$1.85 pint Dm Straight Wbiskayi ia Mi prat •ct an 2 ytaii ar am aM; Sl% Straight Vhithiy, 71% Srata Naatral Spirits 20 % Straight Vth kay 2 yaanaM, S% Straight Whitfcay 4 yaan aM, S% Straight Mkfcay 4 yaan aM. M gnat. 9 jipi mm. mm I Aastin^NicKolsj (teVhL | Oak City P.-T. A. Met Last Week The Oak City Parent-Teachers Association held its third meeting of the year on November 16 in the Oak City High School auditorium. Under the direction of Miss Madelin Davenport, Mrs. Minton Beech, Mrs. Hazel Haislip and Mrs. Paul Woodworth, the first four grades presented a most in | COMING TO COUNTY ]l v-/I Grover Lee Hardison, a native of Jamesviue and president of Southern Christian College, San Antonio, Texas, will speak in sev eral churches in this county, at Community Christian Church near Williamston at 7:30 p. m., Saturday November 25, and on Sunday, No vember 26 at Macedonia, 11:00 a. m., and Fairview at 2:30 p. m. and on Monday, November 27, at 2:30 p. m. in the Oakgrove Church, Robersonville. teresting program on the Thanks giving theme. Students dressed in traditional pilgrim costumes trac ed the life story of the Pilgrims from their persecution in England to their final settlement in Amer ica where they celebrated the first Thanksgiving. Following the program a busi ness meeting was held at which time the following committees were approved for the year 1950 1951: Membership - Miss Nancy $3«* 4/1 K. *2% G*W SEVEN STAR l, vtMtf'lki *flgN «M«Um m 4 wtiMwy. «2H« •plrlH 4liNM hL 11% tfralfM < ?i«i «I4. 11% HialpM wMilm • •%N»Wr • tm>i •!«.“ • WflT» ItMlVlO, tIOKIA, ILUNOIt 90 PROOF Committee Meets In School Here Meeting with a number of par ents and teachers in the colored high school last Thursday, Mrs. Eva Grimes, secretary, explained the functions of the Martin Coun ty Tuberculosis Committee and suggested that the colored citi zens organize their own committee with representatives on the pre sent board. Public Health Nurse Mary Lou ise Taylor made a short talk on tuberculosis and explained the importance of the tuberculin rest in diagnosing tuberculosis. Films, procured by the committee in this Worsiey, chairman; Mrs. Clayton House, Mrs. VanOy Smith, Mrs. Ernest Edmondson and Mrs. Can non. Program Committee - Mrs. J. E. Copeland, chairman; Mr. Jack Howard. Miss Madeline Davenport and Mrs. Harry Daniels. Hospitality Committee - Miss Alma English, chairman; Mrs. Melvin Crisp, Mrs. Robert Ethe 1 ridge, Mrs. Wheeler Daniels and Mrs. Wilbur Wbrsley. Publicity and Publications Com mittee - Miss Kathleen Mills, Mrs. ■ Pauline Rawls and Mr. Bruce ! Sloan. It was decided that the P.-T. A. should sponsor a Barbecue-Bruns ! wick Stew supper on December I. This will be the second supper held for the purpose of securing funds to purchase a piano for the school. county, were shown and educa- j tional leaflets were distributed. The new colored health nurse, a native of this county and a grad uate of the high school, was in troduced to the group. The P.-T. A. president address ed the group briefly before clos ing the meeting. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County. Havmg this day qualified as Ad ministrators of the Estate of the late Joseph R. Harrison, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of Nov ember, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate' will please make immediate pay ment. This the 13th dav of November, J 950. Norman K Harrison Herman C. Harrison, Administrators. R. L. Coburn, Attorney, no 21-28 de 5-12-19-26 | NOTICE OF SALE .North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court Before the Clerk In the ipattcr of W. J. Holliday, Grace Holliday, Martha J. Sexton, individually, and Martha J. Sex ton, Administratrix of the estate of Lula .1. Mi7.elle and of the es tate of Roxy Smithwick, Vera Warrington, Isolene Warrington and husband, Etheridge Warring ton. Bertie Conklin, Grace Barber and husband, Paul Barber, Ester Martin, Lucille Martin, Joseph Martin. Edward Lee Martin, Billy Marlin, Albert Martin, Tom Mar tin, Mrs. Celeste Blissett and hus band, Hubert Blissett, Bernice Parker and husband, John Park er, Theresa Davis Dyer and hus band, 11. J. Dyer, ex parte. Under and by virtue nt an order i of sale made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of Superior Court of Martin Mill UNO HAV\ comedisn: "I fou\ wha? mildness means\ made the 30-Day Test \ KYli MacDONNEll, star ot television: "I smoke mild C amels. They agree with throat 1 DICKROWEU, movie MARTHA TliTON, re AUTO - RACING CHAM star: “My test proved cording star: As a PION Johnnie Parsons: Camels agree with my singer, I certainly cn I d walk a mile for throat!'' jo> Camel mildness' cool, mild Camel' CVcOXCt, tiUAlXX '4 bounty, on the Oth day of Novem-' aer, 1950, >he undersigned Com missioner, appointed in said order, a ill, on Monday, the 11th day of December, 1950, at 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: First: Situate in the Town of Jamesville, Martin County, and being lots Nos. 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 0, and 7 in Block B in the Kemp Land division, on the East side of St. Andrews Street and boimdcd as tollows. as shown in plat of re-, cord in Land Division Book in the Public Registry of Martin County, bounded on the North bv Jackson Street and on the East by Maple Branch, and on the South by line of lot No. 8 in said map or plat, and along line of same to Maple Street, thence back along said Maple Street to point of begin ning. This deed of conveyance is made to convey one-half undi vided interest in said lots, the part formerly owned by J. D. Lil iey and conveyed to Bank of Jamesville, C. A. Askew now own ing the other one-half interest. Second: Situate in Jamesville Township, adjoining the lands of Sylvester Grav. Tom Lillcv land and the lands of the late S. L. Wallace, containing 12 acres, more or less, and being the same land that formerly belonged to Hctfic Gray and being the same land that has been in possession of Sylvester Gray and Ji hn Gray for the past several years and being the land this day deeded to the said Sylves ter Gray by the Bank of James \ die. Third: Bounded on the West by St. Andrews Street, on the East by lands id' E. H. Ange and W. W. Waters, on North by Maple Street, on the South bv Roberson Street and lands of Ransom Roberson to beginning, on St. Andrews Street, containing 2 acres, more or less, and better known as the Kemp Land. Fourth: Beginning at a post, a corner of Grover W« Hardison and Dolly Hardison lots, thence a West course along a fence, Dolly Hardi son's line 105 feet to a post, a cor ner of Dollj Hardison lot, thence South a straight line 105 feet *.o a street, thence East course along said Street 105 foot, thence a North course a straight line 105 I feet to the beginning, containing 1/4 acre, more or less, and being I a part of the same land willed to Grover W. Hardison by Gray Rob erson. less that nart of same sold ,1 \ Jr Plan IS me To (live Sporting Goods This Christmas For lln* roiivcniciuT of our rustonirra we luive iiiuvimI our Sport Center lo our Puriim Store mi Washington Street. Come in lodiiy uml Melee! jiifts for the sportsmen on your list from our wide collection of Footballs Basketballs Softballs Gloves Tennis Racquets Rods and Reels Fishing Tackle Guns and Rifles Hunting Clothes & Accessories iLindsley Sport Center to Minnie Hardison by deed of re- ; cord in Rook K-4, page 534. Fifth: A tract of land in the Town of Jamesville, N. C , adjoin- j ing the Williamston and PI;, mduth 1 Highway and colored Methodist i Church lot on tin North, Mrs. F. ■ S. Dawes on the East, Hardison ! Street on the West, being L. W . Mi/elle and school house lots. Sixth: That, certain wood store, house and lot situate in the Town of Jamesville, on the South side of Waters Street, and hounded on the North by Waters Street, on the East b\ J. G, Long, on the South by J G. Long, and on the West by J. I,. Davenport, and being the sunn lot conveyed to C. A. Harri son and G. H. Harrison by W'. W. Waters. Trustee, in deed of record in Book F-3, page 407 of the Mar tin County Public Registry. The terms of this sale are cash upon confirmation of the sale by the Clerk of Superior Court, and the successful hiddi r at the said sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 10% of the bid. pending confirmation of the sale. This the 9th day of November 1950. E. S. Peel. Commissioner. Peel & Peel, Attys. Williamston. N. C. no 14-21-28 dc 5 Vi, it Heilig and Meyerg Williamston for the “Bent Buya In Furniture99 WOOLARD’S Anniversary SALE! STILL GOING STRONG Shop Now Real Bargains For Every Room Of Your Home dome in ami select at a saving tin* pieces you iieeil for voile lioine. Now is an excellent time to choose the home furnishing items you plan to jjive those oil your d.hrislmas ^sift list. Don't Niss This Opportunity! |WoolardFurnitureCo.| Martin County’$ Leading Furniture Store ' ■■/ v , :m NOTICE Under and by virtue oi the power and authority vested in the undersigned by the laws oi North Carolina, and by the heirs of R. W. Sals bury and the heirs oi Laura E. Salsbury, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction on MoriBSyrBwember 4, 1958, at !8*o clock a. m., at the Homeplace of the late R. W. Salsbury in the Town of Hamilton, N. C., the following property, io-wil: One ttm room dwelling house ill I In* corner ol Liberty ami I'roiil Steeds in the Town of Hamilton, IN. (1.; one seven room dwelling house on Liberty Street in the Town of Hamilton, N. (!,; 66 shares of common stock ol the banner's Lofton Oil Lompany of Wilson, N. L.; 10 shares of Mi liner Stores, Inc., Ilalcigh, IN. L. The undersigned will also offer for sale at public auction on Monday, December 4, 1950, at 11 o'clock a. m., in front door in the Town of Hassell, N. C., the following property, to-wit: One store house occupied by J. W. Kuhauks unit located on three lots in the town of Hassell, IS. 4..; one store house formerly' occupied by W. I), Bell in the Town of Hassell, IN. (I.? two Inrffc warehouses loeuted on the rail road in Hassell, IN. C.; 175 acres, more or less, of farm land known as the “Johnson furm near the I own of Hamilton, N. C. ( 14) aeres of cleared laud and 135 acres of well-timbered land); 52 acres, more or less, of farm land known as tin* “James Farm” (20 acres of cleared land and 32 aeres of well-limbered land), located at Has sell, IN. C.; 585 aeres, more or less, of farm laud known as the Homeplace of the laic l.aura h. Salsbury. locat ed at Hassell, N. C. I Set Quartered Oak Bank Fixtures. This the 10th day of November, 1050. ,. of the Post Office I*. L. Salsbury, Administrator e. I. a. of H. W. Salsbury’* Kstale. I*. I.. Salsbury, Apcut for heirs of H. W. ami Laura K. Salsbury.