> Patients In The Martin General The following were listed among patients in Martin General Hos pital this morning: John D. Lillcy, Williamston; Donald Griffin, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Griffin. RFD 1, Williamston; Arthur Modlin, Jamesville; Miss Mildred Bvrum. teacher in the local schools: Little - Miss Mary Harris, daughter of ™ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harris, Wil liamston: Mis. Oscar Harrison, Williamston; Mrs Don Johnson, Popular Point; J. D. Ward, Wil liamston; Mrs. Bonnie Cooper, Plymouth; Lea man Mobley. RFD 3, Williamston; James Earl Pate, young son of Mr and Mss. Sam | Pate, RFD 3, Williamston. J. D. Ward, a patient in the hospital for several weeks and L critically ill during most of that k time, was reported improved this f morning. Mrs. Elmer Watson and little Men’s Dress nnd Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP i * » Austin^Nichols CLUB RESERVE BLENDED WHISKEY $2.101 pint $3.351 fifth | • (ended Whiskey, 66 freof, 40% Whiskey, t0°/. Groin Nesrirol Spirits. | AustinfiNichols i tCoSif Inc. I Horace Heidt will bring his all new musical variety show to Wil liam Neal Reynolds Coliseum at N. C. State College on Thursday, December 7. The new revue will feature 60 stars, young people whom Heidt has discovered on tour throughout the nation, including many who have been hoard and seen on his v’Ci kly radio and television pro grams. Local aspirants to fame are be in' auditioned and some'of theYn may he given a chance to- per il' on the Youth Opportunity Program which appears in six or seven cities each week. Afi t 30 years in show business, there s no name more entitled to respect than that of Horace Heidt, " ho has made his reputation and lus career by building other peo ple to stardom. When Horace' Heidt moves through the United States with has musical revue, "Stars on Pa rade, and his radio show, the Ori maid Youth Opportunity Pro gram* for Philip Morris, the me chanic,-. involved make a complex military operation look simple. Hut e ervllnng i$ so carefully or ■ i/i I before the troupe leaves the Hi dt ranch in Van Nuys that i! move like the traditional well oiled clock. The personnel consists of Mi end Mi-. Heidt, then four child on, a maid end a nurse, f3 band members, the 60 Philip Morris -he two music arrangers, one d i limit'', one engineer, one ilnuyhti i U ft the hospital yester l,e l. i th.ii home in Roberson V i 11 e. Mr.- George Wynne and infant wp ^ U ti.o uorp.u.l tor their home eri Pine Street Sunday. Colored patients in the hospital u At Auction! Saturday, Nov. 25th I I M. AT FARM ■' x ' t t»v•' «tmv -? •• *-• Hi1i iicrcs more or les-; J.'J aero eleared; 7.1 acres tnhaeeo: 9.6 Here- IVaniil ■; \ 11 llie < niton you muiiI to plant. Sis room home u7ih mela! roof. Built «»f material that'emildut be bought or fouiui al any prire today. .‘i Tnhaeeo Bam-; Bond I’aek lloti-e; Bond Stabler- ami other Outbuildings. \ly frieml-. uJial rail win put your money in that Mill pay a- mueli dividend- a- farmland nlien In Itaeeo is bringing from S 1000.-8 1200. per acre? We invite you to go out and look over this farm; look over the gum and pine limber and you Mill find several thousand dollars worth of elioiee lim ber on this farm. Don’t let the fiuauee bother vou when thinking ol buy in;: this farm. W e Mill fi nam e nine or leu thou and dollar- for any good man that is lu friend-, remember dial time and tide Mail- for no man. W In farm on halves Mlten von ran {gel it all. Buy you a farm today — it means seeiiritv for loniorroM. Hememher tin time and plaee. (>oootle I .o'a is the nr cepTibnist at the recording e ino puny; Margo appears as the girl hoping to save it from her father’s financial disasters (father bets on horses) by an advantageous mar riage Jerome Cowan is delightful ly featured as the improvident parent. include: Lucy Bagiev and infant dau ghter, Polly Hell and infant dau- ; ghter, and Randolph Outler bridge, RFD 3, Williamston. Preliminary findings indicate that control of wild onions may be possible in certain areas with j maelic hydrazide, a chemical new in weed research, says the U. S. Department of Agriculture. As of January 1, 1950 U. S. farmers owned an estimated six million automobiles, according to estimates of the U. S. Department. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court Lorraine Oicken vs. James Dicken The defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County, N. C.. io secure an absolute divorce based upon two years separation and the defend ant will take notice that he is re quired to appear before the Clerk if Superior Court of Martin Coun tv at his office in Williamston, N. F , on the 4th day of December, 1950, or within 20 days'thereafter and answer or demur to the com plaint, in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the elief demanded in said complaint. The defendant above named ziil also take notice that in the above entitled action the plaintiff a as filed an application to be awarded the legal care, custody, tuition and maintenance of the minor children, Charles Dicken and James Dicken, born to the marriage between the plaintiff and the defendant. The said de sfonclant will further take notice (that the plaintiff will apply before j the Judge holding the March ITertn 1951 of the Martin County j Superior Court, on the 22nd day j of March, 1951, at 10 o'clock A M , for an order giving thi> plaintiff I the legal care, custody, tuition and maintenance of the minor child ron. Charles I hcl-.en and .lame-; Dickon. This tin- 11 i'd day of November, 1950. L. 11 Wynne, Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County no 7-14-21-20 NOTICE OE ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County Having this day ouulified as ad ministratrix of the estate of Willie Purvis, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned or her attorney within one year from this date or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment This the 2(ith dav of October, 1950. Laura Mae Purvis, Administra trix of the estate of Willie Purvis Robert H Cowen, Attorney at Law, Williamston, N C. oc 31 no 7-14-21-28 do 5 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of John ». Long, deceased of Martin Coun ty this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on 1 or before the 26th day of October, 1951, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are asked to make immediate settle ment. This the 26th dav of Octob er, 1950. Dolores L. lieaird, Ad ministratrix oc 31 no 7-14-21-28 do 5 NOTICE OE RESALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment of re-sale in an action on ; titled "Frances G Karlv cl al v Msoe h gj ds; (SPACIOUS! call the CHU.DPEM OFF THOSfc BLK.S- THEY'LL s-n WAT HOLM f IN THEM'.' r-*T 8LAME ME you FED THEM THE HP PBOOUCINO MILK EBON TAYLORS DAIRY !M| AMSTERDAM tVNplCAfk i SPECIAL THIS WEEK RUM RAISIN ICE CREAM TAYLORS DAIRY Yl^w bibb ;7 6fsd$ A fbsteuriied Dairy "Products DAIRY BAR 2T* PLANT Houghton St D. (I Matt hr.. ■ cl “Tut umter ! signed Commissioners will, on the 24 day i f November, 1950. at 12 o'clock. Noon, in front if the "Crystal Grill" on Washington Street in the town of Williams ton, N C. offer for sale In the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing (losri ibeil property: A house and lot on Washington Street m tile Town ol William ton, N. (' , and being known as I he P"ter Davis anil Fannie Davis home and being the same premis es deeded to Edward I. Early and wife, Franses G. Earlv l>v Susie S Price by Deed dated Fi bruai \ 2, 1940, and of record in the Public Regist r\ of Martin Cmintv in Rook NT -4. page 281 This property will be sold in two lots one the tenant house and lot and the other the “Crystal Grill" and lot. A map will be shown at the sale showing both parcels o! property. The last and highest bidder i ill T>e required to make a deposit of 10', of the purchase prii c This 'ith day of November, ttlaO 1! A Criteher, E. S Peel, Commissioners no 14-21 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS DRAINAGE Cl.EARING ANI) EXCAVATION MARTIN COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. ONE. MARTIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sealed proposals for the recon struction of the Martin •Couun Drainage District No. one in Mar tin County. North Carolina, will he received by L Ilruce Wynn, Clerk of Superior Court, Martin County, N. C„ in the office of Ihe C lerk of tti<■ Superior Court in Williatnston. N t\, at the Court House until 10 o’clock A M., K S T„ on Wednesday, the 29th duv of November, 1950, at which t'inv and place they will he publicIy i opened aiut read. Wn-k contemplated will include construction or approximately 15 ! 2 miles of canals and will con sist of excavation of approximate ly 275,204 cubic yards and clear in'’, of 1 12.5 acres. 1 ’Inns. Specifications, and (ton lis t Documents arc on file with the Secretary of the Drainage Commissioners. at the office of Clarence Griffin, Attorney, Wil liamstoii, N C . the office of the Bneincers. Greenville, N C.. the oil ice of the Associated General Contractors. Raleigh, N C , and Charlotte, N. C. Copies of plans and specifica tions may bo obtained from the Knyineer's office upon deposit of SIS 00 Deposits will he refunded to those malum; bona fide bids to the Drainage District. Consideration will he yiven only to bids of contractors who submit evidence s'nowiny that they have I’rrii licensed under "An Act to Heiuilalc the Practice of General Conti set up;," ratified by the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina on March 10, 1025 and as snhse quently amended A performance bond will be re paired equal to 100 percent of the contract price, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the! contract and upon the payment of 'll persons supplying labor and ! furnishing materials for the con 1 si met ion oft he project Kach proposal shall he accoin- | named with a deposit of cash or a certified check on some bank or trust company authorized to do SI,AH WOOD FOR S VI I, CHEAP. Dial 2160 VN illiamslon Supply Co. oadiots, attarmTanywhere) L. N. JAMES CORN HOUSE main L, NORTH CAROLINA Write or call L. N. JAMES Office 3601 : Corn House 2041 : Residence 25 1] 11^*0011+0 .'.be of the State of North Carolina in an amount equal to not less than five per cent of the proposal, said check to be made to the Martin County Drainage District No one as a guarantee that a contract will lie entered into with the Drainage District within 15 day. aftci the award !o the ladder and that the' required bond will he executed In lieu of above. i ash or cerli fled eheck and .Vi hid bond will be accepted. The Drainage District reserves the ro’hl to reioel :inv or all bids - - .=———rrr==r* for ti> accept the bid or bids that [appear to be to the best, interest nf the Drainage District No proposal may bo withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of thirty days 1 tv order of the Chairman and f’.oard of ('omne minner. of 1he Martin County Drainage District No one, Martin ('•'lint,' . N. C Sidney Headiatu, Chairman. Ragmen' Henry L and 'I'hoina • VV Rivers, Greenville, N. C no 14-21 __ I 1 (wanted LOGS wanted] WELDON VENEER CO.. Inc. \\ rldon. \. <,. \\ ill I’av rromiiim I’riees lor Top (irade Sneel I.iiiii r» M M i o<;s m i in i:i{i:i) vs 11 don i»> rm i;k or i: vn. < all Weldon <>0.“*-l or V\ rile Ho\ >5?<> Weldon ^jjj for S|n‘eil iralioii1'. I OCOOOOO-MOOOOOKWOOCi Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . Anil Hint s what it will Ref right here! I!ej>nlar rheek on raili ator, buttery, oil, tires at no extra charge! UTOS tiikivr ON Ol It S1KVH I.! Sinclair Service Station 1) Special While They Last FULL SIZE KITCHEN CABINETS Bed and black trim with porcelain work top Only $34.95 B. S. COURTNEY AND -SON "I'iirnilnrr Since !*H / Slow Oprii 1'i iiliits *|iI D;(M) I*. M. More than 500,000 Oldsrnobile Owners Now Enjoy all the Power, Smoothness, Quietness and Economy of this Famous High Compression Engine! Any "ILm-kct” OMumoliilr owner can tell von! l or mi v lim kel Oli .noliilr owner know*: Tlien's (I thtiinulii tliIJi'triitr hrlui-rii the "/{<*/*elV’ sriisiilioruil liifili-niiiifirrssinii prrformanrr will onlinarv hiriiifi. I In- "HiX'ketV -ilken Kinoollmei.*! I lie "HorkelV’ ree<*nl inuHliiog action! Tin* "ISockct V’ noliil <,n jnirln illinc "Hockct” ride in I In- lirilliiint (11i