4-H Thrift Plan Model for Nation _*_ ■ ! A nation-wide 4-H Club thrift' project is to follow the plan North , Carolina 4-H leaders developed during the past year. Using the slogan "Earn, Save, and Serve,” I the program will be launched on a national scale this fall. Purpose of the thrift project I is to further emphasize the thrift1 factor that has always been an im-1 portant principle in 4-H work.1 The nearly two million club mem bers in the Country will be encour aged to practice thrift in all their activities and to use wisely the savings which result by purchase of U. S. savings bonds, establish ing savings accounts in local banks, investing in life insurance, and in other practical investments. L. R. Harrill, North Carolina 4-H Club leader, was a member of the committee which developed the national program. Sponsors include the Extension Service of the U. S. Department of Agricul ture and the State colleges of ag riculture, the Agricultural Com mission of the American Bankers Association, and the Savings Bond Division of the U. S. Treasury De partment. National 4-H Achievement Week, November 4-12, has been chosen by a number of states as an appropriate time to launch the program, although the starting date is optional. Specific thrift goals for the hoys and girls in the 84,000 4-H Clubs will be decided by the members themselves with the ad vice of their readers. Suggested forms of thrift, include: better money management, savings' \ through improving health habits, i better care of clothing, econom- J E M PLOY E E WELFARE P ROGRAMS Benefit Employers as Hell as Employees W. (;. “BILL” PEELE Manager THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA WIlXlAMSTON N, C. Cigarette Output Showing Decline Total output of U. S. cigarette manufacturers during the first six months of 1950 was slightly below that of the first six months of 1949 September milk production on U. S. farms totaled 9,735 million pounds slightly less than for the same month last year and about 2 per cent less than the record high for the month. The record high was 9,615 million pounds, produced in 1945. World production qf barley and oats in 1950 is expected to total about 126 million short tons, about 5 per cent larger than in 1949 and about the same as the prewar average. Foresters of the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Ashe ville, report that North Carolina's State flower, the dogwood, suf fered heavily from disease, dam age this sqmmer. Ordinarily the dogwood is quite free of disease. But this summer it was hard hit by a foliage blight and a leaf and flower scab disease. ical operation and care of equip | ment, as well as in scores of other j daily activities. A mile of veneer for plywood was peeled from one Douglas fir log—eight feet thick. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court Lorraine Dicken vs. James Dicken The defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com Imenced in the Superior Court of | Martin County, N. C.. to secure an |absolute divorce based upon two years separation and the defend ant will take notice that he is re quired to appear before the Clerk jof Superior Court of Martin Coun Itv at his office in Williamston, N. f jC„ on the 4th day of December, i 1950, or within 20 days thereafter i and answer or demur to the com-11 plaint, in said action, or the plain- j J tiff will apply to the court for the I relief demanded in said complaint. J The defendant above named I will also take notice that in the 1 above entitled action the plaintiff I iias filed an application to be awarded the legal care, custody, tuition and maintenance of the minor children, Charles Dicken and James Dicken, born to the marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant. The said de fendant will ■further take notice ^ that the plaintiff will apply before the Judge holding the March Term 1951 the Martin County | n -if„- C'>"-t. on the 22nd day ’ | of March, 1951, at 10 o’clock A. M., \ for an order giving the plaintiff , me legal care, custody, tuition and J maintenance of the minor child i i on. Charles Dicken and James Dicken. This the 3rd day of November, 1950. L. B. Wynne. Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County. no 7-14-21-28 Vitit Heilig aixl Meyers Williauiaton for the “fle*t Buyt In Furniturew SEVERAL DESIGNS MANY STYLES In Walnut - Mahogany - Maple Knotty Pine B. S. Courtney & Son Furniture Since 1914 Open Friday Evening ’til 9:00 FREE |$500 BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 - OPEN TIL 9:00 P. M. WEDNESDAY IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE TH AT WE CELEBRATE OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SERVING YOU, THE PEOPLE OF W IL LIAMSTON AND MARTIN COUNTY. IT IS NOT OUR POLICY TO RUN SALES BUT THIS IS A SPECIAL OCCASION FOR US VND WE ARE OFFERING EVERY PIECE OF MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE. AT A REDUCTION. ON TOP OF THIS WE VRE GIVING AWAY #500.00 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE. BE SURE TO REGISTER W EDNESDAY BEFORE THE DRAWING VI NINE O'CLOCK. AGAIN WE THANK YOU AND YOU FOR THE PATRONAGE VCCORDEI) US IN THIS PAST YEAR VND AS WE CON TINUE TO GROW WE WILL TRY A NO SERVE YOU TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY IN YEARS TO COME. _ EVERY SUIT H AS BEEN REDUCED Now is the lime lo purchase llial new suit you have hern lliiiikinp ahoul. Ev ery s>iiit in our larpc uiul eomplele slock lias been reduced. Loops, Shorts, Stools, Short Slouls, ami Regulars in all colors ami styles. Siz es 34 to 50. Gabar dines, F I a ii ii e I s. Sharkskins ami oth ers lo choose from. Buy now during our Anniversary Cele bration. $24.88 to $44.88 ALL DRESS SHIRTS REDUCED BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL! MEN’S JACKETS You can’t afford to miss this super special. Just the thliiK for these cool days. Gabardines, Cordu roys and Poplins. Si/.cs 31 to 4G. Huy now and save!!! $4.88 SPECIAL REDUCTION TOPCOATS IlS lopeoal Weather. Shop now for lhal loproal you need. Hay on. Wool-Rayon uud 100% wool #ahar dines. K('(lm i‘il to fit your hudffel. Sizes 32 to 46 in regulars and longs. You ran save money hy buying now. EVE1JY TOPCOAT IS REDUCED $6.88 to $37.50 TAKE A SLICE Of Our BIRTHDAY BARGAINS IK)AIK WITH YOU! Mm's Winlrr UNIONS Top (Juulily. Full Uni $1.64 MEN’S SWEAT SHIRTS Heavy Firm* Uinnl $1.39 HOYS' IIEANY M A C 1 N A W COATS S7.0fi I ill nr $5.88 ONE GROUP MEN’S SUITS 100% Wool $19.88 MEN’S UNDER SHIRTS All Sizrs. Toft Ounlily. 38c HUY NOW AND SAVE! SPORT COATS Itranlifnl F I a n 11 r Sport Coats in all rol or* and Mizr*. Hrl lows poi'kols am palrli pockrls. Taki advantage of llirtli day C.rlrliralion am Imy now. $13.88 up All HATS REDUCED Kvery hat in our stork lias been rcdueetl. Styles by Adam, Varsity Club and others. IteKUlars and I.onft Ovals. All colors. Iluy now and Save!!! $2.66 to $8.88 SPECIAL! coniHiun SHIRTS Top 'luulily Shirts you will hr proud lo own. \lf size* iu firriMiH. browns. uuiroons. rrd* ;sud others. $5.88 CORDUROY COATS I I'iitrh I’ockrt*. Fully l.iuril. renter \ ml. $988 _ 10% REDUCTION On All BOYS' WEAR NHW FAI L PANTS REDUCED Kvery pair of pants in our slock has been reduced for our Anniversary Celebra tion. Any color and style you waut in prices to suit you. Sizes 28 to 50. Gab ardines, H.iii lie Is, and many others to choose from. $5.77 to $10.88 In Merchandise All you lia\<- to do i« \isit our .'dorr anil rr:00 P. M. VN EDNESDAY Nov. 15 Three Suits One Topcoat Tailored Sport Coat Boys Sport Coat Three Hats Eight White Shirts Three Pair Slacks One Jacket One Rain Coat One Pair Pajamas Two Sport Shirts One Dozen Neckties One Pair Shoes YOU DO* NOT HAVE TO HE PRESENT TO WIN!