"The Show-OH" Plays Here Soon Thu Williamston Junior Cham ber of Commerce is sponsoring the Baiter Theatre's production of George Kelly’s Classic modern comedy, 'Tne Show-Off' at Wil-i liamston High School on Wednes day, November 29. One critic has called 'The Show Off” the best comedy which has been written by an American. In the play the human personality ^ has never been more vivid, more truthful and more complete in the American theatre. "The Show-Off depicts with great realism a short span in the life of Aubrey Piper, who is typi cally American, You have seen him on the street, sat by him on the bus and worked with him in the office. He is a character from the real American life. Early in the play the audience will hate Piper but as the final curtain has fallen they will have t loved him. As an egotist of the top order, a lier and braggart, Piper runs with full steam through G & W William Penn Blended Whiskey fatal Price *1.95 Pints •6 Proot SR1AMHT WMMKIYI IN THU 4 Y1AII Ol Moll OLD I%% nr, mX niutiai *piun, PtOWMf IT* AIM! r v. COMEDIAN | __j Caddell Burroughs (Mr. Aubrey Piper) is in his third season with the Barter Theatre. Born in Paris. Texas, he attended the university of Texas and played many leads for Margo Jones, Broadway direc tor and pioneer in the theatre-in the-round movement. He also kept busy in radio work until he joined the air corps for the war years. He is best remembered in theatrical circles for his work in George Abbott's production of "Kiss and Tell" on Broadway and in Chicago. Action Filled Epic Has A Top Cast Boasting* a brilliant cast headed by Hedy ^amarr and Ray Miland, an action crammed story and stunning color by Technicolor, the entire play, remaining the same character throughout the play. Only the circumstances the audience’s opinion of him. Aubrey's wife, Amy, married him and sticks to him despite her I ■ family's hatred for him. Mrs. Fish 1 cr, Amy’s mother, and her father j hate the show-off with vetiem- j ence. Aided by the audacity of j Piper, Joe, his brother-in-law, perfects an invention and reaps a handsome profit. Other family fig i ures in “The Show-Off” are Clara and her husband, Frank Hyland, i Mr. Gill and Mrs. Rogers. Paramount's lusty outdoor epic, “Copper Canyon." arrives Wed nesday at the Watts Theatre. One of the most exciting west ern dramas ever presented by Hollywood, according to advance reports, “Copper Canyon" is set against a background of violence and intrigue in the mining region of Nevada just after the Civil War. The plot centers around an embattled group of Southern vet erans being driven from their land by a crooked sheriff and his deputies in the pay of a Yankee industrialist who owns the only copper smelter in the area. Having made her debut in Tech nicolor in "Samson and Delilah," beautiful Hedy Lamarr again has the benefit cf the color cameras in "Copper Canyon," her first western. She plays the sultry owner of a dance nan-saloon who falls in love with and joins Mil land in his fight against the syn dicate that controls the smelter. A writer says that if women ever do get equal rights it will be quite a comedown for some of them. Bear Grass Clnb Elects Ofiicers Meeting a short time ago. Bear Grass 4-H C'.uo elected officers for the new year. Thirty-one members of the dub were present. Officers are: Agnes Roberson. president; Russell Cowan, vice president; Ruth Hazel Bailey, secretary and treasurer, and Grace Rogerson and Eddie Harris, song leaders. Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANS ON , Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION relieve* Couchs, Chest Colds. Acute Bronchitis Rug Cleaning Lei us restore iirw lile iiml beau ty lo your Hug's In having them cxpcrlh eleaued l>y us. Weeleait small scalirr ru^s lo I lie- largest made. GOOD SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES Blue Star Cleaners Dial 2r>.»2 I Still the BIGGEST NEWS in Motor Cars! Everybody'* looking! Envy body's talking! Everybody's going for Oldsmobilc’s famous "Rocket” ri«fc in the sensational "88”! And once they do, they’re "Rocket" enthusiasts from theu on! For where is the motorist who doesn't thrill to Hashing action and velvet smoothness! Where is the motorist who doesn’t appreciate real high-compression economy! Hot)’ are yours when the famous "Rocket” hugine teams with Oldsmohilc llvdra-Matic Drive* in the brilliant "88 ! ILDSMOBILE A OBIEKAl »OIO*5 '•'Al.Ut SCE YOUR NEAREST PIDSMOIIIE DEALER/^— Chus. H. Jenkins & Co. WILL1AA1STON — AHUSK1E — AELANDEK — EDENTUN — WINDSOR *Oldxm"hl* dm *fnfr Tbttm optional at extra tost on all modali 9 O'Uock fe Sharp! Park & Shop SALE LAMES' DRESSES Regular Values to SH.95 / A special buy. lailles. Taffetas. Crepes. In a large collectiuu of brand |iav styles lor Juniors, Misses and Women. All si7.es. I Sii/h'i• Valuv SAI4IC! COTTON DKK8SKS ICxtra line wash dresses that will wear and wear. All new lull col ors. Ilitys' II «»•»/ ZIITKK JACKETS line quality, wool jackets lor boys. 4 lo fix. Balcony. SALE (iOLUEIN IIAKVEST 51 15 I Mi IN IKK NYLON IIOKK Imperfects of . hose Ilia I orili- s narily would Mill lor as imicli as SI.50 hut you can save money liy getting a sup ply at this low price. going full blast There’s Nothing Like It HURRY DOWN ZELAN HATS Water repellant hats lor men. AH sizes. Bought especially for our (■olden Harvest Sale! $1.00 MEN'S SHORTS Sanforized and fast colors. All sizes. MEN'S UNIONS 1.68 DISH CLOTHS l.arge size hath cloths. Assorted colors. HATH CLOTHS Large size hath cloths. Also assorted. — * SALE! LADIES' HALS New leathers, failles plastics, and many mllll_ lhal ordinarily sell for S3.00. HARVEST SALE! LADIES' PANTIES All sizes and sever al colors. Only a limited supply so <«mc curly . ('olth’ii llarrcsl Svoo/i Sulv! SOLID OUTINIi A good heavyweight outing in several colors. A special Golden Harvest liar gain. MOTTLE OllUNC 30 inches wide, good^^l^H heavyweight. M m ■ A special bargain. Men’s heavy weight union suits. Good, full cut. They fit well. A harvest spe cial. CURTAIN SCRIM Piece goods fit* |»l. Only .1 limited supply so come early. A Speeial purchase. In ft Quality Oil. CI.OTII Itress u p your table and protect il. as well by buying Ibis excel lent o i I cloth while it is so low in price. MEN'S FINE I I K;i> on (iahard sroRT SHIRTS £ IU Full c u tj and sanfor ized. Two large pock ets and but ton cuffs. Dark colors as well as pastels. A r e g u I a r S3.50 value. F $2.77 l/f/i's I'inr llrmulclolh i) i; e s s sni it i s A special purchase. Fine sanforized broadcloth, lull cut. In white, grey, tan, blue, green. Exceptional values. A re gular $2.50 Value. $1.88 S II K K T 1 N i. Only i limited sup ply so come early and he sure to get some. The best grade. S A E E ! Assorted prints. A super duper bar gain. See these prints. I* It 1 > 1 29c I Snpvr I dliiv! i;\nt \ i im: sheets Diiuble bed size, HI x 90, lull bleached. First Quality, while they last. $1.99 SI'KCIAK I’UKCIIASK I School (»irl mi i :ssrs llon'l iMis* Tlii* Value! Washable plaids .mil solid colors in all sixes. Kill'll 4 one is made til the stroiiK Hll square prints that wash so well.