Thieves Control Market In Korea . —$— In Ihe city of Seoul, the capital of Korea, United States Army supplies arc sold openly each day in the thieves’ market, according to a dispatch in the New York Times, from Charles Grutzner, who reports .that there is not much that the Army can do about it. The Army is unable to seize stacks of G. I. field jackets, trou sers, soap and other Army goods, because it is unable to prove that the merchandise came from a warehouse or clock. The problem -is difficult because much U. S. Army equipment was given to the South Korean Army in 1948 and 1949. Some of this has fallen into the hands of the North Ko reans, who also raided warehouses when they entered South Korean ! cities. In other places, South Ko- j rean officials let the populace help i itself to stores and warehouses before the invaders arrived. The description of the thieves’ market is somewhat interesting. Hundreds of long tables are plac ed so closely that the aisles per mit only one person to walk com fortably but the customers are ■ four-deep in the walks, trying on i garments and arguing about prices. Ninety per cent of the tables are loaded with army sup plies, including post exchange items, such as cameras, cigarettes and lotions. The asking prices are "robbery in themselves.” At dusk, the tables are cleared and the wares are stored in adjoining j buildings or carried off by the j dealers. Then the gates are lock ed so that no one can steal the I empty tables. Mr. Grutzner says that the thieves’ market in Seoul is only one-tenth the size of the one in Pusan, where the theft of army supplies was rampant, especially I in the dark days of the war in | mid-September. The Kore an po- ! lice cooperate and arrest native | dealers whenever the Army can j prove specific lots of goods as! stolen. The Provost Marshal is j having a hard time to devise a j plan to clamp down on the sales I of the stolen supplies. Now Is The Time to iro to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE m PCGMlf ^ FRUIT 5 CAKK Your holiday feast deserves a delicious fruit rake — full of fruits and nuts. Order now for fhnnksgi vine ! 3 ll». $2.98 5 ll». $5.98 Marlin** Bakery FIRST CHINESE OFFICER CAPTURED UNDER GUARD of Corp. Arthur Williams, of Now York, the first Chines Ked army officer to be taken prisoner is escorted to headquarters at 1 lam hung, Korea, for questioning. Neither his name nor rank was rev%aled by the American intelligence officers. (International Soundphoto) Smokey Says: THCBS* A M»£ WHJ OV& THF v WOO' -ppoftAfcy TWO'HHQ' > a Him'- fti/T nou KMOw/.oNf [ UCHTtP MATCH Oft OoAWfTTE 1 WfiewN CAKELCSSlY AVOC CAJbt A FC*E*?t FtftF - r CAKfFPt AHp WKP h€ wpops Wi&r Iki Kemember—only you can prevent forest fires! India Calling For More Trees India’s food production auth >ri- j tics, alarmed by the productions j of topsoil washed away during i their nation’s monsoon seasons, I have launched a reforestation ! • campaign on the individual level S From the Prime Minister down, 1 i Indians in all parts of the country ; i planted saplings in a nation wide j "tree festival” which saw the! 'country festooned by posters i , i, the slogan, "Foi K.crj i One Tree Felled, Plant Two To-j j day" The campaign is part of In jdia’s drive for self-sufficiency in ! food by 1951. (UNESCO) Johnny's Building More Than A Bank Balance . . . . . . He's building a strong, sound future! It’s not the few cents a week he saves that will work financial miracles. It’s J the fact that he’s developed the SAVING HAUII eariy in liTe, "] ~ that assures wisdom in handling money when he’s older. Wise parents encourage their children to save. We suggest that you •pen a thrift account for YOUR youngsters, today! Branch Banking & Trail Co. Where The Money Went Last Year A member of a national re search unit, ftsing recognized i sources of information, recently explained where I he money went in 1949, The personal consump tion expenditures were listed, as follows; « Automobiles and parts, 10.1 billions, furniture and household ^ equipment, 10 B billions; other du 1 ralde goods, 3.6 billions; clothing and shoes, billions; food and alcoholic beverages, 59.0 billions; gasoline and oil, 4.5 billions; semi durable house furnishings, 1.9 j billions; tobacco, 4.8 billions; oth- j I er non-durable goods, 10.3 bil lions; household operation, 8.2 i i billions: housing, 16.9 billions; j personal service, 3.7 billions; rec reation, 4.0 billions; transporta | tion, 5.2 billions; other services, j 18.1 billions; a total of 179.1 bil i lions of didlars j Crime costs were placed at 15.0 i billion; gambling, 21.5 billions, al- ; coholie beverages, 8.5 billions, ac I cidents, 7.5 billions; education, billions; church contributions, about 1.5 billions; soft drink in dustry 1 0 billion: toys and novel ties, 800 million, commercialized j vice, one-half billion dollars, i jL _ ._____ NOTICE OJ SAI F North Carolina, Marlin County, i In The Superior Court Before the Clerk III the matter of W. J. Holliday, Grace Holliday, Martha J. Sexton, j individually, and Martha J. Sex ton, Administratrix of the estate!1 of Tula J. Mizellc and of the es- j j tate of Roxy SmithW'iek, Vera i Warrington, Isoiene Warrington,] and husband, Etheridge Warring- ; J ton, Bertie Conklin, Grace Barber f ■ and husband, Paul Barber. Ester I Martin, Lucille Martin, Joseph • Martin, Edward Lee Martin, Billy I j Martin, Albert Martin, Tom Mar j tin, Mrs, Celeste Blissett and Ims- • ■ band, Hubert BJissett, Bernice •] Parker and husband. John Park-ij er, Theresa Davis Dyer and bus- > band, B. J. Dyer, ex parte. Under and by virtue of an order i J of sale mack by L. B. Wynne., Clerk of Superior Court of Martin ' County, on the 9th day of Novem ber. 1950. the undersigned Com missioner, appointed in said order, i will, on Monday, the I'th day of j December. 1950. at 12 o'clock noon j in front of the courthouse door in | the Town of Williamston. N. C., I offer for sale to the highest bidder fur cash the following described real estate, to-wit' First: Situate in the Town of Jamesville. Martin County, and j being lots Nos. 1, 2. 3, A 5. o. and ; 7 m Block B in the Kemp Band! division, on the Fast side of St. | Andrews Street and bounded as follows, as shown ;n plat of re- | cord in Land Division Rook in the Public Registry of Martin County, hounded on the North by Jackson Street and on the East by Maple i Branch, and on the South by line j of lot No. 8 in said map or plat.; and along line of same to Maple! Street, thence back along said j Maple Street to point of begin- i nmg. This deed of conveyance is j made to convey one-haif undi vided interest in said lots, the j part formerly owned by J. D. Til ley and conveyed to Bank of Jamesville, C. A. Askew now own ing *he other one-half interest. Second: Situate in Jamesville! Township, adjoining the lands oT i Sylvester Gray, Tom Billev land and the lands of the late S. L Wallace, containing 12 acres, more or less, and being the same land that formerly belonged to llettie Gray and being the same land that has been in possession of Sylvester I Gray and John Gray for the past | several years and being the land ; this day deeded to the said Selves- j ter Gray bv the Bank of James vilie. Third: Bounded on the West 1 by St. Andrews Street, on the East j by lands of E. II Ange and W W ; Waters, on North hv Maple Street, i on the South by Roberson Street 1 and lands of Ransom Roberson to beginning, on St. Andrews Street, containing 2 acres, more or less, and better known as the Kemp Land. Fourth: Beginning at a post, a corner of Grover W Hardison and Dolly Hardison lols, thence a West I course along a fence, Dolly Hardi son s line 105 feet to a post, a cor ner of Dolly Hardison lot, thence j South a straight line 105 feet to a street, thence East course along ! said Street 105 feet, thence a| North course a straight .me 105 j feet to the beginning, containing | 1/4 acre, more or less and being a part of the same land willed to Grover W. Hardison by Gray Rob erson, less that part of same sold to Minnie Hardison by deed of re- j cord m Book K-4, page 584 Filth A tract of land in the! Tow n ol Jamesville, N. C., adjoin- i mg the Willi mshin and Plymouth Highway and colored Methodist Church lot on the North, Mrs K ! S. Dawes on the East, Hardison | St root on the West, being L. W i Mizclle and school house lots. S' > t is_'I hat ceil am wi "id store. ■ house and lot situate in the Town of Jamesvillc, on the South side of i Waters Street, and bounded on the North he Waters Street, on the East by J G. Lons, on the South by J. G. Long, and on the West by I. L. Davenport, and being the same lot conveyed to C. A. Harri son and G H Harrison be W V’ Waters. Trustee, in deed of record in Book F-3, past- 407 of the Mar tin County Public Registry. The terms of this sale' are cash upon confirmation of the sale bv , the Clerk of Superior Court, and the successful bidder at the said sale will be required to make i cash deposit of 10' of the bid, pendina confirmation of the sale. This the Oth dav of November 1950. E. S. Peel. Commissioner. Peel & Peel. Attvs. Wi’iiiamston, N. C. no 14-21-28 de 5 NOTICE OK RESALE Under an l by virtue of a judg ment of re-sale m an action e i titled "Frances G. Early et al v D G Matthews et al." the under signed Commissioners will, on the 24 dav of November, 1950, at 12 o’clock. Noon, in front of the "Crystal Grill” on Washington Street in the Town of Williams ton, N C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described property: A house and lot on Washingt >n Street in the Town of Williams- j ton, N. C., and being known as; the Peter Davis and Fannie Davis! home and being the same prom is- '■ es deeded to Edward L. Early and wife, Frances G Earlv bv Susie S Price by Deed dated February 2, 194(i, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book M-4, page 281 Tins property will be sold in two lots -one the tenant house and lot and the other the "Crvstal Grill" and lot A map will be shown at the sale showing both parcels of property The last and highest bidder will bo required to make a deposit of 1C, of the purchase price. This 7th dav of November, 1950. B A. Criteher, F S Peel, Commissioners. no 14-21 NOTICE OF PI HI,1C SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority vested in me by Sections 1-28(1, 44 5 Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina I offer for pub lie sale at the Courthouse door in Williamston. Marim County, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, November 15, 1950, the following articles of furniture, to-wit One mattress, one three-piece; bedroom suite, one spring, one kitchen cupboard, one breakfast ' isuite. one chifl'erobe, one unfinish-* jed table, one elect Me radio, one kiddie coop, one what-not, one 'coffee table, one floor lamp, one !three-piece living room suite, one table, one 9x12 felt rug and one 1 mauazine 1 ack. This ftirniture may be seen at B. S. Courtney and Son it will not be displayed at the sale R. H. Cowen. Attv. at Raw. loc 31 no 2-9 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS DRAIN AGE f t.FARING AND F\CAVATION ' \RTLN COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO, ONE. MARTIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sealed proposals for the reeon s ruction of the Martin Count.\ Train." ■ District No. one in Mar t C ; 1 v. North r 11 —:i will 1 . t o ••• • ov I, ' ' vnn, 1 erk of S' "a . . CVui t i art in ( unt\ . N C„ in the office of ,he :k of the Suoerior Court in V Uiamston, N C . at the Court I ause until 10 o’clock A. 1VI . K S on Wednesday, the 29th day ol I* >vcjnber, 1950, at which time : I place they will be publiclx i ;ened and read. Work contemplated will include ■■ nstruction of approximately 15 1 ; 2 miles of canals and will :on t ■ t of excavation of approximate i Iv 273,204 cubic yards and clear iv! of 1 12.3 acr. . Plans, Specifications, and Con tract Documents are on file with he Secretan of the Drainage Commissioners, at the office >f Clarence Griffin, Attorney, Wil hamston, N, C : the office of the j Engineers, Greenville, N. C ; the; oltice of the Associated Genera! Contractors. Raleith. N C„ and Charlotte, N. C. Copies of plans and specifica tions may he obtained from the Engineer's office upon deposit of $15.00. Deposits will be refunded to th< se making bona fide bids to the I )rainage District Consideration will be esven only to bids of contractors who submit evidence showing that they have been licensed under "An Act to Regulate the Practice of General Contracting," ratified by the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina on March 10. 1025 and as subse quently amended. A performance bond.wdl be re quired equal to 100 percent of the contract price, conditioned upon ; the faithful performance of the ] contract and upon the payment of all persons supplying labor and furnishing materials for the con struction of the project Each proposal shall be aecom pained with a deposit of cash or a I certified check on some bank or trust company authorized to do ! business under the laws of the Step, of fsiiutli Carolina in an -•_ .-.mount equal to not le.-o than five per cent of the proposal. saS < hock to be made to the Martin County Dunnage District No, ope ns a guarantee that a contract will be entered into with the Drainage | District within la days after the award to the bidder and that thi inquired bond will be executed In lieu of above. 2' - cash or certi fied cheek and 3''• bid bond will bo accepted. The Drainage District reserves : the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the hid or bids hat appear to be to the best interest of the Drainage District, No proposal may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing lime tor till •i-ceipt of b .. for a p» : aid j of thirty days. By order of the Chairman and Board >f Commissioners of the Martin County Drainage District No. one. Martin Count,'.-. N. C. Sidne' 1 <•: - hasn. Chairman. . Engineers: Henry I. and Thomas W. Rivers, ; Green'-ille. N. C. no 14-21 $1.85 pint I Dm Straight Wtiskays in Mils pat I net art 2 yaars ar mnra alt; | Straight \ Maairal Spirits; 207* Straight Wkis | kay 2 yaars alt, S % Straight Wkiskay I 4 yaars alt, $% Straight Wblskay ! 4 yaars alt. 14 want. - • pm mm. wm ■ Aastin^JicKoIs J - 6CaW foe. | b — mm —. Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. MIL LAUD'S SIIOF SHOP AM. OCCASION <;kektin(; cards VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT V/HIiamslon Office Equipment Co. VMHWMMWMMVVMAAAMUVWUUUWWUWWWMVimAIVWMVMW'i w* k •it: ft ft ft K :Ki ft :it* ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft i !<> ♦,<»>'<>>'<>.«.<iv<>v<>v<tvi>y«> ♦;«ivi0^4ijgi»4»^••#•41; »VhVi»V« »*•"» »V*« iVhTi »Vu Vu'V’i 1V1 »V» jVt »Vu' TOBACCO CANVAS In Stock (luiivuM i» on allnlnirnl anil will In- M*arr<> lliis year. Ituy iioh ! mtu; M ALSO S,nifjl.l\ TOBACCO SEEDS m\n: imir;i!T 101 Ami Several Ollier Kimls Martin Supply Co. WilliaiiiKtnu, N. <1. I* t^< >.«.< »;•/ *^,41;#;4 r»;< »v< >V4 >V4 ^4 ivi »■ >!t* M ft ft ft ft ft •it* ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft k ft ft ft ft ft ft >«* “ft ft ft ft ft ft r«; s:**:. • *.v* Wanted: Corn in shuck, truck load lots, at iarm, anywhere . -v... •>' >; .'■"ww • tm s wm 1 It vr .** f.«< W**-,**^ L. N. JAMES CORN HOUSE Office 3601 BETHEL, NORTH CAROLINA Write or cull L. N. JAMES : Corn House 204 1 : Residence 2511 BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heats Courtney Gas Co., Inc. It Makes Ice — Dial 2572 » 1 m IN! TOBACCO SCRAP WANTED \llenlinn I aimers: W < 11 pav ex Ira premium I'or [1] all scrap llial lias been cleaned <d all slrin^s and lorei**!! mailer. [HJ W. I. Skinner And Co. set how I S minutes wm us can -SAVE YOU *1000! You could pay $1,000 more and not get all the extra room, ease of handling, ■famous dependability of today's big, rugged Dodge! • n 5 shout minutes with Dodge von II discover roominess I that expensive cars can't match head room, leg room, shoulder room . . a bigger car inside vet a car that’s more compac t outside lor easier handling in traffic easier parking. And compare the riding smoothness . . . the new greater visibility . . . the road hugging stability of Dodge with cars costing much, much more! Come in today. See how you Biqtfer ifa/ye DODGE Just a l*<* dollar* morm than thm low u prutd c art I DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. Williitiiislnn. N. C.

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