Al REPORTER Raleigh, N.-C., Oct.— Associate Justice A. A. F. Seawell’s death Saturday brought a long-simmer ing State Supreme Court situation to a boil. At least three of the Justices, including Mr. Seawell, were eli gible for retirement. All three wanted to retire, but wflen Gov ernor Scott was elected did not do so. They felt that occupation of the State’s highest tribunal ceiled for men of dignity with tile highest concept of their du ties. They did not retire because tkey were afraid of the type of l&n Governor Scott would name t^. replace them. '*These three Justices, according tJB members of the. bar; felt that !»preme Court Justices should men of conservative leanings afith the utmdst respect for the Swte laws. They were afraid that the Governor would name as their successors men with too liberal ^viewpoint. They felt, too, that 3fott might select their succes Ws from a political standpoint nether than giving what they felt vfps due hi consideration hi their legal abilities. «ES''y-> Time to buy trucks on something besides hearsay! YOU can’t afford to buy trucks by guesswork today. What you carry— bow far and f**t you carry k —under wfcat road and traffic conditions-all * mutt ba considered in specifying the right truck for you in times like these. That’s our specialty as a CMC truck dealer — we are first and foremost transportation engineers. Our one aim is to recommend the exact combination of engine, frame, axles, transmission, cah and optional equipment that is best suited for your year-round needs. ^IMQUII^llj{|fU*UCI(S Come in and see u»—whether you went a */j-ton pickup or a giant Diesel 90,000 (h. fiCW six-wheeler. We can give you exactly the right truck — destined for longer mileage with less maintenance expense — and it will be a real truck, engineered for your type of work. That's why CMC sales are greater today lbun ever before. Truckers find they are best in the long haul. ua show ) uu why. ilFUl f malar aarviea Iw L If anywhara in U. S. Ixclutivo rapid raad tonrito for CMC own art—call Watlarn Union Oporalor 25 far noma of naaratf CMC approved itrWco U*HT • tUatUM • HUM MOOIU * Mode t« wldttf variety of ongino-kodf-chmuit imIImIImi <0 fit every trotting mood CMC Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. of Williamston, Inc. HIGHWAY 17 William»ton, N. C. BROADWAY AND MAIN STRttT ..■" - - 'Israel Revisited' Meaningful Answer to What Motion Is Like -By BILLY ROSE Early in 1949. my missus and I took a trip around the world, md one of the countries we got to see was Israel. At the time, nany of the streets of Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem were still triss-crossed with barbed wire, and the roads leading through the villa of Judea were littered with burned-out trucks. Nevertheless, thanks o an old C.ievvy ar.d a pair of even older legs, 1 managed to see most >f this tiny country, and when I left it a few weeks later I was pretty ex ited about what I bad seen. When we got back to New York, ny old boss, Bernard "M. Baruch, ■ sked me to put my enthusiasm ’in ny pocket and try to estimate la bel's chances of survival in this tighly competitive world. I told *im that one swing around the {lob* wisn t enough o m«k* an eeono nic expert out of a iroadway jumping ■ack, but that 1 had :om« away from 1s *ael with the gen eral impression that ,t« people were (a) intelligent, (b) lough ai nails, and Billy B«m fc) prepared lo work like all get »ut to make a go of their new lives. "A business or a nation with those jimlities usually gives a good ac count of itself." said Mr. Baruch. SINCE MY VISIT. I've heard luthing to change niv snap ap praisal of Israel's chances. On the sther hand. I've read darned little an the subject which could be ,'lgssed as good objective reporting. Most of the favorable stuff was too favorable — obviously the work of men who were out to make as good 3 case for the new nation as possi ble. And as for the dissenters — well, as was to be expected, most of them sounded as if they were carrying a 2,000-year-old chip on their shoulders. Recently a copy of a new hook ' liy Ralph McGill— "Israel Rt tilled," published in Atlanta, Ga„ last month hy I upper and I oi t—showed up on my desk and I began to thumb through it out ol a sense ol duly. Hut uhat started as duty quickly became compulsion, lor McGill, oditor of one of the South's -Ml. most trustworthy papers, The Atlanta Constitution. had obit ously font to Israel with on op tn mind snd crammed it with facts and figures before making it up. I've met Mr. McGill once or twice, end before I was halfway through his book I found myself wondering how this soft-spoken and hard-head ed gentleman from Georgia had come to write such an incisive and insightful commentary on the com plicated events now shaping up at the far end of the Mediterranean. • • • I GOT TO THINKING about It and, as I hunch it, tlse answer is triple pronged: First, McGill is an Irishman, which means that while he has a lively sense of justice in general he has no axiom to grind about Israel in particular. Second, he is first, foremost and fastidious ly a newspaperman, avaricious for facts but plenty leary of special pleading propaganda. And third, he has a long record as a fighting Southern liberal, and once he's got ten his facts straight he's not one to by-pass those touchy areas where even angels fear to tiptoe. IThen 1 finishid trading "Is rael Revisited.” f was, of course, tickled to find that McGill's conclusions jibed with mine, but that's neither here nor there. The important thing is that, without pulling any punch es, he has written a book about this controversial little country which one can read without prejudge or without tus peel ing the author of same. Here, at last, Is a meticulous and meaningful answer to the often-ask ed question, “What’s Israel really like?" | many matters—particularly the Smith - Graham primaries—.has the knowledge of the law that is needed. He would satisfy the re maining court justices. And his appointment would give the Gov ernor the chance to name his own man as Attorney General. Some of McMullan's rulings have been ad verse to the Scott administration, and since a ruling by the Attor ney General stands in lieu of a Supreme Court decision, it could be very important for the Gov ernor to have his own hoy in that job. f Some of the official^ of the Forestry Division of the Depart ment of Conservation and Devel opment do not particularly care for Kerr Scott a»id that feeling is echoed down in District 7 of the Forestry Division. Some time ago, I reported a district meeting near Little Wash- | ington on August 18 at which forestry men reportedly said "Whose afraid of Big Bi^d Kerr ScotLX As nil reporters do, I made some mistakes. That meeting was not District One, it was District Seven. And it was not near Lit tle Washington, it was in Wash ington County. And no one now remembers singing of any such song. But here’s a statement made by | one of those present: "At one table was the Washing ton County Warden and others, 1 some of whom were plenty high. A friend of the Wurden made a a statement speaking of Kerr Scott and said he ((Scott) is 'just something they pulled from a mule’s tail, sent to Raleigh and made governor’. To which many applauded and the wife of a Ral eigh Forestry official, whose name does not muttei, went so tai a,, to reach across the table and shake his hand in gratitude. This mun made many nasty statements about Governor Scott and some of those at the central office (Ral eigh headquarters) seemed to cn S If I* E II | O II s K K V I C E on (; R O If I* I N SIRANCE w. g. “mi.I/’ pj.fij: Manairr Tin: life INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA WII.MAMSTON N. C. Things To Watch Tor In the Future A gunge that checks the num ber of miles to a gallon that a car gets on gasoline ... A pavement cutting machine that slices through concrete at three times the speed and less, cost than ex isting methods ... A liny spot light to shine on telephone dials at night ... A crankcase oil test er that checks the oil in your car photo-eleetrically to warn when a change in lubrication is needed . . A spray gun that doesn't splatter paint on the user. Forest fires have been know i to overtake running deer and men on horseback. joy it. Governor Scott was cursed, damned and belittled beyond hu man decency.” Following publication of the original story, 1 was asked to cheek the facts. No one seemed a> be worried about the reported mis-use of State property in Dis trict Seven, but some of the Ral eigh brass was unhappy about the reported singing of a song derogatory to the governor. That story was used only be cause 1 though it was funny. Folks who fork for the State have a perfect right to like or dislike their governor, just as everyone else does. A check showed that after the story came out in Capital Repor ter, meeting of all District Seven county wardens was called on September 20 at 10 a. m. in Eliz abeth City. The meeting was held at the District warehouse. Nipe wardens were present one. from Martin county, being able to come because he was appearing in court as a witness. The session was call ed by V. W Herlevitch, district forester. Herlevitch said that there had been a lot of undue publicity about the August Hi party, that he was going to get to the bottom of the matter and that it would be just to bad for the man who talk ed to this reporter, lie said every one would be interviewed and that they had better tell the truth. If it will make Mr Herlevitch any happier, the original story: did not come from one of his war- ' dens, nor did it come from Ral eigh. And nobody cares whether tie i WILLIAM TANNEN and RICHARD TRAVIl William Tannrn and Richard Travis in a scene from “ALASKA PATROL" which is showing al the Marco Theatre Saturday. A MAItKIAtiE ('KKEMONY takes place against the background of t humic lint; artillery in this scene from Itert (iranet’s "The Torch." romantic drama which opens Wednesday at the Watts Theatre through Eagle l.ion Kilins release. Hrilij) Aimendariz and Paulette (■oddard co-star. or anyone else likes the sovernur Hut hojv about checkins up on the report—-that has been turned in to Raleigh headquarters that one man hauled away State prop erty tor Ins own use, and used a State-owned truck to do the haul ins? Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE NOTICE In He Establishment of Martin County Driiihni*e Oistrict Number Two. All pursuits interested in the establishment ...f Ann fin County Drainage District No. Two wift’ t', one t'.7S,‘f-T"; n !■■■' th.'1 of Vifvvei heretofore uppoiiiu < i bv the Court have filed their te port in thi office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, ami that said Report has been examined and found to be regular in all re spects: and you -.vill forth: , i.,i;e notice that a hearing upon on Report will be had bef .re the in dersigned Clerk of the Superior Court ot Marlin Conroe it die Courthouse in WiR.iat . 'or ,-th Carolina, at tla .>( o.n o'tloek, A. M„ on tin 14td d;,v of November, 1950, at which i m. all mterest'-d persons nav he pre sent and file objections n . and be beard upon said report if ,• hey care to do , m This notice is given pursuant >. Section l5o-G4 of the Goner.,| y.;a. tides of North Carolina of 19!:; This 7th day of November, i't'O L Bruce Wynne. Clerk Superior Court. Martin Countv R. I.,. C,.bi - . Att no 9-1G 1 G & W William Penn Blended . Whiskey tetaO Price *1.95 Mn#e Fifths 86 Proot IM ITVAMHT WHI1KEYI IN THM PRODUCT ART 4 TEARS Ol MORI OLD >5 <6 Sr* AlOrif WIT, UK NEUTRAL SPIRIT!, OUTILSJ* PROM MAIN. i m unn, mu. ujm srppoRT Yorit OKKICK Sl'I’I’IA STOI5K, A (OMMl'MTY ASSET | Williamston Office Supply Co. YOUR ONE TIRE INVESTMENT.., FOR MANY YEARS TO COME R0YALTEX ikmM 1000 iin9irt Hi* • •*»» MOUCItON NfVKR POSSIBII |»OI| LIFE-TUBE iiowour moncr/on NfVf* POSS/Ilf IffOJIf MfONG JfNOUGH lO CAk WfifiOtf? i*V«5> r U.S. ROYALS V Wf /R m WORLD / “CAN WE MAKE ENOUGH OF THEM?" [Sever in our history has there been such demand as we have experienced tor the Mid-Century KOVAL M AS I LK and the new U. S. NYI.O.N I.IM - I I UK! People have asked us whether we’ll he able to make enough id them to go around. 'I’he answer is —we liuve never been able lo make enough of them. They have been selling out us lust us we could make them. Of one thing you may he sure — we will ■ iisikc ii! I ill I lit in hc cun in kee ping with sill olliciul limits nn ruhber supply. OI |{ IU.SI \|)\ ICI woi 1.1) |{|•: — Is cep in dose touch with yum own neigh borhood l . S. Koval Dealer, lie will do liis utmost to jjise win these exclusive Muster mid J.ifc-liibe iputlilics— never known or possible before. He M ill see you solely and comfortably through the months and years alieotl and tee. of course, M ill do our utmost to help him. UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY Ammrica’s Largest Maker of Tires — U.S. ROYAL TIRE SERVICE...RIGHT WHERE YOU LIVE - TIRE QUALITIES AND FEATURES NEVER KNOWN OR POSSIBLE BEFORE •k Never llefcire, U. S. ROYALTEX TRIAD AND TRACTION In sweep, bite dml hold in slippery weather, where tires peter held beiore! * Never Hefore, U. S. NYLON Ilf I TUBES for blowout proteeimn und I ife I'roteelion fur beyond ull pre v ions standards. * Never Hefore. MID-CENTURY PRO TECTIVE CURBGUARD to end ull llrindinvf curb sent! und ubrusiou to safeguard the sidewalls of your tires, * V\ ill, EVERLASTING WHITEWALLS or BLACKWALLS, to inuiotuin the trim bcuuty of your tires. YOURS, For Years instead of Miles SAFETY and COMFORT B. & W. Tire Compa ny—Williamston, N. C.