Propose Changes In Conslitnlion At Next Election Third Change Provides For Adequate Pay of State legislators Five amendtments to the Con- ! stitution of North Carolina will be submitted to popular vote on November 7. The adoption or re jection of each amendment will be determined by the majority of the votes east for or against each amendment. The legal signifi cance of the proposed No. 3 amendment is briefly explained as follows: 3. Compensation of Legislators The General Assembly is with out power to increase the salaries of its members or that of its pre siding officers, or to provide for a subsistence allowance or other expenses. The most it can do is to submit to popular vote a con stitutional amendment which,/ if adopted, will provide for increas ed compensation for legislators who will serve in the future. The 1949 Legislature, by Chapter 1267, asks the voters of the State to change the rate of pay of future legislators and their presiding of ficers by rewriting Section 28 of Article II of the Constitution. This section which was last changed bv popular vote twenty-two years ago, now reads: “28. Pay of members and offi- J cers of the General Assembly.—; The members of tne General As sembly for the term of their office shall receive a salary for their' services of six hundred dollars* each. The salaries of the presiding! officers of the two houses shall | be seven hundred dollars | each: Provided, that in addition to the salaries herein provided for, | should an extra session of iva Frogram it I'arm l.ifi■ The Christian Ladies Aid of Jamesville will present a play, "Sophronia's Wedding” in the Farm Life School on Friday night of this week at 7:li() o'clock. The program is hemp sponsored hy the Maple Grovi' Ladies Aid, and a small admission fee will he ehat'p- j ed Tile public is invited. Antonp the characters are Mes dames Mae Waters. Helen Own ton, F.dna M. Stevenson, Myrtle Barber, Hattie Lilley, Hon llolli day, Grace Barbel, Selma llolli day, W. C Kllis, Cottie Holliday, Maude Mizelle, Maude Anpc, Lave Davis, Marie Martin, Fran ees Ange and Clara M. .Jennings, and Chas. Holliday. front Patrolmtin K. 1’ Narron who] made the investigation. Monday morninp about 8:00 o'clock, Bernard Kugene Williford of Windsor lost control of lus pan ic! truck loaded with biddies and I turned it over on Highway (i-t ! within the Hobersonville city lint its Williford, according to Patrol man 11 W Parker and Robinson ville police who made the investi .nation, ran off the concrete to avoid strikinp cars traveling slow l.\ ahead of him The machinery : skidded on the wet shoulder and turned over, causing about $100 1 damage to the truck and killing 1 a number of biddies NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ! Under and bv virtue of the au thority vi. ted in me bv Sections 1 Till, 4-15 Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina I offer for pub lic sale at the Courthouse door in ■ Williamston, Mi irt in_C onnty, stmdcarfa'c tjchif! “,M plus dtfuJT xler Appointment from Pepsi-Tola f’o., N. V., Pppsi-Cola RiitlliiiK j Us... j A Record Amount Rubber Manufacturers in the United States used 113,421 Inn,!; tuns of new rubbi r during August, to set a new record. The previous high was 111,941 tons in June. Of the August total, (0.852 tons was nat ural rubber and 35,6(15 tons syn thetic North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, November 15, 1950, the following articles of furniture, to-wit:' One mattress, one three-piece <; it o i r i \ s i u v in <: i : L i f «> \ r <• i tl <■ ii I II i ll I I I. II o s |> i I a I i / ii I ion \v. c. -lul l " imiii Manauer mi: i.iii: INSI K WIT COMPANY OF \ IKOIM \ WII,I,I \MKTON N. ( . bedroom suite, on>' spring, one kitchen cupboard, one break last suite, one ebrfforobe. one unfinish ed table, one electric radio, one kiddie coop, one what-not, one coffee table, one floor lamp, one throe-piece living room suite, one table, one 9x12 felt rii-' and one nriHua/.ifie racK. This furniture ms; be si en at 15 S. Courtney and Son. It wil; not be displayed at the sale. R H. Cowen. Att; at Law oc 2 I no 2-9 A "showdown’’ DEMONSTRATION is your \ BEST proof 1 of WHY FERGUSON’S the BUY! You really can’t tell linw any tractor '.'.ill perform until von actually try it under vowown spc< i;d condition- ! hat s why - without obligation to you we otter this SHOW I *<>W N demon stration of the Ferguson Tractor' Trv it yonrsi/f. You he the judge! See whv it tops all otlieis on n these important points: PERFORMANCE ★ JOB FLEXIBILITY k FUEL SAVINGS " ★ LONG-LIFE QUALITY •k FAST IMPLEMENT ATTACHMENT j Phone NOW ror YOUR Demonstration-No Obligation Williamston Tractor & Implement Co. Wross ti'oin (i. II. Itiiililrrs Sti|ip|\ I'ltonr 22~>7't "newest \ IDEA IN RANGES FRIGIDAIR? firs thrifty \ want oven GOeS CLEAR across! { ( ALL THIS FOR O C $178.75 Modal RM-35 with Cook-Master Oven Clock-*"" 1 1—-""d Utensil Drawnc $2011.75 A completely new idea and an other Frigidaire first! A bigger. more usable thrifty oven in a range that takes 14 less kitchen space! Breath-taking styling by Raymond l.oewy! Feature after feature of costliest range models, including Frigidaire's new, more efficient Radiantube Surface Units! AIL at a sensa tional low price! Come in see this startling new-comei among electric ranges! • It's compact1 • It's thrifty! • It's high-speed1 You Can't tauich a Friqidaire Electric Range! Dixie Motor Company Ladies! Men! Children! Wives! Sweethearts! Grandmothers! Everybody In Eastern Carolina! THE BIGGEST FIRE SALE EDGECOMBE COUNTY HAS EVER SEEN WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS