Receiving Treatment Mrs. H. C' Beniamin continues in Browns Hospital for treatment. Heft Monday For Kentucky Mr. Joel Muse left Monriav for Paris. Kentucky. Anttended Game in Chapel Hill Mr .and Airs Charles Hamilton attended the Duke-Cr.’olin: toot ball game in Chapel Hill Satur day. NEED GLASSES? Raleigh. N. C Left Sunday For Nasville Tenn. Mrs. C J Brady left Sunday morning fo; Nashville Tennessee to spend a week with her son, Charles Brady, Ji. Spent Holidays In Bessermer City Mr. and Mrs E. R Front-Merger returned Sunday after spending the holidays with relatives in Bcs sermer City __ s Ketuned To St. Mary's Miss Elizabeth City returned to St Mary's School. Raleigh. Sun day after spending the holidays here with her parents. Receiving Treatment Mr John D Lillev, Sr., is re ceiving treatment in Brown s Community Hospital. Visited In Kiclilands Mrs C. H Harrison and Miss Nancy Koonce spent Thanksgiv ing in Richlands with relatives. Visited In Danville Mrs. W R. Ingram visited rel atives in Danville. Virginia over Thanksgiving. She was accompan ied by her daughter. Mrs. Clyde Hardison, of Plymouth. Attended Football Game Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coburn at- ' tended the Duke-Carolina foot ball game ; 1 Chapel Hill Saturday, j They were accompanied to Chapel Hill by John Watts, who returned i to his studies at Carolina after spending the holidays here. Here From Richmond Mi and Mrs Joe Davenport and : i daughter. Jean, of Richmond, for- 1 mei local residents, spent the week-end hen with friends Visiting In K.ileigli Today Mesdames H. O. Peel. Paul Jones. Frank Ma'golis and Irving1 Margolis an visiting in Raleigh, 1 today. Giiis for AH The Family in ihe Nargolis Brothers Manner As Shown in All The Fashion Magazines whether it is a Hankerchief Suit, Coat or Dress it's GIFT WRAPPED - - Shop with Ease and Comfort tor That QUALITY GIFT A T fkatyo&isBtoikets \\ illiiimMon. MISS allie Harden weds dr. McGowan —■*>— In a ceremony of beauty and dignity, the marriage of Miss Al lie Harden and Dr. Claudius Mc Gowan was solemnized on Thurs day afternoon at 5:30 o'c.ock in the Methodist Church in Ply mouth. N. C. The Rev. Dwight 1. Fouls was the officiating min ister. The church was decorated with ferns, standards of large white chrysanthemums and tiers of ca thedral candles giving the stately beauty which prevailed through out the service A program of nuptial music was rendered by Mr J. Sheppard Brinkley as or ganist. His selections included, "I Love Thee” by Grieg - “On Wings of Song ’, by Mendelssohn , "Ave Maria" by Shubert and "Lie best raum" by List/. The traditional wedding march es were used. Mrs. Ralph P. Har dee of Ayden as soloist, gowned in heavenly blue crepe and head dress of nylon Tulle and net with shoulder corsage of pink roses, *ang ''Until” by Sanderson, and ■■Because" by De Hardelot. Acting as ushers were Mr. Eric Metzenthin. of Charlotte, son-in- ; law of the groom. Dr. Ernest W I Ferguson and Mr Ervin Beam of Plymouth and Dr. John Cotton Tayloe of Washington. N. C. The bride's attendants were Mi. Charles E. Blair of Green villi', N. C., and Mr*. Eric Met zenthin. daughter of the groom. They wore formal dinner dress of American Beauty and sunset blue crepe respectively with matching, head dress and gloves and carried i cascade bouquets of bronze chry santhemums tied with matching ribbon. Miss Harden chose as her | maid of honor, her sister, Mrs. | Charles Thomas Gorkin of Ply- j mouth. She wore Acqua Crepe, dinner dn ss with matching head- , ^Ircss and gloves, and carried a cascade bouquet of yellow ehry-j said helium is tied with matching ribbon. The bride entered with her brother. William Hoy Harden who gave her in marriage and was met at the altar by the groom who was accompanied by Dr. Thomas Latham Bray of Ply mouth as best man The bride’s wedding gown was exquisite with its fitted bodice ot ivory satin and appliqui d pan els of venise lace that extended to bottom of the skirt. Her very full skirt of skinner satin ended in a wide circular semi-train. Her finger lip veil of bridal illusion | fell from a tiara of seed pearls ■and rhine stones. She carried a bowel bouquet of garza mums centered with two white orchids with ruby throats. For the wedding the groom’s mother and the bride' mother were becomingly dressed in black crepe and wore corsages of white roses. I Mis McGowan is the attractive and popular daughter of Mr and Mrs. E W Harden of near Ply mouth. She received her cduca [tion at Jamcsvillc High School and Campbell College and has held responsible positions with y, V. Norman, Atty At Law, in pij mouth. B C-. Robersbo 1 mil Co., and Guaranty Bank unu Tins'. Co., of Robersonville and i foi tile past few years has been connected with the Guaranty Bank and Trust Co., of Green ville, N. C Di McGowan, son of Mrs Mar tha Ann Harris and the late Lemon McGowan of Plymouth was educated at the University ol N. C . and was graduated from thi Medical College of Virginia ir 1!U7 lb was a member of I’ll Rho Sigma Medical fraternity. Hi sieved with the 82nd divisior m world war I and was honor I ably discharged in 1919. Sinei DON’T FORGET THE WORLD-RENOWNED BARTER THEATRE ('.vorjiv Krlly's l‘ro<lm tian <<i THE SHOW OFF WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 29th WILUAMSTON HIGH SCHOOL — 8:15 I*. IV! Miss Willie Mae Cherry Becomes Bride of Mr. Irvin Clifford Griffin Washington, N. C. Miss Willie Mm Cherry and Irvin Clifford Griffin of Williamston were mar ried in a candlelight ceremony in the Tranter's Creek Christian Church Thanksgiving afternoon. Miss cherry is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William IT Cherry o| Washington, and Mr. Griffin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. >S. Claude Griffin of Williamston. The wedding vows were spoken before the Rev M. Elmore Tur ner. pastor of the First Christian Church of Washington. Wedding music was furnished by Mis Kenneth Roberson of Kobersonville, solist, and Miss Dot Wilson, pianist The bride was given in mar riage by her brother, Cecil Cher ry. Her wedding gown of white slipper satin was fashioned with a round net yoke and satin bertha. The fitted bodice was fastened by tiny satin buttons in the back and | the long sleeves formed points uv ! er the hands. Her veil of illusion was attached to a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a cascade bou iquet of white bridal roses center i ed with an orchid. Mrs Robert Para more of Choe owinity was her sister’s matron 01 honor. Mrs Paramore Wore a strapless formal gown of deep rose taffeta. The dress was fash loned with moulded bodice with Nile green pleated into the waist line, forming a bustle effect at the back She used a taffeta stub jacket, matching mitts and ban that time he has been practicing medicine in Plymouth. Dr and Mrs. McGowan left fol 1 a. short wedding trip after whirl |'V," Til ’n'f.ikl their home ai kill East Main Street, Plymouth, N. C For traveling Mrs. McGowai chose a Tobacco Brown suit bi Zwieg Talmack of importei worsted flannel with sheathe slin skirt, topped by a jacket witl lightly padded hip pockets - i j "U” neckline with low cut lapels With this she wore brown alii gator shoes and bag - pincappf green velour hat with coque fea tlicrs. Immediately following the re hearsal for the MeGowan-Hardei wedding Mr. and Mrs. Metzen thm entertained informally th wedding party, out of town gues and a few close friends at th1 Country Club. On Thursday morning at 11:0 A. M Mr. and Mrs. Charles F Blair of Greenville entertaine< the McGowan-Harden weddin party, out of town guest and th immediate families at a weddin breakfast at the Plymouth Coun ' try Club. Spout Thanksgiving here | Mrs. J. (' Lyons and daughte ■ Boots,” of Chapel Hill sper | Thanksgiving hero with Mr. an , Mis J W Watts. | -$ j Visited In Jamesville ' Miss Jg Smithwiek of Wilminj, ton spent the Thanksgiving hoi days with her father in Jamesvilh Home For Holidays Fred McDaniel, Jr., student i Presbyterian Junior College ■ Maxton, spent the holidays nea here with his parents. Today for Puerto Rico. ! Mi S. W Manning, Jr, an j young son. Gary, left this morr mg hy plane from Raleigh to joi their husband and father, Cap S. W Manning, at Ramey A Force Base, Puerto Rieo. tleau of green satin. Miss Helen Gaskins of New Bern and Mrs. Heverl.v Congleton of Stokes were bridesmaids. They wore dresses in. shades of Nile green taffeta with deep rose sat in trim. Bandeaux and mitts niatehed the honor attendant’s. The bride's attendants carried nosegays of mixed autumn How lers tied with matching ribbons. Mary Jasper Cherry and Ann | Jackson Cherry were minutia e bridesmaids. They wore dainty light yellow taffeta dresses with fitted waists and ruffled berthas They carried puffs of flowers tied with soft green r ibbon Clyde Griffin of Williamston served his brothel' as best man. Ushers were Evan Griffin, con ; sin of the bridegroom, and Mar vin Cherry, brother of the bride Following the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Cherry entertained at a reception at her home near Wash j ington. The bride attended Louisburg 1 Junior College and was graduated from Meredith College in Raleigh Sjrc is now teaching at the Choco winitv school. Mr Griffin r j a graduate of the University o: North Carolina and is associate! | with the Martin Supply Store •» Williamston, where the couple j will make their home followup their wedding trip. For travelini j the bride changed to a wim I dressmaker suit with black ac sessories and wore the orchii | lifted from her wedding bouquet. ' Visited In Norfolk Sunday. Mr. Ira Harrison visited Mi> i Marv Coltruin, patient in De I’au Hospital .in Norfolk Sunday. ' llt-ie From Newport Mr. and Mi-s. G. W. Rhodes <> ' Newport spent the week end her with their daughter, Mrs. Dary ' Clayton, Jr., and Mr. Clayton. ' j ' _— 1 Spent Holidays Near Here ' Miss Alice Holliday of Hendei son spent the holidays near her , with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDanii and family. I Announce Birth I Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Stew art of Washington announce th birth of a son. A. Thomas Stowar , Jr„ in a Washington hospital o , j Friday, November 24. Mi's. Stew art is the former Miss Virgil War j of Williamston. I Announce Birth , Mr and Mrs. Clarence Bitto , announce the birth of a daughte , Martha Jean, in Martin Generi _ Hospital on Saturday, Novembt 25. Attended Funeral ■, Mr. and Mrs. Percy V. Critchc t of Lexington attended the funen 4 of Miss Cora Proctor her*' Satui day afternoon. Home For Thanksgiving Miss Mary Anna Taylor retun - ed to Woman’s College, UN( ■ Greenesboro Sunday after spent ing Thanksgiving with her pf rents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylo t —« t Attend Football Game r Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watts attenc 1 ed the Duke-Carolina footba game in Chapel Hill last Saturda; a Visit In PactoluS Mr. and Mrs. Willie Delma R< n gers and son, Jimmie, Totnmi I. Rogers and Ann Hopkins visite r Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Rogers i Paetolus Sunday. (.lull Invrettning Rent For Its Property Here In a recent meeting, the Wo man's Club voted to the rental fee for the club hall to $10 per night, effective December 1 Tlie club women recently improv ed the property, it was explained. The membership also instructed tlie secretary to advise the various civic club presidents of the rent increase and that reservation can cellations must be received by a certain time or else the rental fee i will be forfeited. Spent Week-end In Durham Mi. Wheeler Rogerson spent last week-end in Durham. He was accompanied home bv Mrs. Roger son who had been visiting rela tives there. Visited Here From Virginia Mr. and Mrs. R L. Smith, for mer Williamston residents, were here from Richmond last week end. visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Griffin. Attended Football Game Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Manning, Jr., attended the Duke-Carolina football game in Chapel Hill Sat urday. Ill Veterans' Hospital Mr. William Hubert Mizelle is in the Veterans' Hospital at Roan oke, Va.. for treatment. He has been undergoing treatment two I weeks and is reported as getting along fine. Visiting Friend Miss Shirley Fay Harrison is spending the week-end with Mrs, | Alice Mizell. Spent Holidays Here Mr Harry A. Biggs returned to j \ lrginia Beach today after spend ' ing the holidays at home. Visits In Robersonville Miss Nancy Latham spent the week-end in Robersonville with her grandfather, Mr. Tilm.jn La tham. -<$>~— Visits In Roeky Mount Mrs. R. T. Parsons spent Fridav and Saturday in Roeky Mount with Mrs. N. C. Booth. _<§• Announce Birth of Son Mr. and Mrs George C. Griffin, Jr., announce the birth of a son. George C. Griffin, 3rd. on Nov. 24, in a Washington hospital. Mrs. Griffin is the former Dorothy El lis of Jamesville. Here from Washington Mrs. Elmer D. Samatis of Kelsa, Washington, arrived last Tuesday to spend several months here vis iting her daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Earl Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. Therman Grif fin. \ Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simpson, Mr. land Mrs. N. C. Green, Mr. and ! Mrs. Bob Newell and Mr. and Mrs. | Claude Baxter Clark attended the Duke-Carolina football game in Chapel Hi!. Salmday. Spend Holidays in Spring Hope Mr. and Mis. Dean Speight and ' Charles Finch spent the Thanks ■ giving holidays in Spring Hope i with relatives. They returned home Sunday. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optica) service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jeweler* 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 n*l»e>u»n Color Wheol Couplo? #617 Sheercord Vest is sa'ss.j^sg.'sa-»» Alter Thanksgiving Specials Lad it-s' and Misst-s' DRESSES .One Rack of Dresses—-$ 5.00 One Rack oi Dresses-$10.00 Kxtru special values in new i#iuler styles fur women. Come in now and take advantage of our after Thanksgiving reduction. HATS y2 PRICE House o£ fosltiou

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