Esso Employees Have Thrill Fund Employees of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) and af filiates. including Esso Standard Oil Company, have accumulated $83,636,000 in savings through a Thrift Plan made available' to them by the Company. This was revealed in a report issued today by the Thrift Fund Trustees to employees taking part in the pro gram The repo’ t shows the status of the fund as of June 30. Employees may put up to 10 percent of their earnings in the Thrift Plan, begun in 1936. To the employees' contributions the em ployer adds up to 3 percent of the participant’s earnings, the amount depending on the participant's earnings, the amount depending on the participant's percentage of contribution. In addition the Com pany makes special contributions in years of favorable earnings. More than 40.000 employees are currently taking part in the plan which is entirely voluntary and open to employees of all ranks on the same terms. Employees may withdraw part of their savings at six-month in tervals and then lotul balances, including all of .,ie employer’s contributions, are turned over to them upon leaving the Company or to their heirs in the event of death. Participants in the plan may also use these savings for the purchase* of Government Bonds, stock in the Company , hospital in suranee, and paid-up life insur ance policies, and as collateral for low-interest loans. Through their Thrift Plan sav ings employees now own 298,000 shares of Co. stock bought at th< market price at the time acquired and representing a total outlay of $16,683,000. They also own paid up insurance policies purchased at a cost of $402,000. Thi. insurance coverage is in addition to a pro gram of survivor death benefits SI,All WOOD FOII SAFE ( HEAP. Dial 2 160 W illinmslnii Supply ft*. Boy Scouts Report Their Activities Troop zSi Since we were meeting on Hal loween night the boys and Mr. Matthews, our Scoutmaster, de cided beforehand to have a hallo ween party. The mothers and fa thers of the boys were invited to attend. Before the party began Benny Taylor read a few verses from the Bible. After this Joe Clayton led us in the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. Joe also informed us that his meetings would start next Wednesday at 4 o'clock. Mr. Matj thews informed us that the Green Bar Bill Patrol meeting will take place at h’s he,me Wednesday, No vember 1 After this the party began with costume judging by the parents of the boys. The finalists were Tommy Cooke, who came as a hunchback, winner; Charles Lee Edwards, a pirate, second place; Wayne Pate. Henry Handy and Benny Taylor Further entertain ment was provided bv Dickie Clayton and Herbert Ward who sang three selections for us. Fol lowing the singing the parents and the Scouts were served refresh ments Two cakes donated by Mrs. R H Clayton, Jr and Mrs. Susie ; Clark were left untouched after everyone had been served and they were auctioned off by Mr jC D. Pittman. The money that was raised was put in the Scout Fund to be used to buy anything the troop may need. The meeting was dismissed by having James Pittman repeat the j •‘Scoutmaster's Benediction” and the boss huming ‘‘Taps”. James Pittman, scribe pn vali d by the Company with ul cost to thi employees, to low cost roup insurance, and to an i unities, toward the cost of which | tile Company contributes sllhstan ; tia 1 amounts. The annual repoi t to Thrift Plan pai ta ipants just issued shows that pnvmont to employees electing to withdiaw part of their savings amounted to SI4.745,000 ill the fis cal year up to June JU. , If everyone profited by his mis takes many would be able to puv , dividends. CHICK SALE \Y<‘ Il:ivc \n BABY CMISKS l or Only $12.00 Per 109 •New ILimp-Jiirr Iteils, While l(nrk«. Kir. Buy at these low prices while we are fnerslocked. ROBERSONVILLE HATCHERY Rohers>onville. N. (! Plan Amateur Slum• In Farm Life School An amateur show will be given in the Farm Life School on Nov ember 16 at 8 o’clock. The spon sors, the Ladies’ Aid*of the Maple Grove Christian Church, have an nounced that they have secured the services of Tal Pollard of VV. C. E. C.. J{ocky Mount broadcast ing station, as master of cere monies for the talent contest. Although plans have not been completed it was reported that prizes would be given the winning contestants. Anyone desiring to enter the show is asked to contact Mis. An drew Griffin, phone 2948-4 Dance To lie Sponsored Ity Jamesrille llall I'.lnh A dance sponsored by the Jamesvillc All Stars basketball club will be held Tuesday night, November 7, from 9:00 until 1:00 at the' Jamesvillc gymnasium A jitterbug contest will be one of the hi-lights of the dance. Sandwiches and soft drinks will be on sale in the gymnasium by the members of the Jamesvillc Womans Club. Admission will be $1.50 per couple. -A--— HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Donald Parsons was the honor guest at a party Halloween night when lus mother, Mrs. K. T. Par sons entertained at the Woman'* Club in celebration of his eigh teenth birthday anniversary. When the guests arrived, punch cheese Ritz, nuts and candy wen served. Later in the evening cake and ice cream were also served. The Halloween motif was ral - lied out Dancing was enjoyed by the group after which Donald was presented many useful gifts Approximately forty guests at tended. I The hostess was assisted by Mrs | Pete Hall, Mrs D. (’ McLawhorn Mrs. W. T. Ross and Mis, hi, M Delamar. GETS APPOINTMENT Mrs violin Ward, Sr., prominent in American Legion Auxiliary eir cles, was notified recently that slu had received an appointment fron the national president, Mrs. Willi. C. Reed, of Venita, Oklahoma, ti serve on the national community sei vu e committee. BEAR GRASS RI RITANS The Bear Grass Ruritans wil hold a meeting in the school then next Monday evening at 7:0(1 ! o'clock Announce marriage Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Stubbs of i Williamston announce the mar-1 riage of their daughter, Nellie j Blanche, to Rudolph Holliday, son of Mrs Gainer Holliday and the late Mr. Holliday of Aulander, on I Saturday, October 21, at the Moth odist parsonage in Williamston ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified a* ad - ministratrix of the estate of George C. Jenkins, deceased of Martin Countv, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 20th day of October, 1051, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said ('state arc asked to make im I mediate settlenient, This the 201 li day of October, 1050. Mattie 1-. Jenkins, Administratrix no 2-0-10-22-20 de 5 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends [and neighbors for the many acts j of kindness shown us during the I recent illness and at the death of jour beloved husband and father I Especially do we appreciate the I cards, words of sympathy, and HOT, FIERY GAS Sloniticli Like \ Furnace A Williamston man said recent ly that his stomach used to burn like a “gas t'acton !" That is, when I he ate a meal it seemed to turn right into hot gas. He was always bloated, had gas |>ains daih But now this man says he is FREE of STOMACH GAS and he says the change is due to taking CERTA VIN. His meals agree with him. CERTA-VIN is a new formula Taken before meals it works with your food, expels the gas, and thus you get the fullest good out of I your meals. It contains Ten Great I Herbs, plus vitamin H and Iron, j Besides relieving gas it also en i i iehes the blood (with iron) and i makes stronger nerves (with vita min li.) Miserable people soon feel hettei all ovei So don't go Ion suffering! Get CEUTA VIN j - 1 )a vis I h ue. Store Visit llrili" ami WilliiiuiHlon for llir "He*/ Buys In •Hr* In millin'99 the other helps tendered us. We also wish to thank the doctors and nurses of Martin General Hospital for their kindness and considera tion Mi s. (ioorge C. Jenkins and Family. (Will) OF THANKS 1 wish to thank the members of my usher hoard for giving me such a swell surprise anniversary along with those who sent and brought so many beautiful and list ful gifts 1 am also extending special thanks and appreciation to the members of the following usher boards for their help in making m\ evening a success of happiness Hirer Hill Cornerstone and the A. M K Zion churches. Mrs. Francis lingers NOTH F. OF SAI.F, Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the special proceedings entitled "Thurston Davenport v Hattie K Davenport," the undersigned Commissioners will, on Friday, December I, lltfiO, at K! o'clock Noon, in front of the Courthouse door in Williamston. N C offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described pro perty: Beginning in the Delhi Rogers line in the Bear Trap Mill Road, running thence a southerly direc tion along the said road about 40 yards to a marked pine tree, run ioo" thnnoe m a westerh direr tion along a line of marked trees; to the run of a small branch, thence down sa’d branch to the Della Rogers line, thence east wardly along her line to the be ginning Containing 3/5 of an acre, more or less, and being the same land deeded by W C. Man mng and S. M. Manning to the Board of Education, February 15, 1019. and recorded in Book T.-l, page 586. The last and highest bidder will be required to make a deposit of 10’> of the bid at the sale. This 31st day of October, 1950 II G Horton, I’. A Criteher, < Vimmi ssioners no 2 9 111 23 Ire Yon Leaving A Home Or A Mortgage? Ask About Oar Mortgage ('aneellalion l*lan! J. PAUL SIMPSON (General Agent SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO. I)i:il 2171 Willhimston Happy Birthday us! » III j i mi I 11 .1 nm i ' i ' ■ < - ” ■ ’ in. uui *> *, v i. day rake! Another year line passed in Coionial Stores’ history another year of genuine pleasure In bringing the world of fine foods to you. our eu-turner and friend. To espies-; out thanks for tlte privilege find enjoyment of serving you, we invite you to take advantage of our many sale priced spot iuls all next OjnC week We hope you'll share in the tun and the sav Ingg at our 18th Anniversary Salt for this Is on a birthday party where you really 'have your cake and eat tt, tool" .|k 4. i /•'w' -V / ' }X'.’ v*. YOU! KFDf.ATF TFNDFR TASTY ( I T GREEN BEANS Alin ZfcST TO SAI.ADS WITH MOTHK»S SALAD DRESSING uve i Kt tTs m.KNDrn—r s fkvit COCKTAIL Ml MOW PUKF UH.KIors (' M APPLE SAUCE KIlir.AIF TFNOI R TASTY FA HI Y JUNE PEAS No 7 Can Pint Jar No 1 Can 17 Or. Can 17 Or Can Colonial's Cua ran Iced Meats Armour’! Itii-n lammis for tendornfe ami flavor an JIIM one !<I (iii* Willi- i.irietv nt lop-nuulitv meal a you’ll find ut lino- 111-uvliv trli-mtlv t’nlubhil stnrr ('inn* In to It II c-iioii.n Hum III I*iiik ( hops III liny other cm or inrat lake It Inline lout iry It you’ll flint we sell nothin! bill the lira nil by our mnni-v bark guaramrn of quality. ARMOUR'S STAR SMOKED huh.ati i.rsnot s sii( i i» or iiAivrn REACHES 4 s m u som mn i) fif CHERRIES FOK t I.AK1FK UU’STS I’SF PMI MH ll\ s PIE CRUST YELLOW N ?' Cl INC, t an No 7 Can HAMS Lb 49c 12 16 IBS AV“ WttOLf BUTT OR SHANK ENb TO ENTER COLONIAL’S 00 llrtliv «*•*•» l b 5 7<* IUI»y Orel ' »* 93c TENDER I'-l I I' CIHiK ROAST I I spill III I I Mill Ills STEAK II mm it i.ois r\i> PORK ROAST S4M ARK cl it slum ill ii LAMB ROAST TFNOI It FI.All <>It UKIsKl I' STEWING BEEF I 1 NOIR KM) <1 I PORK CROPS lien v > U i s'«rn Lb !>9c llfft v > W^it-ru lb 93c ill Ih 111 I RUSH OROEMI m i l . lit. Cliefa Pride Chicken | Ocean Fresh Seafood Salad, H »/. run Mr ,,r<tsh mdm Rnl.k II. Me CHEF'S PRIDE POTATO SALAD >b. 29c Small Flounder Ih 2!>c Select Oysters |»l 1*« TURN IN . YOUR CONTEST Entry Blanks TODAY! *74.000 BEflPlX DRYER , CONTEST! V Eoillesl (iloscs Nc\l Siilunlii*. No* cm Iter I. l our l .nlr* Itlanks N o ** Vi (ioloniul! CS Whole 1‘irklnl PEACHES NABIMO RNZ CRACKERS ib 33c III IN/ (111**1 l>» TOMATO SOUP Nu 1 c»" 11c M ARINI SOI III PM 14 TUNA FISH hu * 45c fiKI I N 4.1 \NI‘ PEAS 17 Or Can 20c WIIOI.K KHIN'II COHN NIBLETS 7 Or 16c 4 XIIDI INI 111 AI IV MIX III PICKLES Pint 37c I I I Ni l -III I ORANGEADE «o, 25c BAMAKO'S I A\ I l€ CAKE MIX <4 or 25c HAI I VRIES DOG MEAL s-u.. 65c I* VI. Viol IV I I Oil I I SOAP *•« •*' 9c Ml A I* POWDER OCTAGON 2 17c HOI K| IIOI I) 4 I I \\s| |{ AJAX 2 can. 25c Mil II (INI IK LUX FLAKES n« 30c lliorov OAfll He SOAP R‘-a Bai 9c m Colon It's aiv. u* - Bpring 1rt oitr nardenl Yes Colonial's Tfufl • in t- | ,»nt* i brimming wllli KKtlilHH fruiti and vegri»fole.-> i In* year round Produce nuel'ully s«*le< (e«l from U*M fields mid Harrietts of AmeiUa i- rubheri to out under (iin refrigeration u. urntg you of notKilog but ll.a line t Ml 11m niilural best. Large Jnicy Honda GRAPEFRUIT 3 F°r 23c TENDER THIN SKINNED Ibt SWEET JUICY HEALTHFUL FLA. ORANGES S EXTRA HM» VA UKLKTIHOi ... nrn apples / „. 1 *<’ ICFItllKC I.F/l l llt F, 2 lids 23e n VKI) HI Ml i. nr r •% CABBAGE 3 - >'>•’ I OF UlAIIIV VI I low ONIONS u s no i 3 a.. I.V II. H NO I TO I* OlAIITY WHITE POTATOES 10 > • -7<’ I I I I.H AVOHI fl NEW 4 HOF W. S. NO. 1 YAMS 5 **■ 27<’ mumm BALLARD S OBELISK * * * ** i 1*11* A d (* * / r i 7- 0 ""' > V "' ■ / ,’t ■ SjORfS ] 10 lb. Bag C S GOLDEN CREAM CORN Nc“.,; 19c Moist Delirious Thrills I* nil I Hiir, If. o/ si/ 39c All Hrands I*la. ( itrus .luii'Fif oi</\m;k juice 3 2 4<>-07. b 07 cans no 2 4*iis can 17c 25c 29c ( Till IT JIICE 2 ‘1t! or. m Sens ran 27c 21c 25c bi.imifo .hir e c <> <>/ cans no 2 ens 29c 23c 27c

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