"Louisa" Cast Is Puzzling Reagan When Shakespeare said. ‘ Wom en are soft, mild, pityful and flex ible” he did not have to reckon with Spring Byington, Ruth Hus sey or Piper Laurie. These charming females, repre senting the technique of three dif ferent generations in handling men, leaves a distinct impression that they are neither soft, mild nor pityful and flexible. ^ In Universal - International's new comedy hit, “Louisa,” now showing at the Viccar Theatre, Men’s Dress and (fork Shoes For Less. WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP Miss Byington is a fascinating grandmother involved in a ro mantic triangle with Edmund Gwcnn and Charles Coburn. Miss Hussey is happily married in the film to Ronald Reagan and Piper Laurie, their teen-aged daughter, idolizes a high school intellectual. In real life they are symbols of three different eras of increasing - feminine independence. Miss Byington, a product of the drop-the-handkerchief era, still believes that woman is subordi nate to man: that, like the pea cock, it is the male of the species who must do the preening and strutting while the female acts as a supplement. Advancing that psychology with the next younger generation, Ruth | Hussey believes that agreement I with the man's ideas, no matter how fantastic, is always the most polite approach because the worn an can always get around him at I a more propitious moment. '■'MwyPHBBBaBBOOaOOBOOeOOOOOPPCOBg! J. B. LEWIS Owners and Operators ALF FORBES Upon the request of uur many buyers we are changing our live stock sale from Fridays to Tuesdays, beginning Tuesday, Nov ember 6. You will find that we have one of the best organized I we’ll have the buyers. The following buyers plus many others I I can usually be found on our sale. ' . New Bern Provision Co., Kobersonville Packing Company, i I Greenville Packing Co., Washington Packing Co., Floyd Thomas | I Market and Andrews Market of Bethel, White Stores, Native I I Market. North Side Grocery and many other Greenville buy- I I ers. We also have consignment buyers and a heavy farmer trade. For plenty of competition and the top dollar bring us , I your next load of livestock. Sale starts promptly at 1 o'clock. | I Plenty of good food to eat. I aooooooeeoooegogoooooooocoQecaot auction sales in North Carolina. You bring the livestock and LEWIS STOCKYARD Greenville, N. €. SALE EVERY TUESDAY I>ial 36028 A A world of safety for Baby A world of help to youl KIDDIE KOOP* Complete with waterproof Hairflox mattress iisa bassinet—it's a crib—it's a play land ... it’s a baby tending, worry-saving miracle! Trimble Kiddic-Koop screens Baby from insects, protects him from drafts ... supports him firmly on reinforced springs and a firm, comfortable, waterproof mattress ... he’s safe for sleep and play! Use indoors or out . . . rolls easily through doorways, folds to ten inches, for storage or travel. Drop side locks automatically. Lead-free finish on hardwood. •*£G. U. S. MT. O' F. AI»o \ Cribs, Playpens, High Chairs Tea Sets, Mattresses Strollers \ Carriages B. S. Courtney & Son Furniture Since 1914 Oprii Friday Fveniiig *til 9:00 Gives Meaning oi The Blue Cross What does Blue Cross mean? Many people have been asking this question lately since the an nouncement that The Hospital Care Association of Durham w’ll conduct a Blue Cross enrollment in Martin County November 6 ‘o 11. Everybody knows that. Blue Cross is the voluntary non-ptofit system for prepaying hospital, surgical and maternity bills, but few people know the stoiv b -hind the Blue Cross itself. In America and Canada, this Blue Cross is synonymous with the non-profit prepayment plan for health protection. Although thejdea that families can best pro tect themselves against unexpect ed hospital bills by paying a few pennies a day in advance is rela tively new, some of the elements that make up the Blue Cross sym bol have for hundreds of years stood for protecting the sick and aiding the unfortunate. The Blue Cross shown here con tains eight elements supported by the classic Latin moto. Nisi Do minus Frustra," which means “Without God we can do nothing." The Lorraine Cross which < x tends through the center of the in signia, has been the emblem of re lief to the unforunate since me dieval times. The Maltese Cross, upper right hand corner, became the emblem of of the Knights of St. John oi Jerusalem in 1092 A. D., and for hundreds of years has been used by the St. John Ambulance Ser vice. The Caducous (Wand of Mer cury and Serpent of Aesculapiusi, in the upper left hand corner, has symbolized the healing art for many thousands of years and is used as the insignia of the Army Medical Corps. The Geneva, or Greek Cross, in the lower left corner of the Blue Cross insignia, is the international emblem for the relief of the sick and wounded. * The fourth figure in the cross, the Urn Lamp, is universally ac cepted as symbolic of knowledge. | It is the official emblem of the Florence Nightingale Nurses. I The American Eagle with! spread wings symbolizes *hc Unit- \ ed States of America, and the ma-1 pie leaves represent the Dominion of Canada, whose hospitals are al- ! filiated with the American lios ^ pital Association. * Citizens of Martin County now I have an opportunity to avail themselves of the health protec tion assured by Blue Cross by joining The Hospital Care Associ ation rluring the current -atri paign. Patients In The l Martin Generalj -—#>— ' The following were listed as | patients in Martin General Hos | pital here this morning: i Mrs. Evan Willard of Williams- , ‘ ton. Chief of Police John Roebuck, ' Mrs. James Moore of Williamston, j I Mr. Jesse Martin of Jamesville, Mrs. Archie Mizelle of Williams ton, Mr. J. D. Ward, RFD 2. Wil lianiston, Mrs. William White ! hurst of Oak City, Mrs. James A. I Roberson, RFD I, Williamston, j Mrs. Otho Willard of Williamston, Miss Daisy Whitley and Mr. Rush ' Bondurant of Williamston, Mrs. John Lilley and infant daughter ■of Williamston, Mrs Ellis G. Keel and infant son of Everetts, Mrs. Sherrill Gurganus and infant son I of Williamston and Mrs. Jesse | Roberson and infant son of Wil liamston. 1 Colored: Doris Everett, Mary Ruffin, Alice Bagley, Ellen Ryan, land Ethel Woolard and infant I daughter. _ TOBACCO SCRAP WANTED Attention Farmers: Well pay extra premium for all scrap that lias been cleaned of all strings and foreign matter. W. L Skinner And Co. » CAM) OF THANKS I want to sincerely thank all of j iur neighbors and friends for I very act of kindness shown usj luring my stay in the Tayloe Hos- I lital and I want to thank each and | veryone for the beautiful cards, ettcrs. flowers and visits. They • neant so much to me. I ..iso want j o thank the doctors and nurses > or all they did for me. they were1 o n.ice. May God Bless everyone1 s my prayer. Lucy Griffin. CARD OF THANKS I would like to express to my riends and neighbors by heart-' elt thanks for the many fine* j hings they did for my father dur- j ng his final illness and for my nother and sister after my fath t‘s passing. It was cheering to ne, being a long way from home,! o find that mv friends were so oyal and helpful. Herman Crawford. CARD OF THANKS I will take this means of thank- i ng my many friends for the nice | lowers and cards they sent me I luring my stay in Brown's Hos- j utal, also for the visits and pray ts. I especially want to thank Dr. Brown and his fine staff of lurses for being so good and kind) o me. May the Lord bloss you all. Vester Coltrain. Austin^Nichols GREAT OAK I $1.85 I pint I I I I I I Tht Straight Whitktyt in (hit prod- | act art 2 ytart tr mart aid, I 30% Straight Whitkty, 70% (rain ! Itwtral Spirits; 20% Straight Whit- j kay 2 ytart aid, S % Straight Whiskty | 4 ytart old, 5% Straight Whiskty I 4 ytart old. 14 proof. ? NOTICE North Carolina. Martin Countv In The Superior Court Lorraine Dicken vs. James Dicken The defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County, N. C.. to secure an absolute divorce based upon two years separation and the defend- ! ant will take notice that he is re quired to appear before the Clerk of Superior Court of Martin Conn- j iv at his office in Williamston, N. C.. on the 4th day of December, 1950, or within 20 days thereafter and answer or demur to the com plaint. in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. The defendant above named w ill also take notice that in the I above entitled, action the plaintiff I has filed an application to be; awarded the legal care, custody, j tuition and maintenance* of the minor children, Charles Dicken 1 and James Dicken, born to the I marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant. The said de fendant will further take notice 1 that the plaintiff w ill apply before the Judge holding the March Term 1951 of the Martin County Superior Court, on the 22nd dav of March. 1951, at 10 o'clock A. M„ for an order giving the plaintiff the legal care, custody, tuition and maintenance of the minor chi id ron. Charles Dieken and James I lirken Tliis the 3rd day of November, 1 !»50. L. H. Wynne, Clerk of Superior Court of Martin Counts no 7-14-21-28 NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that un der and by virtue of a judgment and order of the Superior Court of Martin County entered on the fith da>’ of November 1930 in that certain Special Proceedings en titled. “Daniel Peel and wife, Rose Peel and others vs. Abram Peel and wife Ethel Peel and Ralph Peel and wife. Gladys Peel, the undersigned Commissioners will on Thursday the 7th day of De cember 1950 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land m Griffins Township, Martin Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE L'ounty, North Carolina, bounded >n the South by the Smithwirk i- reek Hard Surfaced Road; on the West by the lands of Cl Peel; >n the North by Smithwick’s ■reek and on the East bv the 11 IV Peel Home Place, and contain ing SEVEN PY-KIVE (75) ACRES, more or less, excepting the Peel Eamilv Grave Yard and the right if ingress and egress to and from same. The la.it and highest bidder at said sale will be required to de posit the amount of ten percent of said highest bid to show good faith. i ms the dth dav of November, 19.50. Hugh G. Horton, Charles H. Manning, Commissioners. Hugh G. Horton, Attorney no 7-14-21-28 USED CLOTHING fok \yo\ii:n Dresses Skirls Coats Blouses Shoes FOIl MKN Suits Pants Topcoats Shoes llumlrrtl.x of lliirpiiii' ill (»oo«l lUnl \\Variiif' Apparel. .Si*#* Our (loin /tide Slock Of USED FURNITURE !Williamston Hdw. Co. Williaiiifttoii. IN. (.. NOTICE! 1950 TAXES ARE NOW PAYABLE AT PAR Pay Now Before Interest Is Added i M. L. PEEL * Martin County Tax Collector Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . And (lint's what it will get right here! Kegular check on radi ator, battery, oil, tires at no extra charge! Al'TOS THRIVE ON OCR SERVICE! Sinclair Service Station ! oc m .•it': M >«: >»: yti M S»j M M >»< M M •k": H m m & >«•: M >)[•; :»! >«i jits' CLEARANCE PRICES Abruzzi Rye Winter Rye Winter Peas Rye Grass Crimson Clover All Fall Seeds Lindsley Ice Co. W illiumsloii, IN. ( .. >»S • -»* *A* 'A* ‘A* ‘A1 >‘<UAI *-•-* *A4*A* ‘A 4 *A* ‘A* ‘^‘A* ‘A4 ‘A4 * A4 ‘A4 'A* ‘A4 *A41 >!•!« »!•?« «»T*7« »!J*i #!•% »!•% »r*T«»!•!«»!•% »!•!«»!•%»%"!«•!•!« r!*T« »!*%i m M M >it* M •Ji* H >»♦• M •«< :«:• M M >«5 >»•: •it? M jit*: || :«s Sell Us Your PEANUTS We Pay Top Market Prices urll iis 11r«»■ 111>l mill rffirirnt ”r;i<Iinir it ml limiilliii” sen irt*. VVr luitf official f*ratln> ill I lie* I'LAINTKKS' WAKKIIOUSMS in koiikiisonvillk lapiippcil Mill) ill I tin* nrrr»ary ^r.iiliii” fi|iii|inifill inrlmliiiy llif latrst ill imi*ilurr h'liii” niiifliiiif nliifli nifiiiio l list I we fan liny ami |tit\ fur yniir pi-amil* ju»l a« «oou a» lliry arr p'ailnl. If mu ni«li In ilrliirr nr hair u> haul your praniil* lo llif hiiitIiiiiim* iiml him* llifiu arail ftl, \if will "in* you fri*f slorajif for ii rra»on alilf Irnj'lli of linif ami you will lif ill lilifrly lo soil In any liuyff you wish if our price* iloiM satisfy you. Wr an* Inlying for several companies ami run imtiirf you lo|i prices for any ami all praties of peanuts. ROBERSONVILLE STORAGE (lonipaiiv - KolK*i*s«nvillt‘, N. (« \inly Vmlerson—\slilcy Vi y line——lairlis Taylor

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