* NeicsAs Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago NOVEMBER 18, 1910 The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barnhill, of Robersinville, was the scene of a pretty mar riage on Wednesday evening when their sister, Miss Susan Virginia Everett, became the bride of Mr. Alonzo O. Roberson £ The home had been tasefully dec orated in cut flowers and potted plants. The east parlor being used to display the wedding gifts, the west parlor was used for the impressive ceremony performed by Eider George Roberson. The bride attired in a tan messaline reception gown and carrying white Chrysanthemums and ferns, entered the parlor attend ed by her maid of honor, Miss Ella Langley, of Greenville, wear ing a creation of cream embroid ered batiste. They were met “at the improvised altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. J. Haywood Everett, brother of the bride, both attired in conventional black. Af ter the ceremony the bridal par ty and a few friends were enter tained at an informal reception at the beautiful new home of the groom on Academy Street. The death of Mrs. Rosa Sals bury on last Tuesday put a gloom over the oT*Robersonviile and community. She was an ex ceptional woman, and her many friends will miss her friendship. Mrs. E. V. Everett, of Rober sonville, is on the sick list this week. Miss Marie Appleby,' of Robcr sonville, is on the sick list this week. J. A. Bryan, of Gold Point, was a visitor in Robersonville Tues day. Miss Clyde Tripp, of Rober sonville, spent several days in Bonnerton this week. Mr. W. F. Parker and family have come here from Roberson ville to live and the town is pleas ed to welcome them. Mr. Parker is employed at the buggy factory and will prove a valuable addi tion to the force there. The in creased facilities for work called for additional men. The new man agers of the factory are making things “hum.” Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Saunders are occupying the Leggett house just vacated by Mr.,J. T- Thymas, who has renrfbvecf for the season to Kentucky. The wedding bells in these parts must be broken — they have ceased to ring. Harry A. Biggs, accompanied by his mother and Mrs. John D. Biggs, attended the Aviation Meet at Raleigh this week. On the night of November 4th, there was given at the house of Mr. J. A. Bennett, a most delight ful birthday party in honor of the birthday of Mr. John T. Bennett. It was also in celebration of the birthdays of his two sisters, Vir ginia and Chloe, whose natal days were on the 3rd and 4th. Quite a large crowd was present and all Nurse Tells Hew Hadacol Was Se Helpful To Her Supplied Vitamins Bi, Ba, Iron and Niacin * Jpfhkh Her System Lacked £****> F lira. Jenni* Le* Adel*, 412 N. tf St., East St. Louis, III., a nurse, Hyi ah# wiahea she had found •Ut about HADACOL sooner be cause since taking HADACOL she feels ao good. Mrs. Adele was suf fering a deficiency of Vitamins B>, I*, Niacin and Iron which HADA 00L contains ^ Here ia Mrs. Adele's own state •MBti **1 have been a nurse for 4?ar 14 years. My food never sad be agree with me. I heard fay hew ,hel»ad so aaany folks were heaause of HADA t tried it and after t bottles fpidf | tell | big Improvement 'Nod 1 eat anything I want—sleep IM« and i am fuH of energy." V KHZ Vine Reewlts I >ACOL dees net iptematis relief- HADACOL t makes it possible to actually rdkeve the cause of aehes and pains ■I the shoulders, legs end arms, certain nervous disturbances, and a general run-down weakened con draon dae to deficiencies of Vita mins B', B>, Niacin and Iron in jroar system. I HADACOL not only supplies de h pi sat systems with extrs quan tities of VfUmtae B', B*. Iron, and Niacin but cfso helpful amounts of Oalehrai and Phosphorus —elements *o vital to help main* tain good health and physical 6 nets. Why Theta Vitamin* and Mineral* Come In Liquid Form There’* a very good reason why HADACOL come* in tpecial liquid form. These precioua Vitamin* and Mineral* are more easily and quick ly absorbed into the blood stream this way — ready to go right tr work. A big improvement i* oft*' noticed within a few day*. Don’t Be A ‘Doubting Thomas’ After reading Mr*. Adela’a won derful experience with HADACOL — how can you doubt that this great new nutritional formula will help you if your system lacks Vita mins B>, B>, Iron, and Niacin? What HADACOL did for Mr*. Adele, it can do for you if you’re troubled with aches and pain* in the shoulders, legs, and arms, cer tain nervous disturbances, insom nia when due to an upset stomach, stomach distress and a general run down weakened condition due to such deficiencies. So what are you waiting for? Don’t you see that HADACOL is the kind of product you need — the kind you should buy and the kind you should start taking immedi ately! Sold On A Strict Money-Back Guarantee HADACOL even helps build up the hemoglobin content of your blood (when Iron is needed) to coureo through your body, carry ing these great health-building ele ments to every body organ. No wonder HADACOL helps you feel uiandtrful. Be fair to yourself! Give your self a break if you have such defi ciencies! Why continue to drag l yourself around-T-a burden to your self and your family—;when relief may be as close at hand as yout nearest drugstore if you suffer a deficiency of Vitamins B', B», Nia cin and Iron. This great HADA COL is inexpensive, too—costs only a small amount a day. Trial six* only 11.25. Large family or ho*, pital sixe, $3.50. If your druggist does not have HADACOL, order it direct from The LeBlanc Corpora tion, Lafayette, Louisiana. © IStO, Tilt LtBIsnc Corporstios Austm^Nichols CLUB RESERVE . - BLENDED W WHISKEY ! i $2.10 pint $3.35 tilth HmM wkuktr, M rtMi. «t% mi**. *#*4 (rai* N..H.I Sfirilt. Austin^NicKols tCoWrn Inc. Amazed! "I was amazed with the spic-and-span appearance of the Bamby bakery. It U truly as clean as any woman's kitchen, and that’s important I" P When you see how \ Bambyi* made you know I you're getting clean, whole- \ some bread. From gleam- £ ing automatic ovens comes * Bamby at its best. TAKE HOME BAMBT BREAD Wanda Hendrix is held captive by Audic Murphy and Dean Jagger in a lonely mountain cabin in this highlight scene from Cnivers/I International’s Technicolor western, ‘'Sierra." The new film is Jag ger's first screen appearance following his being named the best sup porting actor of 1949 for his “Oscar” winning performance in “Twelve O’clock High.” Marco Theatre Thursday and Friday. enjoyed themselves. About 11 o'clock all were ushered into the dining room where a bountiful table was spread with delicious refreshments. After supper the oc casion was enlivened with music by Misses Olivia Early and Era Rawls. The head of the animal Indus try Department at State College has set a goal of two million acres of improved pasture to be seeded in North Carolina by 1952. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of publicly expressing our sincere gratitude and appreciation to our families and friends for flowers and caring for my children and every act of kindness during my j recent stay in the hospital. Your ) thoughtfulness will long be re I membered. Mrs. William H Capps. the same at t nee 1050 F. B. Harrell, Administrator, Estate of Johnnie Jones, de ceased. Oak City, N. C. This the 25th day of Octobei, oc 26 no 2-9-16-23-30 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank and express my appreciation to my many friends who were so kind and thoughtful of me during my recent stay in the Martin General Hospital. Espe cially do I want to thank the nurses for the many kindnesses shown me. Mrs. James Asa Roberson, Williamston RFD 1. NOTICE OF MWINISTRAT? **' ' North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. J. A. Everett deceased this is te notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned or his at torneys within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail per sons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 25 day of October, 1950 J. A. Everett, Jr , Administrator of the estate of Mrs. J A. Everett., deceased. Peel' and Peel, : Attorneys at Law, ! Williamston, N. C. loc 20 no 2-9-18-23-50 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as ad , ministrator of the estate of John ; nie Jones, late of the county of Martin, this is to notify all parties having claims against said estate | to present them to the undersign led within one year from date | hereof or this notice will be plead ! ed in bar of recovery. I All parties owing any sum to the said estate vvil 1 please pay TOBACCO SCRAP WANTED Attention Farmers: We'll pay extra premium lor all scrap that lias been cleaned of all strings ami foreign mailer. W. L Skinner And Co. u to? H H TOBACCO CANVAS In Slock Canvas is on allotment ami will lie scarce this year. Buy now ! ALSO :o: n n >»• to? to? V s*; m M H n n n Speight's TOBACCO SEEDS U1X1C lUtlClIT 101 And Severn! Ollier Kinda . Martin Supply Co. Williumston, IN. C. 8 m m M toi tos as toi to! ps & h O to*: n to? a ?»? ! to 9 — We believe that something has happened In 1950 that you should take to heart. lit er since this year's Hoicks were introduced. their big bulge in stiles bus come from profile who traded - ji*-- :'. - ii win rmvmmmmmrrn ether makes oJTars for this bounteous beauty, i mm liWRiraHKJK^i * The total is more than 200,000. That’s 200,000 "freshmen” added to the roll call of Buick owners—200,000 people who must have sized up the current version of the cars the) owned, and decided that Buick offered more thrill, more • comfort, more satisfaction for the money. Beyond that, of course, there were other hundn of thousand® who already owned a Buick an mi tsougfit I new one this year, here of new owners only. tut we re We can name many reasons for this landslide— including Fireball power—an incomparable ride— and DjuafloW Drive.* We can remind you that the Buick SPIClAi, Supi* and Roadmaster just about blanket the range of a car-owner’s aspirations — matching prices with many sixes in the lower brackets—matching distinc tion with the finest in the fine-car field. might add that Buick prices are doubly attract • -• intx their list prices include many features marily on the "extra” list. i But why try to spell out all the rea» sons Buick wins in a showdown comparison? The proof of the pud ding is in this great car itself. Bet» ter come in—look it over—and find out what an unbeatable buy it is. + Sumd*rd •• IWAPMASIMt, tptonml At ut»A mt M SVPEK And SPECIAL mtdih. Whan better automobiles are built BUICK will build them « * * fun§ in HFNRY J TAYLOR, lUf+'-si-. «v*ry Monday §/ening vou* «v tn vAi* C& -JEW? W Chas. K. Jenkins & Co. oi Wiliiamstonrlnc ' Highway 17 Plume 2147 * f 9 mmmw Willianifttoii, N, C. '1 WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT IUICK WILL BUILD THIM as

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