CAPITAL REPORTER All of the chatter about a re ported statement from Charlotte that Governor Scott will get out of politics when he leaves office is just wasted breath. The Gov ernor has parried questions c^f his future ambitions with the same answer for some time. "My only plans are to go home to Haw River and rest." he says. Kerr Scott has talked about go ing home and tending to his cows for some time. But this corner thinks he'll stay down on the farm just long enough to get his second wind. He’s been fightjng too long to be happy in a rocking chair. mrxi gfw r * Save yourjack'daisy ,THE MUSCLE 'BUILDING MILK FPOM» TAYLORS DAIRY WILL ALWAYS GIVE. gyou A LIFT, I © IHi AMSTERDAM STNDICATL M* > SPECIAL Tills W EEK HUM RAISIN ICE CREAM Grade A fbsttu riled Vairu Products DAIRY BAR XT* PLANT Haughton St. Getting him to retire from politics would be harder than curing a confirmed alcoholic. So here’s a twin-barreled pre diction: 1. Kerr Scott will be drafted by the liberal element of the Dem ocratic party to run for office again after his term as Governor is ended. 2. And the biggest plank in his platform will be public develop ment of flood control-soil conser vation-power production public projects. The governor, , incidentally, came up with a nickname for L. V. Sutton, Carolina Power and Light Company president and head of the Edison Institute (re search and lobbying organiza tion for the power companies). At his press conference, Scott casually referred to 'mv friend. Low Voltage Sutton”. The re ference was so casual that many reporters—accustomed to listen ing to power discussion—paid no attention to the remark. What the Governor may not have known is that he had hit on the same nickname tagged on Sut ton bv members of his own cor-, potation. CPandL linemen—like tlie actual workers in many anoth er outfit—think the number one boss should come up through the ranks and learn the business the hard way. Sutton didn't do this, and the pole-climbers for some time (in private conversation, of course) have referred to their boss as "Low-Voltage’ Sutton. The Governor’s outstanding statement about the current pub lic-private power feud was: Both federal government offic ials and private power company leaders are not presenting all the facts. Each is telling only part'of j the story, to make his side look i good. And: Scott sees no reason why I the government shouldn't .build> flood eontrol-pnwer dams and let I (the private companies have ex ;elusive distribution of the power. This has been worked out in Georgia satisfactorily, he said, and | could well ho the solution of the row to the satisfaction of all hands. Raleigh newspapers and radio stations have been raising cain with the doctors. A truck-driver was injured in a crash near State College and was pinned in his truck cab for some 45 minutes be fore he could be removed and tak en to a hospital. Several folks tried to get a doc tor to come to the scene, accord ing to reports, without luck. There was a lot rkrrsmirk - The lean .Meat Hog - Our w innings at N. ('. Fair 1!>50: 1st amt 2nd Junior Hoars; 2nd Youhr Herd; 1st I* rod ure of Ham; 3rd and Ith Junior Sows; 1st {let of Sire IMtHl) (ill TS AND HO A Its FOR SALK! .1VMIS R. STI.YKNSON PALMYRA, N. C. /WVWn/UWArwMAAAAAMVIAnAAAMMMMmMWWMAAAMWVM^ | -ns an order to channel most enp f-:.! *•» militnrv >>« ers. This year the toy makers will turn out products worth ah >ut $300 million at the factory level, equivalent to probably -to p:r cent more than that, retail 'This factory level of output is at.out the same as in 1040. As the sup ply problem deepens, substitute materials less durable and less satisfactory will be rushed in to close the gap. Toy makers, like manufacturers of other civilian goods, will have to nurse supplies to the best of their ability, to conserve and to reclaim materials Things To Watch For In the Future A new adhesive tape remover that releases surface tension be tween skin and tape, packaged in a "squeeze" bottle . . A bullet proof cigarette case, worn next to i the heart, for those who live dan ! gerously A push-button can 'of ready made lather, such as bar hers use, to replace shaving cream, and good for 50 to (10 shaves . . . For industrial workers, a new' metal safety goggle of lighter ] weight, with a friction joint that | prevents slipping and exposure to flying particles A new automo bile battery-grid metal, giving longer life and greater resistance to over-charging . FIVE MILLION DOLLARS TO LEND ON IMPROVED TORACCO FARMS: TKKMS—5-20 years at low interest, Pay any amount any time before maturity. No charge for inspection. No portion of money with held to pay for stock. Quick closing. CAROLINA FARM LOAN ASSOCIATES Itox 002. Greenville, N. ('. _ Or See — lint'll (., Ilorlnu. Vliv, Williamston, N. < . 49 out of 86 champion truck drivers choose Dodge! Champion drivers know champion trucks: The nation’s state champions . . . with proved reputations lor safety records and driving skill . . . competed recently in New York at the National Truck Roadeo. Given the privilege of driving an\ make truck, these champions selected Dodge for national competition l>\ more than 2 to I over all other makes combined! In the events in which Dodge trucks , participated, ft out of 9 national win ners drove Dodge "Job-Kiited" trucks. The champions selected Dodge for these tough tests because of "its extra visibility, its great maneuverability, good braking, and ease of handling.” So, take a tip from the men who know: drive a Dodge "Joh-Rated" Truck! FIRST TROPHY in the Tractor, Tandem-Axle Semi Trailer ( lass was won by (). F Chapman, Pacific Intermountain Express, Oakland,< alif. Chapman, Colorado State ( liampion, drove a Dodge YA-M2 4-ton ")ob-Raliil" Truck. /IRST TROPHY in the Straight Truck Class was won by Richard Wold, Glendenning Motorways, Inc., St. Paul. Wold, Minnesota StateChantpion, drove a Dodge GA-152 lVi-ton "Job-KateJ" Truck. SICONO TROPHY in the Tractor, Tan dem-Axle Semi-Trailer Class was won by Robert Rudesill, Glendenning Motor ways, Inc., St. Paul. Rudesill, Minnesota State Champion, drove a Dodge YA-142 4-ton "Job-Rated" Truck. THIRD TROPHY in the Tractor, Tandem Axle Semi-Trailer Class was won by Harry W. Pollock, Johnson Motor Lines, Inc., Baltimore. Pollock, the Maryland State Champion, drove a Dodge YA-142 4-ton "Job-Rated" Truck. THIRD TROPHY in the Straight Truck Class was won by R. I). Wallace, John son Motor Lines, Inc., Charlotte. Wa'. lace, who is North Carolina State Cham pion, drove a Dodge GA-152 l*/tton "Job-Rated'' Truck. THIRD TROPHY in the Tractor, Single Axle Semi-Trailer (.Iasi was won by trank Kirkpatrick, Columbia Kiver Truck Co., Portland. Kirkpatrick, the Oregon State Champion, drove a Dodge JA-I2K 2'/i-ton "Joh-Kated" Truck. T&t, perfnMottee.-tfa#’^ QQOG^^^^TRIICKS Dixie Motor Company, Inc. — Williamston, N. C. / WHAT S YOUR WASHDAY WORRY? IT'S a heartbreaking thing - maybe it's happened to you you've lugged a heavy basket of damp clothes out to the clothesline . . you pin up the clothes and then, when you're almost finished . . . the clothesline breaks and down go your clothes! Or if you're lucky enough *o have sunny weather for drying, some one may start burning trash or beating rugs a few doors away and your clothes are ready for the washer again Or the kids start playing in-and-out among the sheets and towels! You don't have to worry about such things -or the weather when you have an ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER It saves time, temper, trouble and clothes And when you see how big a help an electric clothes dryer can be, you'll say it's well worth tne reasonable cost . and the elect deity to run it costs so little! UIRCiniR ELECTRIC RRD POUIER COmPRRV