Boys Taking Life In Army Without Too Much Fuss (Continued troir. page one) Una. South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, and Alabama "We art- very fortunate to have a very good sergeant from Ala bama. "We do not have an address as yet, and we will not get one un til we are assigned to some train ing center. A group of recruits left today for Indiana, but we are hoping to be assigned to a train ing center nearer home "All the men from Martin Coun ty and myself, have decided to at tend church Sunday, and every Sunday afterwards that we can "I think all the men agree that the Army will not be so bad after we receive our basic training "We are all proud to be a part of the New Army and we are all going to do our best, to make a good record for ourselves and the branch of service we represent. "Our barracks ari in the best of shape and the meals wt have are fit for a king. "We arc hoping that the future draftees from Martin County will make the best of their service, and we can assure them that it will not be as bad as we were looking to find it. "I must close for now because j it is time for chow W ish all of us j luck, and we will try to let you I hear from us, from time to time. j Voters Of County FavorChanges In The Constitution (Continued from Dage one) Governoj in the assignment ■! ; judges and the calling of special ; terms of court, and empowering the legislature to define the jur- | isdiction of the special judges, i 542 for and 221 against. Only about two-thirds of the approximately 1,493 voters who went to the polls in the county j Tuesday paid any attention to the proposed amendments to the State's ole document. Many a small boy is the kind of] a kid his mother wouldn t want him to play with. _{ oou°R Br ttCHHlCOLntz W ■■ ty Cf 'KCiL r SlAVlN and Cl m W. CtORCC • Dnected by IK’tULRICK be CORDOVA hoii--J by KAlPH DitlRICH • A UNIVERSAL INILRNAIIOnAL PICTURE VICCAR - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday VICCAR TWO EXCITING DIANA LYNN • CHARLES COBURN CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD • BARBARA LAWRENCE Charles Drake - Rock Hudson - Jerome Cowan STARS IN A POWERFUL j STORY! ^ THE MAKING OF A CONVICT— AND THE MAKING OF A MAN! f f m (chumvia huuus GLENN BRODERICK FORD CRAWFORD 1)01 HEE EE AT I HE — SATURDAY ALL-AMERICAN CO-ED I ri»infi>^fonl anil Mian Hair. Jr. RAIDERS oi TOMAHAWK CREEK' (.listrlr* Slarrrll anil Smilry llnrnrltr BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. l'houe 2050 I l() Main Si. W. J. MlLLLlt & SON Officer WEST WIN AUTO Nobel Prize Winner i Profejsor Thadeus Reichstein PROFESSOR Th title us Reichstein (above), a Swiss chemist, shares this year's Nobel Prize for physiol ogy and medicine with two Ameri can doctors. Dr. Reichstein lecture* on organic chemistry at the Univer sity of Basle. (1 tiler national) Has Question And Answer Service In City of New York (Continued from Page One) vations there ii you want them. Facts doesn't deal in anything but facts. Facts finds books a useful source of information, Mr Mar quis says, but the company’s own files are even more useful. When ever H takes more than three to five minutes for a Facts research er to answer a question he writes down the question and the an swer, when he gets it. on a card and files it. The 22 Facts research ins are currently filing some 2,000 of the cards a week. "Answering questions is a fas cinating business.' Mr Marquis exclaims, "because it keeps you abreast of what people are think ing about." For example, he re calls, last summer questions about Korea were most popular. But now the trend has changed. The most popular queries today are about color television and General Eisenhower. A few weeks ago Facts was call ed on to settle a dispute over how many toes a pig has per foot. The dispute arose on a radio quiz, pro gram, where a contestant was of fered $1,500 for answering correct ly. He answered "two," and was declared wrong. A pig has three, declared the quiz master. Dis gruntled, the contestant went home, looked it up in a dictionary, and threatened to sue the quiz program sponsors when he found the dictionarj agreed with him. Facts, called in by the sponsor, disclosed that a pig has two func tional toes and one that is non functional. "Did you look at a pig to find out," Mr. Marquis was asked. "No,” he replied, It's easier for us to find out by telephone." Sixteen Marriage Licenses Issued In Martin County (Continued from page one) Windsor, and Mrs. Adele Sox ol Tarboro. Colored Jimmy Core and Lillie Mae Thomas, both of Williamston. Robert Purvis. Jr of Windsor and Willie Mae Wilson of Wil liamston Roscoe Williams and Carolyn Saunders, both of Williamston. James A. Jones and Lillie Marie Brown, both of Williamston. Sylvester McNeil of RFD L Oak City and Ada M. Nell of RFD 2. Robersonville. Oliver Raymond Rogers of Wil liamston and Flossie Lanier o RFD 1. Williamston. WRITE-IN CANDIDATE WINS In one of the few cases of it kind in this State. Thomas Joyne won the Bertie County sheriff' jeleetio niast Tuesday with write .in support. Thi' action eliminate Harry Smith s chance to return t the office this year. f A lady motorist was drivin along a country road parallehn the railroad when she spied couple of repairmen climbing tell ■ i phone poles. —■ z--r— = 1-» THE RECORD SPEAKS , . With one exception—the death column—Martin County motorists last week piled up a majority over the entire year totals for 1949 in the number of accidents, number of injur ed and property damage. There are eight more weeks to be counted. What will the total for 19r>0 be? The following tabulations offer a comparison of the ac cident trend: first, by corres ponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 44th Week Accidents In.j'd Killed Dam’ge 1950 7 2 0 $ 975 1949 2 1 0 325 C omparison* To Date 1950 140 60 3 $31,385 1949 114 50 8 24.560 The man who saved money years ago was considered a tight wad - today he is looked upon as a wonder. Wants THREE TAMWORTH BOARS lilt. Entitled to registration. C E. Jenkins. Williamston. no 9 2t FOR RENT: BEDROOM WITH connecting bath and kitchen facilities. Couple prcfrerred. Mrs. W. H. Ingram. WORLD FAMOUS BARTER Theatre presents THE SHOW OFF at Williamston High School, November 29, 8:15 p. m„ sponsor ed by Williamston Javcees. no 9 4t GIVE CROCHETING FOR Christ mas. Place yout orders now with Mrs. Kate Wynn, 1101 Hau ghton St. no 9 4t FRUIT TREES, NUT TREES, Berry Plants, and Ornamental Plant Material offered by Vir-, ginia's Largest Growers. Wiite for! Free Copy 56-Page Planting Guide1 in color , Salespeople wanted., Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynes boro, Virginia. FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartment for rent. Mrs. Lon- j me Manning, 312 Smithwick St.,1 Williamston, N. C. no 7 tl EASY SFINDRIER WASHER: like new, $80. Contact J E. Boone, Robersonvillc or call 3091. REMINGTON RANI) PORTABLE typewriter for sale. Good as new. May be seen at Enterprise Office. no 7 tf NEW CARS: DO YOU WANT A new Car today Pittmans in Williamston, has new Fords, Chevrolets, Ply mouths and other makes in 2 and four door models for immodaite delivery at regular prices, too. Pittman's also has many good used cars to select from, priced from $295.00 up. Re member Pittman's buy, sell or trade new and used cars Pitt man's used car lot, Williamston, N. C. no 9 tf IN STOCK: HACKNEY CART wheels, mortar cement and com mon nails. C. L. Wilson Co., Rob | ersonvillc, N. C. no 7 2t 1 FOR RENT: 1 ROOM FOR TWO people with bath. Gas heat, j Breakfast if desired. Phone 2388 I or 9886. no 2 3t VERY SPECIAL: MEN, DON'T buy your fall and winter suits until you've seen the best values in town. We have good quality suits that range in price from $21.00 to $49.95. We feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar I ket. Darden's Dept. Store, Wil liamston. oe 26 tf HOUSE WANTED: PLEASE Con tact Mr. Ernest C. Caraway, •lew manager of Ledcr Brothers store. Williamston. oe 31 tl BUSINESS FIRM HAS OPEN ing for saleslady. Must be neat alert and have personality. Sale: experience not necessary bu . helpful. State weekly salary ex ■ peeled. Write full particulars tc ; Box 387. Williamston. N. C. n 7 2 (OLD WEATHER CAN’T HI too far away. Rymembe ’ Heath Radiator Shop is the plac to buy your Prestone. We fill 'er and check 'em. no 7 li i a LOOKING A TOP COAT? WELI we have them. Gaberdines, trot $18.95 to $39.95. Not only are the topcoats but they are TOPS i quality and the best values you'v seen this season. Dardens Dcp Store. Williamston. oc 26 GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wi liamston Hardware Compan Williamston, N C. au 29 REGISTERED SPOTTED P land China boars ready for sc vice— $50.00. H. B. Spruill, Win for, N. C. oc 31 k Looks Like Trouble for Arthur “Dagwood” Lake and Penny “Blon die” Singleton in this scene from Columbia’s comedy hit, “Blondie's Hero,” at the Watts Theatre on Wednesday, November 15. Larry Simms. Marjorie Kent, William Frawley and Daisy are also seen in the film. FOR SALE: 1950 CHEVROLET pickup truck, 5,000 miles. Terms can be arranged. Reason for sell ing, ill health. See W. C. Wallace, Jamesville RFD 1. YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locltei no 8 tf CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf WANTED: GOOD CLEAN White rags. Will pay 15 cents per pound for good rags if pieces are not too small. The Enterprise Publishing Company. no 7 tf STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamston Hardware Company, Williamston N. C. au 29 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf :c: OBEY PLUMBINGS EDGE WOOD AVC . • PHONI 2109 WILLIAMSTON,N.f FIXZIT | SYSTEM 1 DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 ti FOR SALE: ELECTRIC SEWING machine, console cabinet, 20 year warranty, only $119.50. B. S. Courtney qnd Son. oc 19 lOt , Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2334 SUNRAY A Finer Gas Rimfie AT I'oekel Pleasing Priees SEE IT TODAY AT Maytag Appliance Go. Washington St. Williamston FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Low Interest Rate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing Clias. II. Manning, Ally. wvwwwwwwwv sksksscV&s _ WHAT VOU WERE LOOKPiG FOP rp SU6GECT TBY1N6 WORRELL APPLIANCE wvwwwvv I «_ll HOHAKIU IN I A WELL—WELL, U HAVE tOU TRIED THE PU0UC UBRABT. PERHAPS THtV HAVE A BOOK OfJ HOW TO MIH6 UP A CHIU® IT Worrell appliance / J?A D/OS A PPL /A NCES SALES ^ 5FPV/r£ 9^2057 tMT MAIN ST WIUIAM'TOS XC Watts Theatre 9 GREAT STARS? 15 WONDERFUL SONGS THE HIGH NOTE IN ^/7 W illiani.'toii. N. C. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY cO^°K/ WF IhrYi /fJ A* VmJurtti Ay RICHARD SALE • WILLIAM PERLBEjtG Scrftw P;,tt »• Maty ai,i Rt,i*ra ''.fit • Frtm • .Vw» Zltrj ») jLtitrt tUii, Htit* L*t*» <■< if«m« FOR RENT: SANDING MACB ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf PARKER’S SELF -SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. rh. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf WE ARE m THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmbei Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Wiiliamston, N. C. je 8 tl TRIO Robcrsonvillc, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Nov. 9-10 IT’S ALL FOR YOU In Technicolor SUMMER STOCK With Gene Kelly and Judy Garland 'Also: Cartoon & Short SATURDAY Double Feature Johnny Mack Brown In “LAW OF THE PANHANDLE” ALSO “MUSIC IN THE MOONLIGHT” With ALL STAR CAST And Serial SUNDAY Dick Powell and June Allyson in “RIGHT CROSS” Plus Cartoon & Short) MONDAY - TUESDAY ‘ROCKY MOUNTAIN’ With Erroll Flynn and Patrice Wymore Plus Latest News and Short Adults 30c Children 15c THURSDAY-FRIDAY fi Bright Leaf ii With Cary Cooper Lauren Bacall CARTOON II SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Down Dakota Way ii With Roy Rogers Dale Evans Alsu II Hold That Ghost ii With Bull Abbott Lou Costello Chapter No. 7 of the Serial Coily of the l’ony Express CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY 'Narine Raiders' With v Pat O'Brien SpecialCartoon TUESDAY anti WEDNESDAY ! "Rachel and thh 1 Stranger" | With I Robert Milchuin Loretta Young Variety Cartoon FOR FOUR CUSTOM . MAOS Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harri,a|n. Wiiliams ton. au 26 tf SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE «WAMMMMWWMWWMMMf| % HAMILTON THEATRE TODAY AND FRIDAY November 9 and 10 Shows at 7 and 9 WOMAN ON THE RUN With Ann Sheridan and Dennis O'Keefe Comedy and Latest News SATURDAY, November 11 Shows continuous 1 til 11 Double Feature Program STORM OYfcR WYOMING With Tim Holt DRUMS OF THE CONGO With Tom Neal Chapter No. 11 Atom .Man vs. Superman SUNDAY, November 12 Shows at 3 and 9 KILL THE UMPIRE With William liendix and Gloria Henry MONDAY - TUESDAY November 13 and 14 Shows at 7 and 9 HIDDEN CITY With Johnny Sheffield Latest News MON IES Are REITER THAN EVER IWATTS THEATRE — W1ELIAMSTON THURSDAY •FRIDAY "Love That Brute" With Paul Dougla* Jnm Peters News Sport Cartoon SATURDAY DOl’BLE FEATURE Satan's Cradle With 'lilt* Uisen Kitl II Also "Hi-Jacked" With Jim Duvi* Marcia ,|oiii> iiapter No. 4 of tiie Serial ■speratloo of the West CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY Til Get By' With i June Haver. William Lumligau Gloria DeHaveu Harry Jume* 4arch of Time News II WEDNESDAY Mondie's Hero' With Penny Singleton Arthur Lake Comedies 2 Cartoons