IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME AT BelkiTyler USE OUH LAY AWAY PLAN! USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN! \^ain tin* Ynletnle Season ic upon n» mill Belk-Tyler'n is really for I lie thrones tomorrow. Yen . . . yon will fiml every department overflow ini; with appropriate ami praetieal $iifts for every member of the family! SANTA CLAUS IS COMING! pin" at BKLK-TYLER'S - - SANTA CLAUS will lie here Wednesduv at 1:00 o'eloek. Don't nrisg Santa Clans . YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING GKNTKR IN WILLIAMSTON. Don't miss Shop START YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING T0M0RR0W-AT 9 O'CLOCK (.n r ji w i:i in Just tin1 thing to brighten her wardrobe. A large assortment of ear rings, bracelets, etc. si.oo to GIFT BAGS \ !;r;in'l a‘-s»rlmrnt in IcuIIutn, r ■ Ui ill's, cti .iTTiWlol' [ : ilil.i ii'iu s(% li-s 4ii(i -v\ $1.98 - $2.98 <;IFT SMI’S <;ift m\!\i>kkr<:hii:fs Kavon crepes in solid white with a wide lace trim at the neck and hemline. All siz es. I..ulirs (.in hand kerchiefs. Plain, fancy nr initial - pZ.9o iumkoom sijitkks Zbc to $1.98 <;iri iiosikky Top Quality Hose All sizes and assort ed shades. 51 calls*’ —15 denier. $1.001 $1.98 Satins, felts, quilted taffetas, and leathers in a variety of colors, styles and sizes. 98c to $3.95 WITS for CIIII.DRKN We have a large assortment of gifts for children. Make \ Belk-Tyler’s their Santa » Satis. Shop dm the V».t.Vuo> for these outstanding gifts 3 f far children. GIFT LUGGAGE Men's GIFT GLOVES Strong construction, but light in weight. A variety of colors and finishes. The prices do not include Fed eral or State taxes, (ien uiue leather. Several dif ferent sizes. Genuine leather gloves for men. All sizes. Assorted shades. Fur lined, cotton lined, and unlined. llse our convenient lay-away plan. 1-4 down will reserve your purchase until you are ready fi»r it. $3.98 YlIvVS (jit iiosi:, All the very lat est styles and de signs. All si/es. Rayons and oot tons, etc. All col ors. Men's Dept. 25c to 48c MEN’S <;I1T BEDROOM S 1IO KS Many styles to choose from. I.eathers, felts, and sheep lined. Shoe Dept. $1.59 to $4.98 t GIFT BILLFOLDS for LADIES ami MEN Assorted colors anil styles. With or without zipper pocket. 98c to $5.58 MKN’S (;ilT suspkndkks MEN'S (ilFT [)rrss Shirts Solid colors or white in all sizes. ! Several c oj I a r i styles to choose 1 from. Sanforiz - ert and fast col ors. Has a new j non-wilt collar. i 4 | dale. $2.98 V. / Su • lenders for men. Stripes mid solid colors. Simp a id button styles. Made hy IlicUock and (it'll) Dandy. $1.00 io $1.48 i Belk — Tyler’s Toy land Sewing Kits (complete with sewing machine) AIR RIFLES BABY CARRIAGES WAGONS (Small and Large) ROCKING CHAIRS TRICYCLES BASKETBALLS FOOTBALLS RIFLES batons TRAINS HOLSTER SETS SHOO FLY GIFT PARADISE «^|:i PICTURES FRUIT RASKETS COOKIE JARS KITCHEN WALL PLAQUES CAKE COVERS PUNCH BOWLS NIXING ROWLS WATER SETS *