churches but that this would be the first time he had ever eaten one.” After the luncheon Bishop Wright made a short address, us ing the Scripture "Let us run the lace that is set before us, seeing that we have so great a cloud of witnesses. He particularly em phasized the outstanding services of the Rev. Thomas B. Haughton, Col. Wilson G. Lamb. Mrs James Grist Station, and Mis. J. H. Saunders, the latter having work ed with the choir for forty years. "He would be great among you, let him be as one who serves." The Bishop said. 'These churches are the hope oi tin world." And he closed his address with these words, "God bless this dav ,did those who have gone before, those witnesses who served Him faith fully: and let us run the race set before us. keeping our eyes on Him who said, 'I am come that ve may have life, and have it more j abundantly'." At eight o'clock there was Even- i ing Prayer and sermon, the Rev.' Edwin F Moseley, former rector, being guest preacher. 'Reconcilia tion with God, was the theme of Mr Moseley's sermon. Said Mr. Moseley. "Not just the turning of u heels, the business of run- I ning tin organizations m the1 church, nor the smug satisfaction ol having only one's family and friends as members, as if it were iin exclusive club, but a playful and earnest effort to bring our selves and others into closer fel lowship with God. should be the aim and purpose of every one who calls himself Christian. A recon ciliation with God." At tht’ close nl the evening ser vice a reeption was held in the! old church building and its repli ca in cake and icing cut and serv ed by the Bishop. Returned To Durham Monday Mis L' :.-;- Cnieher returned I Monday morning to her home m | Durham. She was accompanied by Mr John Pope. J, who returned I Monday evening. r I SKI) <>l TBO\R|) MOTORS 11 - to 71 - II. I*. $20.00 t<> $50.00 GOOD C ONDITION WESTKKN UK) ASSOC. STORK "• J. Miller & Son WILLIAMSTON. N. c. i-awn Mowers Sharpened ^ e Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 FARM LOANS 10-18-20 Years Low Interest Kate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing Lliue. H. Manning. Aliy, a r Patrolmen Report Six Auto Wrecks In Past Few Days 1 (Continued from page one) to the Chevrolet, according to an estimate offered by Patrolman R ip. Narron who made the investi ; gation Saturday afternoon at 2:45 'o'clock. J. D. Gurganus was driv ing toward Fiat Swamp about ! three miles from Robersonville when Lola Purvis, colored man, darted pass him in a 15*41 Ply mouth. Getting m front of Gur .nanus. Purvis slowed down quick ly to make a turn arid Gurganus , plowed into him with his 1!)41 Ford, doing about $150 damage tc each machine. Herbert Purvis, riding with his brother, was cut in his right hand. Patrolman B. W Parker, making tin investigation, stating that the man almost lost ,, a finger. I The fourth and most serious iin the six-count series took place Ion the Hasscll-Eutler Bridge Road | Sunday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock I when the 1040 Chevrolet club ' coupe, driven by Postmaster George H. Leggett of Hassell. | plowed into the rear of a 1041 j Ford owned and driven by Lei • II nurd Audrey Glisson of RFD I, Stokes. Both ears were traveling ! toward the bridge. Mr Leggett stating that he had looked for : cars on a side road, that when he again looked ahead the car was right in front of him. He added that the car appeared to him to be stopped or either backing up. Traveling between 40 and 50 miles an hour, the Chevrolet hit the Ford, throwing Mr Jim Henry Li I lev into the windshield, cutting his face badly and injuring his neck. Mr Leggett suffered lacera tions about the face and possibly a broken jaw. The driver of the other car was not hurt, according to Patrolman R. P Narron who made the investigation. Mr. Lilley was removed to the hospital in an A. O. Roberson ambulance. Glis son said he was driving about i twenty miles an hour. No one was hurt and damage I estimated at not more than $50 resulted when Zcph Roberson, ! driving ('has. M. Bullock’s 1941 Ford convertible, lost control and the machine ran off the concrete and down the shoulder 200 feet before turning over on Highway 125 about two and one-half miles from Williamston Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock Patrolman M. F. Powers, making the investi- : | gation, said neither Roberson, a [Williamston man, nor Bullock, Hamilton man, was hurt. A United States Marine, whose | name could not be learned im i mediately, was painfully but be I lieved not badly hurt when the' lOldsmobile in which he was rul ing went out of control and turn jed over on Highway 125 within the Oak City town limits early I Monday morning. The car top I was smashed in. Patrolman R. P Narron said. I \i^hl Ohsrr tty l.orol Kiuanig ( tub The local Kiwams Club filter- j tamed the faculty of the Williams I ton schools and the wives and friends of the members Thursday evening at a dinner given in the | Womans Club Building. President C. B. Clark, Jr pre Isided, welcoming the guests and introducing Lions Club president James Bulluck and Mrs. Bulluck and Mr Edgar Gurganus, presi dent of the Junior Chamber of Com merce. following a delicious dinner Mr. Carl Goerch. speaker for the eve ning, was introduced to the mem bers and guests Mr. Goerch, writ er and editor for the State Mag azine, gave a humorous after din ner talk. Ask Farmers To Increase Colton i All restrictions on cotton pro duction in the United States in 1951 have been lifted by the Gov ernment, according to Secretary of Agriculture Brannan, who points out that the nation needs at least two-thirds more cotton than farmers grew this year. Oth erwise, it might run into a serious shortage under the national de fense program. Farmers have been asked to plant at least 72,000,000 acres in 1951, compared with about 69,000.000 this year. MAX LAYS KGG King William, Va.—Max a par rot owned by Mr. and Mrs. R. T. riimmer, for the past eighteen years recently surprised "his” owners by laying an egg. Max is J n v. "Maxine.” I t I Propose Changes In Constitution At Next Election (■Continued on pace eight) waived in other cases only when (he accused is represented by counsel. The proposed amendment rela tive to the waiving of indictment will be submitted in the following j form. “( ) For permitting any per son. when represented by coun sel. to waive indictment in all ex cept capital cases ( ) Against permitting any person, whet': i presented by counsel, to waive indictment in all except capital cases.” CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of publicly expressing our sincere gratitude and appreciation to our friends and neighboi: for the food, ca'rds and the beautiful floral offering sent 11 the death of our father. Your w rds of s\ m pathy and acts of kindness dm ing our bereavement will long he re membered. The Family of J. G. Long. WantS MAN OK WOMAN FOR WAT kins dealership in the city of Williamston. Full time income averages $45 weekly. Small in vestment preferred. We will help you get started. Write J. R Wa i kins Co.. Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. JOHN GFRGANITS TAXI SERV- ; ice. Dependable drivers. Phone | 3112. oc 24 3t Adults 20c Children 15c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY f/(l ■ H Francis With Duiudd O'Connor Patricia iMcdiiui Pacemaker Cartoon THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY "Gunfighter" With Gregory Peek Helen Wcslrott Comedy and Cartoon MMWVWVWVWIMWVWWVWWWtf^, HAMILTON THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY Shows at 7 and 9 TAR/AN'S DESERT MYSTERY Cartoon — Comedy Latest News WEDNESDAY, Oct. 25 Shows at 7 and 9 In Technicolor EL PASO With John Payne and Gail Russell Plus Cartoon and Serial THCRSDAY and FRIDAY October 26 and 27 Shows At 7 and 9 ANNIE Oi l YOUR GUN With Betty Hutton and Howard Keel Plus Latest News MOVIES Are BETTER THAN EVER iWWWWWWWVWWWVWV (ROOM FOR RENT: TWIN BEDS heat, hot water, private en trance. Phone 2674. oc 24 4t FOR SALE: ONE LIVERMON Peanut Picker, One Turner Hay Baler with motor mounting. Both in excellent mechanical condition. Price reasonable. J. W. Peel, Ev eretts. N C oc 19 4t WANTED: GOOD TOBACCO MAN. 9 ACRE ALLOTMENT, OTHER CROPS IF DESIRED. MODERN LIVING QUARTERS, LIGHT. WATER AND BATH. ONE MILE EDENTON. WRITE OR SEE C. R. SATTERFIELD, EDENTON, N. U. oc 19 4t WANTED: SALESMAN TO SELL Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners in this territory Must have car and willing to work. Good opportunity for hustler. Henry K. Griffin, mul tiple branch manager. Washing ton, N. C Phone 931-W. oc 19 2t FOR RENT: EASON HOUSE ON Academy Street, furnished. R. L Coburn. ac 19-26 GOOD USED FURNITURE—WiD liamston Hardware Company, iVilliamston, N. C. au 29 tf MORE I' OK III:NT O.N NORTH Houghton Street. Henry D. Harrison. oc 10 tf FOR SALK: NICE HOUSE ANI» large lot. A good place to live, j in one ol the best neighborhoods in town. Located on Warren Street next door to J. C Anderson, known as the Elsie Green-Wynn home. Part cash, balance easy terms. J. W. Green, Williaimston. N. C. oc 17-24 I SKI) BICYCLES IN GOOD CONDITION $15.00 io $22.50 We Repair All Makes We Carry All Parts WESTERN AUTO ASSOC. STORE W. J. Miller & Soil [CHRISTMAS RECORDS AND | Albums arc now on sale at Fire stone Home and Auto Supply, [ Main Street, Williamston. oc 12 4t FOR SALE: PLAYHOUSE, GOOD condition, size 10 x 10 feet. Also chicken house in good condition. Size 8x10 feet. Phone 2087. PARKER'S SELF - S E R~V ICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Lncleei no 8 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf BOY! I'm Mmppy I'« t—n Eatiiif RED RANGER DOG FOOD I It Mok*s My Cm! Pretty, T**i Comildtlj’ P*ck«i to MmU m4 r«UM> MARTIN F. C. X. SERVICE Williamslon, N. C. ’for RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your | se’f and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and i show you how to operate the ma ' chine. Its easy and rental costs I are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Witiiams ton. au 26 tf SUNRAY A Finer Gas Kan^r AT Pocket Pleasing Prices SEE IT TODAY AT Maylajs Appliance Co. Washington St. W'illiamston VICCAR THEATRE WILLIAMSTON LAST SHOWING TODAY “PRETTY BABY” Betsy Drake, Dennis Morgan and Zachary Scott WEDNESDAY ONLY “EASY LIVING” A great FOOTBALL picture, starring Victor Mature, Lu cille Ball, Sunny Tufts MNMMMWMMWWMNMMM FOR SALE: ELECTRIC SEWING | machine, console cabinet. 20 yeai warranty, only $119.50. B. S. Courtney and Son. oc 19 lOt DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed j promptly. No charge. Phone (Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk ' Tallow Company no 8 tl STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstoii Hardware Company, Williamston. N. C. au 29 tf UPOaOOOOOOOQDOflC?. TRIO RuiMTMJUVillc, N. C. TONIGHT, Oct. 24 MY BLUE HEAVEN With Bettv Grable and Dan Daily Latest News and Short WEDNESDAY, Oct. 25 TUNA CLIPPER With Roddy McDowell and Dickey Moore FRONTIER FIGHTER With Buster Crabbe and Fuzzy And, Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY Oct. 26-27 A Picture That Proves MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER ‘TWO FLAGS WEST’ With Linda Darnel, Joseph Cotten, Cornel Wilde and Jeff Chandler Pius: Cartoon & Short aewBoeoaHoaov FOR SALE: 1949 -MERCURY SE dan. 24.000 miles. Reason for selling, owner going into service. See Irving Terry at Bear Grass. oc 24 2t WE A RE l.VTHE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulrnber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Wnliamston, N. C. je 8 tf ( (watts jmmmMnr THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON LAST TIME TUESDAY "The Saddle Tramp" With Joel McCrea Wanda Hendrix Band News Cartoon WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY Color b.v Technicolor "Destination Moon" With John Archer Warner Anderson News Sport JeJiMbuss SALE BEGINNING 9:00 A. M. - M<™ing, October »,«/.S'"8 -* «ai *« m JL f Clothing LADIES' DRESSES ~~ ~ 59c up SHOES 15c np — vnuiltm

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