Green Wave Will Play In Bessmer City Friday Night At 7:30 Seeking State Title After Win In East * Team Is Leaving Here Thursday ... * Morning Sv Bus !\1ass«‘y Hill IVovimI l{onu;h :in11 Tonsil Foe licftirc Itmviii" 7 lo (> All loads were loading to Bes semer City today as far as Wil liamston football fans were con cerned. The Green Waves travel to that western town, 7 miles northwest of Gastonia for a game at 7:30 Friday night to determine the Class A championship of the State and many fans plan to go along. Willianiston gets its shot at the State title after having beaten three previously undefeated high school teams in a space of eight days Plymouth 18 14. Weldon 13-7, and Massey Hill 7-0. This feat gives the Green Wave a re cord of nine straight after losing ski; ii vck j V' A group of local men are making .in effort to eh?jjj5e. a -few. m tin. seiner City game in Bessemer City Friday night. Quite a few have already signed up hut there is room for more and those interested are ask ed to see Hack Gaylord. It will cost about S7.10 for the round trip and the bus will leave the local station at 8:00 Friday morning and return immediately after the game. Since the game will likely be over about 0:30 and the pas sengers can slumber in their seats all should he ready for work again Saturday morn ing. Those hacking the plan say it is about the best way to see the game as all the prob lems of getting there and hack are on the bus company and a private car cannot he driven there and hack for that low cost. their first three starts Coach Stuart Maynard used per haps the smallest number of sub stitutes in the Massey Hill garni fit any contest this season as hi put only Ifi men into action. Ir this group were Jack Edwards LindellV Ward, Wallace Warren David Davis, Billy Spruill, Rus 'sell Rogers and Watson McKee! ir the brickfield. Reginald Coltrain jGli.yden Stewart, Buddy Russell Jimmy Myers, Joe Robertson ’Norwood Keel. Bobby Goff. JacV Ross and Wilbur Edwards in thi line. It was one of the tuughes i lights the line has had this yeai and they got less relief than thi 1 ark field which this year has i huger number ul reserves, consid i ring the number of men requirec ; IrCtowm tiie forward wall Wallaei I Warren worked in both depart ments and did a good job at both Little is known here about Be.s somber City except that they no from the split T and hit the cente pretty often. One of their stronj plays is an end-around and they are reported to spread wide oi defense. In the Guilford garni they ran the end-around play II '•{’is Jamesville Plays , Thursday Night The Jamesville All-Stars will open the basketball season for this section Thursday night at 11:00 o’clock when they take on a strong team from Plymouth. This will j be a non-conference tilt, as the re gular season opens Monday, De cember 4. 1950. The admission will be 25c to • " tfcho starting lineup lor Jttmes i viHe will be: E. L. Martin and i Buddy Gardner at forward, Spit Martin at center, Edward Earl Brown and Henderson Mizelle in the guard slots. times from left to right and the quarterback, No. 111. never carried the ball at all. They are reported ; to have at least one good back and an outstanding lineman. Present plans call for the foot ball team to leave Williamston by chartered bus about 7:30 Thursday morning while an effort is being made by the seniors of the school to charter a bus for Friday and a group of local citizens are trying to get enough together to charter a third bus for the game. Hack Gaylord is head of the group and those interested in grting should contact him. Having scouted. Williamston thoroughly, Massey Hill got off to a good start against the Green Wave which had to play its foot | ball straight and close until it could determine what the opposi tion could do, hut the Williams ton boys held on by sheer will and late in the third period began a drive from 44 yards out that net j ted the first score of the game and I when Jack Edwards kicked the extra point it was the ball game | for the rebounding Massey Hill team was rushed on its try for its i extra point and it went wide. In coming back, Massey Hill used its | passing attack which was strong j because of its good receivers rath 1 er than because of its good pass ers. Both teams had good scoring op i portunities but could not cash in. , Intercepted passes halted drives ; for both. The Massey Hiil scor ing drive traveled CO yards and ; was almost entirely oh passes as | their ground attack had finally ,1 been stopped cold und was actual . I ly losing yardage as the Green Wave line was charging hard. The score came on a pass from Green , j to Enloe for 10 yards as he was ,'standing in the corner of the end ■ I ): zone. A Headquarters For A j| t For l>ix i*imin;iliii" (iifl* for Him uml Mi r, Fill Your Hifl IjhI j \l llrilifi-VIryors Compiiiv i Cll A I KS * An* I'avoml (iiCls (,lnntst‘ frtmi tun iritlr srlrtliai Louii"<‘ Oiaii>, Ori'iihioiial (iliairs i‘ov(‘rc(l in Ta|»»**lry or Boltafiox. V largo arlcc lion of pattern* ami t-olor*. Fill the Home Storking* with HappinesM and (loinforl! Give a beautiful jiifl, a pruetieal "ifI, an eiulurinfi: jrifl . . • tfive ( -omelliin" that the whole family 1 will apnreeiate and enjoy . . . GIVE f FURNITURE! You’ll be nominal eil ati the most generous Santa ever! I Heilig - Meyers Furniture Co. vi. In order that the e'leerins section for the Williamston Green Wave football team at Bessemer City may be as big and effective as possible, it has been suggested that those locan fans planning to attend the State championship game, get in touch with the cheer leaders of the team and ar y?e to tear* VMMwrl..* and. songs that will he necessary for an organized effort. The support given the team has certainly been a big help in keeping its morale at a high piteh during these cru cial and difficult games. Wallace Warren scored from 7 yards out on a play similar to the one which heat Plymouth and ■ Weldon. One of the had moments of the game came after lie had scored when a Massey Hill man charged in on him in the end zone and Warren went down with a had cut over his left eye. He went hack into the game, however, and kept the fight going to tin- finish It took three stitches to close the wound. Williamston kicked off to start tl)i- game and Massey Hill was offsides. Warren kicked over and thi' Massey Hill boys got the ball back upfield lti yards to put it in play on their 31. Willis made 2, Sims parsed to Enloe but it was no good. Butler tried a pass to Edge which also failed and Aver itte kicked out. Spruill ran the ball back to the Williamston 42 where a 15 yard penalty gave Wil liamston a first down on the Mas i sey Hill 41 Ward picked up 3. Rogers' 2, and Ward 1 before Ed Wards kicked. Starting on their li) Bethea picked up it and Butler (i fm a first down on the 35. Two running plays netted 8 yards and | a pass was good for 7 to move the hall to midfield. Bethea made 2, | Averitte’s pass failed but Butler i passed to Edge for 34 yards te put the ball on the Williamston ! 14. Butler made 1 but on the next I play was thrown by Myers for an 8 yard loss. Butler then passed t< Enloe for 8 yards and was short on andther pass as the ball went over on downs. Rogers picked up (i but Williamston drew an off side penalty of 5. Rogeis made I 2. then C more but Edwards was I forced to kick and Bethea return | ed the ball to the 38 of Williams I ton where the Massev Hill star in | the line for 5 and Butler passed ti Edge for 8 and a first down on the 25. Bethea picked up 2 as thi quarter ended. The first play o the second quarter lost a yard anr the ensuing pass vOas interceptor by Watson McKeel who returnee the ball upfield for 20 yards ti the 38. Edwards was stopped foi a 3 yard loss, Rogers made 2 am W;».JiflBB..i?„Jjut it evw.._short of ; taw .. WM—« ... Vui II pi ii1 V* : wilt'll' Bethea unci Avcritic each picked up three yards before a fumble caused a loss of (i yards. Everitte kicked and Williamston S took over on its 40 Wind Mamed !'■ 2. Warren 6, Ward 1, Warren 2 to put the ball on the Massey Hill 49. Edwards made a beautiful run on a reverse that covered 22 yards and moved the ball to the 27. Warren lost 2 and two core ff- seeutive passes failed. Spruill got 'a yards to the left but the ball went over on downs. Willis lost 2, Bethea picked up 6 and there was no gain on a 1 H: | pass play but a 15 yard penalty on Williamston gave Massey Hill a first down on its own 45. On the next play a pass carried for 42 yards to put the ball around the 13 yard market of Williamston. OfSe pass was no good but fhe next one was good for 9 as the half ended. Opening the second half, Ed wards returned Butler’s kickoff 20 yards. Warren started from his 30 and picked up 7. Ward lost 4, j and Warren' added 15 for a first « j down, A penalty for unnecessary 0: roughness moved the ball to the Massey Hill 36. Edwards failed to gain, Warren got 4, Ward 2, and Warren 3 but the ball went over on downs on the 28. Bethea got 2 and Butler lost 5. Coltrain re covered a fumble and Williams ton had the ball again on the 26 Williamston was penalized 5 for taking too much time and Warren was thrown for a 5 yard loss. On ithe next play Warren's pass was :1» intercepted and Massey Hill took »r: over on its own 19. Green made .11 1. Bethea lost 4 and then picked 0- up 8 before Averitte kicked out. ■ Starting from the 44 Warren get i 0: | 7 and then Ward got off a long itiK^run that was good for 25 yards i Kd - down before he wus forced out of bounds. Rogers hi! fni 4, llnoi ! :md on tho noNt piny Warren wont over for 7 yards and ti n Tl> wards made the point pood. Myers kicked off and Bethea returned the hall to his 23 where he picked up a first down on a 10 yard smash. After gaining !! yards on two plays and failing on a pass attempt, Averilte kicked to the Williamston 20. Ropers made 2, Ward 5 and Warren 3 for a first ’ Ward ran twice! 'it ' ga: ’ :oi time and j! made n Kdvvnrds kicked. I Taking the hall on his 31 Bethea made 3 hut Simmons lost i). A pass was pood for 14 hut when the next pass was incomplete the hall went over on downs. Ropers pot 3. starting from the Massey Hill 30, then added ti more hut Mas soy Hill pot its chance to start a scoring drive when both Ward and Ropers were held for no pain in their attempts to make the I yard needed for a first down. Tak inp over on their 30, Massey Hill moved for a first down and then began a series of pass plays mix ed with an occasional running at i tempt that moved them right on down and across the line. Deter mined to block the try for extra | point, Willinmston’s line charged hard and would have blocked the ' kick had it gone toward the goal posts, but it slithered to om ! and was no good. Massey Hill kicked off Ward returned for 15 yards, game ended as Rogers picked up ' tl yards. Williamston gained 174 yards j rushing and lost 14, Massey Hill | gained 120 rushing hut lost 35 In the air Massey Hill picked up 102 yards m completing half of 11 passes. Williamston, had 7 first downs to 10 for the opposition Kickoffs averaged 45 lor Wil liumston and 50 for Massey llil and on punts Massey Hill Iiverag ed 21t and Williamston 20.7. Wil liumston returned kicks for at average of 15.0 and Massey Hil pot hack for an average ol 13.3. Penalties totaled 25 yards fo Williamston and 35 for Masse side and The Dixit' Urifsht Tobacco SEEDS stock iimiti:i> First Come First Served A. 0. Stolw'i'som ille Goober Bell To Start On Dec. 4 Tho Goober Licit Basketball league strong semi-pro loop in this section will swing into ac tion lor the 1950-51 season on next Monday night, December 4. Open ing of the schedule was originally set for November 27 but was de tevJU*,h0 A season schedule has not been completed but games are schedul ed each Monday and Wednesday night with four Saturday tilts also to help complete a 50-game sched ule for each team. The Saturday games will be played December 50; January 15; January 27 and February 24 No came will be played Christmas lull entries will lx- in action January I Trams slated till aetiuii are Con way, Wood la nil, .lamesville, Plym out la. Murfreesboro and Williams ton. Eifjht teams have been repre sented m previous years, but this year, sueli towns as C'olerain, Windsor. Ilarrellsville, Lewiston are not represented this year. Tentative sehedule for the first week calls for names Plymouth at Conwav; Williamston at .lam*--: i vdle and Woodland and Murfrees i iidro oh ivlond; ;--, Oeiemliei t tin Wednesday ninlit, Conwui will play Woodland; Jamesvllle will journey to Plymouth and Mur freeshoro will travel to Williams ton. The season will end March a with the tournament to bo played Man’ll 7. ii. n. find 10 Sib- of the tourney will bo doloi mined later. Tlu* All Star Kami' will be played February 10 with Woodland the probable site Managers of the teams are George Parker. Woodland; Robert Willoughby, Conway; "Red" Duke and Charles LiVerrnan, Murfrees boro; Gilbert Vaughan, Plymouth; Henderson Mi/.zelle, Jamesville and David Carson, Williamston. Shsi (I,,, 1 l..u„r,(d isv.i,)je,J,'J>e '!d.e,t.V», !{ „v<,, 1\ Martin, Ahoskie, vice-president, and Floyd "Dutch" Overton, A1 s kie, statistician. A second rate army is just as ! useless as the second best band in | a poker game GM DIESEL ENGINES ARE MONET SMIERS V FAN TO FLYWHEEL / BASF-MOUNTED POWFK UNITS L GM Diesel Engines nre money snvers bemuse they provide the exact power needed for almost any job — at the lowest cost per horsepower. With 2, 3, 4 and 6-cylinder single engines and Twin and Quad combinations available from IS to 800 H.P. you buy only the power you need. They’re money savers, too, because C>( nernl Motors has compacted Diesel economy and long life into these engines. GM's 2 cycle design makes them more powerful for their size, doubly smooth in operation easy to start and easy to maintain. GM Diesel Power may be YOUR key to lower costs, increased profits. Stop in, call or write. We’d like to give you the facte r l TWIN .SIX 2, 3, 4 and 6-cylinder single engines, Twin-Fours, Twin-Sixes and Quad-Sixes for all industrial purposes. DIES HI. POWER l\ O. Ilov 215 II. (i. WILLIAMS, K<‘|>r<*s«*»liiliv<* TARRORO, IN. <:. I’lionr I IBOWX NORTH CAROLINA DISTRIBUTORS URCKNSBORO, N. C. 1‘IIONK 3-5521 r. o. box r»:ts « 5 MINUTES AT THE WHEEL OF A DODGE CAN SAVE YOU $ 1,000 ^ wmmm i| * SHARE IN OUR SUCCESS! Trade now for a wonderful deal. Your present car will probably cover the full down payment on a big new Dodge! us your ears for five minutes— a arid we cart show you how to save $1,000! Step inside llm hit; new Dodge —and he amazed by the e\tia head room, shoulder room, stretch-out lee room. Get behind the wheel and be thrilled by the flushing; pick-up and per ormanae of the high-compression Dodge “Get-Away” Engine . . . the velvet smooth&pss of f luid Drive. See Dodge—and you’ll agree . . . you rould uey $1,000 more and not get ail these cartta value features. See us now fur the best deal in town! that's RIGHT! YOU'LL FIND YOU COULD PAY $1,000 MORE AND STILL NOT GET THE EXTRA ROOMINESS, DRIVING EASE AND RUGGED DEPENDABILITY OF DODGE I BIGGER VALUE DODGE i/u$t a few debars more than the /awest-pricedcars/ DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY, Inc.— W illiamston, N. C.