Joe E. Brown Collects on Mouth When Joe E Brown was a youngster back in his native Hol patc. Ohio, the neighbors all thought what a pity it was that the fourth child of Mathias and Ann Evans Brown should be cur sed with such enormous mouth But Joe capitalized on this very feature and in time it zoomed him up to the top ranks of the nation's comedians. He may be seen start ing Thrusday at the Marco Thea \ih: Washington Street —:— Telephone 2552 All ('.lollies Insured Against Fire ami Theft IT'S A MATTS R OP belter wuqhi distribution You can haul more payload than ever in a Dodg< “Job-Rated" truck, because the load is better dis tributed. Most trucks carry too much of the load on the rear axle—too little on the front. Because the engine of a Dodge “Job-Rated" truck is moved forward and the front axle back, both axles carry the-right proportion of the load That means you can haul bigger payloads without overloading. NOT THIS The payload on most truck* — like the girl in this boat — rides too far to the rear. Result: there’s too much weight aft, not enough forward. £ ,brb*crf POWER: . . . • great truck en gines-each “Job-Rated" for PLUS power. ECONOMY: . . . priced with the lowest. “Job-Rated" for de pendability and long life. RIGGER PAYLOADS: . . . carry more without overloading avles or springs because of "Job Rated weight distribution. EASIER HANDLING: .. . sharp er tu.Hing: Parks in tight places. "Job-Rated ' maneuverability! COMFORT: . . . widest seats . . . windshield with best vision of any popular truck. Air-cushioned, adjustable "chair-height" seats. SAFETY: . . . finest truck brakes in the industry . hancP brake operating independently on pnv pcller shall on all models—'/a-ton and up. « -s' BUT THIS In “Job-nested'' truck*, the load la moved forward —as the girl is now positioned Results: proper weight distribution-—biere' payloads—easier handling. • NEW! gyrol FLUID DRIVE! Available on V4-, */*- and 1-ton moddta ... For longer truck life, lower upkeep costa. Ask us for interesting Fluid Drive booklet. , J . /