! Take Orders For ; Pine Seedlings '» ' • M. H. Leggett, Martin County (* Forest Warden, urges everyone x who expects to plant pine seed lings this winter to get their or 5 ders into the Raleigh office, j. Leggett says it is very proba ble that the State Forestry Nurse ry may again run out of these seedlings very soon. All orders placed early most likely will be filled . All pine seedlings will be ready for delivery sometime after De cember 1st, Red cedars will be ready after January 1st The cost of the pine seedlings is $3.00 per thousand; red cedars $3.50 per thousand. One thousand seedlings will plant approximately one acre. Also available in lots of 500 or above are black walnut and black locust For further information con tact your county forest warden, agriculture teacher or county agent. TOP PRICES For Your SOYBEANS A tul CORN Robersonville Shelling Co. Stationery Gilts lour sin win ot‘ (loutn.v appre ciated if it’s stationery from oar wide selection of fine pap ers. White, colors and prints. All prices. PERSONALIZED ItooKJiUiUUij (jay covers, attiactively boxed 5(1 HOOKS SI. 50 PERSONALIZED PAPER NAPKINS The perfect gift for your favor ite hostess Package of 100. S1.75 PARKER and SIIAEEEEK PEN-PENCIL SETS Free flowing pens and automa tic lead pencil. from $5.00 HANDSOME DESK SETS Complete with base and pen. from $2.50 GIVE A DESK CALENDAR to the business man o. woman Memo pad combined. $1.20 up Fleuorescent DESK LAMPS Flexible stem. The ideal gift for father. #8.95 up Williamsion Mice Supply Co. A backward glance into the Roaring Twenties, complete with beaded skirts above the knees and Minnie Mouse shoes, adds hilarity to the famous Barter Theatre's production of "The Show-Off" by George Kells-. The two flappers pictured above, Misses Patricia O’Connell and Joyce Savage, will be seen lore when the nostalgic comedy is presented at Williamston >n November 119 under the auspices of Williamston Javcees. Circular Issued On Income Tax The State College Extension Service announces publication of Farmer’s 1950 Income Tax," a 14-page booklet designed to help farmers with their 1950 income lax problems. Copies are avail able on request. The circular .approved by the U. S. Bureau of Internal Revenue, was prepared by extension farm management Specialists W L. Turner of North Carolina, E. D. Chastain, Jr., of Virginia, and Luke M Schruben and E. P. Cal lahan of the U S Department of Agriculture. Among the subjects covered are forms needed, who must file a return, figuring depreciation, re porting sale's of livestock, hand ling croppers’ shares, and report ing agricultural program pay ments Eight pages are devoted to illustrations showing forms filled out correctly. Persons desiring single copies if the publication should address requests to Extension Farm Man agement Department, N. C. State College, Raleigh, and ask for Ex tension Circular No. 358, "Far mer's 1950 Income Tax.” Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP Cancer Clinic In Elizabeth City The Northeastern Carolina Can cer Detection Clinic will be held Friday, December 1, in the Eliza beth City Health Center. Regis tration will be from 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Examinations are free to all wo men thirty-five or over, all men forty or over, and to anyone with a symptom or a "danger signal," regardless of age. The clinic is now held every other Friday, and frequently there are more applicants for ex amination than can be accommo dated Therefore in order that those who live at a distance may be sure of an examination, priori ties u II be sent, on request, to all who live twenty miles or more from Elizabeth City. Address re quest to: Cancer Center Clerk, Health Center, Cedar Street, A Three Days' Cough IsYour Danger Signal Creomultion relieve!promptly because it foes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION rtiiavM Caagks, Chsrt Celts, Asets IraacMtls presents"' INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA THE STATE FLOWER —The Dogwood Legend s;i\s that during Christ's time, the Dogwood was so tall and strong, it was chosen to furnish the timber At which the (toss was made. This distressed the tree and Jesus said to it. Because of your sympathy for My suffering I promise you this. Never again will you attain such size that you can be used as it cross. Also your hltWoms shall be in the form of a cross with two short and two long petals, and at the outer edge of each of your petals, in the center, shall be the piint of tlie nail and in the center of your flower, which shall appear stained with blood and brown with rust there shall be a crown of thorns," Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Member of f ederal Deposit insurance Corphrilflon Elizabeth City, and indicate twi dates on which examination cat be taken. TUBERCULOSIS COST -1 Tuberculosis, a preventable di sease, is costing this country $350 000,000 a year, according to I)r. David T. Smith NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, Martin County. ; Having this day aualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of Willie Purvis, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned or her attorney within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment This the 20th dav of October, 1950 Laura Mae Purvis, Administra trix of the estate of Willie Purvis. Robert H. Cowen, Attorney at Law, Williamston. N C. oc 31 no 7-14-21-28 de 5 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Martin County. In The Superior Court Before the Clerk In the matter of W. J. Holliday, Graee Holliday, Martha J. Sexton, individually, and Martha J. Sex ton, Administratrix of the estate of Lula J. Mizelle and of the es tate of Roxy Smithwick. Vera! Warrington, Isolene Warrington j and husband, Etheridge Warring-1 ton. Bertie Conklin. Grace Barber I -.and husband, Paul Barber, EsS? Martin, Lucille Martin, Joseph Martin, Edward Lee Martin, Billy Martin, Albert Martin. Tom Mar tin, Mrs. Celeste Klissett and hus band, Hubert Blissett, Bernice Parker and husband. John Park er, Theresa Davis Dyer and hus band, It. J. Dyer, ex parte. I Under and by virtue of an order ol sale made by L. B. Wynne, Clerk of Superior Court of Martin : County, on the 9th day of Novem ber, 1950, the undersigned Com I missioner, appointed in said order, will, on Monday, the 11th dav of December, 1950. at 12 o’clock noon | in front of the courthouse door in I the Town of Williamston, N. C., | offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: First: Situate in the Town of Jamesville, Martin County, and i being lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. and ! 7 in Block B in the Kemp Land division, on the East side of St. Andrews Street and hounded as follows, as shown in plat of re cord in Land Division Book in the Public Registry of Martin County, bounded on the North by Jackson Street and on the East by Maple Branch, and on the South by line of lot No. 8 in said map or plat, and along line of same to Maple Street, thence back along said Maple Street to point of begin ning. This deed of conveyance is made to convey one-half undi vided interest in said lots, the part formerly owned by J. D. Lil ley and conveyed to Bank of Jamesville, C. A. Askew now own-' ing the other one-half interest. Second: Situate in Jamesville | Township, adjoining the lands of \ Sylvester Gray, Tom Lilley land i and the lands of the late S. L.' | Wallace, containin'* J2acres, more ! or less, and being that formerly belonged to Hettie Gray and being the same land that !has been in possession of Sylvester Gray and John Gray for the past 1 several years add being the land this day deeded to the said Sylves ter Gray bv llie Hank of James ville. ' Third: Bounded on the West ; by St. Andrews Street, on the East by lands of E. H. Ange %nd W W I Waters, on North by Maple Street, | on the South by Roberson Street and lands of Ransom Roberson to , beginning, on St. Andrews Street, containing 2 acres, more or less, and better known as the Kemp ! Land. 1 Fourth: Beginning at a post, a corner of Grover W. Hardison and Dolly Hardison lots, thence a West course along a fence, Dolly Hardi son's line 105 feet to a post, a cor ner of Dolly Hardison lot. thence South a straight line 105 feet to n street, thence East course along said Street 105 feet, thence a North course u straight line 105' feet to the beginning, containing! 1/4 acre, more or less, and being I a part of the same land willed to j Grover W. Hardison by Gray Rob- ; erson, less that part of same sold | to Minnie Hardison by dr i of re- j cord in Book K-4, page 584. Fifth: A tract of land in the | T"wn of Jamesville, N C'.. adjoin ing the Williamston and Plymouth Highway and colored Methodist Church lot on the North. Mrs F. S. Dawes on the East. Hardison Street on the West, being L. W Mizelle and schorl house lots. Sixth: That certain wood store, house and lot situate in the Town of Jamesville, on the South side of Waters Street, and bounded on ... the Nortjil^e i by J. G. Long, ana on the West by jj. L. Davenport, and being the | same lot conveyed to C. A. Harri j son and G. H. Harrison by W. W i Waters, Trustee, in deed of record j in Rook F-3, page 407 of the Mar gin County Public Registry. The terms of this sale are cash I upon confirmation of the sale by the < ^S^sSBhtSuiMTioi Court, uml I ufe*^JINjfe‘Wa,"mc?gtei sfSff. pale will be required to matte a cash deposit of 10% of the bid, pending confirmation of the sale. This the ! th dav of November 1950. > E. S. reel, Commissioner Peel &’ Peel. Attys. Williamston, N. C. no 14-21-2S de 5 Are You Leaving A Home Or A Mortgage? Ask About Our Mortgage Cancellation Plan! J. PAUL SIMPSON General Agent SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO. Dial 2171 .— WillianiKlon FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE with 2 BATHS Also filling Station and garage on Highway 61 at Everetts*. Edna and J. R. Barnhill. Jr. WHEN COLDS START... heres an ANTI-HISTAMINE THAT YOU CAN TRUST I A-H ANTI HISTAMINE TABLETS Cold's distresses are stopped in many cases the first day. ytMWMWUWWMMMMWMMMMMMWWMWMWMAMAAMWWI^ Announcing the Opening Of DAILY HOG MARKET HAMILTON, N. C. — Highway 125 (On Property Formerly a Part of Sherrod Farm ) PAYING TOP PRICES FOR ALL WEIGHTS AND GRADES OF HOGS DAILY For Prompt, Courteous Service and a Square Oral at All Times, Soil Your Hogs with the Hamilton Market. Hamilton Livestock Market Daily Hog Buying Station Phone Hamilton 581 J. E. Hill. Mur. SPRIT AND MIGHTY POWER PUNT nitaoproudpodigno Hf.rf you behold the up-to-the minute version of a high compression engine that has taught a whole industry something about fuel efficiency. Fact is. Ruick pioneered the deep breathing valve-in-head engine 47 years ago—and thus blazed a trail that aircraft engines—and more recently automobile engines-have followed. Rut don’t let that ancient lineage fool you. Today’s Ruick engine is not simply a valve-in-head. It’s a Fireball— which means that it uses fuel saving, power-peaking principles that are found in no other motorcar on America’s highways. Mister, that’s what we’d like to show you. Come settle yourself at the grace ful Biiick wheel, (iently press the • handy gas treadle—and feel this spry and mighty motor come to life. Then head for the open road, and discover what a whale of a lot of fun it can he to have Fireballs under your hood. Better come in soon, and get acquainted with the engine — and the automobile—that have won more than 200,000 owners of other cars to I960 Buicks. » usntng in?o The cylinder, the fuel charge strikes th*» Turbo-Too piston — swirls into a tiny cyclone of ter rific turbulence that gives a mighty power push to the innited fuel No other motorcar engine can match these features TURBO-TOP piston heads roll the incoming charge ol luel into a whirling ' Fireball" MICROPOISC BALANCING alter assembly keeps huick engines within ol an "ounce inch" ol perfect balance HI-POISED MOUNTINGS cradle the engine lor smoother action CYLINDER BLOCKS are super-precision bored and double-honed for perfect dimensioning FLEX-PIT RINGS snug up against cylinder walls, In crease oil economy DUREX BEARINGS provide unsurpassed bearing life FLITEWEIGHT PISTONS combine lightness with hard ness and strength CYLINDtRS individually cooled lo prevent distortion Ihis is all very well,” you say, ‘‘but what does it do for me?” Tun# in HfNIV). TAYIOI, AIC N.hrvrt, tytry Mttdoy •vcnlng. what*vim roam Mice mamoi BetterBuyBuiek' YOUR KEY TO GREATER VALUE 0 <> Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. of Williamston, Inc. Highway 17 Phone 2147 Williatnslon, N, C. WHIN IITTH AUTOMOIIIIS Alt IUIIT lUtCK Will IUI10 THIM ~ i. - ■ .1 ===== 0

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