Thirty Cases In Recorder's Court Monday Morning (Continued rroni page one) a small quantity of illicit liquor. Losstc Orr BuIIock pleaded guilty and was fined $50. plus costs. Jake Woolarri. charged with cruelty to animals, pleaded not guilty. Adjudged guilty, he was fined S25. plus costs. He appealed and bond was required in the sum of S200 It was charged that Wool jurd was hauling nineteen mulo 'and horses in a truck, that the ! animals wri t so crowded that line's foot was hanging out and that one of the animals was down. Several of the animals were un loaded in Williamston. Pleading guilty of operating a motor vehicle without a drivers) liee 'se. Lola Purvis was fined $25, j plus costs. Appearing in court for the sec ) ond time for resisting arrest. James C. Brown was sentenced to the roads foi six months. It was brought out that Brown had re sisted the late Sheriff C. B Roi - buck when the officer attempted to take him into custody Recent i Iv he resisted Jay Ayers, Everetts j • officer. The following defendants, char ged with speeding, pleaded guilty and each defendant was taxed i with the costs Max R. Loventon ol Pittsburgh Willie Perkins ol Hamilton, Ben Knotts. Jr., ol , Plant City, Fla . and George Lee | Haaker ol Floral Park, New York. Placed under a three-month suspended senterict when he was adjudged guilty of an assault and being drunk on October 9, Ophus < Revels was ordered placed on the ! roads when he appeared in court this week to answer a public drunkenness chuigc He was also booked for thirty days in a jus tice of the peace court for issuing , a worthless check, and that was added to the sentence. TRIO ! Kob<‘rsouville, N. C. J THU RSDAY - FRIDAY Oct. 2(1-27 A Picture That Proves MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER -two n.\<;s \vi:st" With Linda Darnel. Joseph Gotten. Cornel Wilde and Jeff ( handler Pius: ( urloon & Short SATURDAY. Oct. 28 T ill; Oi l) I KOM II K With Alan Hale I'KISOM KS IN IMiTTICOATS Mith Valentine Perkins and Robert Rockwell and Serial Sl'XDAV. Oct. 29 11h:: I. \l.l With Mickey Rooney and Pat O’Brien ’Ills ( artoon and Short MONDAY J t ISO AY Oct. 3(1-31 (Lana's first picture in years) \ i n i; of iif.h mw V\ itii Lana Turner and Ray Milland • The story ol Lily James, the t;irl from Kansas, who took New York by storm) Plus Latest News iV Short AAn/t/wt/wuuwviAn/uwt/i/wM/w .'tWWWWUWUMUIAftAIUMUUUUUUU Twelve Others To Answer Induction Call November 2nd! . -*• i (Continued from page one) \ station apparently overlooked I some of the physical handicaps of several of the boys examined in •he group from which most of the t wenty-five leaving tomorrow were drawn In fact, some of the hoys upon their return from the station, declared that they were run through as so many animals and were the objects of all kinds of remarks However, the second group, reporting for examinations, I declared they were treated all | right A diplomat is no different than any other person except that he j has more time to make up his mind to do the wrong thing. The trouble with a good many of our modern day smart children : 1' that they don’t smart in the I right places. Retires After 62 Years In Service Of The Railroads (Continued from pane one) j right by Mr. Ellison. Sure, he j doesn't look like ;i Spring chicken, but he doesn't look 82, either. He I walks with the vigorous, springy J step of a man of 20 "1 haven't had hardly any sick ness." he said. “Longest I ever stayed out was about a month way back yonder Oh. four or five years ago 1 had to stay in a lev. days on account of what they said was congested liver. Nevei had the least bit of trouble with m> heart, and nothing I ever put in my mouth causes me the least bother. To the stock question, "To what do you attribute your good health?” Mr Ellison answered "Frankly, I don't know." “Unless," he added, "it’s the fact that I never have dissipated. Why. I never took a drink of liquor in my life. I couldn’t tell you the difference between whiskey, bran dy, beer or anything.” Mr. Ellison didn't come from a teetotaling family, though His father, J H. Ellison, took a small “whiskey eollins” (whiskey, sug ar and water) every morning be fore breakfast. “He said il made his breakfast go down better,” Mr. Ellison re called. Well, what is he going to do, now that he's retired? "To tell you the truth,” he re plied, “I don’t exactly know. May be I'll go fishing and hunting a little and then I'll go around visit ing my friends, too. You know, working for the railroad like I've been doing, I just never felt right taking time during the day to sit ! down and visit with people .1 know. 1 sort of felt like that was the Coast Line's time I was using, and 1 ought to put it to the com pany's benefit Now 1 can go call j on folks and stay as long as I feel like 1'1| be up to see you all at the Virginian office every now land then and find out what's go J ing on." j Mr Ellison has one regret—the I fact that he has never really culti ■ voted a hobby to interest him af I ter he quits. "1 spent just about all my free time with the railroad,” he ex 1 plained. “You know, in the old days railroading was nothing like it is today There was no such thing as hours. And since 1 came jto Suffolk 1 haven't hud any reg jular hours I was supposed to do whatever it took to keep things going right On call seven days land nights a week." The agent did have ;i try at gulf ■ once, but he couldn’t see any-1 | thing in it. "It just looks foolish to me," he 11 declared, "to hit a ball hard as 'you can, then walk a mile to knock it again.” Mr. Ellison has always been one ( jnl the first to take up any new thing that same along, though He was the second man in Suffolk to 1 bu> an automobile a two-cylin- l ,'ler Rambler which hi- purchased ] jin 1907. ' ( He also claims m be the first to I j hu> an oil heater. And when radio ! | came in, he was one of the select J igioup that had the neighbors in it ! listening to the new-fangled de- I jv.ce, j How he has a television set J I " hich he plans to use to while t away on some of his leisure hours. ] Mi Ellison is one of the three j j remaining children out of the orig- i mal six brought into the world by j W A. and Charlotte Isabelle Elli- ! son He has two sisters, Mrs. H H. I Hope, of Robersonville. N C , and I Mrs J. Gus Goddard, of Dunn, j N C , both as hale and hearty as j their older brother j He was married m 1H89 to Sallie j M, Holliday, of Williamston, and J has one daughter from tluit union. Mis Mary Hell Gay, of Suffolk. His wife died in 1892. and in 1900 he married Mary Houisc Johnson, of Bethel, N C Dr J. R. Ellison, Jr., ot thi‘ Lakeview Hospital staff, I is the child of that marriage. 1 here was just one other ques tion. What about that piece of j land he bought down by the rail ! road tracks’.' And the coal and wood yard he had planned to start I when he retired. Oh, he said, 'I’ve given that up. I ilon t want any more respon sibilities Anyway, why should I? I don t have to now.” I hat led to another question. | Why did he buy that particular ! piece of property? j "Was it because you wanted to be close to the place you'd worked at so many ye at s'1" he was askedL “Certainly not," he replied. “It | was because the land is right be tween two railroads—the South ern and Coast Line. All you have j to do to get coal is have 'em dump it right there on the ground." Statistics prove that the ma Ijoritv of traffic accidents are caused by human carelessness. War casualties are inevitable— I traffic casualties need not be. I IT'S NO DREAM THAT^ WORRELL APPLIANCE! ft tht btsr place in town TO DO BUSINESS STHfcY BELIEVE | ajfwwH ; ] satkfIeoJ ] ***** R Worrell appliance Pad/OS-APPt iANCiS SALES ^ SEP VICE 9A~«lOSl IM7 MAIN *T WILLIAMSON NC ^amvvuwammmwwwwwwmamwmmmvimmwwmwwmmwwv •I The Tennessee Williams play that won the Critics Award will wm a prize piece m your memory » Monday and Tuesday Show* ul 7 anil M JV|. HAMILTON THEATRE __ _ - - - BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. riiu.K 2U50 w. J. MILLER & SON l k, Maiu Si. _ _ Office* WESTERN ALTO NMMM WantS JUST RECEIVED — NICE AS sort merit of rose bushes and peat moss. Yor k Florist, oc 26 2t FOR SALE: ONE 1950 DESOTO 4-door, fully equipped, radio, seat covers, heater. Phone 2777 or sci- Milton Lctchworth. oc 26 2t APARTMENT For KENT: CLOSE in town, available now. Ideal for working couple. For appoint ment call J P. Hedspeth at 3192 or 2454. BIO DANCE, LOUIS JORDAN and His Band. Tuesday, October 31 from 9:00 until 1:00 at the Planters Warehouse, Williamston. Advance tickets—$1.50. At door, $2.00. White spectators, $1.00. Presented by the American Legion Post No. 68 WOMAN WISHES EMPLOY ment. Experience, 9 years, gen eral stole, 1 years Cafeteria, Contact Box 214, Williamston. VERY SPECIAL: MEN, DON’T buy your fall and winter suits until you’ve seen the best values in town. We have good quality suits that range in price from $21.00 to $40.95. We feature Cur l(*e suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Darden's Dept. Store, Wil- | liamston. oc 20 tf LOOKING A TOP COAT? WELL, we have them, Gaberdines, from I $18.95 to $39.95. Not only are they ! tope oats but they are TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden’s Dept. Store, Williamston. oe 28 tf I OK SALE: NICE HOUSE AND large lot. A good place to live, I m one ol the best neighborhoods' in town. Located on Warren Street next door to J C. Anderson, known as the Elsie Grecn-Wvnn' home. Part cash, balance easy terms J W. Green, Williamston N. C. RELIABLE MAN WITH CAR w anted to rail on farmers in' Martin County. Wonderful oppor- I 1 unity. $15 to $20 in a day. No1 experience or capital required.1 Permanent Write today. MrNESS [ Company, Dept. C. Candler Bldg., ! Baltimore 2, Md. EUR SALE: HOME RAISED lard, any amount. Joshua L.'< t oltrain. oc 26 2t *—— I DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 tX JOHN GIRO ANUS TAXI SERV I ice. Dependable drivers. Phone 13112 oc 24 3t ROOM FOR RENT: TWIN BEDS, heat, hot water, private en trance. Phone 2074. oe 24 4t FOR SALE: ONE LIVERMON Peanut Picker, One Turner Hay Balei with motor mounting. Both in excellent mechanical condition Price reasonable. J. W. Peel. Ev eretts. N. C. oc 19 4t WANTED: GOOD TOBACCO MAN. 9 ACRE ALLOTMENT, OTHER CROPS IF DESIRED. MODERN LIVING QUARTERS, light, water and bath. ONE MILE EDENTON. WRITE OR SEE C. R. SATTERFIELD, EDENTON, N. C. oc 19 4t FOR RENT. EASON HOUSE ON Academy Street, furnished. R. L. Coburn. ac 19-26 GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil liamston Hard warf Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, par.ts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Lochei no 8 tf CLARK’S RHECMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf j PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Pi ices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class Job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliarce Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds awnings for the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Wiiliams ion. au 28 tf FOR SALE: ELECTRIC SEWING machine, console cabinet, 20 year warranty, only $119.50. B. S. Courtney and Son. oc 19 lOt SUN RISE GROCERY HAS Your FREE bag of Cream Flour. Come and get it at 1019 North Haughton Street. Thursday. Fri day and Saturday. Hopewell and Whitaker. | PARKER'S SELF -SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf STOP IN AND SEE OCR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstor j Hardware Company, Williamston. N. C. au 29 tf! FOR SALE: 1949 MERCl'RY^SlT- I dan, 24.000 miles. Reason for | selling, owner going into service. ] See Irving Terry at Bear Grass, j oc 24 2t PLANT l-ALL BULBS FOR Spring. We have for sale Dutch Iris, Narcissus, Hyacinths, Tulips, Etc. York Florist. Williamston, N. C. oc 2G 2t wITare inthemarket fob all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager. Wuhamston, N. C. je 8 tf FOR SALE: THREE BOSTON terrier puppies. Female. Cham pion stock. See or call Leland Co burn. Robersonville. FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Low Interest Rate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing Llias. H. Manning. Ally. Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St„ Dial 2384 Adults 20c Children 15c THURSDAY - FRIDAY n it Guniighler With Gregory Perk Helen Westeolt Comedy and Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "In Early Arizona" With Wild Rill Elliott Also 'Inner Sanctum' With Alary Belli Hughe* Chap. No. 5 of the Serial Cody of the Pony Express CARTOOfo SUNDAY - MONDAY "The Long Voyage Home" With John Wuytte Tinnitus Mitchell Burry Fili^rrulil Comedy Cartoon TUESDAY uml WEDNESDAY "American Empire" With Itirliurtl Dix Fruiters Giffortl Comedy Cartoon HAMILTON THEATRE THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 26 and 27 Shows At 7 and 9 ANNIE GET YOLK GIN With Betty Hutton and’ Howard Keel Plusl.atcst News SATURDAY, Oct. 28 Shows Continuous 1 til 11 Double Feature Frog ram I SHOT BILLY THE kin With Don "Red" Barry FREE EOK ALL With Robert Cummings and Marjorie Main Plus Serial SUNDAY, October 29 Shows at 3 and 9 DARK CITY With Charles Heston and Lizabeth Scott Color Cartoon MONDAY - TI ESDAY October 30 and 31 Shows at 7 and 9 THE GLASS MENAGERIE With Kirk Douglas and Jane Wyman Plus Latest News | MOVIES Are BETTER 1 THAN EVER /WWWVWWWWWWVWWk IlfOftEV PLUMBIC EDGE WOOD AVE..PHONI 2509 WILU&MSTON,H.C. FIX2IT 1 SYSTEM , SEE W orrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE SUNRAY I A Finer Gas Ran^e AT Poekel IMeasinp: I'riees SEE IT TODAY AT Maytaft Appliance Co. Washington St. Williamston THEATRE - WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY Color by Technicolor "Destination Noon" i With Joint Archer Warner Amlcr^on News Sport SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE 'The Bed Desert' With Don “Re«r Barry Also 'Triple Trouble' With Leo Goreey anil the Bowery Boys Chap. No. 2 of the Serial Drttperador* of the West CARTOON | SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY "The Desert Hawk" With Yvonne D«* Carlo Richunl Gririif News Special Cartoon WEDNESDAY 'Copper Canyon' W'ith Ituy Millutul Hwly Lamarr Sport Cartoon Watts Theatre W illianiblon, N. C. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY A Slave in ^ace / i. -'fflSfi i starring Yvonne D6 CARLO • Richard GREENE ^ Jackie GLEASON • Lois ANDREWS I I Surrendered jj herself to him T ' • | .. and then his dark past ^ rolled in like ^ a black fog! ) The Stars of "The 3rd Mon" ^vtTFN .' VAIX1 mu so"11'STK0eeR VICCAR — Thursday and Friday Th •»v 6ENE NOSON RUTRtCE WYMORE EVE ARDEN / BlLDf DEWOIFE S.Z.SAKALL DAVID BUTLER ■i / c.^ HVO POOODQ /. Screen Play by Harry Clock iaiiMhaih, n. >