flIXTY 5!G£ - he wants ter know, Ef one law makes you pay yer j tax, and sunt mo laws pervents you frum usin yer property sos to raise yer tax; aint ther laws dun | made you into a douhle-X betwixt | a Dang-Phoo], and Phool-be Dung? I sees by ther papers that ther U S A Munitions-Board is ter ably short on thav stock-pile of wool, and is so critical low . that ther Army is fishin round fer Australian wool, sos to be able to proper clothe ther soldier boys j endurin ther cumin cold winter 1 in ther fitin field. Whilst ther 1 soldier bovs Dadys back home air I devotin thay layin-out lands to P Prowling-Dog runs Lands that ; mout be turned into Sheep-raisin < runs that would perduce all ther wool and muttin needed to warm- 1 up and feed-up thay soldier-sons i in ther snow covered fitin fields. ■ 1 Now aint that a purty good pic- i tur of us Wise-Guys wastful ways" f I was ridin on ther train one time t up in ther Peedmont section of j fi North Caliny. and got to talkin to l a man in ther seat front of me. 1 And he said I was .lest a-thinkin . ' that I owns several hunded acres t> fi of cut-oner lands nigh to where we air ridin thru, that mrit good j ^ fer nothin but grasm sheep thatud j ‘ be a benvfit to man-kind, ef it t; want fer ther prowlin-dogs that.: t lowd to run loose and wud git tc feedin on their flocks But that he reckoned he wud git put in j ,, ther Pen.vtentry bv a avalanch n Seneter Vestes ef he was to start! ther biznes. so he was stayin out, I and tax-listin his dog-runs as:,> waste-lands at IS a acre, whilst a good sheep biznes mout call for a 100$ listin.—Now dnnt ail that look lak thar is sum sorry Brain Trusters in ther Legislate " Thar aint no law a-ginst a mans havin a Best-friend Tiger, ef he takes keer of ini. But when he turns im into a Prow lin-Tiger, thats a nuther propersition. And hit ort to be likewise fer Prowlin-Dogs. Ef fer ther want of a brain, ^ ther head was lost—And fer ther ( want of a head, ther driver sped , t on the perdition Don't that pitch 1 lifes battle on a brink" Well ther papers air full of pic- ! n turs of artermobile wrecks of vis t tidy, to day, and all ther tumor rers. Hits half ther news of all y ther days 3 kilt here -5 kilt van- o der — Pig-scalded in this’un —. c Burnt up in that'un—A buterfulr ir young girls butiful face scal'd up n and" uglied fer ther rest of her F miserable life—Mamas Darlinl" Doll minus both legs sos to wheel- 's< cheer round fer meby 1$ years to! s. turn—Hundeds of em ev> month p Growin into 1000s of em evy year Si —And all ther years to cum All ll this in ther land of ther God-blest p Macs, and all them that aint Macs All this in ther land of ther god blest nation of all ther nations on , all the i art1 or this naNs: 1 Haims. god-blest by thor devel of j j destruction, not bv Him above. Rite in the land of flitter and fly— Git thar berfore you do. sos I bin heat'cher on ther die. AND WHAT ERROUT IT? Peers lak ther only way out is to git ther folks in Zu- |f j Ins, sted of a 1000 a day fer ther i ! how hit would show us more ed yea ted to jesl kill one a month by caryin ent thru ther caniblc-ket tle—one to evry 100 hungry Zu Lus, sted of a 1000 a day fer ther benefit of ther buryin boys. All this whilst havin to stint our stu micks sos to raise ther spondulix to buy one ther 100 mile Hum mers, jest to be busted up fer ther : junk man to sell to ther Everlu tion factry sos hit kin git horned ergin into a new See-dan, See? Jest a nuther 2000 frum stumick savins All this in ther land thats tryin to lead ther world bercause of our hi-edycation Thar was a .1 feller once that had brains ernuf to put out that—Whar ignance is blis, hits folly to be wise. Now dont it look lak we-uns air tryin to bummerang that saying into— Whar folly is blis, hits agnant to be wise? No wonder ther Jedges ; air a-sayin thay cant git a drunk driver convicted in cote, caus ther jurys dont want to take ther driv lieens way frum ther po-killers. And most of that is bercaus—all ther drunk-driver has to do it to tit’im a lawyer that knows how to jick’im a drunk-drivin-jurv, and ,hav sho wont risk thay own lis- | >nse by no sich conviction. And jout ther only way outn this is to et ther Jedges be ther Jurys.— EXECTTOR’S NOTICE Jorth Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as ex ■eutor of the estate of the late J. A Bonds, this is to notify all per uns having claims against the es ate of said deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned on or be oic the (ith dav of October, .1951, i this notice will be pleaded in >ar of their recovery. All persons ndebted to said estate will please lake immediate payment. This the 6th dav of October, 950. Eugene Bonds, Executor, c 10-17-24-31 no 7-14 NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that un ci and by virtue of a judgment nd order of the Superior Court f Martin County entered on the th day of November 1950 in that ertain Special Proceedings en itled, "Daniel Peel and wife, Rose ’eel and others vs Abram Peel nd wife Ethel Peel and Ralph ’eel and wife, Gladys Peel, the indersigned Commissioners will in Thursday the 7th day of De ember 1950 at 12 o’clock M in rout of the Courthouse Door of Jartin County at Williamston, N. I ' . offer for sale, at public auction, I o the highest bidder, for cash, the allowing described real estate, to vit: A certain tract or parcel of land n Griffins Township, Martin Aunty, North Carolina, bounded in the South by the Smithwieks 'reek Hard Surfaced Road; on the Vest by the lands of J. G. Peel; n Hie North by Smithwick’s reek and on the East by the H. 5 Peel Home Place, and contain ig SEVENTY-FIVE (75) ACRES, lore or less, excepting the Peel 'amily Grave Yard and the right f ingress and egress to and from time. The last and highest bidder at aid sale will be required to de msit the amount of ten percent of aid highest bid to show good a i t h. This the (ith dav of November, 950 Hugh U Horton, Charles H, Manning, Commissioners, high G. Horton, Attorney WE MAKE YOU MASTER OF EVERY DRIVING CONDITION \ ■ We Give You SKID PROTECTION, LIFE PROTECTION Never Possible Before! Before Winter is Upon You! tOU Gtr — the great new U. S. Royaltex Tread and Traction for year 'round safety in slippery weather. YOU GtT America’s utmost in tire rubber economy your one tire in vestment for many years to come. YOU OfT everlasting sMUwft, or blackwalls. YOU GtT the exclusive M. t. Ooyal Protective Curbyrsrf to and all grinding curb scuff and abrasion, all cleaning nuisance and expenaa. Tka Only Sack Tires fti fka WarW Without Rival or Comporitoml 4a 7«*« HME MUTER IS WMIH! B. & W. Tue Co Williaiufclon. N. C. hubby down BelkTyfer IT'S BELK TYLER'S FOR DAY AND TOMORROW - UII. MOST OUTSTANDING BARGAINS IN MEN'S WEAR YOU HAVE EVER SEEN — YESTERDAY. TO - IT'S RELK-TYEER’S FOR QUALITY MEN'S W EAR I SUITS FOR THAT WELL GROOMED AIR! (.ires Vom: • COMFORT \ • SMART FIT >• LOW PRICE / On«* group of Suits i for Inini4Mliat«‘ ( ilrar an<*<* wlwllu'r of not you're in the market for a new suit. Vie want yon to see this mapiifieeul eolleelion! “SALE’' Men's Coal Sweaters The eolors are hrown ami fjrey. Lon<; lastin'; sweaters for men. All sizes. Men’s department. $1.87 MEN’S TACKLE TWILL JACKETS 100% all wool i|iiiltin^£ lining. Assort ed eolors and sizes. Rain resistant and stain resistant. Truly a wonderful Imv. $8.95 MEN'S CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS Clmmforay shifts for men. All siz.es. Sanfor ized and fast colors. ^ on may never see them at tills price again. I I SPECIAL SALE MEN'S UNIONS Unions for men. All sizes. Heavy weight and sanforized. On ly a limited supply so come early. $1.68 WORK \h>n\ (fiihanlinr Top Coats 1(M)% al! wool gaberdine lop coats. Practically all sizes. Don't miss this sensational bargain. Water repellant. $16.50 $27.50 Men's R<m1 ( .uiuel DUNGAREES These are also sanforized and double stitched. Sturdy ind long lasting. All sizes. $1.98 AT PRICES YOU WANT TO PAY MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Sanforized and fast colors. All siz.es. Solids and whites. A regular S2.50 value. “SPKCJAL" M KIN'S PLASTIC RAINCOATS Guaranteed water resistant plastic coats. All sizes, lie sure to see these coats. $1.98 MEN’S IIROADCLOTII PAJAMAS Well, tailored and sanforized. Fast colors. Fancy and stripes. All sizes. $2.88 MEN'S FRIENDLINE HATS $4-98 f All all new leather cushion sweat band. All fur felt. Assorted colors and all sizes. Men’s Dept. ATTENTION . . . MEN FREE-FREE IN TRADE IN MEN'S WEAR he sure to register — nothing to eifv — you DON'T II \\ K TO UK I‘RESENT N\ HEN DRAWING IS MADE! I) R A W I N G S A T U R D A Y 6 I*. M. COC fill MEN'S GKOTHING — Anything You Clurnsr. pLUiUU AHSOEl I EIA FREE — AKI. YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO REG ISTER IN THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT! MEN'S TROUSERS \ REAL BUY! ()m> iwroupoj Mfii's Trousers DRASTIC REDUCTIONS MKIN'S HID CAMEL*’ OVI HALLS IKmlilf stitclird and sanforized. Full «*nI and reinforced al point* of strain. All sizes up to 52. MEN’S SUPER ARCHDALE SHIRTS The all new Non-Will collar. Sanforized and fast colors. All sizes. Pearl buttons. A genuine lop (pialitv broadcloth. $2.98 SALE Men's Shorts & Shirts Sanforized ami fast colors. All sizes. Stripes anil solid colors. Just another special bargain for men. 47c MEN’S FUR FELT HATS All for fellhals for men. All siy.es ami assorted colors, lie sure to see these hats. $3.98 “SPECIAL SALE" MEN'S KNIT POLOS Character designs and fancy designs. Assorted colors and all sizes. Sanforized. This i- a $2.00 value. $1.47 SALE Mail’s Gabardine SPORT- SHIRTS lianil Hashable. All col ors and sizes. Flap pock ets ami luo billion cuff*. Pastel shades. Also dark eolors. CLOTHES .ga.si&s-af g» < A EMLLn of 'SiTahees LINED AND UNLINK!) JUMPERS, CARPENTERS 'AND PAINTERS OVERALLS-ALE SIZES-LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES!

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