Leave Friday for Preliminary Test At Army Station (Continued from page one) ton. Sylvester McNeil, Jr., of RFD 1, Oak City. Hillary Harrell Mat thewson of RFD 2 Robersonville, Geo. Thomas Stokes of RFD 2. Williamston. Geo. Mack Spruill of RFD 1. Robersonville. and El verna K^el of Everetts. The following colored men were transferred from the Martin Coun ty Board to boards in other areas: Calvin Coolidge Davis to New York. Jos. Earl Moore to Chicago, Levester Lloyd to Raleigh, and Cephies Otell Wooten to Flint. Michigan. Ralph E Boston, colored, was transferred from New York to the board in this county, and is slated to go along on the trip to- 1 morrow. . Those men who have had pre vious military service will find it to their advantage to take their service discharges with them. Those men who use eye glasses are asked to take them along Greenville Firm Submits Low Bid At Letting Here (Continued froir paije one) tion of a 300,000-{;allon capacity water tank. Preliminary plans for that project are well advanced, but completion is hardly expected within the next year. Cars Damaged In Freak Accident Approximately $200 damage was incurred miring an accident near here Monday muring about ; 2 o'clock when the front wheel I of a 11)39 Chevrolet driven by Charlie Brady, colored of Rober son vi lie, came off and hit the back of a 11)311 Oldsmobile belong ing to Cecil Bullock and parked on Main Street Extension near the Jab Roberson residence Bocal officers investigating the j accident said that the fender and j bumper of the Chevrolet was bad- ! I> torn and that damages to !he (ildsmohi k amounted to about | SI 00. YOU "THOUGHT (Y£S>, BUT THAT DIAMOND! UKE THE, ENGAGEMENT/MAH ‘ < BING WA6*AMABWEp, BEAUT) Fulfil if/OUiR » WHEN I BOUGHT WORRELL APPLIANCE tAD/OS-APPL /,ANCES -SAL ES SEP V/CE LEATHERNECKS ON THE ROAD TO GLORY! f Paramount presents 1AUREEN GHAKA JOHN PAYNE » Tripoli 4Imj *Unu,g HOWARD da SILVA fHHIf IftD Vum tlIHLRS c-^TEOMIMM P i» ’> wit PRICf #>rt'.tft l;i n>e *.*tf », M,i* r. ».u A * 1*b M P'M t'J ThMM LE GAS SERVICE "’’’mston Bottle Gas Co. W. J. MlIJjER & SON 116 Muiu St. Off kef WESTERN AUTO Preacher: “If there be anyone in the congregation who likes sin let him stand up What's this. Sister Virginia, you like sin'1" Sister V.: “Oh, I thought you said gin' " Wants AGAIN YOC MAV ENJOY DELI cious Sweet Chestnuts by plant ing Early-bearing. Blight-resistant ('liine.se Chestnuts. Being sueeess tully grown from Maine to Flori da. Three 2 to 3 ft. Trees Special Offer No. 1-0, $6.95, Postpaid. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide in color, offering complete assortment Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, and Or namental Plant Material. Sales people wanted. Waynesboro Nur series. Waynesboro, Virginia. FOR SALE: ONE I'SED FRIGID - til re refrigerator, good condition. 'Porcelain linish. $125.00. Dixie Motor Company, Williamston. N. C. no 14 2t ! GRACE YOLK LOT WITH A monument of Marble or Granite that will perpetuate your family j name as your friends and neigh bors have perpetuated theirs. Choose it now while till concerned can have a voice in its choice. Con tact Ft. Sherrod Corey, Williams j ton, N C. Dial 29493. Rep. of Brown Memorial Company, Rocky Mount, N. C. no 14 6t FOR SALE: ONE BENDIX RA dio. floor demonstrator. Priced to sell at $125.00. Dixie Motor Co., Williamston, N C. no 14 2t I OR SALE: I'SED REFR1GERA tors from $50.00 to $85.00. A-l condition. Easy ti rms. Worrell Applianei Company. no 14 2t. | FOR SALE: OLD CHURCH WIN dows May be seen at Reddick's | Grovp Church. If interested, see j Joshua L. Coltrain, Rt. 1, Wil liamston, N. C. no 14 2t ___i GIVE CROC HETING FOR Christ inas. Place your orders now with Mrs. Kate Wynn, 1101 Hau ghton Sj. no 9 4t FURNISHED ROOM S AND apartment for rent. Mrs. Len nie Manning, 312 Smithwick St., Williamston, N. Cl. no 7 tf REMINGTON RAND PORTABLE typewriter for sale. Good as new. May be seen at Enterprise , Office. no 7 tf ! NEW CARS: DO YOU W ANT A new Car today. Pittman's in i Williamston, has new Fords, [ Chevrolets, Ply mouths and other makes m 2 and four door models i tor immedaite delivery at regular priees. too. Pittman's also has many good used ears to select from, priced from $295.00 up. Re member Pittman's buy, sell or trade new and used ears. Pitt man s used ear lot, Williamston, I N- C. no 9 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone ! Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk I Tallow Company no 8 ti PO|{ SAI I ELECTRIC machine, console cabinet, 20 .•ear warranty, only $119.50. B. S. Courtney and Son. oe 19 lot WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of I igh quality hard ! wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmbei | Company. Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tl FOR YOUR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for th* home or store, see us. Wr hav». | the famous Ftexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ion- au 26 tf COLD WEATHER CAN’T BE too tar away. Remember Heath Radiator Shop is the place to buy your Prestone. We fill ’em and check 'em. no 7 8t REGISTERED SPOTTED Po land China boars ready for ser vice $50.00. H, H. Spruill, Wind sor, N. C. oc 31 8t MAKE YOUR BATHROOM AND J kitchen walls smile •— Cover them with plastic tile. Corey Plumbing C ompany has a vaviety ot colors in stock. We also have tilt-board. Visit our showroom to day on Edgi-wood Ave„ West End, Williamston. ni) 16 o, HOUSE W ANTED: PLEASE Cm tact Mr Ernest C. Caraway, ■k w manager of Leder Brotlurs' ; Hole, Williamston. oe 31 tf WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of 4" drain tile. Call us to supply your needs. Corey Plumbing Company. Dial 2309. no 16 2t WORLD FAMOUS BARTER Theatre presents THE SHOW OFF at Williamston High Softool, November 29, 8:15 p. in., sponsor ed by Williamston Jayeees. no 9 4t VKKV SPECIAL: MEN, DON'T I buy your fall and winter suits | until you've seen the best values 1 in town We have good quality j suits that range in price from | $21.00 to S49.95. We feature Cur lee suits, the best buy on the mar ket. Darden's Dept. Store, Wil liamston. oc 20 tf HOUSE COLD? INSTALL A modern H. C. Little floor fur nace operated by thermostatic control and be comfortable. Its automatic. It lights itself. See it operate today at Corey Plumbing Company, Dial 2309. no lfi 4t LOOKING A TOP ( OAT? WELL, we have them. Gaberdines, from $18.95 to $39.95. Not only are they topcoats but they are TOPS in quality and the best values you've seen this season. Darden's Dept. Store. Williamston. oc 26 tf I OK SALE: 1947 CHEVROLET Panel Body Truck. Three Quar ter Ton. Low Mileage. Good con dition. Really suitable for laun dry, dry cleaners or any delivery truck. Will sell for half price of value. See Herman Crawford, Everetts. no 14 2t TAKE OVER PIANO! SMALL spinet piano with standard key board. Case and interior'in ex cellent condition. Guaranteed 109' < . Party with good credit and able to assume several monthly installments can purchase. No down payment required. Don't write unless interested. Write Credit Division, Box 869. Concord, North Carolina. no 14 3t TARBORO S E P TIC TANK cleaners, locally owned and op erated. ttinks checked free, satis faction guaranteed, experienced and elficient service at reasonable prices. Call Tarboro 9113 or wh ite Box 233. no 14 4t IfOK SALK: 5 ROOM HOUSE ! with hath and lot on corner of Ray and Biggs Streets. Call 3100. no 14 2t FOR SALE. KENMORE OIL range, tabic top. 1 year old, in perfect condition. Priced at $50.00. Dixie Motor Company, Wdliams ton, N. C. ' no 14 2t YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locltei no 8 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCR of Used Furniture. Williamstor Hardware Company, Williamston. N. C. au 29 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf WANTED: GOOD CLEAN White rags. Will pay 15 cents per p iund for good rags if pieces are not too small. The Enterprise1 Publishing Company. no 7 tf FOR SALE: WESTINGHOITSE electric range, good condition. $50.00. Dixie Motor Company, Williamston. N. C. no 14 2t FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of Banding and polishing your worn dingy floors We will* rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf WAN T E D: EXPERIENCED body man. must be able to furnish references. Modern service de partment, good salary. G. and S. Motor Company, Robersonville, N. C. no 14 2t TWO MILCH COWS FOR SAL*£ Five yearlings, weight from 300 to 450. See Mrs. J .M. Hassell, Jamesville, N. C. no 14 2t FOR SALE: ONE FRIgTdAIRE electric range, late model, per fect condition. $100.00. Dixie Motor Company, Williamston, N. C. no 14 2t _—_— --mm good’used FURNITURE—Wit liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf PARKER’S SELF ~S E R VICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf KtOBtV PLUMBINGS SUNRAY A Filler Gas Bailor AT Pocket Pleasing Prices SEE IT TODAY AT Maying Appliance Co. Washington St. W’illiamston HAMILTON THEATRE TODAY and FRIDAY November 16 and 17 Shows at 7 and 9 ROCKY MOUNTAIN With Erroll Flynn and Patricia Whitmore Latest News SATURDAY, November 18 Shows Continuous 1 til 11 Double Feature Program STAGE TO MESA CITY With Lash Larue RIDE ’EM COWBOY With Abbott and Costello Plus Serial SUNDAY, November 19 Shows at 3 and 9 In Technicolor RETURN Or THE FRONTIERSMAN With (iordon McRae and Jack London Plus Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY November 20 and 21 Shows at 7 and 9 BORN TO BE BAD With Joan Fontaine and Zachary Scott Plus Latest News MOVIES Are BETTER THAN EVER A SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE Adults 30r Children 15c THURSDAY - FRIDAY f/(M If Sierra With Andie Murphy \\ inula Hendrix Hand mid Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Trigger Trail" With Rod Cameron Also "Alaska Patrol" With Helen Wescoll Chapter No. 8 of the Serial Cody of the Pony Express CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY My Friend Irma' With John Lund Marie Wilson ■CARTOON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "Dakota Lil" With Georjre Montgomery Marie Windsor Sport Cartoon FA KM LOANS 10-I5-2Q Years Low Interest Rate No Appraisal Fee Prompt Closing Cliu*. H. Ain lining. Ally. Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 WATTS THEATRE — WILLIAM8TON THURSDAY•FRIDAY "No Way Out" With Riehard Wi