Complete Stork SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Hardware for Every Need WOOLARI) HARDWARE CO. Host Stroks oml S vofood Central Cafe yk >« * *■ spk/ais ^* * * A A In Every Department Always At Marlin Supply COMPANY For Quick, Dependable SERVICE SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION TO DARDEN'S Dept. Store Quality Wearing Apparel Reasonable Prices From J. Lawrence Peele Tour Dependable Jeweler I Sltiplr and Fancy (iroccries Feetl - Seed - Fertilizer Moore Grocery USED CARS Cadillac Distributor Buick - Pontiac - Oldsmobile ( HAS. H. JENKINS & COMPANY I Dodjfc uihI Plymouth Sale* & Service Dixie Motor COMPANY BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST CO. Your Safe Executor Don’t borrotc from your Neighbor. Subscribe Today Enterprise PUBLISHING CO. ■■■ ' M* 1 ■ ■ .. Electrical Contractors Ayers Electric COMPANY _ It's _ Wise To Shop At ZEMON’S Ready-to-Wear Wfariir* Apparel for The Family stf£ios ^frnuta* SUPPLIES FOR HOME AND FARM FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY JEWELRY From Peele's Jewelers Since 1899 Dial 2311 Reddy Kilowatt Your Electric Servant \ iruiiiia Klcdric a ml I’inuT ( aMlipany GUARANTY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY I > oar Patronage 41 nay* i p/n aviated Building Supplies and Material II ItUIMKS si i»m Top Prices Always Paid Here w ILLIAMSTUN I'KAM I CO. Friday Night, November 17th (I’lcase It aleli I'a/tcrs ami Radio as This Dale May He ('.handed.) WILLIAMSTON, N. C. GREEN WAVE Versus « .'in ’T.r.r m'v~!znrmff9a*B& m i ■*—o———— PLYMOUTH! PANTHERS !*■ * /_ _ I FOR ALBEMARLE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP and Right to Advance in State Play BUY A TAG NOW Help to buy a bus for the team and band and also avoid waiting at the gale on night of game. The Stub Lets You In hint1 Furniture Fashions at Budget Prices McLAWHORN FURNITURE CO. Slut/t with Con fidonet" and II car II illi /’title Best <)uulity Coal And Woud It. I.. W aid 4 ioal ami Wood (io, Zu.l'tn FEED / Feed Completely Balanced and Mineralized MAIM l!\ FEED Mll.l.S Groceries Fresh Meats George M. IVi*l STOKE ANO MARKET Hashing ton St., Williamstou A Seed and Seeds of all Kind. Alsu Faint and l'arni Necessities! Martin F.C.X. Building Supplies Dressed Lumber Supply Co. Bring: 1 wur lord Home For Service XVILLIAMSTON MOTOK t'OII F A IN Y For Wise Buyer* '“Heifig-Heyefs’ ’ FURNITURE CO. Wiliiamston, N. C. — ; >7rx/TTTrR~sr/,rir>y*‘^' “ Dial 2323 Alpha Cleaners gwatrammwaf^ainMgww All Anounts Insured I p To $5,0(10.00 M. C. m iUHINT, AM) LOAN ASSOCIATION ■*> ■■Mi.u'iw 'TgaCTyygesannr Furniture Store WOOLARD FURNITURE CO. nfiwn r;; r 4s; ftt# >«s * Amoco and American Gas Amoco Automotive and Industrial Lubricants WILUAMSTON OIL COMPANY SPECIALTY SHOP AVilliamston Specializing In Fine Quality Ladies’ Apparel Sales and Service John Deere Tractors & Agricultural Implements Lindsley Ice Company Trwsltg. Genuine Chevrolet fyrts ROANOKE C HEVROLET CO. Gasoline — Motor Oils Greases Harrison Oil COMPANY U»e More GHO-MOIIC Products Standard Fertilizer Co. MUMNCEl Insurance Is The Best Policy Dial 2118 W. G. Peele Belk-Tyler s jo ajoj«j aqx sanjeA aauaa