Jmtes ffe&aafe' Featured in Film Sverev now and again a drama Teaches the screen so heart-touch ing and moving in its content and so universal in its theme as to re main in the memory for years af ter it has been seen. Sunch a pic ture is M-G-M's “The Next Voice You Hear . . showing at the Viccar Theatre Thursday and Fri day. This is the story of a typical American couple. Joe and Mary Smith, and their nine-year-old son. Johnny. leading typical American lives Joe works in an airplane plant, gripes about his wife's cooking, the defective start er on his old sedan, the traffic cop on the corner, nosey Aunt Ethel and his foreman. Mr Bran nan, who is too cussed to retire and let Joe take his place Mary, who is expecting her second baby, takes Joe's grumbling in her stride, and littje Johnny adores his dad. Then c curious event leaves its mark on their lives. On a rad io broadcast a voice announces: “This is Clod. I will be with you f„ rthe next few days.” At first thought to t>e a hoax, the strange announcements, which reoccur for the next six days at precisely the same hour and in every part of the world, finally cause wonder,1 consternation and fear. And they have a decided effect on certain memorable occurnnces which hap pen to Joe and his family during that week What takes place will not be reported here in order not to rob the spectator of surprise and suspense but it can be said that Joe’s outlook on life, on the relationship between him and Johnny, Aunt Ethel, the pugna cious traffic cop and even Mr. Brannan, are radically changed Experiment In Burma Education In a plan for muss education, the Burmese Government is launching an experiment in com pulsory primary schools for child ren living in a area of 17 square miles around Rangoon. The scheme will be extended later when conditions permit. The plan includes the provision of a train ing camp for 70 instructors. After a six-month course, they will open sixty community centers where children will be taught reading, writing, hygiene and general ed ucation (UNESCO) EEMiVAEira OOACIOUS! call the CHlLOOEhJ OFF THOSE *ugs- they'll j^rr — KT MOLIS Jay THEM!' f—f 8LA£lriNlE • ■ _ -J 1 TOU FED ^ THEM THE ftp PRODUCING MILK from TAYLORS DAIRY I Ml AMS!I*»AM STNUCAfi • SPECIAL THIS W EEK KLIM KA1SIN ICE CHEAM TAYLDR5 DAIRY y[yw 3»aa Grade'A Fasten mod Dairy Products DAIRY BAR St PLANT Houghton St Tkjtttirtffiviitfi fin m npmiiiiw ▼ mv w *» Ftwfh Tkurulay — November boasts of havipg in it fivp Thursdays. The last time this neeured. there was some lit tle confusion us to which should be celebrated as Thansglving Day, and, therefore, a legal holiday. The Baltimore Sun comments editorially on the situation, and this newspaper reproduces it for the benefit of those who did not sec it; it straightened out the dif ficulty very dearly as follows: There are five Thursdays in November this year. This may lead to a revival of the con fusion over Thansgiving that pre vailed in the minds of many peo ple several years ago. It will be recalled: that obser vance was divided in 1939, .1940 and 1941, during" the administra tion of Franklin D. Roosevelt. From the year 1(163 when Abra ham Lincoln issued a proclamation to that effect. Thanksgiving Day had been designated ifs the fourth, or last Thursday in November. In the three "years mentioned. President Rooseyplt „ proclaimed the preeeding Thursday for ob servance. The governors’ of'.states followed the presidential lead >^hile others stuck to the tradition al 'Thursday. , To end this confusion,- Con gress, on December 26, 1941 pass ed, a joint resolution to the effect that each year alter 1941, the fourth Thursday should he known las Thanksgiving Dav. Pursuant The lady Ik Marie Windsor and her admirer George Montgomery, in this interlude between action in Twentieth Century-Pox’s latst t ine coior western adventure film, "Dakota Lilpresented by Edward L. AI person as an Alston production directed by Lesley Selander. Rod Cameron co-stars with Miss Windsor in the title role and Montgom ery, the hero of the piece, in the leading male part. It shows at the Marco Theatre Wednesday. to the resolution. Thanksgiving j this year falls on November 23. j since that is the fourth, though j not the last, Thursday in Novem- j her. The Maryland Code, under the heading of public holidays, stipu lates that ' all Special day* that may be appointed or recommend ed by the Governor of this State, or the President of the United States, as days of thanksgiving or fasting and prayer . . shall be regarded as legal holidays." Thus under the Maryland law the Gov ernor may designate the day. But customarily he follows the lead of the President. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of George C. Jenkins, deceased of Martin County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 30th day of October, 1051, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are make im mediate settlement This the 30th day of October. 1950. Mattie L. Jenkins, Administratrix. no 2-9-16-23-30 de 5 _____ NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the special proceedings entitled "Thurston Davenport v. Hattie R. Davenport." the undersigned Commissioners will, on Friday, BPSember 1, 1950. at 12 o'clock Noon, in front of the Courthouse door in Wdliamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described pro perty : Beginning in the Della Rogers line in the Bear Trap Mill Hoad, running thence a southerly direc tion along the said road about 40 yards to a marked pine tree, run ning thence in a westerly direc tion along a line of marked trees to the run of a small branch, thence down said branch to the Della Rogers line, thence east wardlv along her line to the be ginning. Containing 3/5 of an acre, more or less, and being the same land deeded by W. C. Man ning and S. M. Manning to the Board of Education, February 15, 1919. and recorded in Book L-l, page 586. The last and highest bidder will be required to make a deposit of UI7c of the bid at the sale. This 31st day of October, 1950 H Cl Horton, B A Oritoher, Commissioners. no 2-9-16-23 he pleaded in har of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate £ SPttlemr it • 1 This the 18th dav of October} 1950 Willie B Williams, Administrator of the Estate of Lucy R J Burnett. Johnson & Branch, Attorneys, no 9-1C-23-30 G*W SEVEtf STAR1 ■» ii L|,i»|C wfcUUM mn 4 m~r» *14. I7H* wW«k*y. 41H« thrift 4litlM ■ *r«U. 1l»*r«lato IlUT 4 f««rt tU. 119% Mralfht whlakay • •M. m* atralfM Ilf • fill! •14." • OOVIKHAM ft WOtVf VIRGINIA know* that whan aha plug* m lb* non aba'll gat quick, utaady hast tq praaa tho trill* oi bar bock. It's tka *oxi oi sarvica iolka taka tor grantad t» VEPCOland To aaaur* a dapandabl* and adaqaaia rupply oi alactricity that will kaap sack coavaniamca, saiaty and contort at your kugarbps inquire* an iavaatmaht it million* oi dollar* in yam orating, tran* mia*ion and diatribution aqaipmant But, more mportant, it al*o taka* Ik* “knob how" oi 4500 akillod man and woaaan who maka »p tho TOCO organisation. Undo* sound l>u«iO*«* managtmdnt, thaw VEPCOVIAMS hava ncqnirad tka skills uacaasary to bring ?nu good alic tric wrvioi. Many an font biand*, naigkbor*. parbapa rnlativa*. Tkay spand thair pay chack* in *mr team, tkay pa? tka aama tax** yon do; tkay snppart local civic program*. Tkay'ra part and par c •/ oi YOUR oowaa amity Tho next tirna you flick a switch . . , ** mambar you'ra callina on biand* PTkouqum oU &ISXJ& IMITATION BANANA Pint *2.20 Austir«Nichols 6 Cl, SB Inc NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina. Martin County: Having this day qualified as the Administrator of the estate of Lucy R. J. Burnett, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to me, or my attorneys undersign ed, Vm or before the 10t.h day of October, 1951, fir this notice will SLAB WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. Dial 2460 Williamatnu Supply Co. CALL IJS FOli FUEL OIL PROMPT SERVICE uud QUALITY TEXACO PRODUCTS Telephone 2520 Harrison Oil Company 30 War* Srrvinii llie Pnltlir Willinmcloii r 3 WAV I CtJOicd For ''*• dnVo of yoor lifo"—now Mtrc*0'Molic Drivo and thrifty Toudi O-Matic 0»ordrivo, optional at axlra cost; in addition thoro’i tho Silont-iaxa tynchronitod tlandard tfanimiuion. L J fOfc. DPA/ifJ6- EASE! You'll opprociaU Mm wnooth, oa»y way M>(» now Moreury handle I_ond Mm extra-wide rear window that flivet you more than 1,000 square inches of unobstructed roar 1 vilion. Ho wonder Moreury it *ofor ond oowor ro drivol FOR- LUXURY 60MFOPrl All th* modern ityling and luxury touch*! y«« ^ a fin* cor ar* In (hit n*w 19$t Mareury—plot a f*w to tak* you by turprit*. And built ri*M Wo (hit big, tix pastcngsr M«rtury St a n*w iseature pf Hdwg comfort I FOR 6R£AT£R- V/ALUE-! Today, when you buy o cor, lt’» good butlneu lo got a NCW on*. A 1951 Mercury wW hove higher ratal* valu*. will b* o b«»t*r investment. See Mm new Mercury -.far “die drive of your life" and “the buy of your life." Williamston Motor Co.—Williamston, N. C. __ V

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