To Hold Revival Rev. N. J. Ward leaves next Monday for Whiteville where he will conduct ; two-week revival. Here From Hassell Mi and Mrs Dock Edmondson and son. Chris, of Hassell visited here yesterday. Home From Hospital Mrs. C. D. Carstarphen. Sr., re turned home last Saturday after receivin' treatment in a Roekv Mount hospital for six- weeks. Business Visitor Here Mr. Jesse Everett of Hamilton' attended t > business here yester day. In Richmond Sunday Mes.-rs. J W. Andrews and C D. | Carstarphen were in Richmond Sundav v sitinu Mrs Carstarphen who patient in a hospital there Mrs Carstarphen plans to return home tomorrow. In Greenville Saturday Little Mi- Edwina Peek reeeiv ed treatment in a Greenville hos pital Satind;1 WHT Coughs DUE TO COLDS % Best-known Dome remedy to use is . . .W VapoRuB Visit Friends Here Mr. ;inri Mrs Eugene Kimball and daughter, Martha Dunn, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, visited friends here over the week-end. In Norfolk Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lewis'Coker. Miss Betty Rhodes Taylor and ■ Mrs. William Myers visited relatives and friends in Norfolk Sunday. Spend Week-end in Chapel Hill Misses Thelma (“arrow and Ethel Tayloi spent the week-end I at (’Igipel Hill and attended the j football game Saturday afternoon. Here Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. 'Stanley Koonee and Mrs. K C. Koonee of Rieh lantls visited Mrs G. H Harrison and Miss Nancy Koonee here over the week-end. Spends Week-end at Hume James Moore, student at State College, spent the week-end with his mother. Mrs. Sudie Moore, in Jamesville. Spend Week-end in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Carrow visit ed m Norfolk ovei the week-end. Visit In Jamesville Mr. and Mrs. J. T Askew of Plymouth visited Mrs. John Saw yer m Jamesville Sunday. Spend l)av In Tarboro Mi. and Mrs. Irving Margolin and children. Sandra and Gail, spent Sunday in Tarboro. SU’POKT VOl'R oi l mi: sum stoke \ ( OMMl'MTV ASSET Williamslon Office Supply Co. VAUGHN MONROE SINGING BAND LEADER My voice is m/ T living. So it's only natural that I smoke th< cigarette that agrees with my throat CAMEL! CAMELS ARE SO MILO that in a co.iM io coiiM test ol hundreds of men ami women who smoke it Camels —ami only Camels —for 30 days, noted throat specialists, mak ing weekly examinations, reported IT'S GREAT $ T0 BE YOUNG ...IN IDEAS! Daystrom now bringi you this Neo-Classic Jesign with a bubbling youthful sparkle. Tho 10" leaf expands the center expansion table to 30" x 58". This timeless treasure has a high-gloss Doystromite top which resists heat, stains, chipping, acids—even burn ing cigarettes. Anodized aluminum skirting with plastic nsert. The Duran washable upholstery wipes clean 'th a damp cloth. B. S. Courtney & Son Furniture Since 1914 Open Friday Evening ’lil 9:00 If HIGH SCHOOL MENU ] v---J \ The following menus for the iWilliamston high school cafeteria i for the week of October 30 has | been announced (To be followed las closely as supply will permit): Monday: Frankfurters, Pork & Beans, Potato Chips, Slaw, Hot Rolls, Cookies, Milk, if desired. Tuesday: Meat loaf. String Beans, Creamed Potatoes. Pickled Beets. Hot Rolls Milk, if desired. Wednesday: Vegetable Soup, Crackers, Ham Sandwich. Pimen to Cheese Sandwich, Peaches. Cookies. Milk, if desired. Thursday: Ham. Turnip Greens, Candied Yams, Carrot Sticks, Corn bread. Milk, if desired. Friday: Salmon Croquettes, Green Peas, Creamed Potatoes. Slaw, Corn Muffins. Milk, if de sired. Church Concludes Revival Meeting -- The revival meeting recently concluded here by the Penecostal Holiness Church was the most suc cessful in the history of the church, Rev. N. J Ward, the pas tor, announced yesterday. "There were about sixty con versions," the pastor said, explain ing that 35 were added to his church roll, and the others to var ious churches in this section. The new members were extend ed a heart welcome into the church Sunday evening at a spec ial service. Rev. Robert Gurganus of Nor folk conducted the meeting. Observes Siinaty-Ftmrth liirtInlay l.ast Saturday Mis. M;ii(ilia Bailey Coltrain observed her 94th birthday anni versary at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Weeks Hadley, near here last Saturday. She was presented a take and members of the family I and friends called during the day. j Ten days ago, Mrs. Coltrain | visited a doctor for the second ; time in her life. She hasn't been feeling well lately and is con fined to her bed most of the time. However, she seemed to enjoy the anniversary event. -— —— Continues III J. D. Ward continues critically ill in a local hospital. Visited Here Yesterday Rev. J. M. Perry of Roberson ville visited here yesterday. Here From Elizabeth City Mr. .and Mrs. Roland Jones of Elizabeth City visited here yes terday. Return To Home In N. V. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hol liday, Jr. and their oldest son, Tommy, returned to their home in Syracuse, N. V. Monday after ' spending the past week with his ; parents near Jamesville -*, Able To B.e Out Again Mr. S. RorAe Biggs is able to be' out again after being ill for | several days. — C— Visits Daughter Here Mrs. H. O. Jarman of Wilming ton visited her daughter. Mrs. I John D Lilley, Jr., and Mr. Lil iey over the week-end. i - • - i Visifs In Wallace Mr. Harvey Kennedy spent the i week-end in Wallace. Visits Mother Here Miss Della Jane Mobley, teach [ er in the Hopewell, Virginia. I schools, visited her mother, Mrs. C. R. Mobley, over the week-end. -* Attend Convention j Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore of [ Jamesville attended the conven tion meeting at Cross Roads Sun ! dav. -* Returns To Wake Forest Billy Mercer returned Sunday to Wake Forest College after spending the week-end here with his father, Dr. W C. Mercer. -« In Raleigh Today Mrs. Paul Jones and Mr. L. Bruce Wynne are spending today in Raleigh for medical treatment. -