Tickets On Sale For Community Concert Series (Continued from page one) may attend concerts elsewhere without extra charge, provided there isn't a sell-out in other areas. Similar concerts are being held in thirty-four towns and cit ies in North Carolina this year, and local members may attend concerts in every one of them for the single membership fee. $6 for adults and S3 for children, the prices including federal tax. Representatives of all the var ious organizations in this section, including leaders from Oak C ity. Hamilton. Robersonvilie, Everetts, Bear Grass. Farm Life. James ville in this county and also in Windsor and Plymouth, recognize the value of the concert series and have pledged to assist in the mem bership drive. Headquarters are being main tained in the lobby of the Virgin ia Electric and Power Company and reports will be received there each day through Saturday of this week Tobacco Market Holds Its Final Sale 01 Season (Continued trom page one) lor an average of $55.23. Last year the markets in that belt sold 282. ,813.797 pounds for an average ot 4)48.87. Large Crowds A! Church Meetings In County Sunday (Continued from page one) was called to his home in Kimball. Va., to conduct a funeral service. Elders C. W Miller of Arlington, Va. J. B Lee of Four Oaks and S B. Denny of Wilson participat ed in 'he Sunday program. Elder F E. Getsinger, pastor explained that Elders J A Monsees and Ro\ Mitchell, both of Atlanta, had been in an automobile accident the week before and were unable to attend, But the meeting was verv successful and the hundreds of visitors enjoyed the hospitality, the services and the fine fellow ship and picnic dinner Sunday. The next union will be held in late December with Juniper Church, it was announced. To Start Work On Bear Grass Swamp Project Shortly (Continued from page one) fairly certain that the cost will not exceed Hi or IB cents per cub ic yard. The soil conservation program, in some counties, has al lowed 10 cents a yard up to the amount of the allotment for the individual farm The allowance has ranged from $2 to $4 per crop acre. Making a study of conditions existing this past crop season, en gineers are of the opinion that proper drainage as proposed in THERE'S 7)<Ut<?eir IN EVERT nml-p! «Lek' VHhen she sat by his bedside— he nevet wanted to jet bettet • r 4 I JOHN CARROLL- RUTH HUSSEY CHARLES RUGGLES:ANN RUTHERFORu ESTHER DALE • GRANT MITCHELL • FRANR JINKS Hay by HttDUMCX JACKSON on<J MAICOU* SYUA** ROHAN Not THL SMTUKDJIY EVENING POET Stn k) r.~ Outcue n Mtost* sioitl VICCAR - WEDNESDAY ONLY NOW SHOW ING — “TKA FOK TWO" Doris Da\ — Gordon IMarKar i the No 1 project would have ma-j tonally offset the crop losses and i gone a long way in meeting the total cost of the project. Farmers in other parts of the county where drainage work has been advanced on a small scale, declare that they are making enough on their drain ed acreage, and not more than six or seven on those acres that had not been drained. The opposition to the No. 1 pro ject are expected to go into court at the December term when they will let a jury decide if the prom- 1 ised benefits w'ill offset the costs. However, a majority of the land owners, numbering approximately 100 in the district, favor the pro ject and, as far as it can be learn ed. there's nothing to further de lay it. Propose Changes In Constitution At Next Election (Continued from Page One) would submit to popular vote next November a proposal to add to Article II the following: "See 31. The General Assem bly shall not use, or authorize to be used, nor shall any agency of the State, public officer or public employee use or authorize to be used the funds, or any part of the funds, of the Teachers' and State Employees’ Retirement System except for retirement ■ system purposes The funds of the Teachers’ and State Employ- | ees’ Retirement System shall not j be applied, diverted, loaned to or | ,used by the State, any State ag-j enc.v, State officer, public officer or employee except for purposes of the Retirement System: Pro vided. that nothing in this Sec tion shall prohibit the use of said funds for the payment of benefits, administrative expenses and rc • funds; as authorized by the Teach ers' and State Employees' Retire ment Lav, nor shall anything in this provision prohibit the proper investment of said funds as may be authorized by law." The proposed amendment rela tive to safeguarding the funds of the Teachers’ and State Employ ees’ Retirement System will be j submitted in the following form: j "( ) For amendment securing j and safeguarding the funds of the i Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System. ( ) Against amendment secur ing and safeguarding the funds of the Teachers' apd State Employ ees' Retirement System." Patients In The Marlin General —<i — The following patients were listed in the Martin General Hos pital this morning: Chas Siceloff, Jr., Geo. C. Grif fin, Mrs S H Allsbrook of Green I ville. Mi's. Roy Ward, Jesse Mar tin, J. 1) Ward, LeRoy Peel, Clar j enee Brown, Wallace ’Tarkington, , Peggie Gurganus, Mrs Rush Bon durant. and J P. Taylor Colored: Cora Lee Davenport and infant son. Marjorie Bonner, W H Kvans, Elizabeth Sheppard, Mill's Rogers, and Bertha Knight. ’FOR SAI.K.: ONF I’SKI) GFNKK 1 al Eleetrie Refrigerator. Late model still within factory warran ty period. A real buy Dixie Mo * l tor Company oe 31 2t ANNOUNCEMENT ll if oilli pleaMirt' lliiil v«* anuoum'o lIn* a|>|»«»intiii«*iil of Mr. I‘.rm>l I,. (iariiiHin a* manager of »nr \\ illianiflnu florr. lo Min eril Mr. W i 11 i;« in S, Mr(lotnlti>. Ihniu^ >|M-nl many year* i»f a iio’iiiImt of (lie »al<> fluff of oiio of our loading Mon> ami from I lint lo llio pofitiou of manager, Mr. (larraway if well ipialifi<-<l to affiime liif ilulie.f ami render ail rxrdlrnt aerviee lo our patron* ami friend* of lliif area. Shop With Confidence — Wear With Pride Injured In Fall Sunday Afternoon LeRoy Peel, local young man who suffered a broken leg in the Washington-Williamston football game a few weeks ago, fell in a local theatre Sunday afternoon and injured the damaged limb. He was returned to Martin General Hospital for treatment, the young man stating yesterday that while the limb was hurting him a bit. he was able to have company. The limb apparently was not damaged too badly in the Sunday fall. A man is just as big as the ■lung that makes him angry. W antS fob SALE: ONE USED WEST inghouse Range. Perfect condi tion. late model. Dixie Motor Company. oc 31 2t REGISTERED SPOTTED Po land China boars ready for ser vice.S50.00. H- B. Spruill. Wind sor. N. C. oc 31 8t REGISTER FOR KINDERGART en: The hours are from 9 to 12. Come and have fun. Phone 2795. oc 31 2t FOR SALE: ONE USED GENER al Electric Range. Late model, perfect condition. Dixie Motor Company. oc 31 2t FLOWERS FOR SALE: VARI OUS shades of chrysanthemums. See Ina Roberson. 114 Broad St,. Williamston. N. C. FOR SALE: USED WESTING house range. Good condition, price reasonable. Dixie Motor Company. oc 31 2t FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM Apart merit in Birmingham Apart ments. See R. L. Coburn, oc 31 2t i MAN OR WOMAN FOR WAT kins dealership in the city of i Williamston. Full time income averages $45 weekly. Small in vestment preferred. We will help you get started. Write J. R. Wat kins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond. Va.1 FOR SALE: ONE USED UNIVER sal refrigerator. Good condition. ! Priced at $65.00. Dixie Motor ! Company. oc 31 2t , LOST: MAN S TAN BILLFOLD I Friday morning in the vicinity of The Outlet Store on Washing ton Street. Contained about $185.00. Finder please return to W. M. Woolard, Route 1, Washing ton, N. C. Reward. oc 31 2t FOR SALE: ONE USED FRIGID a ire refrigerator. Demonstrator. Used one year. A real buy. Dixie Motor Company. oc 31 2t JUST RECEIVED — NICE As sortment of rose bushes and peat moss. York Florist oc 26 2t VERY SPECIAL; MEN, DON'T buy your fall and winter suits until you've seen the best values in town. We have good quality suit- that range in (fiw from $21.00 to $49.95. We feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar 1 ket. Darden's Dept^ Store, Wil liamston. oe 26 tf Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For' Less. WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Low Interest Rate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing ( lias. II. IMaiiuin^. Ally. SEE Worn*!I Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE SUNRAY A Finer <>u* Itanjse AT I’ockel IMcasinu I’riees SEE IT TODAY AT Maying Appliance Co. Washington St. Williamston HOUSE WANTED: PI-EASE Con tad Mr. Ernest C. Caraway, new manager of Leder Brothers' store. Williamston. oe 31 tf COOKING A TOP COAT? WELL, we have them. Gaberdines, from $18.95 to $39.95. Not only are they topcoats but they are TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden’s Dept. Store, Williamston. oe 26 tf FOR SALE. HOME RAISED lard, any amount. Joshua L. Coltrain. oe 26 2t DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed oromptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 ti JOHN Gl'RGANUS TAXI SERV ice. Dependable drivers. Phone 3112. oc 24 3t ROOM FOR RENT: TWIN BEDS, heat, hot water, private en trance. Phone 2674. oc 24 4t FOR SACE: ONE LIVERMON Peanut Picker, One Turner Hay Baler with motor mounting. Both in excellent mechanical condition. Price reasonable. J. W. Peel, Ev eretts, N. C. oc 19 4t WANTED: GOOD TOBACCO MAN. 9 ACRE ALLOTMENT, OTHER CROPS IF DESIRED. MODERN LIVING QUARTERS, LIGHT. WATER AND BATH. ONE MILE EDENTON. WRITE OR SEE C. R. SATTERFIELD, EDENTON. N. C. uc 1» 4t FOR SALE: NICE HOUSE AND large lot. A good place to live, in one of the best neighborhoods in town. Located on Warren Street next door to J. C. Anderson, known as the Elsie Green-Wynn home. Part cash, balance easy terms. J. W. Green, Williarnston, N. C. GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil liamston Hardware Company, Williarnston, N. C. au 29 tf TRIO Robersonville, N. C. TONIGHT, Oct. 31 < I,ana's first picture in years) A I JFK OF HER OWN With I.ana Turner and Kay Milland (The story ol' Lily James, the girl from Kansas, who took New York by storm) Plus Latest News & Short WEDNESDAY, Nov. I IN EARLY ARIZONA With Bill Elliott BEWARK BLONDIE With Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake And Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY Nov. 2-3 THE GLASS !MKN VGERIE With Jane Wyman (Her Best since Johnny Belinda) Kirk Douglas, Gertrude Lawrence and Arthur Kennedy Cartoon and Short iMMMVMMWAMWMMMtMMl (watts THEATRE — WILLI AMSTON Lust rime Tuesday "The Desert Hawk" With Yvonne l)e Curio Kielturd Greene News Special Cartoon WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY 'Copper Canyon' With Ray Mtlland lledy lannurr Sport Cartoon YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loctoei. no 8 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FOR SALE: ELECTRIC SEWING machine, console cabinet, 20 year warranty, only $119.50. B. S. Courtney and Son. oc 19 lOt PARKER’S SELF ^SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bieycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 HAMILTON THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY Shows at 7 and 9 THE GLASS MENAGERIE With Kirk Douglas and Jane Wyman Plus Latest News WEDNESDAY, November 1 Shows at 7 and 9 Double Feature Program KILLED JERONIMO With James Ellison TATTOOED STRANGER With Lawrence Turner THURSDAY - FRIDAY November 2 and 3 Shows at 7 and 9 RIGHT GROSS With Dick Powell and June All.vson Plus Latest News MOVIES Arp BETTER THAN EVER t < t MARCO Adults 30p Children 15c TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY ii Empire ii With Ricliuril Dix Fruiter* Gifford Comedy Cartoon THURSDAY • FRIDAY ii Comanche Territory ii With MacDonald Carey Maureen O'Hara FOR SALE: ONE 1950 DESOTO] 4-door, fully equipped, radio, seat covers, heater. Phone 2777 or see Milton Letchworth. oc 26 2t STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstor Hardware Company, Williamston. N. C. au 29 tf PLANT FALL BULBS FOR Spring. We have for sale Dutch Iris, Narcissus, Hyacinths, Tulips, Etc. York Florist, Williamston, N. C. oc 26 2t WE ARE IN 'THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmbei Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings tor the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Fiexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, WiiliPms ton. au 26 tf FIXZIT I SYSTEM | AD MAT No. L-201 • 2 Cols. * 2 '/i" (70 Lines) Shows ill 7 and 9 i\ M. HAMILTON THEATRE UVItS A t (JwtiiiA M Tht CHATEAU D *10 95 See our of smart fall fashions V Come in. Choose from our lovely array of new styles .. ti err one ‘‘fit-fashioned" to feel as beautiful as it looks. \ si(r America's unchallenged shoe value ROUND Ul fk.t r-r'duc' ha* m c~nntett:;n uxsietar uiik ■i ,'au.njl H'-i Lrcts Ut r rx f r*7 C /V / y ' LJ rx £Z J

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