Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Graham, of Red Springs announce the birth of a daughter, Marian Janet on Nov. 21st, Mrs. Graham, is re membered here as Miss Marian Hurley, a former resident Here From Stantonsburg Rev. and Mrs. B. T. Hurley of Statonsburg were in town for a short time Wednesday, en route to Elizabeth City, to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with their, daughter, and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Morse. Visited In Dunn Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snead visit ed relatives in Dunn over the Thanksgiving holiday Visited In Chapel Hill Mesdames Roger Critcher, John j A. Manning and Hugh York spent ' Wednesday in Chapel Hill and j Durham They were accompanied home by Reginald Manning, « i student at the University. V isited In Koper Thanksgiving Mrs Ella Ballard spent Thanks giving with her children in Roper. Visited Its Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis and daughter, Miss Barbara Mar gojis, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Margolis’ brother, Mr. Hilton Bloom in Norfolk. Visiting in Mt. Pleasant Mrs. Herbert Whitley and sons are visiting relatives in Mt. Pleasant over the holidays. Home for Holidays Rill Bob Peel and Pritchard Lindsley of V. E. S., Lynchburg, Virginia, arrived Wednesday night to spend the holidays with their respective parents. They were met in Durham by Hugh Lindsley. Visited In Charleston, S, C. Mr. and Mrs. Dred Darden and daughter, Ann, spent Thanksgiv ing day with Mrs. Darden's rela tives in Charleston, S. C Moved To New Home Mr. and Mrs, Bill Howell moved into their new home, corner of Vance and Lee Street Wednesday. Visiting In Rocky Mount Mr nd Mrs Kelly, Gay and ; son arc spending the holidays in] Rocks- Mount with relatives. Home From Hospital Little Miss Naneie Allen, dau ghter of Mr and Mrs. Randolph Allen, returned home Wednesday from Watts Hospital in Durham inter recuperating from an opera-1 tion performed there two weeks | ago. flelschiran Color Wheel CoaTle\» #617 Sheercord Vest ^ * #613 iiheercord pleated skirt #633 Wool jersey winged collar Moms After Thanksgiving Specials Im(U<‘h' uiiiI Misses' DRESSES One Rack of Dresses — - - $ 5.00 One Rack of Dresses-$10.00 Extra special value* in new winter hl\le.» for women. Come in now ami take advantage of our after Thank^Ying reduction. HATS % PRICE House of fashion Visited In Richmond Mis. Herman Bowen visited in Richmond Monday. She was ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Etheridge of Plymouth., Visiting Here From Burlington Mrs Harold Blackmore of Bur lington is here visiting her father Mr John D. Lillev, who is quite ill at Martin General hospital. — Visited In Elizabethtown Mrs. Miller Harrell and dau ghter, Jane are spending the week-end in Elizabethtown Here From Robersonville Mrs. Ashley Wynne of Rober sonville visited friends here Tues day. Here From Washington Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Price and son of Washington, D. C. are spending the holidays here with Mr. Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Price and son will leave before Christ mas for Turkey where Mr. Price will be stationed at the American Embassy. Spending Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kimball and daughter are spending the holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bruce Wynne. Visiting In Virginia Mr. and Mrs. John Hatton Gur ganus and children will return Sunday from Cheriton, Virginia, after spending the holidays with Mrs. Gurganus’ mother, Mrs. Er nest Turner. --1> Spending Holidays Here Professor D. N llix and dau ghter, Miss Nancy, of Oxford are spending the holidays here with Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurngaus and family. Spending Holidays Here Mr. Charles Brady, Jr. will re turn Sunday to Nashville, Tenn. after spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. jc. J. Brady. Attended Funeral Here Miss Ann Mizelle, student nurse at Norfolk General Hospital, Nor folk, spent last week-end with her parents and attended the fun ernl of her uncle in Windsor Mon day. Home Prom Chapel Hill Among the students home from .Chapel Hill for the holidays are Landy Griffin, Hugh Horton, Billy Edwards, Rush Bondurant, Ken neth Lindsley, Frank Wynne, A1 Ward, Julian Mason, and John Watts. Spending Holidays Here Guy Carrow, student at State College, will return Sunday after spending the holidays here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. T Can ow. V Urr.tir'.C l.'no fit -J/.tui hip I{< Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Spencer and |children spent Thanksgiving here I with Mr. and Mi s J W Andrews Home For Holidays Mr. and Mrs Maurice S Moore, Jr., are home from Madison, N C., for the- week-end holidays •» — Visited in Kenansville Mr. and Mrs. R E. Peele and children spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Kenansville Visited In Elizabeth City Mr. and Mrs S. II Grimes^ visited in Elizabeth City lor Thanksgiving. Moved Here From Elizabeth City Mr and Mrs. Roland' Jones moved a few days ago from Eliz abeth City to the Carstarphen apartments or} Williams Street. Mr. Jones will be associated with! the Texas Company in the opera- j tion of its new terminal here IIOl'SE-WILLIAMS Greenville In an impressive candlelight ceremony on Novem bet 15 at four o'clock in the home of Mi inti Mis W C Stokes, Mrs. ! I Ludic Williams and Lester House | I of Rohei sonville were united in j marriage. The Kljei W. K. Qrlines, I pastor ol Flat Sw amp Church, of jficiatcd. The vows were spi kon before an improvised altar of seven' branch candelabra, white snapdragons land plumose fern. The wedding music was furnished by M'rs W. C 1 Stokes, niece of tin- bride. The couple entered togethci and spoke the vows unattended. For the ceremony the bride chose a teal blue crepe dress using grey accessories and wore an orrr j chid corsage. W. C. Stokes and Linwood M Thomas served as ushers ] A reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • Stokes followed the ceremony. A green and white col- j Ol mold was psjS-d in the dining j I room. The table was centered with snapdragons and flanked by three branched candelabra’ with white tapers. Mrs. Ella Pate, Mis; Rebecca Pate, Mrs. Sliep Roebuck, ol Wil liamston, and Mis. J. 11 Thigpen of Ahoskie, served the bridal re freshments which consisted of bridal cakes, mints, nuts and lime ice bellowing the reception, Mi and Mrs. Z. V. Whitehurst 00401 | tamed at a dinner fin the bridal | party and guests at their home in 4 • i . Mr. and Mrs House ate at home in Leons, Badly Hurt In Accident Madly hurt in an automobile accident near Wake Forest last April, Mrs. Frances Lilley under went an operation in Raleigh Wednesday morning The limb was badly crushed in the April accident and doctors found it necessary to operate and remove part of the bone. — ?■ — Filtered Hospital Tuesday Mrs. Robert B. Brown, Sr., on tered Brown's Hospital Tuesday evening for treatment. — 1 Visits Mother Mr. R B. Blown, Ji of Have lock visited his inothei here this week. There are approximately 125 forest fire lookout towers in North Carolina. • n 411 DEC. '30 - CHRISTMAS CARDS MAILING LAItKLS And A Widr Selection Of Gills For All The Family. WULIAMSTON OFFICE SUPPLY CO. \ Irish Tenor To Sing In 'f arboro .VnWBiprf'f -. Holders of Memberships in the Martin County Community Con | ccrt Association series are cordial I ly invited to attend a concert giv en by the Community Concert Association of Edgecombe and Tarboro Friday evening. The Irish Tenor Fdwood Gary, will be the guest artist. The concert will be held in the high school auditorium in Tarboro, November 24 at li o’clock. There will he plenty of seating space -o Shonarhey Lodge Mooting l or Friday, ISovemher 21 A special communication, bor dering close to an emergency meeting, of the Skewarkey Lodge will be held Friday evening. No 1 vember 24, at 7:30 o’clock, it was announced by Paul Bailey, Master, and Secretary Lawrence G. Linds ley. There’ll be work in the first de gree, and all Masons are asked to attend. — .. f. — Here from New Hern Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sprague ofi New Bern visited here this week. Chinese Reds Act In Own Interests — * .. ~ Tucson, Ariz. Admiral Chester jN Nirnitz says the Chinese Reds have used tiie Korean war as an excuse to move troops into Man churia for protection from Russia, The admiral estimated Mao Tze tunjj, China’s Red leader, has be tween 300,000 and 500,000 troops now in Manchuria. He said hr' is convinced the troops are there to protect Manchuria from the Rus sians and to secure China's share of Yalu River hydro electric pow er. "Manchuria," he said is an in terview last night, "is as important to China as the Ruhr is to F.utopo It is the one place in Asia where there is a combination of coal and iron ore for steel making. "Mao knows that it the lot of the Chinese people is to be un proved, Manchuria’s production is indispensable. The Russians would like to see a good portion of that production flowing toward the So viet Union." Nimitz, now a public relations adviser to the United Nations, stoppped oft here to visit friends ORASS FIRR Williamston firemen i'i-te'iVt-tt their third call in two days Fri day afternoon at 12 45 o’clock. The third call was to a grass fire on Sycamore Street, Here from Charlotte Mr and Mrs Rrnmctt Whitley and children of Charlotte visited relatives here this week. Soon after swallowing what ha thought was an aspirin tablet, a man learned to his panicky dis may that the pellet was of the type his wif‘ “fed” her petunia plants Seeking immediate aid and advice .the man, who really had a headache bv then, was calmed by an agricultunA expert who ex plained that lie had merely taken the equivalent of 111 bushels of horse manure and had nothing to worry about. Eye Gltisses Itrokeri? We maintain a complete optical service. I.ens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele's — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 Margolis Brothers MAKE THIS A Practical Xmas (31 YEARS Our 31st Anniversary Sale Affords You Great Savings. On Ready-to-wear For All The Family Let Us Helf> You With Your Shopping List Murgolis Brothers