News As Reported In The Enterprise j Forty Years Ago NOVEMBER 25. 1910 i Mr. and Mrs. James Grist Sta ton entertained at dinner on Sun- I day in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kn- j der Biggs Crawford and their young sons, Kader B., and Asa ' Henry, who were christened on that day by Rev. Mr. Gordon at I the Church of the Advent. The sponsers were Mr. and Mrs Sta ton, Mrs. W H. Crawford and j Mr. F. W. Hoyt. The young child ren were presented by their par ents. The guests sat down to a bountiful feast served in true Southern style and for an hour and a half enjoyed the excellent dishes puepared for them. Mr. and Mrs. Staton are ever cordial to their friends and dispense hos pitality lavishly. Those who were present were: the host and hos ess, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Crawford, Mrs. C. W. Kellinger. Miss Anna Crawford, Mrs. M C. Crawford, Mr. F. W. Hoyt and Mr. and Mrs A. B. Dunning. The town of Williamston should be in such a financial condition that it could provide a better pump at the well. If the water TOP PRICES For ) onr SOYBEANS And CORN Robersonvillc Shelling Co. is not very palatable there should at least be an easy way to pro cure same. Mr. and Mrs. E. S Maxell, who have been living in Dardens for the past year, are in town at the Roanoke Hotel. Blount Bros, for whom Mr Mi/el! managed a mer chantile business, have solti out. Mr. Emmett Edwards, and fam ily. are occupying the Latham house now having removed from the Morton place where they have been for several years. Miss Mat- Bennett, the popular |j telephone operator, is spending a; month in Welch, W. Va„ with her! brother, Joseph Bennett, who ; came here to accompany her to his home. While away her posi tion will be tilled by Miss Essie Peel A D. Mizell went to Roberson- , ville Wednesday to attend the! wedding cf his brother, Ml'. Joe Mizell to Miss Maude Peele. Harry A. Biggs attended the fifteenth anniversary of the wed ding of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Thrash in Tarboro this week. J Dillon Simpson, bookkeeper for the Dixie Warehouse this sea son has accepted a position in ( Richmond. Ky. Clayton Moore has returned ‘ a business trip to Rocky Mount and other points in Nash County, j Mrs. John Davis and children, I |of Jamesville, have been here’ i 1 his week with Mrs. J L. Ewell. .1 E Barnhill, J A. Whitley, land J. K Gurganus, of Everetts ’were in town Tuesday. Miss Lela Brown has been in \ Greenville this week to attend j the funeral ol her niece. S. F. Williams. Jr. has gone to Philadelphia to remain until \ ; Christmas. Miss Georgia Ward, and sister. Jamesville, spent a few days this week in Ihe home of Mr. j Goodman Hamilton erf Darden Mrs. Preston Swinson and ehild jren, of Darden, are visiting her I parents Mr and Mrs. S. MeCas I key near Williamston. Misses Annie Glasgow and Del la Topping, of Jamesville, spent Friday with Mrs J. A Getsinger in Darden. Miss Kale Darden, of Darden, is visiting her sister, Mrs E. R. Smith in Plymouth Miss Delha Lanier has given up her music class in Hafnilton and has returned home. The distinct social event of the —FOR SALE ' 9-KOOll IIOlTSK with 2 BATHS Also FILMING STATION AM) GARAGK oil1 Highway 61 al Kv<*rrll». Kilim ami J. B. Barnhill, Jr. Ford passenger cars for 1931 offer refinements in appearance as well as in mechanical oper ation, featured by Fordomatic drive automatic transmission. Above is pictured the 1951 Ford Custom Tudor Sedan. "TarzanAndThe Mermaids" Here -<$> Tarzan, Edgar Rice Burroughs’ ape-man character, plunges into tense drama in Sol Lesser's cur rent production, “Tarzan and Ihe Mermaids,” which RKO Radio re leases Combining adventure with romance, the hero of African ad venture is involved with an am phibious costal tribe. Johnny Weissmuller and Brenda Joyce portray the stellar roles, and Lin da Christian is featured. Tarzan, on a fishing trip, is as tonished when he snares a "mer maid” in his net. She is a native girl fleeing from a berothal to a living tribal god. The men of the tribe reclaim her after a battle Tarzan and Jane follow in a plan to rescue her and they discover that a brutal white man is mas querading as the god and is rul ing the natives through fear and su persition How the unconquerable hero manages to save the girl and to week was the entertainment of The Afternoon Book Club by Mrs. James G. Staton at her residence on West Main Street. The busi ness session of the Club was pre sided over by Mrs. S. A Newell, President. The hostess with that fine sense of appropriatness of thing, had arranged for the pleas ure of the guests a "Turkey" con test. The dining room had been arranged with simple but beauti ful effect, the polished table with exquisite doilies and silver, car nations and cut glass presenting la most attractive picture Those j present were: Mrs. S. A Newell, Mrs. T. J. Smith, Mrs. F. U. Barnes, Mrs. A. R. Dunning, Mrs l A. S. Coffield, Mrs. J 11 Saund jers, Miss Annie Mi/.ell, the Miss ies Barnes of Murfreesboro and 1 Katie Ausbon, of Plymouth. Modern TAKE HOME BAMBY BREAD "You see all when you go through the modern Bamby bakery. You find out that the secret of this better bredd is simple: finest in gredients, plus the skill of master bakers." ' Praise like this is well earned by Bamby bakers, who turn out uniformly ex cellent bread for your en joyment every day. Smallest Cotton Crop Since 1871 Based upon information as of i November 1, the Tar Heel cotton j crop is forecast at 170,000 bales. | If materialized, such a production ] would be 04 percent below that of I 11149, 71 percent below the ten- \ year (1939-48) average, as well as j the smallest crop produced in this1 State since 1871. The average j yield per acre is placed at 147 pounds of lint This is 112 pounds below 1he 1949 per hi ri yield of 259 pound.!, 220 pounds less than the ten-year average, and the overthrow the "god" in order to bring peace to the people and hap piness to the "mermaid" made many thrilling situations in the plot lowest since 1889. According to Census Bureau re ports 127,000 bales were ginned to November 1 this year, com pared with 322,7.r>7 bales ginned to this same date last yeai. Tin' 10 hoys and girls who sold pullets in the first annual Rowan County 4 11 Club poultry chain sale received an average price of 82.5(1 each for their birds. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS | DRAIN AGE (T EARING AM) EXCAVATION MARTIN COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. ONE. MARTIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sealed bids will be received un-1 til 10 a. m Eastern Standard Time! December 7, 1950, for furnishing! all labor, equipment and materials for performing all work for clear ing rights of way and excavating and cleaning out drainage canals in Bear Grass, Turkey Cock, Bee | Tree Swamps and laterals thereto which are located principally in Bear Grass Township. Martin County, North Carolina and with in the boundaries of Martin Coun tv Drainage District No, One, The Bids are to be opened in the office of Wheeler Martin and Clarence W, (jjriffin. Attorneys at Law, Wil liamston, N. C. The work contemplated will in clude construction of approxi mately 15 1/2 miles of canals and will consist of excavating approxi mately 257,204 cubic yards and clearing of 112 3 acres of land This work is to bo performed in accordance with the specifications j and plans which are on file in the office of the Clerk of Superior J Court of Martin County, the office of Thomas W Rivers, Civil Kmji neor in Greenville, N. C., and the offices of the Associated General Contractors in Raleigh, N. C„ and j Charlotte, N. C. The work described in the plans 1 ■ and specifications must be com pleted within one year from the j date the contractor is notified to j nroceed with the performance of the contract. A performance bond equal to 100'. of the contract price, condi i tinned upon the faithful perform ance of the contract in favor of the Board of Drainage Commis sioners of Martin County Drain age District No. One will be re quired. i Each bid for the said work snail be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified (heck in an amount equal to not less than 5' J of the amount of the bid submit ted, said check to be payable to Martin County Drainage District No One. The check shall be for the purpose of guaranteeing that a contract will be entered into with the said Drainage District for the performance of said work within fifteen (1_5 > days after the_award_ to the bidder and the required bond executed This notice to contractors is giv en by order of the Board of Com missioners of Martin County Drainage District No. One. This the 21st day of November, 1950. Sidney Reacham, Chairman Board of Commissioners Engineers: Henry L. & Thomas W Rivers, Greenville, N. C. Attorneys: Clarence W. Griffin, Williamston, N. C., & F M Woot en, Jr., Greenville, N. C. no 23-28-30 dec 5 srrpoKT vnru omcK siim.v stokk \ COMIVITNITY ASSI.T f Williamston Office Supply Co. SCHENlEY DISTRIBU TORS. INC.. IOUIS V111 (, KENTUCKY (SI ENDED WHISKFY GRAIN NEUTRAl SPIRITS 86 PROOF $?!(> $240 mPI Fl 1'Ji THE 51 FORD STEPS AHEAD ...FOR THE YEARS AHEAD! WITH 43 NEW "LOOK AHEAD'FEATURES Sm It Today at. vour Ford IValor's—the ’51 Ford! It’s the newest Ford! It’s the finest Ford! And it gives you 4,4 new "Look Ahead ieatures — engineered and built into the car not just tor this year and next, hut for the years ahead! “Test Drive’ the 51 Ford! You'll like the quiet “jet-away’ performance of either the IO()-h.p. Ford V A or the 95 h.p. Six . . . the ease of sure Centramatn Steering . . . and the extra satety ot new, Double-Seal King-Size Brakes. And Uie >1 Ford oilers three advanced transmissions the Conventional Drive the Overdrive,* and Fordo matin Drive.* the newest, finest and most \ flexible ol all automatic transmissions. •< h>(onuu at 'lira NEW AUTOMATIC RIDE CONTROL . a new and unique springing system which automatically ad|usts spring reaction to road con ditions. Advanced "Hydra-Coil" Front Springs and new Variable Rate Rear Spring Suspension team with new "Viscous Control" Shock Absorbers to give you an ride o level ride. Stroboscopic illustration above indicates how Car stays level when going is roughest. H«« arc ■ f.w •( itw 43 MW "Laoli A hand" fMtwat hi th* ’51 FORD N«w "Safety Glow" Control Panel The new de sign place* all controls literally at the driver's linger tips. Sew "Chnnalited" Instrument (’luster is easily visible at night without being distracting. New "Glow-Cup” Controls are individually alumina tod # . a Ford exclusive! N*w "luxury Lounge" Interior . .. with new long-wearing Furd r ait upholstery fabrics, new harmonizing appointments, smart new colors, new ‘‘Colorbknil" Carpeting the '51 Ford’s new “luxury Lounge” Interiors are '‘decorator designed” for the years ahead. Interior colors and new Fnrderaft Fabrics are *'Culor-Koiud” to outside body cok nd New Automatic Pocture Control . , . moves front seat forward automatieally at release of lever, raises it for shorter drivers, l’ush seat iiaek, it lowers automati cally for taller drivers. Automatic Mlltcgt M«ktr . . saves gas automatically. Now Waterproof Ignition System, in cluding snug synthetic rubber spark plug boots, prevents engine being aborted out by moisture. you ton fiif more, but Qou ton'f but/ better1 Williamston Motor Co.—Williamston, N. C.