Nears Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years A no NOVKMIIIR II. 1!»10 Several young men on flection night collected a few band in struments and serenaded on Main Street Their enthusiasm over the results was as refreshing as “Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly." Mar tin County showed its true spirit by voting the Democratic ticl^d. The Farmers and Merchants Hank has just been notified by State Treasurer, Lacy, that it has been designated a State Do jjository This means that a por tion of the State Funds collected as Taxes will be desposited here in Williamston and checked out by the State Treasurer Lacy is quite a compliment to Martin G & W William Penn Blended Whiskey feta II Price *1.95 Pints *3.15 Fifths 86 Proot m rrtAiem whiikfyi in ran ptooucr A»I4 YIA«I Ot MOM OLD i)% ST4AIOMT MS NtUTPAl If III U, DUTILLM MOM MAIN. I 1 I I F i f g F VL E h IV 1\ h rr 1I mu urtu ns R County and should be appreciated by our citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Asa T. Crawford entertained on Tuesday in honor i f Mr. Crawford's fortieth birth day The occasion was a delight ! Ini one and each guest present wished for Mi Crawford many happy returns ol the days. The guests present were: Mrs W. T Crawford, Mrs. Fannie Kellinger, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Dr. and Mrs. John D Biggs, Miss Anna Crawford, and Mr. Harry A Biggs. The honor roll of the Williams lon Graded School for the month of October is as follows: Fifth Grade: Fannie Biggs Martin, Crinne M. Smith and Walter Stubbs Sixth Grade: Clyde An derson, Fitzhugh Lee Roberson, Frank Weaver Tenth Grade: Va da Wynne, Sallie Hadly. Hilda Crawford, Lila Wynne, Penelope Biggs. Mrs. J. B. Williams of Hamilton, s spending some time with her aster in Plymouth Quite a number of young people ,vere happily entertained by Vlisses Fannie Matthews and Del ia Lanier at the home of the tur ner in Hamilton Friday night die "bunch" assembled about nne o’clock and after a time of ileasant chatting, delicious re reshments were served. Last Monday about 2 o’clock a he afternoon, the Angel of loath entered the home of Mr. , nd Mis W A Peel, of Hamilton, a nd took away their beloved i ’lower of Youth, Maggie, a lov- I lg and beautiful character of fteen summers. I The town of Robersonville was ; really and agreeably surprised riday morning, when the news i ent flying around that Mr. Will oss and Miss Hester Mooring t ad been united in marriage. Miss [ 'coring is one of the most sweet- I v disposed girls that the writer is ever known, and Mr. Ross is 1 ie of the most devout young £ on of the town Misses Pearl, Blanche and Molie J o ibei tson, of Robersonville, went *n Suspense . . . At gun point, David Bruce, right, confesses his part in a crooked scheme against Jim Davis, center, while Marsha Jonesj looks on. A tense scene from "Hi-Jacked," new tapper! Production j action film at the Watts Theatre Saturday. "I'll Gel By" Has Many Star: Nine stars, dozens of famou: songs and production number: and fully 52 lavish settings are lust a few of the inducements of fered by the Watts Theatre-: forthcoming attraction, "I’ll Gel By,’’ Twentieth Century-Fox mu :o Hamilton Tuesday to attend he funeral of Miss Maggie Peel Miss Lessie Ovcton, of Oak jiove, spent Saturday and Sun lav with Mrs. W. A. Ross at her lome in Robersonville. Miss Line James has returned 0 her home in Robersonville fter visiting in Scotland Neck. J J. Stroud, of Everetts, spent Sunday in Ayden. J P. Boyle, of Hamilton, went a Everetts Friday. Miss Mamie Taylor, of Everetts, ,’ent to Robersonville Saturday. Misses Bessie Casper and Oma fogerson, of Bear Grass, spent aturday in Everetts. Dr. Williams and C B. Riddick, 1 Everetts, were in town Sunday ight. isical in eoloi by Technicolor ar riving Sunday, November 12. ! June Haver, William Lundigan, 11 Gloria De Haven, Dennis Day and j Harry James constitute the top echelon of stars gracing “I’ll Get By” with their presence. Thelma 'Ritter and Steve Allen head the [featured complement, which fur j ther lists Danny Davenport anc!:. Harry Antrim. For extra meas- j i jure there is to be a quartet of!, famous guest stars on hand. Those j [ pitching in to give “I'll Get By"] its added luster are Jeanne Crain, i ] , Dan Dailey, Victor Mature and I ( Reginald Gardiner j i ] For Miss Haver "I'll Get By,” j, j amiable musical comedy about up ! and-coming song writers and their , ( I girls, is the first modern dress , musical in a dozen nostalgic |, I shows, though “I’ll Get By" has1. ! its own share of nostalgia in the i [two dozen song hits of the late j ^ |nineteen thirties and early for- j j ties which are reprised in this j film about that era Though Lun- j digun's talent is non-musical, he has the top romantic -pot and leaves the dancing to June Haver |und Gloria De Haven, playing a ! sister act, the singing to Dennis J Day and the trumpeting to Harry * James. i BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — Ii Cooks — It Heals — It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 Father Of Nine Called By Army; Utica, N. Y.—The Army must j : be “bad off” for men Pat Giglio feels. Giglio, a service 'attendant and father of nine children from ! two to thirteen years old, recent ly , received his orders to report for active service. Ladies! Men! Children! Wives! Sweethearts! Grandmothers! Everybody In Eastern Carolina! SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR DAMAGE Riggest Fire Sale Edgecombe Has Ever Seen Sale Is Now In Progress Open At 10 A. M. We Will Be Open Until 10 O'Clock At Night Salr In Briny llrlil In * NO. 2 WAREHOUSE TARBORO, N. C. Studio Discovers Theme At Home Pasadena ■ world famous New Year's Day Parade the Tomna merit ot Hoses, had !>eon in cxis tenet1 a mere ti! yeais before Mo! lywood decided it fiad been over looking a red-hot film theme right in its own backyard. As a result of Universal-Inter national's decision to film "Peg gy," the Technicolor story of a Rose Queen, this fabulous specta cle is finally captured on the screen in all its glory. In years past, Pasadena has been a fav orite locale for film studios but always in a stand-in capacity for other American cities. “Peggy,” starring Diana Lynn, Charles Coburn, Charlotte Green wood and Barbara Lawrence, op ens Sunday at the Viccar Theatre. Producer Ralph Dietrich ob- ; tained the lull co-operation of the! Tournament of Roses officials; with the result that “Peggy” in cludes unparalleled accuray in its treatment of subject material i from the time co-eds of Pasadena ! Junior College .and John Muir | Junior' College enter the early eliminations until the lucky girl is selected as Rose Queen in the New Year’s Day parade. The-screen prototype of Marion Brown, the 1950 Rose Queen, is played in the new Technicolor film by glamorous Barbara Law re nee. Although the Rose Parade ap pears a o n u a 1 1 1 v in theatres throughout tire world via news reels. Peggy” will mark the first appearance of the pageant in all 1 its beauty in a feature motion picture. Three Technicolor cam-1 era crews exposed thousands of; feet of film while recording the1 1950 extravaganza, including scenes of the sixty flower be lecked floats, twenty marching .rands, 1500 pavaders, 200 horsc nen and, of course, the 1,500,000 rpectators who watched tire top 'Jew Year’s Dav show of Amer The film reaches its thrilling ■limax with the kick-off between; Ohio State and the gridiron play ms of the University of Cali ornia, a thrilling Rose Bowl i tame which was won by the in Interesting Bits Of Business in U. S. The first strong hints that eco nomic controls may he with ns for si line time to come arc coining out of Washington ■ An anti inflation program, not for four i years, but for the duration of the] emergency is hinted. More ihan ever, a definition of what are nor-1 mal -times and what constitutes an emergency is needed . . Food j prices headed higher again, judg- j ing from price trends in primary 1 markets . . . Discussion of rearm- j ing Japan means more additions to expenditures for military j equipment in this country . . Steel | is getting scarcer daily. Railroads arc in need of larger tonnages 1o move traffic, and equipment man ufacturers are bidding more ac tively for the metal vading Ohio eleven. "Peggy" was directed 'by Fred erick de Cordova. Charles Drake, Rock Hudson and Jerome Cowan arc featured. NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATION j North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. J. A. Everett deceased this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit i In-in lot he imdofsi "tied or his at i torne> s within ‘one > tar from this 'date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail per sons indebted to the said estate Uvill please make immediate pny ! ment. This the 25 day of October, 1050 J. A. Everett, Jr., Administrator of the estate of Mrs. ,1. A Everett, deceased Peel and Peel. Attorneys at Law, Williamston, N. C. or 26 no 2.-9-16-23-30 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of John nie Jones, late of the county of Martin, this is to notify all parties ; having claims against said estate i to present them to the undersign -z-tzl ! f.:i v. iiiiin une year i'rum ak City, N C This the 25th dav of Octohei, oc 2(1 no 2-9-16-23-30 GIVES FAST - RELIEF when COLD MISERIES STRIKE SEVEN STAR SiiM wklikry. Hh UralfM whltklM irt 4 ywm #r mar* al4. 37HH Mnl|M whUkay. *2HU •avtral aplrlt* 4litlNR4 Itmh •rain. IIK stralvM VkUkiy 4 yt«n *14. 1S% ifralfht whUkay f >ai» *14. 7HH (tralfht «kiik*y 4 yt«n al4.M OOODIRMAM A WORTS tIMITID, MORIA, ILLINOIS TOBACCO SCRAP WANTED Altciilion KiiniHTs: \YV*II pay rxlra pmniimi for all srrap dial lias hrrn rlranrd of all slrinos .nul foreign mallrr. W. I. Skinner And Co. More them 9,800 trips from Boston to Son Diego! ^ ou^d have to uo that lar to equal the* miles travelled in July, August and September l>\ drivers on the h-month, nationwide hold Truck h onumy Kuu! f In every Stole! On every job! ■■ ■Ml) ..w.’WV. lost Point, Go. W alte r (!. Jcancs of Afmeo Drainage- ami Mrlal Products, Inc., in Ins 1’ord I" -ti I ? actor-Trader. Hr says hr knows now lie £ets more mileage with Ins Ford T-h. The record proves it! .• •*■■£>■>+£+■ ' d Houston, Tex. Kusscii It. Hyu ni <>( Nursery Sefvice < o. lias used I *»i Dumps. I lc savs he s tumid llit-m molt- tvunoTnuul than any olhei trucks in their price held. Over5000 Ford Truck drivers log 30 MILLION MILES PATSY NARCISI, owner of Norcito Produce Company, Huntington, West Virginia, •oy»: "My l ord K-S is the finest of the w\ <»i socn diUcrent makes ot luuks wt liav c ow ned.' The l end I ruck. I'xniiomy Kun is pimmg it! YNitli an average |»a\ loa11 ol II tuns, gas costs irn onl\ 1 *4c pci mile!” First 3 months of history's greatest economy demonstration pile up more evidence that Ford Trucking COSTS LESS I Every kind of truck |ob is represented manv limes over on the giant, nationwide Ford Ecouotm Hun! Tlioii sands ot truck-wise professional drivers are working llieir Fold Trucks hard, on every kind of toad, under all pos- v slide conditions! Ill million ton-miles in three months make the Fcon omy Run a hauling epic . . . and still three months to go! ( a refill records show Ford Truck FA<",TS ‘on gas and oil consumed, total repairs and maintenance miles travelled, loads carried .... Money saved every n^ile! These drivers are demon strating what every Fowl Truck owner already knows: I hat Ford Trucks do MOKF. per dollar! Watch lor more news of the Faoiioiii^ Knit, dome in and see us — learn how Ford can give you ltetter trucking at less cost! Look for this sign on Ford Trucks—thou san m M 0,301,000 Irudn. Hfo imummo* OMpmrH >ra» ff I>ublMlMMI| h r*, »*olnt», la. (iarl Nisslv, Superior Oil • Oo.. states [Vat these Kuril F-S I5,s Jobs fv'raue siv miles j*er Sali«„ under heavy hwif. ^>o repairs Since the> were buu&ht! Williamston Motor Co.—Williamston, N. C. jk. 4