Minimum Oi Eight Persons Are Hurl But None Fatally (Continued from page one) car. He suffered a slight knee in jury. The dangerous business was continued about 3:30 a m. Satur day when a 13-10 Chevrolet truck belonging to the G and H Build ers' Supply Company, went out of control and turned over near the State Highway and Public Works Commission Prison camp. It was reported by Patrolman B W Parker that the truck was loaded with wood, that the dump body came unfastened and the load shifted, causing the driver to lose control. No one was hurt and damage was comparatively slight, the officer estimating it it about $25. Twelve hours later, almost to I the minute, the wrecks started piling up again. Mrs. J. D. Page had parked her 13-11 Dodge lac ing east on West Main Street in the 500 block. Howell Warren, Sr., driving east and apparently blind ed by approaching traffic, plowed into the rear of the Dodge with his 1333 Ford, causing about $400 damage to each car, according to reports from local police who in vestigated the accident. After tin Dodge was hit in the rear, it was knocked into a phone pole, leav ing both ends badly smashed Warren suffered a slight knee in jury. While Officers Modlin. Jones and Perry were clearing up that accident. William O. Dawes. RFD 2. Robcisonville. drove up from the east, and obeying the law. brought his 1938 Chevrolet to a .stop. Arthur Edmondson, Wil liamston tilling station employee, was following Dawes, and for! some reason, failed to see the I warning light on the wrecker and j the flashlight signals waved by the offieers. and plowed into the rear of the Chevrolet with his 1950 Plymouth, doing about S50 dam age to the Dawes car and about $400 to his In addition to a severe head injury, Edmondson was hurt on one knee. He got out ol his car and walked around a few min utes. explaining to offieers that hi was not hurt much. A short time later he collapsed and was re moved to a local hospital tor treatment. Edmondson says the last thing he remembers about the wreck was that he saw the lights to late too stop, but that ht* ap plied his brakes. He regained consciousness early Sunday morn ing but continues in the hospital, the extent of his injuries not yet definitely known. While tlu Williamston officers were handling the Main Street wrecks. Patrolman M. E. Powers officiated at the last one for the da\ over in Williams Township on U. S. Highway 64 at 10:00 o'clock. Blinded bv rain and bright lights, Alexander James of Plymouth, driving Theopilus Cooper's 1949 Hudson, sideswiped William D. Barnes’ 1941 Ford se dan, causing about $200 damage t i each ear. the patrol officer said. Sunday noon a 1941 Ford, driv en by Louise Williams of Rober sonvillc, and a 1949 Ford truck tractor, owned by the Asphalt Service Company anil driven by Jeffry Taylor, crashed at a dirt mail intersection a short distance | from Robersonvilie. No one was hurt and damage was limited to $50 on the car, according to Pa trolman K. P. Narmn who made the investigation. In a Oak City street Sunday evening al 6:15 o'clock, Sol Baker, colored man, crashed into the side of a Ricks bus, doing about $50 damage to the bus and $25 dam age to his 1939 Ford. Baker dill not stop and was booked for hit and-run driving, Patrolman R. P. Narmn said. A sign-off for the day came about 8:30 o'clock Sunday evening when a log truck sideswiped a car m lmnt of the Carver Theatre on Williamston's Washington Street. Officers are still investi gating the case with a hit-and-run charge all ready for the log truck : driver. The total proper!.\ damage ap proximated $4,000. Icil WY PLUMBINGS EDGE WOOD AVC. • PMONI 3)09 WILUAMVTON, N.C. A N L' v. E L lb H • O l 0 M iKKGR OLD MASflR - SEE OUR COMPLETE COLLECTION OJ Jo>VI.i: SIKRMXi Beautiful, useful solid silvei lor vouiselt — loi welcome gilts Peele's - Jewelers SINCE 189!) 121 Main WiliiumMon FOR FINER CHRISTMAS GIFTS IWATTS^ THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON Last l ime Tuesday "I'll Get By" With June Haver W illiam Lumlijran Gloria Deliavt*n Harry James •larch of Time News WKDNKSDAY llondie's Hero' With Penny Singleton Arthur Lake Comedies 2 Cartoons THURSDAY FRIDAY "No Way Out" With Richard Widmark Limla Darnell NEWS NBC Bread Truck Hits School Bus Near Jamesville $ _ (Continued from Page One) gers. Simon Corey was following the bus in his 1936 Ford, holding a sale distance and traveling cau tiously. Allen reportedly passed I the furry ear and headed for the rear of the school bus which hud slowed down to about two miles an hour with its stop sign dis played. Allen was quoted as say ing that the brakes on his truck failed, but patrolmen, making tht investigation, said the truck tiro skidded ten or more feet. One of the injured Lillcy boys seeing the truck bearing down or the bus, yelled for Allen to stop Just how fast the truck wai traveling when it crashed into the bus could not be learned, but tin school bus was knocked fifty fee away and off the road, according to Patrolman B. W. Parker whi investigated tin accident with Pa trolman John T Rowe, Sgt. Spru ill, working in Washington Count} at the time, heard the radio re port on th< wieck and follower u; thi investigation. Allen, charged with rcckles: driving, was back at work thi following morning. Damage to the school bus wa: estimated at $400 and that to th< truck at $600 by Patrolman Par ker. Members of the patrol handle! the clean-up job effectively. Earlier in the week, Mr. C. F Jenkins, Williamston barber-far liter, was hurt about the head when William James Grime drove into the highway at an in tersection in Parmcle and thei i cars crashed last Tuesday evening Jenkins was traveling west am Grimes, parked on the righ shoulder of the highway, pullei into the highway and into th j'pSftr'CT 'Teii.Cfts' 1 ST) ■ ForrPwTviei was damaged about $200 Grime; jl937 Chevrolet was damagei J about $100 Patrolman B. W. Par ker said. -—.— o . You can threaten with shotguns, clubs and axes, But brother you’ll keep 1 on paying U.-ies. Initiate Deputy In Method Of Liquor Law Enforcement (Continued from page one) tors, but found no mash. That afternoon, the officers struck in Williamston Township, not far from the State Highway Prison camp, and upset a 50 gal lon drum still and five fermenters, pouring out 200 gallons of masn. On Wednesday of last week, two partial distillieries were found and wrecked in the Free Union section of Jamesville township The raiders poured out 200 gal lons of mash at each plant. Going back to Jamesville Town ship and raiding near Dardens, the officers climaxed the series of raids when they found a ten gallon copper ham boiler convert ed into a liquor still. They poured out 50 gallons of mash there. Youthful Pianist Has Fine Record (Continued from page one) coming to the United States and his sensational New York debut Immediately after his first New York concert, he was interview ed by Life, Time, arid Newsweek magazines. The news of his fame spread so quickly that he was at once engaged to appear with the Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston Symphony Orchestras under Dor ati, Reiter, and Kurtz. Many re cital appearances in American ' cities, large and small, have con firmed the verdict of the New York press that here is a young, personable, modest, and immense ly gifted pianist who is “destined to make a big stir in the musical world for years to come." Patients In The Martin General - -—-$>— The following were listed | among the patients in Marlin Gen eral Hospital tins morning: Mrs Eva Perry of Jamesville, Mr.-. William Scott of RED I. Oak City, Miss Ethel Williams of Wil liamston, Mrs. Win. Whitehurst of Oak City, W. L. House of Robei sonville, J. D. Ward of Bear Grass, Mrs. Oscar Harrison of Williams ton, Ben Roberson of Roberson villi-. Arthur Modlin of James ville. Wright Clark of Vanceboro, Arthur Edmondson of Williams ton, Mrs. James Carroll Williams and infant son, HKD 1, Williams ton. Sandy MacTightish sent the doctor's bill to his lather-in-law when the doctor told him Ins wife's tonsils should have been removed when she was a little girl. The word grocer originally I meant one who sold by the gross, or wholesale WANTS LOST: LAST WEDNESDAY IN Martin County, black half moon piece from fender of 41 Cadillac. Kinder please return to Zeb Biggs ' on Hubert Biggs farm. Reward. TWO MILCH COWS FOK SALE. s Five yearlings, weight from‘300 1 to 450. Set’ Mrs. J .M Hassell, - Jamesville. N C. no 14 2t t --- , ONE SHORT BLUE COAT LEFT , at the Vlcear. Owner please . call for same. WAN T E I): EXPERIENCED 1 body man, must be able to furnish I references Modern service de partment, good salary. G. and S, Motor Company, Robersunville, N WAITRESS WANTED: EXPERI s enec necessary. Apply at Rob e erson's Cafe. Phone 2480. LOCAL YOUNG MAN DESIRES accounting or bookkeeping posi tion. Write A & B, c o P. O. Box ; 387, Williamston, N t'. I, d it d e fr: STRAYED FROM OUR HOME IN West End last Thursday, a large redish brown, shaggy dog, half collie and half chow. Answers to namt of "Rusty”, Finder, please notify Patrolman M F Powers. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE in the Town of Jamesville. May be contacted at home after 5 p m. i,, A, an,, T~, i _;, J aiTtes v"i 1 It: d FOR RENT: BEDROOM WITH connecting bath and kitchen facilities. Couple preferred. Mis W R. Ingram. FOR SALE: WESTINGHOUSI electric range, good condition $50.00. Dixie Motor Company Williamston N. C. aio 14 2 TAKE OVER PIANO! SMALL spinet piano with standard key- ' board. Case and interior in ex cellent condition. Guaranteed 100' - . Party with good credit and able to assume several monthly installments can purchase. No down payment required. Don't write unless interested. Write Credit Division, Box 869. Concord, North Carolina. no 14 3t FOR SALE: ONE FRIGID AIRE electric range, late model, per fect condition. $100.00. Dixie Motor Company, Williamston, N. C. no 14 2t TARBORO SEPTIC TANK cleaners, locally owned and op j el ated, tanks checked free, satis faction guaranteed, experienced and efficient service at reasonable | prices. Call Tarboro 9113 or write I Box 233. no 14 4t i FOR SALE: KENMORE OIL range, table top. 1 year old, in perfect condition. Priced at $50.00. Dixie Motor Company, Williams ton, N. C. no 14 2t FOR SALE: J947 CHEVROLET Panel Body Truck. Three Quar ter Ton. Low Mileage. Good con dition. Really suitable for laun | dry. dry cleaners or any delivery | truck. Will sell for half price ot value. r->rr limiicin v. rawioin, Everetts. no 14 2t I FOR SAKE: ONE: USED FRIGID- | aire refrigerator, good condition. Porcelain finish. $125.00. Dixie Motor Company, Williamston. N. C. no 14 2t — —. ... GRACE YOUR LOT WITH A monument of Marble or Granite that will perpetuate your family name as your friends and neigh bors have perpetuated theirs. Choose it now while till concerned can have a voire in its choice. Con tact R Sherrod Corey, Williams ton. N C Dial 29493. Rep. of Blown Memorial Company, Rocky j Mount, N. C. no 14 tit FOR SALE: ONE BENDIX RA dio, floor demonstrator. Priced to sell at $125.00. Dixie Motor Co., Williamston, N. C. no 14 2t FOR SALE. USED REFRIGERA tors from $50.00 to $85.00. A-l condition. Easy terms. Worrell Appliance Company. no 14 2t FOR SALE: OLD CHURCH WIN*-j dows. May be seen at Reddick s Grove Church. If interested, see Joshua L. Coltrain, Rt. 1. Wil liamston, N. C. no 14 2t FOR SALE: 5 ROOM HOUSE with bath and lot on corner of Ray and Biggs Streets. Call 3100. no 14 2t THREE TAMWORTH BOARS left. Entitled to reg> tration. C. E. Jenkins, Williamston. no 9 2t GIVE CROCHETING FOR Christ mas. Place your orders now with Mrs Kate Wynn, 1101 Hau ghton St. no 9 4t FURNISHED ROOMS AND apartment for rent. Mrs. Len nie Manning, 312 Smithwick St., Williamston, N. C. no 7 tf REMINGTON RAND PORTABLE typewriter for sale. Good as new. May be seen at Enterprise Office. no 7 tf NEW CARS: DO YOU WANT A new Car today. Pittman's in Williamston, has new Fords, " 'i'h'-v iV-tVts. "Ply ivimi thiT-a nA- cither makes in 2 and four door models for immedaite delivery at regular prices, too Pittman's also has many good used ears to select from, priced from $295.00 up. Re 1 member Pittman's buy. sell or . trade new and used cars. Pitt man's used ear lot, Williamston. N. C. no 9 tf t WORM) FAMOUS BARTER Theatre presents THE SHOW OFF at Williamston High School, November 29, 8:15 p. m„ sponsor | erl by Williamston Jaycees. no 9 4t VERY' SPECIAL: MEN, DON’T buy your fall and winter suits until you’ve seen the best values in town. We have good quality suits that range in price from $21.00 to $49.95. We feature Cur lei' suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Darden’s Dept. Store, Wil liamston. oc 26 tf HOUSE WANTED: PLEASE Con tact Mr. Ernest C. Caraway, new manager of Leder Brothers’ j store, Williamston. oe 31 tf [COLD WEATHER CAN’T BE too far away. Remember ! Heath Radiator Shop is the place to buy your Prestone. We fill 'em and check ’em. no 7 8t LOOKING A TOP COAT? WELL, we have them. Gaberdines, from $18.95 to $39.95. Not only are they j topcoats but they are TOPS in j quality and the best values you’ve seen this season. Darden's Dept. I Store, Williamston. oe 26 tf i REGISTERED SPOTTED PO ! land China boars ready for ser vice -$50.00. H. B. Spruill. Wind sor, N. C. oc 31 8t YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locleei no 8 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE—Wil liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciauca, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture. Williamstor Hardware Company, Williamston. N. C. * au 29 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Pi ices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf WANTED: GOOD CLEAN White rags. Will pay 15 cents per pound for good rags if pieces are not too small. The Enterprise Publishing Company. no 7 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed \ promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 31G1. Norfolk Tallow Company r.o 8 ti FOR SALE: ELECTRIC SEWING machine, console cabinet, 20 year warranty, only $119.50. B. S. Courtney and Son. oc 19 lOt WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOB all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmbei i Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Wijliamston, N. C. je 8 tf FOR FOUR CUSTOM ■ MADI Venetian blinds awnings for the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; a'so beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison. Wiiiiams ton. au 28 tf PARKER S SELF -SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try u$ for a quick and economical wash ser vice. !S 8 tf Clark Gable anti Barbara Stanwyck arc the romantic protagonists of "To Please a Lady”, M-G-M’s unusual love story with a thrill-pack ed auto-racing background, which comes to the Viccar Sunday. Adolphe Menjou heads the supporting cast of the new hit, produced and directed by Clarence Brown. SEE Worrell Appliance do. for Hie best in USED FURNITURE SUNRAY A Finer da* Ratine AT Poekel Pleasing Priees SEE IT TODAY AT Maytag Applianee do. j Washington St. Wiliiamston HAMILTON THEATRE EAST TIMES TODAY Shows at 7 and 9 HIDDEN CITY With Johnny Sheffield Latest News and Cartoon WEDNESDAY. Nov. 15 Shows at 7 and 9 In Technicolor STREETS OF LORADO With William Holden, W'illiam Bondix and Mona Freeman Color Cartoon and Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY November 1C and 17 Shows at 7 and 9 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ■.With- Stand! fiysa -and Patricia Whitmore Latest News MOVIES Are BETTER TRAN EVER AWVWMMMWfMWWRDRRSMMMW FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Low Interest Rate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing Clias. H. Maiinintc. Ally. WVWWWWWWWWWMVWMMMW TRIO Rolwroonvillc, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Nov. 9-10 IT'S ALL FOR YOU In Technicolor SUMMER STOCK With Gene Kelly and Judy Garland Also: Cartoon Si Short SATURDAY Double Feature Johnny Mack Brown In “LAW OF THE PANHANDLE” ALSO “MUSIC IN THE MOONLIGHT” With ALL STAR CAST And Serial SUNDAY ' Dick Powell and June Allyson in “RIGHT CROSS” Plus Cartoon Si Short) MONDAY - TUESDAY •ROCKY MOUNTAIN’ With Erroll Flvnn and Patrice Wymore Plus Latest News and Short WMMWMMWMMMWMMM MARCO Adults SOr Children 15c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'Rachel and the Stranger" With Robert Mitcliuni Loretta Young Variety Cartoon THURSDAY • FRIDAY il(U II 'Sierra' With Audie Murphy Wanda Hendrix Band and Cartoon Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bieycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 USED FURNITURE Arriving Weekly CHINA CLOSETS BREAKFAST SlilTES CHEST OF DRAWERS BEDS (All Sizes) MATTRESSES SPRINGS Ami a Number of Ollier Household Furnishings See Them Now ni WORRELL Appliance Co. - ^fOMEN FWght for His Kisses... Men Clamored For His Life! He stole the STATE of ARIZONA and laid it at the feet of hi* beautiful bride) Tin Tfw« Advntur* E«« Toldl Samuel Fwller't 1 &RON OF Arizona A Robert i. lippert Presentation V5ncent Ruce EllenDrew < 1 •trt. BEULAH BONDI • VLADIMIR SOKOLOFF • REED HADLEY ROBERT BARRAT • TINA ROME • ROBIN SHORT • MARGIA DEAN VICCAR- WEDNESDAY ONLY (X night, at exactly 8:30, the voice of God was ___ heard on the radio— not just here, but all over the world not in just one language, but in every language. What He said and how it affected the lives of everyone, everywhere... is the story of this picture. M-G-M presents The Next Voice Youi Hoar:.. * JAMES WHITMORE-NANCY DAVIS «„NW», CHARLES SCHNEE • n • ky «o«se *u*«» alm Ml| WILLIAM A. WELLMAN. **«*k, OORE SCHARt A MtTItMOLDWfN-MAYll NCTOM ViceAR - THURSDAY & FRIDAY

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