Film Pastor Ties Knot In Comedy Spring Bvington and Edmund Gwenn culminated a rollicking movie romance with a wedding performed by Rev. Neil Dodd, Hollywood's only acting parson, for an important sequence in Universal - International's new comedy, “Louisa,” opening Sun day at the Viccar Theatre. Ronald 1 Reagan, Ruth Hussey and Charles | Coburn are also starred in the new release. While Miss Byington’s screen son, Ronald Reagan, her other suitor, played by Charles Coburn; and her daughter in-law, Ruth Hussey, stood by in a flower draped garden, Rev. Dodd per formed his 300th marriage before a movie camera. There is always considerable speculation both inside and out side a studio about "that actor S drey signed for the preacher" when Rev. Neil Dodd is announc ed for a role in a film. Even some of the seasoned film workers on the set of “Louisa” who had not seen the minister before were puzzled when they saw him* walk on the brilliantly lighted set and take his place under the grape ar bor for the wedding march. He looked exactly like a preach Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Rieyeles-Trieycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Low Interest Kate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing Oluis. II. Mil lining. Ally. k SEE Worrell Appliance Uo. for the best in USED FURNITURE OREY PLUMBINGS er and he talked like one. Every thing he did seemed right and not once did Director Alexander Hall have to correct him. This, the doubters were finally told, was because Rev. Dodd was the real thing. Lancaster, Gwenn In New Comedy Burt Lancaster, Dorothy Mc Guire and Edmund Gwenn form the luminous trio of stars to be seen starting Sunday at the Watts Theatre in "Mister iii'O,” Twen tieth Centurv-Fox's poignant com edy based on an article in The New Yorker. Mister tlllO of the title, played by Gwenn, is a rougish old party named for the number of his case on file with the United States Treasury Department. For in addi tion to being a lovable old scamp known to his neigborhood friends as "The Skipper," Mister 880 has his rascally side, too. To the T men, Mister 880 is a counterfeiter they have not been able to catch in ten years of probing. It takes a special government agent, played by Lancaster, and his romantic interest in the lovely Miss Mc Guire, a neighbor of Gwenn's, to find the trail that leads straight to Mister 880. The ending, it is re ported, is not what you would ex pect. Though “Mister 880“ is design ed for both hearty laughs and Warm feeling, Twentieth Century Fox has preserved a documentary air in filming the workings of the Treasury Department authentical ly. This Secret Service branch of the department is one of the least known to moviegoers. The studio has also left the facts revealed in the case of “Mister 880," as pub lished in The New Yorker Maga zine, unaltered. It was the unus ual. human aspect of the story of an amiable, elderly counterfeiter who never made more than the few dollars he needed to barely exist on which first appealed to the film company. FOR SALE. ONE L1VERMON Peanut Picker, One Turner Hay Baler with motor mounting. Both in excellent mechanical condition. Price reasonable. J W. Peel, Ev eretts, N. C. oc 19 4t RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUCH Creomulsion relievespromptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION • Afuto IrowfHitU I FOR TIMI-SAVINO, WORK-SAVINO AUTOMATIC COOKINO 1 Fully Auto* malic. Ovm turn* on and off at time* you eat. 40' wida. 4 Human, Di< v i d e d Top. High Broilar. , ^itjVOMJotxO CcUotic^^L AmerUa’s Easiest Ranges te Keep Clean., You’ll never know how quick and effortless cook ing can be until you have an Ultramatic Caloric Automatic (las Kange. Imagine an oven that turn* itself on and off automatically at times you set, and cooks while you are out for the afternoon. And that is only one of many work, time and temper saving features that make Caloric America's easiest ranges to cook with . .. Amer ica’s easiest ranges tocleanand keepclean. Come in and see our new Calorics. B. S. Courtney & Son Furniture Since 1914 AH Caloric mod •fU are available with “Cl*” fea ture*. You may have any Caloric model, factory equipped tor uae with LP-Caa ( “bottled” o/ •'tank” |«). A* Guarani««4 vC»«4 Housekeeping J Oprn Friday Evening ’til 0:00 A Randolph County farmer, Ray Poole of Route 3, High Point, is well pleased with the results of mineral oil treatment for control of tobacco suckers on his farm. He •obtained almost perfect sucker control by using throe gallons of mineral oil per acre on his entire 7 1-2 - acre crop. WantS REGISTER FOR KINDERGART- j on: The hours are from !) to 12. j Come and have fun. Phone 27115 ! oc 31 2t j FOR RENT. 1 ROOM FOR TWO1 people with bath. Gas heat. Breakfast if desired. Phone 2381! or 9886. no 2 3t ’ LOST: MAN’S TAN BILLFOLD | Friday morning in the vicinity ! of The Outlet Store on Washing-j ton Street. Contained about ! $185.00. Finder please return to j W. M. Woolard, Route 1. Washing- i ton, N. C. Reward. oc 31 2t! FOR S ALeToNE I'SEI) I RI(;H). | aire refrigerator. Demonstrator [ Used one year. A real buy. Dixie Motor Company. oc 31 2t i VERY SPEC IAL: MEN, DON’T! buy your fall and winter suits1 until you ve seen the best values in town. We have good quality l suits that range in price from1 $21.00 to $49.95. We feature Cur- i lee suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Darden's Dept • Store, Wil liamston. oj, 26 tf HOUSE WANTED: PI,EASE Con tact Mr. Ernest C. Caraway, new manager of Leder Brothers' store. Williamston. oc 31 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville. N. C, Slul. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 tl JOHN GURGANUS TAXI SERY ice. Dependable drivers. Phone 3112. oc 24 3t ROOM FOR RENT: TWIN BEDS, heat, hot water, private en trance. Phone 2(174. oc 24 4t FOR SAI.E: ONE USED UNIVER sal refrigerator. Good condition. Priced at 805.00. Dixie Motor Company. oc 31 21 LOOKING A TOP (OAT? WELL, vve have them. Gaberdines, from f 18.95 to $39.95. Not only are they topcoats but they are TOPS in I quality and the best values you've j seen this season. Darden's Dept. Store. Williamston. oc 2(1 tl WANTED: GOOD TOBACCO MAN. 9 ACRE ALLOTMENT, OTHER CROPS IE DESIRED. MODERN LIVING QUARTERS, LIGHT, WATER AND BATH. ONE MILE EDENTON. WRITE OR SEE C. It. SATTERFIELD, EDENTON. N. C. oc 19 4t GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locket no 8 tf FOR SA1.F: ONE USED (iKNKR ill Electric Range Late model, perfect condition. Dixie Motm Company. oc 31 2t FOR SAIF: (’SKI) WESTING house range. Good condition, price reasonable Dixie Motm Company. or 31 2t FOR SAFE: ONF t’SEI) GFNFE al Electric Refrigerator. Late model still within factory warran ty period. A real buy Dixie Mo tor Company. oc 31 2t CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism. sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamstnn Supply Co. Phone 24(50 jo 20 tf FOR SAI F: ELECTRIC SEWING machine, console cabinet, 20 year warranty, onlv $119.50 11. S. Courtney and Son. oc 19 lilt THREE BABY SITTERS FOR hire: Either full or part time. For references contact Mrs. Hor bori Whitley or Dr. and Mrs. C' 1 Harris. Dial 3035. FOR RENT: SANDING MACS* ino. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf I OR SAKE: ONE IS ED WEST itighouse Range Perfect enndi tion. late model. Dixie Motor Company oc 31 2t REGISTERED SPOTTED Po land China boars re ady for ,or , vice- $r>n no n. n Spruill. Wind sor. N. C. oe 31 8t FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM Apart ment m Birmingham Apart l merits. See I? I, Coburn, oe ill 2t FOR RENT: W. R CHERRY house m North Haurht in Street Soo Clarence W Griffin. no 2 2t STOP IN AND SEE OCR STOCK ol'l'sed Furniture. Williamstot Hardware C miviv AVillianiston N C. an 29 tf SUNRAY \ Finer <»n> Hanjfc AT I'orkrl I’lciis-iiii* Prices SEE IT TODAY AT M;i> lag \p|ilianer 4 <>. Washington St. Williamslon PARKERS SELF -SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon or; Saturday. Try us for a fpiirk and oronomical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf FOR SALE: (iOOD I’SEt) PEA - nut pickets 1 Bent ha I! Cylin der Type, 1 Benthall Picker type, and 1 Turner. All priced to be bargains. Fanners Supply Co. no 2 21 yVUVUVM/WVWWWUVWVWVWUVVV WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all type ;;, of high quality hard wood hie?, Wells-OaO-s Lulmbr r Company. Frank E W< 'ton, man ager, Witliamston, N. C. jc 8 tf FOR YOl'R Cl’hTOM . MAOS Venetian blinds, awning? for toe home or store, see us. VJr have the famous F'exalum aluminum slats: also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Wiiliams ton. au 26 tf WWWSWWWWWWWUW HUH? OH, ITS JUST, i PERSONAL.1 ! . WHAT DO 4 ' you WANT! I . > TO KNOW fV FOB ? WHAT DO l WANT TO KNOW FOR ._. WELL, \F VOU'RE NOT GETTING TO BE THE MOST INQUISITIVE PERSON l * EVER \KNEW! V ✓‘Sv IF the QUESTION is, J ••WHO HAS THE 3 REPUTATION FCS? HAVIMC ; THE BEST SERVICE IN i TOWNr^ THE ANSWER IS | WORRELLi APPLIANCE! WORRELL APPLIANCE Kadios-appuancis-sales ^SEBVtce 9W 20S7 EA<T MAIN SI* WIILIAMUON. N C sVVWVWWXn/WVVVWVWWWVWVWV'VWWVWWVWWWS jj BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. Phone 2050 W. J. MII.LEK & SON I IO Main Si. Of fur: WKSTKKN U TO >W<W«W\A/UVVAi\A<WW\A«l»«AAIWWWW»/UWW\mWlimAnOAAAft«<M»HftmWWAAAAAAA<lA«n» TOYLAND Will Be Open Friday Night, Nov. 3 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. EVERYONE IS I MIT El) — lllilM, HIE Ell) DIES Nsinlii s -Imp Imre in mir sloiv . . , ,t.J H‘ ri'* llw* «»l tin* North |»ol<> workshop*. N„ IIiiiimIii-iU mill liiiiiilrnls of Clirislmm toy-. '°'| V4‘ iM vi r lol'orr m>i ii so mmi\ woiiilrrf'iil lov r 1""" • ■<» Hill ikm.i ... sn in I WESTERN FI.VEIt IIK YflliS - Set* all Hu* new features of the Spa rial, SlanU.i il, Junior Size, :M lnnt Junior anil 20-ini-li Juvenile model;*, SJii.95 In S 119.95. I VELOCIPEDES — Scaled for the youngsters and safe to ride. S4.10 t $15.95. Also On Display. SIDEWALK BIKES — 3 Wheel. WAGONS PEDDLE CARS. SCOOTERS. IUIXING GLOVKS — I'o llir Junior si/i> iliamo, K o, wrifjht. $7.3#. Also SI rile ins »ti»s, slightly small!* Ilian I'n 11 siy.c. $4,115. — KlinUiv, lov »!»!«“ <I»IIh of iill <|m. ^cripiioiiM. Mail:> "I* '»< pliislir, loan; nililiiT, slnHVil la l*‘* and inldiii AImi a larjfr group ,;l |»l««.**l» animals. '>!{«• In SKI'. II. n r:'HM>m<:ivs pianos — iMi 11 iiiIiii’<* pianos, p lavs sharps ami Hals. Yhulr in a niinilin' nl riianicli-il I'inislirs.* S2.MH. I | ' •ft at us A ACCESSORIES I ELECTRIC TRAINS—Equipped with new MagneTraef ion for speed and powder. Aiithenlieally detailed. #9.95 !» #57.50. Also Speedy Wind-l p 'I rains. #2.98 to #1.19. Aeeessories inelnde anloinalie Cutenian. Trestle Bridge, Rotary Beaeon and transformer with wliis lie eontrol. IIASKKTKALI. AM) (iOAl Drsmnril for the IVickvaril Tram." All sizes liaskrtlialls .mil all price ranges. !IKe In S'1.95. finals, Si.'Jj, H-KCTKIC OI!(i \\ CJiil ilrcn's miiiiaLure with I'. Uexs Kxccllenl tout*. SIS‘1. Other Toy Suggestions Iiiildkk.ys n:u:v ision si t s comi'lktk v\ mi films jmill not si;s cahui w;i;s clkcthic s i on i:s skwinc maciiinks wasiiim; mnciiims TYIMWUITKUS VIK HI FITS ( At* IMS l ot s IIOLSTLII St; I S COWIiOY SUITS skhn let; stations loot. CIIKSTS KKCOItn IM.AYFUS IILA( KBOAIIOS l( M > I'll ALLS FI UK TRUCKS I KLKIMIOM S IHNCTORS hid IInnilnyls of Oilier Toy linns Western Auto Associate Store w Mil. IJ.K AM) SON

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