County Clubs In Achievement Day The Tvvelth Annual Hume Dem onstration Club Counly Achieve ment Day Prut;ram was held last Friday in the Oak City Colored School, with Oak City Home Dem onstration Club hostess to the county group. Mrs. Mayo Jones. 'County Council President, presid ed. The high light of the program was a ceremony presenting the County Council's United Nations Flag by Herbert Jones, Burnell | Close, I.ethil Jones, and Shirley j Burnett. Oak City 4-11 Club mem- j hers. Points emphasized were the Meaning of the United Nations; 1 adopting the United Nations Flag; | Purpose of the United Nations. Club M PROOF CENTURY Club STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISHT NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP„ NEW YORK. N. Y. PRIDE ... Thill's iis ami Hull's you! \\ '«**r<* promt of our Ion** lisl of satisfied depositor* - anil our depositors are proud ol the feeling of security they derive from a steadily grow ing saving* ueeoiml. Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Gale Storm, after a relentless search, finds her sister's missing bahy in Universal-International’s hard-hitting documentary “Abandoned,” and thanks Dennis O'Keefe, a crusading newspaper reporter, for his1 assistance. Jeff Chandler, the district attorney, looks on benignly.! The picture is showing Tuesday and Wednesday at the Marco Theatre. ! The United Nations’ Code was giv en by the Home Agent. Mildred Jones, R N., Depart- 1 ment of fcounty Health, gave the main speech using the County theme - "Building Tomorrow's! World Today,” giving health hab its and cleanliness as main fac i tors in building lives. Mary S. Gray presented facts, on the proposed County Library and complimented the members on the fine exhibits displayed. Tin exhibits on this occasion were an i outgrowth of a county-wide con 1 venient kitchen project. Each club exhibited its best articles made, arranged or bought for their con ! venient kitchen during the year. Among the home-made articles wen*: stool. Gold Point; towel rack and cannister set made from coffee cans, Hassell Club; Fork and spoon rack, Parmele Club; hook rug, crochet dish cloths and embroidered tea towels, Mt. Pil grim Club; crochet pot holders. Oak City Club; Back Swamp and Hassell Clubs; apron, Parmele Club; wood box, Back Swamp Club, and one each of every can ned product, including vegetables, fruits, pickles, meat, green pro-I ducts: green and string beans, Bethlehem Club; peas, Mt Pil grim Club, and yellow turnips, Hassell Club Other convenient articles in the kitchen were toast master; perco lator, presure pan; hot water Your Car Deserves The Besi! . . . And that’s what it will Kid right here! Regular cheek on radi ator, battery, oil, tires at no e\tra charge! AUTOS TIIKIVR on oi k si'Kvm:! Sinclair Service Station GIVES YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! | FORD ] DEALER’S ' USID CARS AND TRUCKS u s VL ? °* w* ^ ®eaur’s it's th« nowost, biggest thing yet in tho used cor and truck field . . the value protection you get trading at your Friendly Ford Dealer's. We've got the biggest assortment in yours to choose from. And you’ll find that prices are downright low. Thoy'vo got to bo. becauso we have to keep used cars and trucks moving to make room for more trade-ins on/those wonderful new 1950 Fordsl ■ICONDITIONKD Ford A-l used cars and trucks arc sold to you only after having been checked and rechecked from bumper to bumper. They're thoroughly gone over by our own Ford trained Mechanic - the best mechanics in town! VALIM <43> No matter what the mal e, model, or year of the A 1 used car or truck you buy yuu can be sure of gettmf an A-l value all along the way in dependability, long life and appearance. Our A-l used cars and trucks have what it takes .0 give you miles and miles of carefree oper ation. with safety und economy. And our repu tation rides with every one we sell. DIAL. We honestly believe —and think you will too --that dollar tor dollar, you'll get the best possible deal, in an A-l used car or truck, liberal trade ms, easy terms. Came in and look over our wide selection. i BE SURE BE 4-1 SURE! 'Officers Busy In ABC Round-up ABC Enforcement Officers J. II. j Roebuck and Hov l’eel had a busy time last week-etui rounding tip j dlieit liquor manufacturing equip merit. Last Friday Stcy wiOCKert ;r 100- i gallon copper kettle, four 50-gal-| Ion fermenters and poured out 150 gallons of mash in the Dar dens section of Jamesville Town ship That afternoon they w recked a pitcher, roasters, flying pans, pots, kitchen table set for breakfast, complete for four persons, flower arrangements, Black Sw amp Club. The electin' range and cabinets were used by courtesy of Mr. Joe Bunting, Oak City merchant. plant in Griffins Township, equip- J pod with two 200-gallon capacity 1 submarine type stills, a 50-gallon ; doubler and a 200-gallon cooling box They wrecked sixteen 50 gallon and one -100 gallon fermen ters and pouted out 1,200 gallons of mash.* Accompanied b\ representatives] from Pit! founts, the two officers 1 wrecked a plant in Hobersonville Township early Saturday. The plant was equipped ss ith a crude 50-gallon oil drum still and three 50-gallon fermenters. Going front there to Bear Grass, the officers wrecked a 50 gallon submarine type still and poured out 200 gal lons of mash. Remember the busiest man is the happiest man Kill all the time you wish but lie sure it is your own Tip to motorists Say it with brakes anti save the flowers Recovering From Accident Injur) Mr. Wallace TarkinRton is in Minim Cleneral Hospital recover- | 11ill from slight injuries receiveil in .t freak accident last Friday af ternoon Operator of the Williamston Treating plant, Mr Tarington was helping unload a truck of creo sote He pulled a barrell over and as he started to step out of the way his foot got caught in a rope, throwing him under the falling barrel "1 braced myself for the fall and possibly saved myself." Mr Tarkington said However, he suffered severe bruises and will likely continue in the hospital the remainder of this week and pos siblv longer. Suffers Bad Hand Injury Yesterday Manipulating a rip saw in her husbands cabinet shop several miles from here on the Washing ton Highway yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Otto- Coltrain got her right hand in the saw. She lost part of the index finger and others were badly cut. Stic was removed to a local hos pital for an operation and treat ment.. last reports stating that she was getting along as well as could he expected. Wldskev and poison ivy have a lot in common either one will get you unless given a wide berth. People who are out for all they can get are soon in for it. For fall car care that gives you MORE Stop at your Happy Motoring Store! MOTORISTS look for More Hum just gasoline when they stop at a modern service station. That's why Esso Deal ers aim to give you More in quality products, in car services, in driving conveniences. So make it a habit to stoj) at the Esso Sign and enjoy the benefits of "one-st*>p" service. LEARN fOR YOURSELF why more motorists buy Esso Extra than any other premium gasoline in the area served by Ehho Ueal 0,s. Kor "Extra" power and long milt age, try a tankful today! RUGGED ATLAS GRIP SAFE TIRES ;in<l Allas Heavy_I) 111 v Hat l ei lea t lint exceed K A K standards ;; wavs, noth barked by Warranty. ESSO MOTOR CLEANER H a V e deuler mid it when lie ehimgeH the oil, Hulpe remove power robblnK Kludge . . . boogie uHiciency ! /*CWf W M/WER DRMMS/ Change Now... to tin* winter-grade oil that saves you dollars! . Helps do away with | that “add - a - quart ” expense! " Ii'sso KXTKA delivers longermileage per cpiart . . keeps its lubricating body better than any other oil! Ii's extra fast-flowing to protect i vital parts during cold-engine start ups. No wonder motorists everywhere an* talking about this gr eat produet! COMPLETE ESSO DEALER LUBRICATION include*! an many as H sp^ciulind Ksso Lubricants, plus a tborough check up of tires, lights, battery, wipers. Also pro tect your radiator with lasting Atlas PlfiriMA-dllAKD Anti-Free/e Yes,you get something More at your Happy Motoring Store! COM t*50. ESSO INC, SEE YOUR NEARBY ESSO DEALER an iiiil(‘|i<‘iul«Mil merchant niyrr in iervi* ymir motoring needs Baker Oil Co., Distributors ESSO DEALERS SERVED BY US ARE— A. C. Bailey's Garage, RFD 3, Williamston, N. C. W. H. Bond, RFD, Windsor, N. C. Maurice Brown, RFD, Jamesville. N. C. H. B. Bowen, Robersonville, N. C. R. J. Corey, RFD No. 1, Williamslon. N. C. J. S. Crandall, Robersonville, N. C. H. L. Daniels, Williamston, N. C. L. R. Donaldson, Williamston, N. C. C. O. Edwards, RFD NO. 3, Williamston. N. C. J. R. Gordon, RFD No. 3, Williamston, N. C. D. L. Hardy, RFD No. 3, Williamston, N. C. R. J. Hardison. RFD No. 1, Williamslon, N. C. Mrs. Timpie Keel. RFD No. 3, Williamston. N. C. J. Eason Eilley, RFD No. 1, Williamston, N. C. H. J. Manning, RFD No. 1, Williamston, N. C. Johnnie Mobley, Everetts, N. C. W. W. Mobley, RFD. Williamston. N. C. J. Leman Mobley. Cross Roads. Williamston, N. C. Robert Ormand, Williamston." N. C. Oak City Esso Service, Oak City, N. C. R. D. Perry, RFD No. 1. Williamston. N. C. t). C. Peel, Everetts, N. C. A. R. (Red) Roberson, Jamesville, N. C. G. L. Roberson, Williamston. N. C. £ N. T. Roberson, RFD No. 1, Williamston. N. C. Roanoke Chevrolet Co., Williamston, N. C. D. L .Roberson, Williamston. N. C. Rodgers Esso Service. RFD 2. Williamston, N. C. J. R. and H. A. Pierce, RFD 2. Williamston, N. C. W. S. Smith. Windsor. N. C. East End Esso Service, Robersonviile. N. C. L. F. Stokes, Hamilton, N. C. H. B. Ward, RFD No. 2. Williamston. N. C. Williford Brothers. Windsor. N. C.

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