Manhunt Film Is High Lonesome' If not for the persistence of one man. the name of John Barry more, Jr . might have never be come a part of the entertainment world The man is George "Dink" Tem pleton. family friend who succeed ed after long urging in winning G & W William ^ Penn Blended ‘"im Whiskey I tVKAMNT WHISKIYS IN THIS PRODUCT 1 4 YIAftf Ol MORI OLD 93% ITRAIQMT 33% NEUTRAL IPIUT* MSTEU* MOM MAIN. New screen star John Barrymore, Jr., is cast opposite petite and pret ty Lois Butler in his newest film, the Technicolor drama, "High Lone some." which will open Thursday at the Watts Theatre. The film tells of a thrilling manhunt in the Texas range land. approval of John’s mother for the i youth to enter motion pictures. I Templeton, former University! I of Southern California football star, and co-producer with Alan I I LeMay of Barrymore's “High i Lonesome,’’ Technicolor produc-! turn due to open Thursday at the j Watts Theatre, had watched John I grow up and develop the looks, and personality, the classic profile, | and tin instinct for drama of his \ famous father. John’s mother, former film star Dolores Costello, did not want her son to become an actor. She remembered too well the heart aches and uncertainty of the pro fession from her own career and that of her late husbanci. The field of medicine or chemistry looked greener to her for young John. But when John decided he wanted to be an actor, instead of doctor or chemist, and added his urgings to those of Templeton, the mother gave in. “High Lonesome" '« Barry more's first starring picture. He is east as a wandering Texas youth who innocently starts the resur gence of a violent fence war. He is accused of murder and a coun try-side manhunt takes place when he tries to hide out in the hills. Special Harvest Sale SPECIAL VALUES at Special LOW PRICES! Lifted helow are only a few of the many speeial values you'll find this week at Me Law horn's, dome in, huv now during our Hardest Sale! EXTRA SPECIAL! //♦>«i’v Solid (hil. STOOL CHAIRS $1.95 200 9x12 LINOLEUM RUGS Your choice of hcaiilifu! colors and paltcrus. $3.85 II liile They Lust! I AIK \ SIMXJAL V VIA K Heavy <c. Velour Living Room Suite $93.50 Ili'oulifiil TABLE LAMPS $1.98 up LINOLEUM 49c IVr Square Yard if hile They Last BED SPREADS $2.95 up McLawhorn Furniture Co. NUiitfc ur North Carolina, Martin County. 1 Notice is hereby given, trial by j virtue of an order passed by the ■ Board of Commissioners of the i Town of Williamston at a special ; meeting held November the 15th, 1950, and by virtue of the Gener al Statutes of North Carolina, sec tion 100-59, the undersigned at torney will on the 15th day of De cember, 1950, in front of the Courthouse door in the Town of Williamstun at J2:00 o'clock noon, | offer for lease for the term of one ! year, beginning January 1, 1951,1 at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed tract of land. All that certain tract of land ly ing and being just South of the David Moore f=rm be-'innin-r oi a point where Martin Street inter sects Gurganus Street anu run mng South 45 decrees West to the canal, thence along the canal to the 'David Moore line or corner, thence along the David Moore line or corner, thence along the David Moore line North 34 de grees 30 minutes East to a point where Martin Street would inter- j sect the David Moore line if the said Martin Street extended in a straight line, thence a straight line to the point of beginning, same be in? the lower end of -the Halber stadt Farm in the Town of Wil- i liamston. This tract of land has on it one tobacco barn. The successful bid der will get all crop allotments These allotments for the year 1950 were as follows: Tobacco 4.4 acres Peanuts 2.9 acres This the 15th day of November, 1950. Board of Commissioners Of The Town of Williamston Chas. H. Manning, Attorney. NTo 21-28 de 5-12 Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE I I I I SALTED peanuts SOVTOCBUr i MimroR J FRUIT With Every Turkey Comes a Wish... "Good eating. good liv ing. good health, good Fresh”' cause tor Thanksgiving tOT the'wish tor you and ThaT comes from your friendly Colonial Stores. Ou, Stores Will »• Op.n All O.y Wed., Nov. 22 Closed All Day Thanksgiving Day Gold l oat// Spired PEACHES 29* Young, Tender, Carolina Fresh Dressed and Drawn " TURKEYS AVERAGE WEIGHTS From 8 to 14 Ll>s. r“w*ar Who,., Str,in.d cranberry SAUCE 2 s 29* ^""n^bread A„D nn£ PICKLES iso,. c 8 WMote spiced peaches f ]/ i “A'D ■»■«* mixed H P'CKIES ,,o. *-AALY CALIF Jinue#. r jI MBO OR iilAOm Olives "?ei Si si; cherrjes -s i7f No. 2 A Can PLUMP, TENDER DRESSED and DRAWN DUCKS - 61c 4 6 LBS. AVG. WT. Ho 2 21C TINT nNvri sHoir CS BEETS Ho 2 25c C A TOT TFNDF.R LIMA BEANS 29c Dlt MONTE MART WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS no 2 49c sVirr-s eras jrsri. SHORTENING 4-u. 97c MlPlIJ.I'.ft'S 111.BOW s-oi. 12c Carolina Fresh Dressed and Drawn I Ocean - Fresh Seafood FRESH SOLID PACK OYSTERS 4 6 Lbs. Avg Wt.-Steam B.for. Baking ISTANDARDS | SELECTS HENS Lb. Armour Star, 4 to 8 lbs. average Smoked Picnics, lb. 43c Lge Speckle TROUT, lb. 49c Medium ROCK. lb. 41c Small ROCK, pound 27c Perch FILLET, pound 39c €' S 3lolloar /pnr« APPLE SAUCE ■141 17-0*. Can DOWN ntAMNT rmuct LMl Sweet Juicy Florida ORANGES TENDER THIN ■ SKINNED 5 ,bs 27c f*iiTn Crisp California^ Iceberg WHIPPING CREAM AVOSET •<>. 43c % FITX-BODIICD GOLD UBKl COFFEE 79 MVIJiOW MI.VIR UBKl COFFEE < “ 75< UMHKT'B CHOCOIATC SYRUP «*-oz 17c ciiiia mod APPLES 259 Ml. MONTE raw COCKTAIL <’ *■ 23c RRDGAVR CUT GREEN BEANS 2 ho 2 25c iJbby'n Midget PEAS * ,A CRISP LETTUCE 2 -27c. . £0- 4 ‘~ JK«UM‘.v V trginia V* inrsau **19 -CP m- -w .■■ _ VU> ■■ m APPLES 5 - 53c Li’sciovs fill o- milk COCONUTS 2 * 29c 19c ONIONS — 3 Fancy Red California Emperor" RED GRAPES 2 Fancy California Green TOP CARROTS 2 — 23c TOP OVALITY YELLOW GLOBE lillS. For a Holiday Juste Deal Fry LUSCIOUS SWEET THRIFTY FRUIT BAR 39* 19-Oz. SIZE ONLY 17-On. Can OLD VIRGINIA STRAWBERRY DIAMOND long BABY INGUM WALNUTS « 37« rRup lurowvL BRAZIL m-m «9< HAfoira. Neva PUTUCBO M. 29« MAMOND LABOR INGUM 379 GminpbelTm Tomato SOUP PRESERVES I 39* REDGATB TENDER EARLY Jt'NE SWEET PEAS 2 ■£ 25* RLDGATE TENDER GOLDEN CREAM CORN 2 ^ 23c EDENPR11T Ll'SlTOUS SHREDDED _ COCONUT a 23* Jim BRAND EASY-TO-PREPARE \ CRUST MIX a 15* ENRICHED EVAPORATED CS MILK 2;*" 23* Can* mm Mr STANDARD RED RIPE TOMATOES 2 S-2 25* Frosty Frozen Foods Colonial Brand Strawberries 12 oz. pkg. 39c Somerdale Baby Green Lima Beans 10 oz. pkg. 19c Scabrook Farms Spears of Broccoli 10 oz. pkg. 29c In Owr Httiry DEPARTMENT PICK OF THE NEST GRADE A LARGE EGGS FRESH SHIPPED Doz. 63c BLIT. BONNET .CARTERS Morgea'no u. 33c SWIFT’S F.ROOK MELD BUTTER Lb 73c BORDEN'S SHARP PIPPIN | CHEESE u 49c SOCTNFRN GOLD SOLIDS Morfarlac ^ 30c i