Attend Inauguration at Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Pet 1. Mr James Manning and Mr. W. C Manning. Jr., attended the inaugu ration of D. Ray Lindley. new president of Atlantic Christian College, in Wilson yesterday Mr. Peel, a trustee ot the institution, participated in the inaugural ser vice. Returns To Wilson INI; Ncwood Thonia-. tobacco buyer on the local market for J. P. Taylor and C" . has returned to his home in Wilson Spend Week-end in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hammond ol Tarboro and Misses Royce Ward and Joyce Anne Cowan spent tin week-end in Richmond. Returns To Wilson Mi. John Hearn, tobacconist for the Imperial Tobacco Co . has re turned to his home in Wilson after buying tobacco on the local mar ket. Ladies Aid To .Meet Tilt Corinth Ladies Aid will meet Saturday November 4. with Mrs. Renda Daniels. All mem bers are urged to bt present Here For Feu Days Miss Tree,i Dickens n! Raleigh, auditoi of the Select iv< Service I System, i- sp..ndina few days here. Here F'roin Richmond Miss Phyllis Owens Home Ser vice Direct ■: o| the Virginia Elec tric and p.-wii Company. Rich mond. wa- a business visitor here 'Jut - lav .net Wc cinesda> full *a comforting. . VapoRuB Eye I,la*srs Broken? We maintain a com; lete optical ■ervice. Lens, temples and 1 frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Jg|| Peele’s — 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 ' More Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Edmond son ol Hassell visited here yester day. Here From Oak City Mr. R. A. Haislip and daughter. Miss Lynette. of Oak City, visited here this morning. Visit In Kiehmond Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gorkin of Jamesville visited their son, Mr. H. L. Gurkih. and family in Rich mond over the week-end. Class fleets Tile Philatea Class of the-Mem orial Baptist Church will1' meet with Mrs II B Thompson at her home on Ray Street Fridaynight at It o’clock. Attending Game In Knoxville Misses Thelma Carrow and Jeanette Myers and Messrs. Cecil Batts end R. S. Edmondson. Jr., will leave Friday for Kpoxville. Tennessee, where they will attend the Carolina Tennessee ' football game: Enters Duke Hospital Mrs. A. J Manning - entered Duke Hospital in Durham Wed ru sday for treatment Returns To Kinston Mr. Mark Lamb, bu.vci foi Ann i M-an. lias returned^', to his home in Kinston after spending the season here on the loeartobac- j jo market . .. Attend Conference Mesdames Arthui White.'J. Sam Get singer. J. A. Ellis, A. C.-Rober ;oii. Rtfleigh Harrington ami John Ward attended a 1st area-eonfer-. nee of the ’American Legion Aux ilary held m Rocky Mount’Tues iay. . , / <*,; in pro v ine c Mrs. Eb Hardison of Jamesville s receiving treatment in Brown’s lospital, reports this irforning dating that her condition'vi'as im- | iroVed. :•* | .eaves For Training Lt Commander Gy:o (JL.Mahler S Naval Reserve, leaves tonior- . ow for Jacksonville, Fla., for two;1 'eeks of annual training. Mrs dahloi and son, Carl, are accom Kinying him. t’Lsited In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. E. H Manning. Jr., i ‘ isited in Norfolk yesterday. They I 'ere accompanied by Mi and Mrs. Henry Griffin of Washing ] Warm! Gay! Cara-fraa! Worsted Jarsay Skirt Junior* lov* our car*»fr*a wor*t*d J*r**y akirt by tOUMM BROOKS tjccaus* tho color* art ** brignt and *n»*ry at • crackling log fir* . .. and juat a* warm! ftlMI yaarg • to IS and kaam fashionably *nua Proctor Shoppe Miss Mobley becomes Bride or Mr. earl Arp _—t— In a candlelight ceremony Sat urday afternoon at four o'clock in the Macedonia Christian Church Miss Virginia Harrison Mobley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mobley of Williamston, was united in-marriage to Mr. Earl De Forrest Arp, son of Mr and Mrs Francis Earl Arp of Ak ron, Ohio. The Rev. Preston E Ca.vton of Eden tori, pastor of the bride, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. Prior to the ceremony a pro gram of wedding music was pre sented by Mrs. Virgil Wobbleton of Bear Grass. The bride and bridegroom en tered the church together. Miss Mobley wore a suit of winter white with navy acessories and a shoulder corsage of red roses. Mrs. Leroy Harrison, aunt of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a dress of winter green with brown accessories and a cor sage of red roses. Mr. Asa Rogerson of Williams ton was best man. Mrs. Mobley chose for her dau ghters' wedding a grey suit with alack accessories. Her corsage was of red roses. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was held in the Community building. The bride's table, covered with i linen cloth, was centered with m arrangement of white chry santhemums and fern flanked by by burning tapers. Mrs. Mobley served the wedding "ike after the bride and groom yad cut the first slice. Mi's. Virgil Wobbleton presided over the lunch bowl, lee cream, nuts and mints were also served. After a short wedding trip the ouple will be-|.at‘home in Rich nond, Virgmia. ----y- ■ ---- To BE MtA'RKIED'fSUNDAY i-r 1 i _ i ■ Mr. and Mis Gov Napier re juest your presence at the mar riage of their daughter. Lula Dean, to Gilbert L. Ange, both of Jamesvilie, on Sunday, November b, at three o'clock in the Cedar I Branch Baptist Church. The pub Spend Week Here Mrs. J. M Taylor and daughter, Donna, of Roanoke Rapids, spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Brown. Announce Kirth Born to Mr and Mrs. Dock Tay lor a daughter in Brown’s Hospi tal on Tuesday, October HI. In Local Hospital Miss Frances Roberson is huv ng her tonsils removed in Brown's Hospital today. Recovering From Injuries Recovering from injuries re vived in an automobile accident last Sunday, a week ago, Mr. Hen y Jones plans to leave Brown's! Hospital today 01 tomorrow. ! friends said tins morning, l ontinues III Mr. J D. Ward continues crit- I ‘■ally ill m Martin General Hos- i jitul. In Rocky Mount Tuesday Mi. and Mrs. Albert Martin of lamesville visited in Rocky Mount Tuesday. <; II 4 K 4 N | K K I) I* K O I E C | I O N him) S 4 V 1 N <; S PL 4 N S W. C. “IllLI.” PF.ELE Manager THE LIFE INSI'RANCK company OF VIRGINIA WILLIAMSYON N. C. | MISS LAURA PEELS y/eds oleis Lille1 Miss Laura Fiances Peele, dan lighter of Mr. and Mrs Henr 11 Peele of Griffins Township, hr came the bride of Oil is Li lle\ son of Mr. Arthur Lillev and th late Mrs. Lilley of Jamesvilk Sunday afternoon at four thirt o'clock in a candlelight ceremon. at the Macedonia Christiai Church The Rex’. P. E. Cay to’ officiated at the double ring cere mony. Prior to the ceremony Mrs DarvI Taylor of Everetts, pianist rendered a program of nuptia music. Miss Janice Manning, so loist, sang ‘The Rosary” am "Through The Years". Concluding the ceremony. Miss Manning sang "The Lord's Prayer" as a benedic tion. Given in marriage by her fath er, Miss Peele wore a gown of egg shell satin fashioned with a tunic bertha of.Chantilly lace and a yolk of marquisette outlined in seed pearls. Her fingertip veil of French illusion fell from a plaited bandeau of illusion laced with seed pearls. She carried a nosegay of white chrysanthemums shower ed with white streamers. Mrs. David Rogerson was ma tron of honor Her gown was of rose taffeta styled with fitted bod ice. pleated bertha and hoop skirt. She wore mitts and a ban deau of matching material and carried a nosegay of yellow chry santhemums. Bridesmaids were Miss Daisy Coltrain, niece of the1 groom Mrs Robert Peele. sister-in-law of the bride, Mrs. D B. Rogerson and Miss Mary Ola Lilley. Their gowns, two of green taffeta and two of gold taffeta, were identi cal in style to that worn by the matron of honor. Their mitts and bandeaus were of matching ma terial and they carried nosegays of yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Jeanette Lilley, niece of he groom, and Miss Helen Griffin, cousin of the bride, were junior bridesmaids. Their gowns of green and gold were identical to those if the bridesmaids. Little Jo Peek' tsrrii'n of Hal r eigh, cousin of the bride, wa flower girl She wore a dress o . rose taffeta styled like that of th< ,. matron of honor and carried ; white satin covered basket fillet with pink rose petals. Evan Griffin was best man. Us hers were Bill Peele, housin of the • bride. Robert Peele, brother oi the bride, David Rogerson and , D. B Rogerson. Mis. Elbert Manning and Mrs II R. Hunt were mistresses of ceremony. Mrs. Henry Peele, mother of the i bride, wore a black dress with | black accessories. Mrs. Mary Eli za Griffin, with whom the groom made his home for many years, ■ wore a black dress with black ac cessories Both wore corsages of I white carnations. The bride, a graduate of Wil liamston High School, attended Meredith College and Kings Bus ! mess College in Raleigh. She is ! now associated with the Virginia I Electric and Power Company. Mr. | Lillet’ was graduated from Farm Life High School after which he | spent three years in the service. He is now engaged in farming. Upon Mi and Mrs. Lille.v's re 5 turn from a wedding trip to un announced points they will be at home with the bride's parents For j traveling the bride chose a, suit of toast brown Botany and brown | accessories. Her corsage was of i carnations. ' Immediately following the wed Iding rehearsal on Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Robert H Peele, Jr., I brother and sister-in-law of the bride, entertained the wedding party and friends at a cake cutting NEED GLASSES? ! ■ I at. the- Macedonia Club hou.-c. ■j Mrs. H . U Peel greeted the guests. The bride's table, centered with a candelabra and flower arrange ; men*, held a three tiered wedding cake and punch bowl. Mis. Peele,, mother of the bride, served cake and Mrs. Mac Roberson poured punch. Mints and nuts were serv ed to approximately one hundred guests. Presiding at the guest register was Mi's. J. Lilley. Music was furnished during the evening by Mrs. Daryl Taylor and I Miss Janice Manning. Goodbyes were said by Mrs. R H. Peele, Jr. Miss Gertrude McLawhorn and I Miss Trulah Ward Bailey were! hostesses on Saturday, October 21, at the formers home at a supper given in the honor of Miss Laura ! Frances Peele and Mr, Pete Lil ley. Arrangements of candles and 1 s flcwcrs were used on each of the is even beautifully appointed !tables. Mesdsmes D. C McLaw 1 horn. H. P. Mobley and J. O. Dan iels served the twenty eight guests. Miss Peele received a corsage of carnations and a silver bon bon dish from her hostesses. --« Attends Inauguration at Wilson Rev. John Goff attended the in auguration of Dr. D. Ray Lindley as new president of Atlantie Christian College in Wilson yes- j terd ay. Receiving Treatment Mr. Jordan Peei is receiving j treatment in Brown's Hospital. Entered Hospital Wednesday Mrs. Irving Roberson entered | Brown's Community Hospital | Wednesday for treatment. In Local Hospital Mis Daisy Whitley is receiving1 treatment in Martin General Hos- ; pital. ALL OCCASION GREETING CARDS VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT Williamston Office Equipment Co. ! Spend Day In Greenville Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Cowan and daughter, Mrs. William N. Cherry, spent Sunday in Greenville visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and family. G & W William - Penn | Blended ? x Whiskey 's I fRAlVHr WHIlKfYl M tM PM 1 4 run o* MOU OLD. U% Itu V, Mg N4UT1AL The Best Dressed Look To The BLUE STAR CLEANERS Marlin (manly s Largest ami Most Mmlorn (.'loaners I \|mtI Ml<‘i';ilion anil Dyrinji - lliifi Clriinili" Al l. WORK (;r VR WTKEI) W:isliin*r|P„ Slrr. l -:- Telephone 2%.12 ill ( Intlies Insure,I igainst Lire ami Theft FT' ~ Jvfaffon DURABILITY... DEPENDABILITY It rides more smoothly Take ene ride and you'll agree that Chev rolet is the smoothest riding car in the entire low-price field. It's the only low priced car combining the famous Unitized Knee-Action Ride and airplane-type shock absorbers all around. It operates more economically Owners will tell you Chevrolet's famous Valve-in-Head Engine, exclusive to Chev rolet in its price range gives an outstanding combination of thrills and thrift, plus proved dependability, year after year. It's better looking all around Outstanding good looks accompany the outstanding performance of Chevrolet cars —only low-piVed car with Body by Fisher —end most beautiful in its field, according to a recent public survey. at PnwtrgliJt Axiomatic Transmiuion lOib.p, but*! tpnouat » l)t lax $ mojett at txtrt cut. It drives more easily Fnjov finest no-shift driving with Power glide Automatic rransmission* and, 105 b.p. Valve-in-Head Engine—or finest stand ard driving with standard Valve-in-Head Engine and Synchro-Mesh Transmission— at lowest cost. It lasts longer, too Many Chevrolets are giving full satisfac tion after having served ten, fifteen, twenty years or longer. That’s one reason why there are over a million more Chevrolets on the road than any other make. It gives more for less throughout Mote tor less! More steering-ease, thanks to Center-Point Steering. More all-round vision, thanks to a Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility. Mo.e safety, thank* to lusher Unisteel Body-Construction and hydraulic brakes. Come in—todayl Th« Fl*ellin» D» lux* J Door Stdan America's Best Seller! I America's Best Buy! Roanoke Chevrolet Company — Williamston, N. 1.