A bewildered Ted Lewis watches some typical Abbott and Costello I shenanigans in “Hold That Ghost,” an Eagle Lion re-release opening ( Saturday at the Marco Theatre. The Andrews Sisters are also cast ^ in the gay comedy. | / Nation's Defense Rests In Strength Of All the People Many ‘T-F’s Art* Still Reiu^ Produced In This Country Washington, D, C.— Can the strength of a nation be measured, by counting its weapons and men in uniform, together with its farms and factories? That ques tion was answered in a recent talk by Oscar R. Ewing, Federal Security Administrator, which was significant not only for what he said but also for where he said it. • Ewing was addressing a class of officers in the Industrial Col lege of the Armed Forces, which was organized to teach military leaders the sources of the nation’s strength. He told them the strength of the nation is "simply and literally” the strength of its people. In other words, the health, ed ucation and social welfare of the people, matters which are the particular concern of the Federal Security Administrator, are the real basis for the nation’s mili h $1.85 I pin! I Tha Straight Miisfcoyt m Itih prod #(t art 1 ycert «r wort aid, 30 % Straight Whiskty, 79 % trail Hratral Spirits, 20% Straight Whit kay 2 yaart old, 5 % Straight Whhkay 4 yoan old, 5% Straight Vkiskay 4 yoan aid. M graal. 6 Co Inc tary strength. Ewing spoke of such ‘'Fail Dear' proposals as health insur ance aid to education and improv ed social security as directly af fecting "vour immediate concern with the national security,” but added, “I want also to make it plain that I do not justify these measures solely, or even mainly, on grounds of national defense. "They justify themselves, as necessary and practical elements in the kind of government and the kind of peace-loving society we believe in " Ewing spoke on the "shocking” discovery that World War II draft records showed nearly one in four of our men between the ages of 19 and 37 were classified as “4-F” for physical or mental deficienees, and was rejected as unfit for mil itary service. The Census Bureau, he said esti mates that on any given day from 3 1-2 to 3 1-4 million workers are off the job because of injury or illness. Many of these could con tinue at work if they went to a doctor early enough. “Far too many men and women now are putting off getting medi cal expense, or what they fear the expense will be. Once the dollar barrier is removed, more people would get to a doctor before it is too late.” Lack of education is causing many draft rejections even now, yet Ewing's figures indicated that today’s children will be little bet ter off. "Considerably over 3 mil lion children between the ages of 5 and 17 are not going to school at all," he declared. “And that is more than 1 out of 10 of all children of school age —potential illiterates and poten tial '4-F’s,' rejected for education al deficiencies in peace and war." The Social Security system has been notably strengthened. Ewing said, as the result of the legisla tion passed last August. But there are still serious inadequacies, no tably the failure to provide pro tection against disability. CRAZY ABOUT IT Wadesboro Messenger and Intelligencer) Here’s news for you flower growers who are troubled by slugs or snails, (t sounds crazy, but it’ll work every time. Place a saucer ol beer in youi flower garden just after dark, wait a few hours aud check the results. Chances are you'll find your saucer full- of slugs, drunk and drowning. For reasons unknown, they love their brew. The slugs will all but fight each other to “get a drink.” CHICK SALE WV llavt' An Unlimited Supply BABY CHICKS / For Only $12.00 Per 100 New Hampshire Kcds, ^liile Rocks, Etc. Buy at these low prices while we are overstocked. ROBERSONVILLE HATCHERY Kohersouville,«N. C. nm#c “tem mas/ Beginning Friday, Nov. 10th ’Till Nov. 18th Come in and cut yourself a slice of savings during our celebration. Thirty one years, yes thirty one years, serving thousands of cusiomers-wiih quality merchandise bears repeating. Yes, we are rather proud of our record and reputation in our community—and as a shopping center for QUALITY and STYLE. In our 31 years we have watched the many changes that took place in our community-and we have attempted to change with the times and condi tions-but in the 31 years we have never changed our policy-Customer Satisfaction First and Always and no compromise with QUALITY and STYLE—regardless of price. DRESSES There are dresses for the Junior, Miss, Mother and her kid sister at a substantial saving during our An niversary Celebration. Merely quoting prices does not carry our message to you-there is a price and style for every purse-al a great sav ing. r Need we say more-ihai when you get the chance of buying a Swansdown, Jaunty, Jr., or a Kaybrook coat or suit at the height of the season with a substantial saving as a slice of our birthday celebration, you can't afford to pass up this op portunity. Children’s Coots, Dresses And Separates Every department contributes generously— with generous slices oi savings during this event. SHOP NOW! Suits — Topcoats Ill wpilr of n rising inarkrl—or foil that aiini viTHiii'icH ronlil nol lir ovrrlookril—lirnrr wr liavr a *rry plra*ant Mirpri-,r for our riihlom <*rn olio urr Inlying a Miil, roal or lial (luring our Anniversary relrhration. Mnrly ipioliu^ price* iloe* nol give you a Irur picture of wlial you art* gelling when you liny a Botany, Grifton or Vurwity Town suit or top roal— until you makr a mirror lest. A*k llir man who buy* MAHUM.IS HBOS. CLOTHKS. ? We believe llicrr is a style ami «|naIiIy slme for every member of llie family—beeause you liavr sueli a vast iissorlmenl of maiiufaeliirers produets lo cIiouhc from. FOR MKN Nllll-llllsll Jarman Fortune Ta> lor-Made FUR WOMKN S I by Fasy-(»oers Jolene Friendly FOR CIIILDHKJN INaypoise Kozyfool Ami dozens of oliicrs. Regardless whal you need—if its wearing apparell—we have it—and normally our quality cost no more—but during this celebration you'll be dollars to the good on every product. MARGOLIS BROS Wiliiaiuhlou, Nor ill Carolina

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