Visited In Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Joe Godard visitet in Greensboro last week-end. Attended Football Game Mesrs. Neil Ripley and R. H Goodmon attended the State Wake Forest football game ii Wake forest Saturday Returned Here From Greece Just, recently returned from ; several-week stay in Greece, Mr Philip Tonis, former owner-opera tor of the Genital Cafe, visiter here a short whih last week-end Visited In Virginia Sunday Messrs. Luther Leggett. Eli Nicholson. Paul Johnson and C. D Carstarphei visited in Virginia Sunda\ Visited Here Sunday Mr iir: Mrs. C W Sessoms anil children and Mi- Peggy Barfield of Dunn \ isited Miss Clyde Has sell here Smith ' Mr Sessoms was stationed here at one time with the telephone company NEED GLASSES? Mr. Pan OoWemit\i fiOM Cur ron Road. Louts'die, K' . rui-nor of Coogla Cut Rato Store at 955 West Broadway, ay. there nisi aren't enough word' in the Fngltah Ian guage to pra “c HADACOL cor rectly. He says he knows most folks don’t realize uhai h change HADACOI. can make in their life if their systems are defiictent in Vitamins B B- Iron and >«iartn Here is Mi Goldsmith’s state ment: “Before I started taking HAPA COL I was run down and nervous — and had a hard time sleeping nights With my work in the store I have to spend sometime- 14 hour a day on my feet Since 1 am in the retail business I -aw how many folks were asking for HADAOOi. so 1 decided to 11 > * mvsrlf After the first couple f bottles I could tell a definite mpt "mv-nt Now | have all the pep and energy in the world, my nerves are steady as ever and I r-alh do get a good . ’ ■ • - W.u derful— I n ’ '>n. take it. hot recommend it to all my customer* I praise the da\ Senator Dudley .1 LeBlanc put iltPACOI, on the market.” HADACOI. Is So Different Thousands am benefiting from HADACOL ■ w ho; e : \ stems lark Vitamins B . B-. Iron and Niacin HADACOL is so wonderful be cause HADAt Ol. helps build up the hemoglobin loirtcnt of your blood (when Iron is needed! to carry these gnat Vitamins and Minerals t" ever' hod ’ nrrnn to every part of the body Give remat .able HADACOI, a chance and if you don’t feel better with the first few .-'tiles you take — you get your money bark. Only $1.25 for Trial Sire; l.aigc Family or Hospital Size. *’{ 50 If yout druggist does not have HADACOL, order it direct from The LeBlanc Corporation, Lafayette, Louisiana. & lD&o. Ide I^eBUknc Corporation. ' Attended Football Game Saturday i ! Mr. and Mi s. David Modlin ant I son, David, Jr., and RJessrs Free ! Taylor and Darnpey Simmons at I tended the football game in Wakt Forest Saturday Visiting In Winston-Salem Mrs II. I.. Meador and Miss Ad die Lee Meador are spending the week-end in Winston-Salem with ' their daughter and sister, Misr Ann Meador. Visited Here Yesterday Mr Jus II Roberson of Rob ersonville visited here yesterday. At Home Here Sgt. and Mrs. Joe Daniel are ] now at home with Mrs. W R. In I gram on Marshall Avenue Mrs Daniel is from Meade, Okla Suf fering a severe footwound in Ko rea not so long ago, the sergeant returned home a lew weks ago. Now Able To Be lip Mrs. Clyde D. Anderson is able to be up after a week's illness. Receiving Treatment Rev. W B. Harrington, after receiving treatment in Brown's Hospital here for several weeks, returned to his home in Farm Life last Thursday. While his con dition is much improved he will hardly be able to resume his min isterial duties immediately Visited In Plymouth Sunday Mrs. Sudie Moore and Mrs. John K Sawyer and son, Karl, of James - ville visited Mrs John Tim As kew in Plymouth Sunday. Returned Home Mrs. Myer Levin has returned to her home from Philadelphia where she visited relatives Moved In New Home Mr and Mrs Elton Hardy have moved into their new home on Smilhwiek Street Returned Home Mrs. CL G. Crockett has return 'd home from Hagerstown, Maryi land after spending several days with relatives __ - Visiting In Norfolk Mrs Dick Taylor and Mrs Ab ner Brown are spending several days in Norfolk Visited Here From Plymouth Mi and Mrs Bill Woolard of Plymouth visited friends here Sunday night. \ isited In Norfolk Mrs, Mary Coltrain spent the week-end in Norfolk. Here lor Winter Months Mi and Mrs Charles E. D'Amour of Redwood, N Y. ire here to spend the winter months : Home From Hospital Mi Jimmy Harris is out again I ■'■I'll lie', ,, . ■ • ,.L a'**, '*• s’. . in a Richmond Hospital Spent Sunday In Henderson Mr and Mrs Grady Davis and] son, Talmurige, and Mrs. K T. Davis of Windsor and Mrs Clyde Ward spent Sunday in Henderson with Mr. and Mrs Eugene An drews. Here From Wilson Mr. and Mrs A B Darden and Mi 1 L. Darden of Wilson spent Sunday here with Mr and Mrs. Died Darden. Spent Sunday in Portsmouth Mr and Mrs. J L Wmdom, Mr Alton Windom and Mr and Mrs Durwood Johnson and daughter of near here spent Sunday in Ports mouth. Make llii* a iieter-to-be* forgolleii r.lirittmax with this spectacularly spark* linjK large diamond in smart while gold setting. He’ll love it. j Attended Fo«tb:ill Game Dr. and Mi's William Gray, ! Miss Ann Beasley and Messrs. I Edgar Gurganus, Chai'les Man ning, John Hatton Gurganus and Robert Covven attended the Wake i Forest-State football game in j Wake Forest Saturday. Visited Here From Norfolk t Mi Harvey Kennadav of Nor j folk visited friends here over the I week-end Visited In Rocky Mount Misses 'Evelyn Hancock and Margaret McDaniels visited in I Rocky Mount Saturday. Visited In Rocky .Mount Mr. and Mrs. R C Malone and | I daughter, Janice, spent the week |end in Rocky Mount -® Visited Lake Mattamusket Messrs. John F Sawyer. Asa Moore, Lloyd Moore, and Morris Gardner of Jamesville spent Sun day at Hake Mattamusket Here From Kdenton Mr and Mrs. W. F Malone and son, Mike, of Edenton spent Sun day near here with Mi and Mrs Ellis Malone To Be Home For Thanksgiving j Bobby Harrison, student at Wake Forest, will spend the Thanksngivig holidays here with his parents, Mi and Mrs. Gay lord 1 larrisnn.. Visited Here From Greenville Mr and Mrs. J. A. Bland and daughter, Nina, of Greenville visited Mr and Mrs W M Myers here Sunday Here From Philadelphia Mrs. Stephen Guano of Philo- 1 delphia is here spending some I time with her daughter, Mrs. * Lawrence Li riels ley and family . Here from Norfolk Rev and Mrs J. I Lowry and daughters of Norfolk spent Thurs day here with Mr. and Mrs. Dll Ion Cobb — .j Visitors In Norfolk Monday Mrs. J D. Page and Miss Her j nice Ward were bisiness visitors r4.. I in Norfolk Monday Will Be Home For Holidays Miss Johnnie Mae Sawyer ol Wilson and Mrs. K N. Middle brooks of Dahlgreen, Virginia will spend Hie Thansgiving holidays in Jamesville with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F Sawyer Returned Home From Hospital Mr. Lee House returned to his!, home m Robersonville Sunday after receiving treatment in a lo- 1 cal hospital for several days Returned Home In South Carolina ; Miss Dorothy Beard returned to j her home in South Carolina yes j. terday after spending several days |, Mr. and Mrs. G. ('. Beard. Business Visitor Here Thursday Mr K VY Cobb, former super ! visor of sales for the Greenville j, tobacco market, was a business visitor here last Thursday Move Here Mr and Mrs. Roland Jones of , Elizabeth Cit\ have moved into an apartment of the Frank Car starphen home on Williams Street. Winners In Contest Mrs Frank J. Margolis' group of the Junior Woman’s Club is pleas ed to present Mrs. Blue Manning with a turkey ai^l M A E (Buck) James of Robersonville with a fruit cake as a result of a recent i contest staged by the club. The ! group also expressed appreciation, : for the cooperation given the club by till' many participant: Change In Prayer Meeting The prayer service scheduled by ] | the Christian Church in the home of Mi. and Mrs. Charles R Mob ley will be held in the home ol Mi and Mrs James Bailey Peel on West Main Street at 7:JO on Wednesday evening. Move Into Fasou Home Mi. and Mrs. Ernest Carraway and children ol Chase City. Va.. moved into the Eason home on Academy Slre. t here late voter day. Mi Carraway is the new manager ol Leder Brothers' store here | Continues To Improve Mr Jordan Peel continues to im I prove at his home in Griffins | Township after receiving " orient for several weeks in Brown's ' Community Hospital. Borrows Wrong Car On Street ■ Borrowing his brother’s car to make a trip from the Standard Fertilizer Company plant up the street last Friday, Paul H. Peel parked the machine on Main ! Street, attended to the business at hand and made ready to re I turn to trte plant, •Paying no attention, and really not knowing his brother's ear too well, the young man got into a car, inserted the key in the switch, | eianked up and returned to the river where he parked the ma chine and went on about his du ties. About three hours later, Jos. Peel, the owner, made ready to come up town, but could not find he ear Paul told him where he had parked it “But that's not my ear,” Joe explained. ' Well, that's the one I drove down here,” Paul explaned. The two got busy, notified po lice and learned that Mrs. P. B. Cone's car, almost matching the Peed car in rneidel and appearance, was missing. The correction was made without further delay. Paul is still trying to figure it all e>ut, heiw he mistook the identity of the ears and why the key to eine ear would fit another. Engagement announced Mr. and Mrs William Orlando Griffin announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Fiank Trent Hill ol Greensboro, son of Mr. and Mis. George Wash ington Hill, also of Greensboro. I'lie wedding will be solemnized Tuesday, the twenty-sixth of De ember in the Williamston Chris !ian Church. TO SPONSOR SITI’ER The Jarnesville Woman's Club will sponsor a turkey supper and na/.aar at the Jarnesville High school lunchroom Friday, Decem ber 1. Supper will be served from >:H0 and plates will be tiity cents , mrl one dollar. PI,AN FOOD SALE The women of the Holly Spring Methodist Church will hold a food ,,de in the offices of the Unem ployment Agency this afternoon, Furfsda.v. November 21. You are •ordially invited to attend Returns Home Mrs Ralph Holliday returned to ier home from Brown’s Com nunity Hospital yesterday after andcrgoing a tonsillectomy there m Friday. \ltciul Football (lame IV r. Vernon Roebuck of Rocky Mount and Miss T1 Hah Ward Bai l's attended the Wake Forest-N. State football game Saturday. Ittend Funeral Mr,, and Mrs. Walter Mizelle at ended the funeral of Mr. Fred fhomas in Windsor yesterday. Spend Day in Wake Forest 1 Mi and Mrs. Ralph Taylor spent ' Saturday in Wake Forest and at- | ended the Wake Forest-State . ; ! temains In Hospital ^ Naneie Allen, daughter of Mr. | md Mrs. Randolph Allen, con * inues in Watts Hospital in Dur || iam where she underwent an op-' ration on November 10. Mrs. Al- I en is in Durham with her. I I'o Move To Florida Mr. and Mrs. Grady Huffman ■elurned here yesterday alter vis ting in Gainesville. Fla. They ex pect tu return later in the week to Gainesville where they will nuke their home $NCMU f FRUIT CAKE Your hull d a v feast deserves a delicious fruit sake lull of fruits and nuts. I'irder now for Thanksgiving. :* n>. 5 ll>. Marl in*s Bakery TO APPEAR HERE Carolyn Brenner, gifted young comedienne, will ap pear here Wednesday evening November 29, in the high school auditorium, in the world-famous Barter Players' production of "The Show Off" by George Kelly. Na tionally known, the Barter players are being sponsored ^ in their production by the Williamston Jayeees. Hear (trass Junior (llass To Present Play Dee. 7 -*—— A good laugh is good for the soul. And there are at least a hun dred good laughs in the three-act comedy, "He Couldn’t Marry Five," which is to be given by the' Junior class .if Bear Grass High School in the school auditorium in the evening of December first. The title of this play alone is ■nough to make one chuckle be cause it brings to mind all sorts >f complications. Well, "He Could 1't Marry Five" more than lives i ip to its title it is at the same ime laughable and charming, razy and enjoyable. This is be ta use it is so true to life. Yes, 'He Couldn’t Marry Five" is a /cry human play -one that amus ■s people while seeing it, and hey remember for a long time lfterward. II is different from the ■un-of the mill farce comedies to vhich we are used because it is tot exaggerated or overdone it nuld happen, and who knows but \ hat it has? "He Couldn’t Marry •’ive" is the type of play that ap icals to men, women and child- | en alike, so bring the whole family- they’ll be grateful to you I for having given them one of the! most enjoyable evenings <*f the rear when they see, “He Couldn’t Marry Five." Admission, children 15 cents, adults 35 cents. Return from Seattle Chief: Hospital Corpsman Wil iam Karl Stinnette, Mrs. Stinnette md children. Robert and Cather ne. have returned from Seattle, Washington. Mr*. Stinnette and he children will make their home lere with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stinnette, while he at ends school at the Naval Hospital i n Portsmouth, Contest Winners j Are Announced: ! Prize winners in the National j Book Week poster contest spon- j sored by the local public library were the following: From the fifth grades were: Sal ly Gray Griffin. Beth Spivey, Billy Carstarphon, Carlvlt Brown, Mary Claudia Cherry, Frank Bowen, Betsy Davis. Joe Godard. Kenneth Gurganus, Genie Glover, Dianne Cherry. From the Junior High School were: Edgar Shuller, Em ma Jean Godard, Jacky Blue, Philip Coltrain. Essay winners were Melva Wynn and Judith Rogers from the high school - Judges were Miss Harriett Tucker. Miss Lamina Baker, and 'Miss Lissie Pierce. The posters are now on display in the office window of the Unemployment Bureau. Jno. P. Rogerscn At Great Lakes John P. Rogerson. seaman re cruit. USN. son of Mrs. Ethel M. Rogerson of Route 2, Box 145, Williamston, N. C„ is undergoing recruit training at the world’s largest Naval Training Center, Great Lakes. Illinois. Recruit training is the sharp break between civilian and Naval life in which the new Navy man learns the fundamental principles of the Naval service. In the course of his training the recruit is taught seamanship, Na vy customs, terms, basic ordnance, ! gunnery, signaling and naviga- ; tion. Upon completion of his training the recruit is assigned eithei to units of the F’leet or to a service i school for specialized training | Woman’s Club Meeting Tonight Members of the Williamston Woman's Club will meet Tuesday November 21, at the club btiild ing instead of on November 24 as was announced previously Approximately 1 5 billion board feet of timber is cut from North Carolina’s forests each year. BABW I >w to relieve .tress without isina, rub on... VapoRub Eye Glumes Broken? / We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 7J -THANKSGIVING CLEARANCE SALE ALL HATS 1*2 Price Proctor Shoppe ^ (.non* i Junior and Misses' Dresses i»f W ool. (>aberilin<‘ and Crepes. Tukeii from Mir He^ular Stork. Valors to SI').').’*. iNNIIERS4RY PRICE $12.31 . CROUP II to $22.95. Our ANNIVERSARY MICE $14.31 CROUP III REGULAR DRESS VALUES To $29.95. Our ANNIVERSARY PRICE $19.31 It s closer than you think, with Christinas just around the beml. It is wise to pur chase a fiift today.