Woman’s Club Meeting A meeting of the membership of the Woman's Club will be held Friday night, November 24th, at 8 p. m. The meeting ik strictly lor the transaction of business and all members are urged to attend Visit In Norfolk Mrs. Hildreth Hogerson. Mrs. Cecil Brown and Mrs Wheeler j Hogerson visited in Norfolk Tues day. Kcturu To Kentucky Mr. and Mrs O. P. Cottrell and little daughtei leave tomorrow for their home in Bowling Green, Ky. Mr Cottrell was on the to bacco market here for several months. Visit In Wilson Mr. and Mrs ,J A White, Mr. J. C. White and Miss Frances Ray nor visited Miss Bernclle White in Wilson last evening In Itockv Mount Wednesday Mcsdames A C Bailey, Jesse Council, H L Gardner and Mr George Gardner visited in Rocky Mount yesterday Attend Meeting Dr. and Mrs Victor Brown, Dr. j and Mrs. William Gray. Dr and ! Mrs. C. 1 Harris, Dr. and Mrs J S. Rhodes, Sr.. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. j Rhodes, Jr.. Dr. and Mrs. G G.i Himmelwright. Dr W. C. Mercer i and Dr and Mrs. J T. Llewellyn attended a joint meeting of the Tri-County Medical Society and j Medical Auxiliary held Monday 1 night at the Plymouth Country j Club. r CORRECTION In an ad published for Bul luck's in Tuesday's edition, the price on Topcoats was listed in i correctly as ranging from $6.88 to $37.50. The correct price should have been $16.88 to $37.50. In Norfolk Tuesday Mr. H H Cowen. Jr., attended I to business in Norfolk Tuesday. In Local Hospital Mrs. Sherrod Corey is receiving treatment at Brown's Community Hospital. —' - - In Raleigh Today Mesdames H. O. Peel and Paul Jones'arid Mr L. Bruce Wy nne are in Raleigh today. In Ahoskic Yesterday Miss Madeline Chesson visited in Ahoskie yesterday. -G, Move To Main Street Mr and Mrs. Jack Sullivan of near Williamston moved yester day to Main Street. Business Visitors Here Messrs. Henry and Tom Rivers of Greenville attended to business here yesterday. — vi — Here from Windsor Mrs T B. Sitterson of Windsor visited here yesterday. Visits Parents Mr Ben Selby visited his par ents, Mr and Mrs. D O. Selby, in Ransomville Tuesday evening Here Tuesday Mrs. E G. Anderson of Rober sonville visited here Tuesday. ■.• Here From Hamilton Mr. Craven Roebuck of Hamil ton was a business visitor here yesterday. Business Visitor Here Mr L B Williams of Koberson ville was a business visitor here Tuesday. Visits Friends Here Miss Louise Reddick of Creswell visited friends here yesterday. Boy Scouts Report Their Activities Troop 27 The regular meeting of the Boy Scouts of Troop 27 started Tues day night at 7:05. The meeting was called to order by the Jr. Assistant Scout Master Enoch Crisp Scoutmaster Mr. Matthews ask ed Patrol leader Joe Clayton if most of the boys were there. He replied that all but one was pre sent. Mr. Matthews thanked us for participating in the Legion Parade. Scouts from Plymouth, Oak City and Bear Grass also participated. John Clark read us a few verses from the Bible and Dickie Clayton led the Troop in the Lord’s Pray er. Afterwards Enoch Crisp took up dues. As each boy came up he sa luted Enoch, paid and went back to his seat. For a few minutes free time was declared. During free time chairs were repaired and the room furniture was repaired. The room was cleaned up and the trash dis posed of in a proper way. On the 26th of November we are to meet at 2 o’clock to go to Little Bear’s grave. We are going m full uniform. The Green Bar Patrol meets wiith Mr. Matthews at his home on the 16th. The meeting was closed with the Scoutmaster’s Benediction. James Pittman, Scribe -a> . Loral F. H. 4- Chapter Install$ New Officer* On Wednesday of last week the Williamston Chapter of the F. H. A. held its installation service of the incoming officers for the year 1950-51. The presiding officer was the outgoing president, Dorothy Cher ry. The outgoing officers quoted the purposes of the F. H. A. and the duties of each officer, after which each new officer received a rose, the F. H. A. flower. The incoming officers are: Pres ident, Gloria Taylor; vice presi dent, Jean Holloman; secretary, Theresa Modlin; treasurer, Marie Peele; reporter, Betty Mobley; historian, Evelyn Nicholson; song leader, Gerel Lamb; and pianist, Sally Roberson. The stage was centered by !a table covered in white. The cen terpiece was composed of red ros es with white candles on either side. The program was concluded by the singing of the United Nations Hymn. NEED GLASSES? K{S..Jrmi. R®i®*srh- n. c | FOR SALE 9-KOOM HOUSE with 2 BATHS Also ' FILLING STATION AM) GARAGE ou Highway (>J at Everetts. Edna and J. B. Barnhill. Jr. SWANTJILl, 0 C S WANTS WELDON VENEER CO., Inc. V eldou, N. C. V ill Bay I’reiiiiuiu Urires Fur Top Grade Sweet Gum I O(,S DEL1N EKED Vi ELDON by TRUCK or KAIL Call Weldon (>05- I or 4N i*il«* Box 58(» Weldon for Speeifieations. In "Who's Who" At College In Wilson mt'tm iili i.vi- U'emelle Whit*-, io cal girl, was one of eight members of the senior class at Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, who will have their names included in the 1050-51 edition of "Who’s Who Among Students in American Un iversities and Colleges”. Nominations were made by the college faculty on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character, participation in student activities and campus citizenship. fc,Hch student who becomes a member is awarded a certificate of recognition, recognition in the an nual publication for the year dur ing which he was selected, and is entitled to benefits of the Student Placement provided by the orga nization. Who s W’ho Among Students in American Universities and Col leges" is designed to render ser vice as a means of compensation for outstanding effort and achievement and as a standard of measurement for students com parable to other recognized scho lastic and service organizations. It has been published annually since 1934. Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD $340 $010 W 4/1 «T. Mm 4IN Postpone Minstrel Shout In Jameaville School Plymouth’s all-star minstrel, scheduled to be presented in the Jamesville school auditorium this evening, has been postponed un til Friday night, it was announced today. The delay was arranged when it was learned that the date for the Plymouth-Williamston foot ball game had been moved up a day from Friday to Thursday. In lawal Hmtpiuf Mr. Herbert Manning of the Farm Life community is receiving treatment in Brown’s Community Hospital. I K PROOF. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. THE STAGG DISTILLING CO, FRANKFORT; KENTUCKY. I I Legion Auxiliary Holds Meeting College Offers Adull Courses ■—— The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held on Monday evening, November 13, at 8 o’clock in the Legion Hut. The president called the meeting to order followed1 by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Lord’s Prayer was prayed in unison and the members stood for thirty seconds in honor and memory of the war dead. iThe Premable to the Auxiliary Consti tution was repeated and led by the president. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and the treas urer, Mrs. Arthur White, gave her report; both reports'approved as read. Mrs. Rush Bondurant, -Child Welfare Chairman, reported "that the unit donated $ll).00 tt>‘a child for medical attention and food. She asked that she be contacted by any member who knows of ' needy children that the Unit might help. The rehabilitation dhairman-re ported that the gifts have been mailed to the Hospital Gift Shop;!. If anyone did not contribute their gifts, Mrs. James Buliuck asked that she be contacted in order that she may collect the gifts for bingo parties at the hospitals. Mrs. Harrington reminded the members to bring their Holiday Coin Cards, completed to the De cember meeting. The members enjoyed a very in-1 teresting report given by Ruthie Lilley, who was sponsored by the local unit, on the week she spent at Girls' State. Mrs. Harrington asked the mem bers of the Unit to meet with- her for the December meeting. There being no further business, Mrs.’ Harrington declared the meeting adjourned. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. John A. Ward and Mrs. Raleigh Har rington.—Reported. Improving In R*X • Hospital Roy Jackson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jackson of Cross Roads, is showing much improve ment from an attack of polio suf fered last September. A checkup at Rex Hospital, Raleigh, last wepk revealed definite improve ment.! ' V ' > f • ’ East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, will initiate a series of courses in adult education, ef fective with the beginning of the winter quarter on November 27. Dr. John D. Messick, college pres ident, has announced that work will be offered on the campus and in towns and communities within a radius of approximately 70 miles of Greenville. Ten departments of instruction will participate. The classes offered will include both credit and non-credit courses and will be part of the program of ex tension work of the college. Makes Report At Laymen's Meeting A report on the Cnstitution and By-laws was given by El bert S. Peel, local attorney, at a meeting of the laymen of the Al bemarle District, Christian Church, in Washington last night. Other members of the committee were J. C. Manning and Rev. John L. Goff. S. L. Roberson of Robersonvilie was elected president of the As sociation, succeeding E. Leon Roebuck. Attending the meeting from Williamston were: B. F. Perry, J. B. Peel, J. C. Manning and El bert S. Peel. Farm Bureau Meeting Here Friday Evening Holding a "Dutch” supper at the ‘‘Switch" Friday evening, mem bers of the Martin County Farm Bureau Membership committee are expected to complete the drive for 2,000 members. The drive is just about 300 short of the quota, it was announced. The Mississippi river carries almost a half ^ a billion tons of solid matter to the sea each year. Eye Claeses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lena, templea and frame* replaced and repaired Quick service. i Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Mala St. Tel. 2S11 Our 31st Anniversary . v AA ft II r 31 YEARS *■'■**■ .y „,****' Has Been Extended Until End Of Month UNDREDS of friendly customers who have not been able to lake advantage of peanut crop have requested to he riven Z opportunity to partake. 9 e“ “e KS T “1,0 ,u" ,tme to shop and save ariSS ,Uily merchandise and also anticipate your Christmas requirements. Use Onr iny-fl. Way P1(U) MhUE phrases and v due. You must shoo here lo A„„„, i jireruile our mines ami saving. * HUtofotisBeoibets 'a:. Willi amnion, N. (j. \

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