I I News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago NOVEMBER 4, 1910 His many friends will learn with regret of the deatn of Frank F. Harrell, which occured at the home of his mother in Oak City on October 26th Harrell was just 31 years old and a kind and good young man, liked by all who knew him. Married in Washington County, on November 2nd, Mr. Arthur Roebuck, of Martin County, and M in Si fr W tr tc P b: H M S' H ei S ei h ei says DOAK WALKER ♦ ALL-AMERICAN FOOTBALL STAR DrPefiper Or. Pepper it delicious, spar kling! Fool your onorgy soar at the bright, right flavor of | Or. Pepper lifts you — fast! I Fop up with Dr. Popper. Ask for it wherever you go — enjoy it at home, too! Let Dr. Pepper became a habit with : yew, tea, at H has with Doak Walker, All-American Feet boM Star, since he was knee high to a grasshopper! A i /FT FOR UFF! Miss Marcia Harrison, of Wash ington County. The bride and groom, accompanied by several friends and relatives, reached Williamston on the five o'clock train Wednesday and drove out, to the home of the groom near Popular Point. A delightful time was reported by everybody that attended the Halloween party at the home of Miss Bettie Roberson on Railroad Street in Robersonville. Misses Pearl Roberson, Myrna Hight and Sallie Smith, of Rob ersonville, spent Saturday and Sunday near Hassell. Miss Lula Sauls delightfully entertained the Faculty at the home of Samuel Barnhill in Rob ersonville. Mrs. Herbert Hyman, of Ham let, spent Saturday with Mrs. S. W. Outerbridge at her home in Robersonville. Misses Faye Everett and Reta Roberson, of Robersonville, spent Sunday in the country. Lester and Claude Edmondson, of Gold Point, have been spend ing the week in Robersonville. W. L. Riddick has been visit ing in Robersonville. Miss Rosa Baker and brother, of Hamilton, spent Friday in Rob ersonville. J. H. Gardner, of Robersonville went to Tarboro Sunday. Miss Martha Lillcy of James ville, spent Monday in town. The home of Miss Josephim Teel, was the scene of a ver> quiet wedding on last Thursdaj afternoon. At just five o’clock, < small company and Ihe J. P who had been engaged to officiati entered the front room of thi home, there was no time to slum ber or sleep for the bridegroom j had already come. The J. P. hav ing made ready, the bridal part; entered as follows: First cam Mr. Sylvester Hardison with Mis Oliva Putan, Mr. Hardison wen to the right and Miss Putan t the left, the bride was given awa by Mr. Hardison then Mr. Naths Stark, of Newark, N. J. led Mr; Maggie Daggy, of Jamesville, t I the altar and listened to the so I emn words of Mr. J. L. Dave port, (a Justice of the Peace) th made the two one. They expect j live here until the Spring, ar ! then go back North. Messrs. H. G. Griffin and Cha i W. Wilson, of Jamesville, a; i building a new boat. It is expec ed to be one of the swiftest i i the river. j Mrs. P. H. Brown entertaim I a number of her friends Fridi j night at her home In Jamesvill . Whist was the game played. W. H. Daniel, of Jamesvil • j went to Tarboro Sunday to attei I the Union meeting. The many friends of Mrs. Mar-j ion Cobb (nee Simpson) will be i pleased to learn of her marriage j to Mr. Charles Cobb, of Edge- j combe County, which was solem nized in the Presbyterian Cnurch at Tarboro on last Wednesday. Mr. Cobb is a prosperous farmer of his county and he is to be warmly congratulated. Governor Locke Craig spent Sunday in town the guest of Dr. John D. Biggs. Mrs. W. E. Warren and Miss Deborah Fleming returned Mon day from Pactolas where they had i been visiting relatives. Miss Elizabeth Gordon went to Hamilton Thursday. Mrs. W. E. Wane., ana Miss Deborah Fleming returned Mon day from Pactolas where they had been visiting relatives. Miss Elizabeth Gordon went to Hamilton Thursday. Miss Belle Carstarphen, of Hamilton, left Tuesday for Nor folk. Miss Sallic Baker, of Palmyra, is the guest of Mrs. Sherrod Sals bury at her home in Hamilton. Miss Castine Purvis has return ed to her home in Hamilton from Newport News where she has been taking a business course. The residence of Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Boyle, of Hamilton, was the scene of a most enjoyable re ception Monday night. The par ticipants assembled about eight - thirty. The programme was very interesting, consisting of song.' and recitations by Mrs. Dutt, and Miss Sallic Baker. At eleven o’clock uie in.ppy cro vd was us hered into the dining room where deligntful refreshments were ser ved. At the approach of the mid night ooui the crowd dispersed D. J. Meeks, of Everetts, was ir town Monday. Limber Twig, buggy horse o' Dr. W. E. Wane.., won seconc money each day at the Albemarl Fair held at Elizabeth City las week. The purses were $300.0 in each race. Penatus owned b A. R. Mizell won second mone in each of his races. Purses wei $200.00. He also won second mot cy at Suffolk the week befon Farmer Gentry, the fast colt < John R. Gentry, owned by D John Biggs, was also at the fai but did not star in any of th races. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the poo er of sale contained in a eerta Deed of Trust executed to the u dersigned Trustee by Prince A bert White and wife, Magnol White, dated July 23, 1948, and record in the Register of Dee Office in Book S-4, page 444 to . cure certain notes of even di Sell Us Your iPEANUTS We Pay Top Market Prices Aw well as prompt and efficient grading and handling service. We have official grutlcrw at the I'UANTERS’ WAREHOUSES In ROBERSONVILEE Kipiipprd with afl tin* necessary grading et|uipmcnl including the latewt in mowiturc testing maeliine which nieanw that we ran buy and pay for your peanntw just aw woon aw they are graded. If you wish to deliver or lone u» haul your peaiiutw to the warehouse anti have them grad ed, we will give you freu* storage for a reason able length of time and you will be at liberty to sell to any buyer you wish if our prices don't satisfy you. We are buying for several companies ami ran assure you top prices for any anti all grades of peanuts. ROBERSONVILLE STORAGE Company - Robersonville, N. C. Andy Anderson—Ashley Wynne-Curtis Taylor PLAY POSTPONED The play dv the Jamcsvilie parties Aid scheduled to bo pre sented in the Farm Life School Friday evening of this week has jeen postponed indefinitely on ac count of the death of Mr. Clyde Brown, it was announced. In Local Hospital Mrs. Elmer Modlin of James cille entered Brown s Hospital Wednesday for an operation. therewith and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and at the re quest of the holder of said bonds, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 24th day of November. 1950, at 12 o’clock, Noon, in front of the Courthouse door of Martin Coun ty, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed property: A certain tract or parcel of land in Williamston, N. C.. Martin County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Jennie Street, Iona Bagiev and others: Beginning at :: stub fifty feet Northwest of the center of tile tract of the extension of the Raleigh and Albemarle Railroad and at a corner of the first street West of the County Hoad to Washington. IN. L . run- 1 l nmg thence Southwtfstwardlv along said street 105 feet to a stob. ' thence northwesterly 105 feet to a stiib, thence northeasterly 105 feet to a stob, thence southeasterly ' along the tract of the Plymouth extension of the Albemarle and i Raleigh Railroad 105 foot to the i beginning. Containing One Fourth of an acre, more or less, I and beKig the same land deeded to ' Anne Huft by George W Blount i by Deed dated June 21, 1900. and 1 of record in the Public Registry of : Martin Countv in Book W-2, page 285 This 23rd day of October, 1950. B. A Critcher, Trustee, j oc 28 no 2-9-18 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION I Nogth Carolina. Martin County Having this day qualified as ad , I ministrator of the estate of Mrs. j J. A. Everett deceased this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned or his at torneys within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All per ; sons indebted to the said estate 1 will please make immediate pay ■ meat. | This the 25 dav of October, 1950 J. A. Everett, Jr , Administrator of the estate of Mrs. J. A. Everett, deceased ’(‘el ana reel, j \ Attorneys at Law, ! ^ Villiamston, N C , ( >c 26 no 2-9-16-23-30 _ ( NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ’ Having this day qualified as ad- f ninistrator of the estate of John lie Jones, late of the county of iflartin, this is to notify all parties < laving claims against said estate 0 present them to the undersign- j >d within one year trom date . lereof or this notice will be plead •d in bar of recovery. , All parties owing an\ sum to he said estate will please pay the same at once. 1950 F. B Harrell, Administrator, Estate of Johnnie Jones, de ceased, Oak City, N. C. This the 25th dav of October oc 26 no 2-9-16-23-30 NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment and order of resale in a spe cial proceedings entitled ’‘In the Matter of: D. A. Roebuck and wife Ila Mae Roebuck. Mrs V CJ Taylor, Dr Charles Roebuck, Mrs Sal lie Bridges and husband Hal Bridges, Mrs Francos Sprague and husband Stuart Sprague, E. W. Nobles and wife Mrs. E W Nobles, R. T Morgan and wife Della Morgan, Nellie Clvdc No 1 hP s Bertramb Reads and husband ersigqed Commissioners will, on riday, November 10, 1950, at 12 'clock, Noon, in front of the lourthouse door’ in Williamston, forth Carolina, Martin Oountv, ffer for resale to the lushest hitl er, for rash, the following de criberl propertr Adjoining Highway 125 on Iho lout h, Conoho Creek on the ■forth, Speight Farm (now owned iv Griffin and Feel) on the East, ind Mrs V G. Taylor on the tfk si Containing 200 acres, more ir less, and known as the Fred; toebuek Farm. The last and highest bidder will re required to deposit 10', of the price bid at the sale This the 25th day of October, 1950 B. A Critcher H. G. Horton, Commissioners. oe 20 no 2 I take this means of thanking my friends for the nice flowers and raids they si nt me during my illness. Also the visits, com forting words and prayers. I es pecially want to thank my Bible Class and all the doctors and nurs es at Martin General for being so good and attentive to me during my stay in the hospital. Mr. Jim Lilley. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY'S For FURNITURE II TOBACCO SCRAP WANTED Allenlion larnuTs: Well pnv oxlrn premium for nil sernp llinl lins been elenned ol nil hiring nml foreiiiii mailer. W. L Skinner And Co. ft] ft ft M ft IM ft M ft ft ft IP i ft Martin Supply Co. ZE5EZS55EZ5 ^ii Belter Buu Buick! WXNTtobc free from that nervous tensing up for a jolt every time a rough Spot looms in the road ahead? Want to enjoy the relaxing feel of a sure-footed car beneath you,that stays level even when the road doesn't? Well, sir, ease into a Buick and sec how such matters arc cared for. See what a wonderful difference in level buoyancy coil springs can make when you have them on all four Tun* in HH'IHY I TAYlOt, APC NMvwl. *v«ry *1 wheels, not just the front ones. Note what firm and solid steadiness is yours when a full-length torque tube drive is your keel-how smoothly you stay on course when the rear wheels can’t help but run true. See what big, low-pressure tires and Buick’s wide rims can do to pillow your course without jounce or sway. In other words, sample this two-ton beauty for over-all stance and balance -and the cradling comfort of its roomy interiors. And while you're at it, get the very special thrill of its mighty Fireball power plant, plus the frec-as-a-bird in-flight bliss of its Dynnflow Drive.* It’s an experience that you owe your self—and it’s yours for the asking. I he thing to do is get in touch with your Buick dealer—and discover the ride that only Buick owners know. #,<tinttlartl I'iM/'IIMM, Of./iimal at extm ami on SI'rf:R ami Sri’.t lAI. moilclu. VO'It Krv ! r-t‘A'Ft VMlIf % Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. of Williamston, Inc, Hi^liuuy 17 IMioue 2117 W illiuniMon, (!. — vvimi r.rtTfP /un3”.or.ut5 arc puut buici; win rimo nun S5

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