Visited In Norfolk Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ange. Mrs Arthur Perry and Mrs. J Jones visited Mrs Ange's sister. Mrs. Bill Burkehart. in Norfolk Sun day and attended tire ice shore. Visited In Virginia Sunday Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Worrell visited relative- at Virginia Beach Sunday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Worrell's father. Mr. Odom, of Ahoskie. Visited In Wilson Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Died Darden and daughter. Anne, visited Mr. Dar den's brother. Mr Leroy Darden, in Wilson Sunday. Visited In Popular Point Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Windoin. Jr. and daughter of Portsmouth. Mr. and Mis. Joe Johnson and family ■ of Williams township. Mr. and j Mrs Mitehell Avery and son of Winterville and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Windoin ard Mi. and Mrs. Elmer Windom and family of Greenville visited Mr. and Mrs. J L. Windoin in Popular Point Sunday. Attended Wedding Sunday Mr and Mrs Paul Jones at- [ tended the Weeks-Johnson wed- j ding m Scotland Neck Sunday. | Spent Sunday In Kdenton Mi and Mrs. Ellis Malone. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Malone and dau ghter. Janice, and Miss Bessie Ma lone spent Sunday with Mi and Mrs. W E. Malone in Edenton. Spent Week-end Here Miss Betsy Manning, student in a Raleigh business school, spent tiie week-end here with her moth er. Visited In Raleigh Saturday Mrs. Vernon Bunting and Mrs.' Bessie Hampton visited in Ral eigh Saturday. Attended Convention Miss Hattie Bailey, student at E C. T. C. in Greenville attend ed tile Baptist Student Conven tion m Raleigh over tile week-end. Visited Here From Windsor Mrs V. J. Smithwick of Wind sor and children visited here Sat- ; urduv. Business Visitor Here Friday ■ Mr. L. D. Webb of Ahoskie was, a business visitor here Friday. KE I 1KKME\ I I N C O \\ E SAVE TODAY FOK FI I I RE S ECl RITV INSi n \\< K ( OMPANY OF VIRCIM V WII.Ll AMSTON n. r. THE FIFE ^oolar® W OOLARD *OOl>g> WOODARD V/OOLARD w oo^J ■yVOORAR® r-"»r"^;V^K4M.rKKMs (,sll.i'^",'"; . PA ui0oVotd?unutu,:eC . . .In* Fur"*1'**'-!!!*** PRIDE. • • ■ Thill'* ii* iiihI that** you! W r'rc proud of our lonp lint of nalinfied depositor* — uiul our depositor* are proud of the feeling of seeurily they derive from a steadily prow* iup navinpn aeeount. Guaranty Bank & _g Trust Company ( Attended Football (lame Mr and Mr*. Bill Spivey and daughter. Beth, attended the Duke-Gemma Tech football game in Durham Saturday. Here From Durham Mr and Mr*. Carl Oakley and daughter. Judy, of Durham spent the week-end here with Mrs. H. C. Oakley. Returned Home Mr and Mrs. Jack Cecil and baby of High Point returned to their home Monday after spend ing the week-end with Mr. War ren Biggs. Accepted Position Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Holliday of Jamesville has accepted a posi tion in the Outlet Store. Spent Week-end In Colerain Miss Ann Beasley spent the week-end with her parents in Col erain. Returned Home Friday Mrs. J. E King returned Fri day from Duke Hospital after re cuperating from a major opera tion performed there. Here From Robersonville Mrs. Hilton Carson of Roberson ville visited Mrs. W. E. Warren here Saturday. -o Visited Here From Rocky Mount Mr, and Mrs. Kelly Gay. Sr. of Rocky Mount visited Mr. and Mrs. I Kelly Gay. Jr. and family here' Sunday. Attended Business In Durham Mr Hornet Barnhill attended to business in Durham Friday morn ing. Visited Relatives In Norfolk Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurganus and Mr. Edgar Gurganus visited relatives in Norfolk over the week-end. Visited In Virginia Mr and Mrs. Ralph Holliday and Ralph, Jr. and Miss Evelyn Holliday visited in Lexington and Roanoke, Va over the week-end. Visited Here Over Week-end Miss Elizabeth Manning and Mr. Douglas Rawls of Woodland visit ed Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Manning here over the week-end. Attended Business Here Monday Mr. J. A. Everett of Palmyra attended to business here yester day. Visiting In Kobersonville Mrs. A. L. Roebuek is spend ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Taylor, and family in Robersonvillc. --- Visited In Greenville Saturday Mrs. S. W. Manning, Sr., and j Mrs. Jos. Griffin and children visited relatives in Greenville Sat urday Spent Week-end Here Miss Addie Lee Meador, teach vr in the Rocky Mount Schools, spent the week-end at home. -.$v_ Attended Conference Mr. and Mrs T P. Wood at tended the Sunday session of the Methodist Conference in Kinston. Spent Week-end In Bath Miss Fannie Sheppard spent the week-end in Bath with her moth er. Here From Portsmouth Mr and Mrs E. V. Welton of Portsmouth visited here over the week-end p -T A. MEETING The Wiliiamston Coloied High School Parent-Teacher Associa tion will hold a meeting in the school auditorium Thursday night of this week. Important business is to be placed before the group, and parents and patrons are urged to attend. SQl.ARE DANCE NOV. 22 A square dance will be sponsor ed by the Farm Life Senior Class on November 22 at 8 o'clock in the school gymnasium The Wil liamston String Band will furnish music for the dances. Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy a "good old fashioned square dance " FARM LIFE P.-T. A. The Farm Life P.-T. A. will meet Thursday night. November 9, at 7:90 o'clock. All parents are urged to attend. Visiting In New York Mrs. W H. Carstarphen is spending a few days in New York. Spent Week-end At Home Mr. Charlie Davis spent the week-end at his home in Balti more. --cfc Aliened Football Game Mr. and Mrs. James Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Leman Barn hill left Thursday for western North Carolina and Tennessee. They attended the Carolina-Ten nessee football game in Knoxville Saturday. Attended Football Game Friday Mr. and Mis. C B. Clark and children, Jon and Betty Sue, Joel 1 Muse, J H. Edwards, Vernon Bunting and Hildreth Mobley were among those who attended the Williamston-Scotland Neck football game Friday night in Scotland Neck Attended Circus Last Week Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Manning. Jr., Mrs. J. O. Manning, Sr., Mrs. ’ C. B. Koebuck and Mr. and Mrs. I James Herbert Ward and son, Herbert, attended the Barnum Bailey circus in Rocky Mount last week. Attended Convention Mr. and Mrs. W O. Griffin, Rev. and Mis. J I,. Guff and Mes1 dames H. T. Griffin, H. R. Hunt, W O. Peele, C B. Roebuck, G. j H. Harrison, J O. Manning, V. j. Spivey, H. D. Harrison, R. Vernon Bunting, G. G. Wollard. R. T. Par- | sons, A. R. White, Herbert Tay lor, N. K. Harrison, Charles M;fn ning and J B. Bell were among those attending the N. C. Christ ian Missionary Convention in Rocky Mount Thursday and Fri day. Announc? Birth Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wynne an nounce the birth of a son, Arthur Taylor, on Sunday, October 29. Arthur has an older brother, Thomas, and two older sisters, Ilitha and Jean. Returns From South Africa Mr. Herman L. Crawford re turned home last week-end after spending some months in Salis bury, South Africa, one the tobac co market Improving Mr. B. B Taylor, suffering an attack at his home in Hamilton last Friday night, was reported unporving yesterday. Fuil Heilig and Meyers Williameton for the “Bert Buy a In Furniture99 ROCKY FORD TRIO By Special Ri^picM the Rocky Ford Trio Kill make a final appearance at (lie Switch Tonight November Till Mrs. Eflie Sparrow, Mgr. Farm Life Raises $270 Ai Carnival Skits bv each of the class rooms highlighted the activities of Farm Life's annual Halloween Festival held recently. The sum of $270 00 was made which will go toward school needs. Winners of the Popularity Con test were Dorothy Rogers, Queen; Bobby Perry, King; Nancy Lou Tice, Princess and Johnny Grif fin. King. Master Rodney Grif fin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Griffin, won the Baby Contest. Each winner was presented a gift. After these activities there was a carnival in the gymnasium which consisted of bingo, a min strel, dancing, a fish pond, penny throwing, apple bobbing, and eats. There was plenty of amusement for both young and old. The Farm Life Ruritan Club has completed its project of fur nishing playground equipment for ren seem to be enjoying it very much.'—Reported. —— . - - Attending Banquet in Baltimore Mr. Henry K. Griffin of Wash ington and representative in this territory for the Electrolux Com pany, and Mrs. Griffin left for Baltimore today where'Mr. Grif fin will attend a master sales-1 man's meeting of the firm he rep resents. A banquet will be for the salesmen and their wives Wednesday night. Receiving Treatment Mrs. Myrtle Kennedy is in Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti more. where she is receiving med ical treatment. She is located in Thayer Building Number 1. --p—— Here from Kobersonville Mr. Cleve Taylor of Roberson ville was a business visitor here yesterday. Return from Tour Mrs Chris Griffin and Mr. and Mrs Jack Hardison and children returned home last Friday after spending several days touring the western part of the State. Announce Hirtli Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Lil l6v a daughter. Neffie Alma, in the Martin General Hospital here this morning, November 7. Announce Birth Born to Mi . and Mrs. Ellis Gray Keel of Everetts, a son. Ellis G Jr., in the Martin General Hospi tal this morning. November 7. Eye Classes Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2S11 Achievement By The 4-H Clubs National 4-H Achievement Week is being observed through out the nation November 4-12. and North Carolina's more than 123,000 4-H Club boys and girls will join in on the celebration ac cording to L. H. Harriil. 4-H lead er for the State College Extension Service The State's more than 2.000 lo cal clubs will hold public meet ings, achievement banquets, and other special events during the week. Exhibits of typical 4-H work will be exhibited in business places and adult organizations will feature talks by 4-H members and local leaders. Harriil said that Tar Heel 4-H members, in working toward the 1050 theme of ‘Better Living for a Better World," have produced and conserved food, made their homes more livable and attractive, and their farms more efficient and profitable. One of the purposes of National Achievement Week is to report on and study these accom plishments. Another is to give rec ognition for work well done by members and their volunteer lo cal leaders. Throughout the nation, Harriil said, 4-H members have preserved 10,000,000 quarts of food; planned, prepared, and served 20,000,000 meals; and made 2,220,000 articles of clothing. More than 510,000i members participated in fire and ! [ accident prevention, 700,000 car ! ried on snecial health activities, and 235,000 conducted recreation al leadership activities. Developing an understanding of [some of the important social and [economic forces at work in the world and taking steps to develop [the good-neighbor spirit at home and abroad also were features | of the year’s program, Harrill said. -$ Jaycees To Sell 'Show-Off' Ducais Tickets for the Barter Theatre presentation of "The Show-Off" under the sponsorship of Wil liamston Junior Chamber of Com merce will go on sale Thursday of this week, November 9. Bruce Roebuck, ticket chairman, has an nounced. Advance tickets for the per formances will be available through the 24th of this mor*h. The State Theatre of Virginia will bring “The Show-Off” to Wil liamston lor one performance on November 29th. Reservations for the show may! be made by telephoning James' Builuck at 3088. This comedy classic of George Kelly's opened again on Broadway this summer with Lee Tracy in the title role. Critic’s kudos and plaudits proved that this vitriolic commentary on life in the United States retains all of its savor. One critic has called “The Show-Off” the best comedy written by an American. The Barter Players are now on their annual national tour, which brings theatre to the people of twenty-eight states. Here Yesterday Mr. C. B. Martin, principal of the Robersonville high school, was a business visitor here yesterday. ---1- - --- g NEED GLASSES? j^i d g e uj a y c p»rmi. N. C House <% fashion i ' Now, we’re wearing a crown 1 Como, see. love the BBmb M 'ms \ttV'g'MMlMlM<'M W M M Wii» M MM a* mMmhM-j M-j M I Perfumes. I Colognes, Cosmetics Thex’re here! Crown Jewel, Stradivari. Ouches* ,1'^ urk . . . Ih<--<■ ami all lli<‘ oilier famous name* in the glittering line of Prince Matelialielli fra* gratters. Hieli, rare Perfumes, long-lasting Co* lollies, luxurious Hath preparations, ami fine Cosmeties. In golden crowns, slatelx sceptre bot tles , . , all hraiitifullx gift-packaged. Stradivari Cologne Par/unit*1 . . . almost as poll’ll l as per ft! me itself! .. . $.1 plus Ted. Tax. P ^ jm_ SET OF JfOWIi: STERLING Friends and relatives will lielp your set grow on everv gift occa sion — you can add to it piece by piece — and we can help-both liy registering your pattern an«l hy providing an easy-payment plan! Come in and lei us tell you liow easy it is to buy Towi.e Sterling — pav only a little each week and enjov llte prestige ot 1 nwi.E solid silver on your table now. Plan Now For That “Special" Christmas (lift. Christmas If ill Ha Hare Sooner Than Yon Think. iette's-Jewelw Since 1899 > 121 Main lYIrplinur 2311 FOR QUALITY AND STYLE EVERYBODY SHOPS — at — \ Murgolis Brothers Every one is cordially invited To That Special Event Which ive arc very proud to cele brat/. For further news of this celebration watch Thursday’s paper. IkatMtis BkotiiMS Williuniston, N. C.