THE ENTERPRISE f I Published Every Tuesday and Thursday by ^ ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING GO. | Wn.lJAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA « SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) One Yrqr Six Months IN MARTIN COUNTY OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY IS.RO | 1.50 One Year Six Months ISM 1.71 Advertising Rote Card Upon Request , Entered at the post office in Willlamston, V ft1 N C., as second-class matter under the act » ^ of Congress of March 3, 1878. uo .V * Sj Address all communications to The Enter- ft) ft orise and not individual member* of the $ a ^rm’ S ■f No Subscription Recfived Under 6 Months !* |.. | <$' Tiirsiluv. Orlohrr 'il. l,K~tO - .* - - . . . vvi-yi.' - - i>>l hr ) on n Purl Timr I ilizrn ? Being a citizen in a democracy is a full lime job. In other forms or government the citizenry makes up the background, appear- \ ing only in mob scenes to “yes" the rulers of the nat ion. In a democracy there is no room for part time citizens. Our government is us- what we make of il. Ours is the fault if the wheels of government do not run smoothly, for the laws we make are the roadbed, and the men we elleet ere the machine. * Do you fulfill all your duties as a voter? Do you show up just at election time to cast your vote without due consideration of the full qualifications, record and principles of I all candidates'.’ Do vou neglect to help select the propel candidates al tile primaries'.’ Are you a pari 1 ime oili/.en'.’ Do vou olx v the laws you have had a hand j. in making’.’ Is your only thought, when you break what seems like an inconsequential little law, how you can got away with it? Are you a pari time citizen? Do vou evince interest in all issues - or on ly in those problems which directly concern you. and then object when other groups do the same and infringe on your prerogatives? Only as citizens work for the common good of all can democracy progress. Are you a | part time citi/.en? Do you lend an ear to suborsive elements who tell vou how much better conditions are ')■ would he for you were there a different form of government'.’ Do you thoughtlessly pass on these tales without cheeking on their accuracy of considering; their source? Are you a part time cit i/.en? < •JT Do you stand up for democracy or do you I condemn its mistakes without consideration ■ of the good it has to offer? Do you stress on ly its shortcomings and never its long range program which, slowly but surely, and in spite of stumblings, discriminations and (le murs has made this country of ours the best in which to live. Are you a part time < it izen? i Now as never before the United States needs the full time* allegiance of all of its people. Don’t be a part time citizen! Jf ttrking I'or The Markets Swoeet potato growers in this section and especially those in Martin County have made splendid progress in producing a quality product And someone deserves much credit for the accomplishment. Reports from the Martin County Yam Growers headquarters declare that the qual ity of the crop is pushing on toward perfec tion, virtually free of disease, uniform in size and carefully packed. It is admitted that the price is not up to expectations, but the old growers still maintain that there is mon ey m the sweets. The “green” market has been ranging around $1.40 per bushel, and those farmers who chose to cure their po tatoes stand to make more money. The sweet potato got mixed up in bad company of the irish potato and is without support price this season, but it is expected that something will be done to stabilize the market another year. During the meantime, Martin County far mers,‘it is believed, will do well to hold on to the sweet potato to supplement their cash income. Serious Charge The highly paid and highly tooted colum nist .Westbrook Pegler, makes some rather serious charges when he tackled Ihe school teachers of this nation a short time ago. Me called them racketeers. He said they were in the “racket” for strictly selfish rea sons He charged that the teachers exploited the children, and, as a parting shot, he refer red to “educating” as an industry or trade and one that is not actually education “at all in any satisfactory meaning of the word.” Pegler lias a right to say those things. But he and others of his ilk are doing more to tear down America than all the communists : combined. And those who dare carry his < venom is a partner in the nefarious business. 1 f'.’ve-foHW There’s a Hollywood starlet who looks so ] good in a sweater when men see her she pulls their eyes over the wool.- Tester. ' Must Mitt lie It must not be war. No sale's person has | yet asked, “Don’t you know there’s a war < on?" Cincinnati Inquirer.* "We’ve enjoyed Bomb) for years at our house. Now that I've seen their fine bakery, I know why it's so good.” Many are the warm praises for Bamby and the Bamby Bakery from those women who know best—visitors who have seen the care with which Bamby is made TAKE HOME BAMKY BREAD I CHURCF NEWS PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS N. J. Ward, Pastor, Sunday sc hool at 9:43. Henry I Huel, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00. Youth service at 6:30. Evangelistic service at 7:30 Mid week prayer service, Wed nesday night at 7:30 HASSELL CHRISTIAN Olin Fox. Pastor. ■ Sunday school at 10 00 C B Burroughs, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship at 6:43 p. m. Preaching first and third Sun days at 11 00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The Woman’s Council Wednes day evening after first Sunday at 7:30. Visitors are welcome. OAK CITY CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Ernest Bunting, Supt. Preaching 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a. rn. and 7.30 p. m. Woman’s Council Wednesday afternoon after second Sunday at 3:30. Visitors are welcome. EVERETTS CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastoi. Sunday school at 10:00. Mrs. fleo. Taylor, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship Monday evening a1 7:30. Preaching 4th Sunday at 11:00^ a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Woman’s Council Saturday af- - ternoon before first Sunday at j 3:30. J Visitors are welcome. J PRESBYTERIAN Jesse M Corum and Kav Mis- J •nheimer. Supply Pastors. J 9:43, Sunday school. r 1 1:00. Worship. I 7:00, Youth Fellowship. J 7:30. Hour of Power, 2nd and,! Ith Wednesdays. I 11:00, Women church circle No. I net on first Monday, No, 2 on | !nd Monday, No. 3 on 2nd Mon- I lay and a general meeting will he leld on the 3rd Monday. ! 11:00, (’hoir, Wednesday. j MACEDONIA CHRISTIAN Service Saturday morning at II I ’. E. Caj ton. Pastor I Bible school at 10. .1 S. Ifolli , ! lay, Supt. I Morning service at II. Sermon: | The Good Samaritan.” I The hoy scouts will meet at 1 I Macedonia Sunday morning in a / iody. The sermon will he dedicat- " d to the hoy scouts of America Evening service at 7 30 EVERETTS BAPTIST E. I!. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. in., Bible School. (!. II. i'orbes, Supt. G:30 p. m.. Baptist Training tin on. Paul Bailey. Director. 7:0(1 p m.. Nov I!, Prayer serv ci at church. 0:00 (i m., Nov Cottage ser\’ ce at the home ol Mi and Mrs. I’hurston Wynn. 7::i0 p. in , Eriday, Nov. 3, cot a,lie service at the home of Play on Everett. Revival meeting services each light, 7:BO p. m„ Nov. (i 12. The mhhe is invited to attend all scr 'ices. The youth choir w ill sin", “iich night at 7:in p. m. HAMILTON BAPliST E. H. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. ill., Bible School II. S lohnson, Supt. I 1 ii. in., Worship services. 0;00 p. in., Baptist Training IJn on. <30 p in., Evening worship scr vice. 1 00 p. in.. Wednesday. Prayer lervico followed by choir (tractire PEDAR KKANTil BAPTIST W B Hat ringten. Pastor. 1 hi’ pastor, Rev. W B llaning 'on, will conduct the regular Sun la.v morning service at 11:00 • clock ill the (Vdm Branch Bap list (.'lunch, il was announced yes lerday The public is inv iled lamesville Baptist W. B. Harrington, Pastor. Regular services will he held in the Jamesville Baptist Church Sunday evening at 7:00 o’clock by the pastor, Rev. W. B. Harrington. The public is invited. WEST END BAPTIST J. Thud Ashley. Pastor. 9:45 a. in., Sunday school. Les lie Gurganus, Supt. 11:00 a. m„ Morning worship. The mid-week prayer service will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30. The public is invited to worship with us at all services. BAPTIST 9:45, Sunday school. 11:00, Worship. 0:30, Training Union, 7:30, Worship. The nursery will bo np--*n dur ing both the morning and evening worship services. Monday: 10:00, Study in Revela tion; 330, General W. M. S. meet ing at the church; 4:00, R A meet ing with Douglas Jones; 7:30, Re vival set vice. Tuesday: 10:00. Study in Reve lation; 4:00, Ethel Guest G. A. meeting; 7:30. Revival service. Wednesday: 10:00, Study in Re velation; 7:30, Revival service. Thursday: 10:0(7, Study in Re velation; 7:30, Revival service. Friday: 10:00, Study in Revela tion: 7:30, Revival service Saturday* 7:30, Revival service.; METHODIST E. R. Shriller, Minister. 9:45, Church school. 0:30, Youth Fellowship. 0:00, Monday, Wesleyan Service Build meets with Mrs. George Corey. Mrs. G (' Wood will be joint hostess. 11:00, Tuesday, Circle No. 1 will neet with Mrs. W. K. Parker. 0:00, Tuesday, Circle No. 2 will neet with Mrs Kill Thrower. Mrs.! hiryl Clayton, Jr. will he joint lostess. 7:30, Wednesday, Bible study in \ets the 19th chapter. 0:15, Wednesday, choir rehears- . il. There will be no church serv er's at the Methodist Church next Sunday, since the pastor is away j t conference. CHRISTIAN John L. Goff, Pastor. Bible school. 9:45. Classes for j H ages. Exum L Ward, Jr., Supt. 430DOCOOOOQOOOCO&: | REVIVAL SPEAKER | t_' Beginning Monday night, Nov Oih, the fall revival will he held at the Everetts Baptist Church. Rev. W B. Harrington will assist the pastor. Rev, E. R. Stewart, ( from Nov. (i to 12. Services each night at 7:20 p. m. Youth choir i will sing at 7:15 p. m. All young; people are, invited to attend and j sing in the youth choir. Special music each night. A cordial invi tation is extended to all to attend. ~T Morning worship and celebra ion of the Lord’s Supper 11:00. sermon subject: “Suffering Tri jmphantly.” CYF and Chi Rho groups meet at 6:30. Evening jraise and worship service, 7:30. Sermon subject: “Tyed Weapons.” Monday, 8:00, Christian Woman's fellowship at the church. Tues- 1 lay. choir rehearsal at 7:30. Wed- j nesdav, 7:30, midweek prayer and I jraise service in the home of Mr. SCOOQO'SOBOQOOOK' a LEWIS STOCKYARD .1. 15. I.KWIS Owners ami Operators ALF FOHBES Greenville, N. 0. Dial 3f>028 SVI.i: KVKIIY TUKSIMY Upon t h<* request of our many huyei s we are changing our live stock sale from Fridays to Tuesdays, beginning Tuesday. Nov ember (>. You will fiud that we have one of the best organized auction sales in North Carolina. You bring the livestock and we’ll have the buyers. The following buyers plus many others can usually be found on our sale. New Bern Provision Co., Kuhersonville Packing Company, Greenville Packing Co., Washington Packing Co., Flovd Thomas Market and Andrews Market of Bethel, White Stores, Native Market, North Side Grocery and many other Greenville buy ers. _ We also have consignment buyers and a heavy farmer trade. For plenty of competition and the top dollar bring us your next load of livestock. Sale starts promptly at 1 o’clock. Plenty of good food to eat. We tire as proatt of pour Pontiac as t/off arc! who knot!' Pontiac best are the people who are most proud of Pontiac. Anil logically so, too, because we know how soundly Pontiac is built, how depend ably it delivers superb Silver Streak performance year after year. Our service specialists are factory-trained to know your Pontiac inside and out. They are Aptipped with special tools and factory-engineered parts to give your Pontiac exactly the kind of service treatment it deserves. Most people discover, too, that proper, expert service actually costs less. VVe know your Pontiac best — and we service it best. Drop in soon — lot us help you protect your Pontiac with Pontiac service. COME IN. FOR A f7] Tune-up Diagnosis— ii eluding engine tune-up and a complete check and report of all working units on your car. | | Lubrication and Oil Change. [~~1 Brake Adjustment (if your brake pedal goes to with in one inch of floor board). "CHECK-UP” TODAY! [7| Steering Adjustment. [~| Adjust clutch (if pedal has more than one inch of "play") or check Hydro Malic fluid level. [7] Clean and inspect cooling system — and add neces sary anti-freeze. j j Rotate tires. and Mrs. Tommy Bland on Beech ! Street. Sermon subject: "The Year of Jubilee (Armistice)." Church Of The Advent (Episcopal) Tin Rev. Thomas Hastings, Rector j Weekday (exc Monday) Morn-1 ing and. Evening Pravei 8 jnd 5. j Sunday, November 5: 8 a. m., Holy Communion. 9:45. Church school. 11:00. Holy Communion and I Sermon. Nursery. | (The women of the church will] present their United Thank Offer ing at the eleven o'clock service.) | Collect for the Sunday: “O A! mighty God. who hast knit togeth er thine elect in one communion] and fellowship, in the mystical I body of thy Son Christ our Lord; Grant us grace so to follow thy j blessed Saints in all virtuous and! godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which thou hast prepared for those who unfeignedly love thee; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to Mr. Edward Corey for th..' u e of the Planters Ware house for our Halloween Carnival and to thank each and everyone who contributed toward the suc cess of the carnival. Williarnston Woman’s Club CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to each and everyone for the flowers, cards and gifts, I re ceived during my recent stay in * Brown’s, Community Hospital. T also wish to thank Dr. Brown and his fine staff of nurses for the splendid care they gave me. May the Lord bless each and everyone of you. Mrs. Carrie 1). Stubbs. Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP Our Sincere Appreciation To All Our Tobacco (irmvcr I'Tirmls and (aistomers Who Sold Their drop \l Our Warchoiist's: II m ft’?? 1! I 8 igl . . . we offer our thanks for your ronliuu ed support. The patronage given iis hy our farmer friends in Kasleru Carolina eualdes us to give you, year after year, the same courte ous Irealment, efficient scr\ ice and the lop dollar for vour tobacco. We look forward to next year when we hope you will gi\c iis the opportunity of serv ing you again.. Andy Anderson and Herbert Highsmilh Planters Whses. No. I and 2 Kohersonv ille, N. <] Protect Your Pontiac with Pontiac ■•rvic* X pfipSif \:: . •:V . . Chns. H. Jenkins & Ce. \ WILLI AMSTON — AHOSKIE — AULANDER — EDENTON — WINDSOR