flIXTY 5IGE - he wants ter know, Ef you wants ter find out whats bitin yer, hadnt ver better zam-in ther nder-cover of yer wrap, sted of dustin off ther shoulder of yer eoat? John Jonson was over to Squirt' Bens X-roads grocry tuther night, and was talkin bout sum folks thinkin ther farmers was jest roll in in money frum ther hi-prices thay was a-gittin fer tha.v craps. And that hit sho was a mis-took idee. That ther farmers was a-git tin less fer thay craps, cordin to how much more thay had to pay fer what thay had to buy sos to make thay craps, that hit put ther farmers in a wus fix than thay uster be when thay got less fer thay crapps. Squire Ben said — You dont hav to argy that with me. I hav got ther reckuds rite here that proves you air rite. — And he retched up and puld down a Pathfinder Magazine and said— Hers what ther Govment is up er ginst in perparin fer this new war And you and me and all ther rest of ther tax payers air ther Gov ments money-puppies that gits calld on fer ther spondulix to hand over to them greed-grabbin manerfacters at what ever price Mr. Truman sees fit to let cm charge. And hit seems lak thay incline to roll upards is wussen Congres rollin tha.v Pork-Barrel round ther pig-lot truppin up ther seeds of perduction, fer as future increse is consarned And heres ther recked rat frum ther book. A Bummer-Plane that cost ther Govment 330 thousan $ in 1939 when hit wus perpared fer World War 2, now in 1950 will cost 3 milyun in perparin fer World War 3. Thats rite—in 1939— 1/3 of a nulyun—In 1950. 3 whole mil yun—Jest 9 times up A Destroyer 7 milyun in 39, and 40 milyun m 50—Yerbout 6 times up A light Tank. 27 thousan in 39. and 225 thousan in 50 Morn 8 times up. Armin a Infantry Division, 14 1/2 milyun in 39, and 74 milyun in 50. 5 times up A Armerd Divi sion-—30 milyun in 39, and 199 milyun in 50—Bout 0 times up. Now all that shows how ther Big Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLAKD'S SHOE SHOP .*OOOOOOOOOOC-»2C Over-All Debt Is $442,000,000,000 Public and private debt in the United States, on December 31. 1949, amounted to $442,002,000,000. This represented an increase of about two and one-half per cent for the calendar year, 1949. Of this indebtedness, the Fed eral Government owed about .$210,500,000,000 and state and lo cal governments owed $18,000, 000,000 The rest of the sum rep resents indebtedness incurred by the people and corporations of the United States in their own bus iness affairs. This tremendous total of in debtedness would have scared fi nanciers to death thirty years ago Nobody would have believed that the nation and its people could carry such a financial burden ex cept in the greatest distress. Nev ertheless. something like prosper ity seems to be abroad in the land and few seem to be concerned about the amount owed or how it will be paid. Boys air rollin up ther prices of thay manufactured craps. And then lets see sumthin bout ther farmers roll-up.—Ther Agercultal Department says here on this sheet that ther farmers got fer thay— Flu curd Tobacker 3 times as much in 1949 as in 1939: Cotton 3 times as rttuch in 1949 as in 1939; Corn 2 times as much in 1949 as in 1939: Wheat 2 times as much in 1949 as in 1939; Milk 3 times as much in 194ft as in 1939, Beef Cattle 3 times as much in 1949 as in 1939; Veal Calfs 3 times as much in 1949 as in 1939. Now dont that show that fer evv one round rise up ther price-ladder ther farmers climbs fer follerin a life savin perduction biznes, ther j mermperlaters takes a 5 to 1C (‘limb fer manufacturin Death and Destruction? And when hit cum. to ther housc-Wifes prices at ther grocry grand-stand, thay ort no1 to lay thay mountin cost of livir to ther clod-hoppers in ther valy caus them peak-prices growd up Ion ther hill-top, not down in ther I vale. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County: Having this day qualified as tlu Administrator of the estate oi Lucy R J Burnett, this is to noti fy all persons having claim; against said estate to exhibit then to me, or my attorneys undersign ed, on or before the 19th day o October, 1951, or this notice wil be pleaded in bar of any recover; thereon. All persons indebted to said es Lite will please make immediati settlement. This the 19th day of October 1950. Willie B. Williams, i Administrator of the Estate of Lucy R. J Burnett. ■Johnson & Branch, Attorneys. LEWIS STOCKYARD J. II LEWIS Owners and Operators ALE' FORBES Greenville, N. ('. Dial 36028 svu; Tuesday Upon tne request of our n;:m\ buvvis we are i hanging our live stock sale from Fridays to Tuesdays, beginning Tuesday, Nov einbi i 6 You wiJ! find that we have one of the best organized auction .lie, in North Carolina. You bring the livestock and we’ll have the buyers. The following buyers plus many others can usually be found on oui sale. New Bern Provision Co., Robersonville Packing Company, Greenville Packing t o., Washington Packing Co., Flovd Thomas Market and Andrews Market of Bethel. White Stores, Native Market, North Side Grocery and many other Greenville buy ers. We also have consignment buyers and a heavy farmer trade. For plentv ol competition and the tup dollar bring us your next load of livestock. Sale starts promptly at 1 o'clock. Plenty of good food to eat. 'iC009C«Dae-&SO«40C-9000C40000ClQaC< m ©ID $TA CIGARETTE THAT AGREES WITH MY THROAT CAMEL! * rWtrr" \ilestone in a f .areen We see it happen over and over again — and it’s one of , the greatest satisfactions we enjoy in this happy business of selling Cadillac cars. It’s when a man comes into possession of his first Cadillac—and we witness the wonderful, wonderful things it does for him. We see his happiness as he places his order —not as the result of a sudden inspiration, but because he has gradually reached the conclusion that he has earned the right to the unquestioned best. A Cadillac buyer has his mind made up when he starts to move. And then wc see him on that happy day when his ear is available for delivery--and he settles himself so proudly behind the wheel. He’s a little quizzical, we sometimes note. Could it be, he wonders, that he’s antici pating a bit too much? And then he’s out in the street—headed for home the long Kay 'round. 1 here are some things a man wants Jo try for himself — with no on'e near to watch him! Those are thrilling days that follow. There’s the first long ride with the family ... the first trip to the office, with a waiting delegation to admire his choice . . . and there’s the time he learns, in an emergency, that his car is worth its whole price in safety alone. And then, almost before he knows it, the A odometer registers a thousand miles—and he’s back to tell us all about it. And, per haps, to grumble a little bit at giving it up for a checking over. It’s .hard to part front a great new love, even for a little while! , Yes, it’s a priceless privilege to watch all this. Makes a man feel that he s doing good. *iss» Highway, 1? Chus. H. Jenkins & Company Of Williamston, Inc. ,FHONE 2147 Williamaton, N, C.